Uploaded by Nicola Fife

Foundation Removal with Baby Oil Lab Report

Aim: If three different brands of foundation are used which one will come off easier using
baby oil to remove it? And why? (Include ingredients.) The three different brands of
foundation will be used in this experiment will be
1. Dream cushion liquid foundation in a compact
2. Rossburn quickstick foundation
3. And lastly hot cosmetics liquid foundation.
Hypothesis: Hot cosmetics liquid foundation will come off easier because it is a liquid
foundation seems to be easier to come off then foundation in a stick.
Apparatus: The tools that will be used in this experiment are Dream Cushion liquid
foundation, Hot cosmetics liquid foundation, Rossburn Quickstick foundation, Baby
oil,Makeup remover pads and A makeup sponge
Independent variable: the different types of foundation.
Dependent variables: the amount of foundation that is used, The amount of baby oil used to
remove the foundation and the time the foundation is sitting for.
Variables that need to be controlled- The amount of makeup, The amount of time the
makeup is left on for.
1, all of the stuff that is needed is brought. 2. All of the foundations were put on in rows on an
arm. 3. All of the foundation stripes were left for a bit to dry. 4. Got the baby oil and makeup
remover wipes. 5. Put the baby oil on the remover pads. 6. Wiped off the foundation and got
the result