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Macbeth Act II & III Summary | English 12 Presentation

Macbeth Act II and III
English 12
Act I Recap
• Witches planning evil involving Macbeth
• Battlefield-Norway vs. Scotland-Macbeth
proves himself in battle
• Traitor Thane of Cawdor executed-Macbeth
takes his place.
• Witches tell Macbeth he will be Thane of
Cawdor and eventually king/Banquo’s son will
be king.
Act I Recap
• Witches' Thane of Cawdor prophecy comes true
• Macbeth sends word to his wife/King Duncan will
be staying the night in his castle.
• Lady Macbeth decides they must kill the
King/makes a plan
• She manipulates Macbeth by questioning his
• By end of Act I, Macbeth is determined to carry
out the plan
Act II, Scenes 1-2 Recap
• Banquo and his son, Fleance are walking
through the castle at night/ Banquo admits to
sleeping problems
• Enter Macbeth/Banquo tells him that he had a
dream about the witches. Macbeth claims he
has not thought about it too much.
• Banquo and Fleance exit. Macbeth
hallucinates a dagger floating through the air.
Act II, Scenes 1-2 Recap
• Bell tolls signaling the chamberlains are
asleep/Macbeth walks towards Duncan’s chambers.
• Lady Macbeth enters
• Macbeth comes out of the chamber covered in
blood/says the deed is done.
• Macbeth forgets to leave the daggers, and refuses to
go back to the room.
• Lady Macbeth goes into plant the daggers/calls
Macbeth a coward
• Lady Macbeth takes her husband back to their
chambers to wash off the blood.
Act II, Scene 3 Recap
• Goofy, drunk porter hears knocking/pretends
to be gatekeeper of hell
• Porter lets Macduff and Lennox in/they talk
about drinking
• Macduff discovers that the kings been
• Everybody is hysterical/Malcolm and
Doanlbain(the king’s sons) are informed
Act II, Scene 3 Recap
• Lennox says it looks like the chamber
attendants committed the murder
• Macbeth claims that in his fury he killed the
the attendants.
• Banquo says that they should investigate the
matter further.
• Malcolm and Donalbain are afraid/They run
Act II Summary
• Macbeth sees the bloody dagger, leading him to
Duncan’s room.
• Macbeth forgets to leave the daggers/His
manhood is questioned/Lady Macbeth takes care
of it.
• Duncan’s body discovered/ everyone is hysterical.
• Macbeth says he killed the guards in his fury.
• Malcolm and Donalbain are afraid/They leave
Act 3, Scene 1 Summary
• Banquo asks if Macbeth’s prophecy came true,
why not his?
• Macbeth invites Banquo to dinner/he accepts
• Everybody leaves/Macebth soliloquy:Banquo is
the only man in Scotland he fears
• Two murderers enter/ Macbeth convinces them
that Banquo has wronged them in the
past/Questions their manhood
• Murderers are convinced/They agree to kill
Banquo and his son, Fleance.
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