The Effect of the Developed Differentiation Approach on the Achievements of the Students Esra ALTINTAŞ Ahmet S. ÖZDEMİR Eurasian Journal of Educational Research Issue 61, 2015, 199-216 Article Review Capstone course By Duha Al Salous ID-1073085 Content Introduction Summary Conclusion Reflection References Introduction Middle school students experience negative motivations and attention deficiency in learning academic lessons. This is a direct outcome due to lack of enrichment and differentiation approaches and applications in academic lessons, with regard to mathematics education, especially for gifted students (GS). Therefore, it was urged to implement developed and advanced approaches to help motivate the students learning experience. Summary The purpose of the research was to determine the effect of a newly developed differentiation approaches for the mathematics education of gifted middle school students on the achievements of both gifted and non-gifted students. The research method has conducted pre-test and post-test control group among real research models in accordance with quantitative research method. The sample of the study was composed of 57 gifted and 60 non-gifted 5th and 6th grade students from a public school and a private school in Maltepe and Cekmekoy districts of Istanbul. Convenience and purposeful sampling were conducted within the scope of quantitative sampling in this study. ‘Mathematics Achievement Test’ and ‘Multiple-Intelligences Domains Inventory’ were used within the scope of the study. The lessons carried out using activities stated in the National Education curriculum about the related subjects were compared with lessons carried out with the activities designed according to the differentiation approach developed in three implementations conducted. The data collection instruments, which were utilized within the scope of the study were: Mathematics Achievement Test; and Multiple-Intelligences Inventory. For validity purposes, questions used in the online or written publications or course books were approved by Ministry of Education and in various nationwide examinations. The achievement tests were created by using these questions. The draft achievement tests were checked in terms of suitability of the tests to the related acquisition and grade levels by the researcher, an academician, and three mathematics teachers. As a result of this study, it was found that there was a significant increase in the achievement scores of the experimental group of students where the activities designed according to differentiation approach developed within the scope of this study. This implementation showed that activities and curriculum differentiation studies, which were based on elaboration, creative thinking, and multiple intelligences increased students’ academic achievements. Conclusion The research conducted in private and state schools indicated that there was a significant difference between current-enriched and overall scores of gifted students in the control and experimental groups subsequent to the approaches implementation. It was suggested to use the developed differentiation approach with other grade levels and topics. In addition to re-design the Project topics designs considering different process changes and different creativity strategies. Reflection This article allowed me to reflect, in a critical manner, upon the means gifted students are learning in my school. The article has also enlightened me on creative implementation methodologies practicing differentiation approaches for GS and NGS, which is currently deficient in our school system. The strength point of this article was to determine, in a rational manner, the selection of schools upon which the study was carried out with the assistance of specific teachers and administrators. The selection of schools where made based on justified reasons such as ease of transportation, performing applications carefully, and having convenient communication. Another point mentioned in this article, which I consider a strong argument, is the achievement pretests and post-tests that were prepared differently in order to prevent students from remembering the questions. This was achieved, bearing in mind that the achievement tests questions were approved by the Ministry of Education and in various nationwide examinations (such as High School Placement Exams-Public Boarding Schools and Scholarship Exams). I also agree that using quantitative results of pre-test, post-test and Multi-Intelligences inventories is a paramount instrument to collect data and explore the effects of the developed differentiation approach on the achievements of the students. 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