DB211 – Database Design () Instructor: Unit 8, Assignment A Student: Assignment Instructions: Solve Chapter 6 Problems 1-3 / Page 214-216 (15 points) and Problem 11 / Page 221 (25 points). Submit your assignment file using the link above (due Sunday of this unit, 40 points) PROBLEMS 1. Using the descriptions of the attributes given in the figure, convert the ERD shown in Figure P6.1 into a ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m dependency diagram that is in at least 3NF. sh Th is FIGURE P6.1: Appointment ERD for Problem 1 SOURCE: Course Technology/Cengage Learning DOCTOR (Doc_EmpID, Doc_Fname, Doc_Lname, Doc_CellPhone) https://www.coursehero.com/file/12547520/DB211-Unit-8-Assignment-A/ APPOINTMENT (App_Num, Doc_EmpID, Pat_ID, App_Date, App_Time, App_Status) PATIENT (Pat_ID, Pat_Lname, Pat_Fname, Pat_Phone, Pat_Street, Pat_City, Pat_State, Pat_Zip) 2. Using the descriptions of the attributes given in the figure, convert the ERD shown in Figure P6.2 into a ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m dependency diagram that is in at least 3NF. FIGURE P6.2: Presentation ERD for Problem 2 Th is SOURCE: Course Technology/Cengage Learning sh PRESENTATION (Pres_SessionNum, Pres_Order, Pres_AuthorID, Pres_Room) PRESENTER (Pres_AuthorID, Pres_LName, Pres_FName) https://www.coursehero.com/file/12547520/DB211-Unit-8-Assignment-A/ REGISTRATION (Pres_SessionNum, Pres_Order, Att_Num, Reg_Date) ATTENDEE (Att_Num, Att_LName, Att_FName, Att_Status) 3. Using the INVOICE table structure shown in Table P6.3, do the following: a. Write the relational schema, draw its dependency diagram, and identify all dependencies, including all partial and transitive dependencies. You can assume that the table does not contain repeating ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m groups and that an invoice number references more than one product. (Hint: This table uses a composite primary key.) INVOICE (INV_NUM, PROD_NUM, SALE_DATE, PROD_LABEL, VEND_CODE, VEND_NAME, QUANT_SOLD, PROD_PRICE) b. Remove all partial dependencies, write the relational schema, and draw the new dependency diagrams. Identify the normal forms for each table structure you created. is NOTE You can assume that any given product is supplied by a single vendor, but a vendor can supply Th many products. Therefore, it is proper to conclude that the following dependency exists: o PROD_NUM → PROD_LABEL, PROD_PRICE, VEND_CODE, sh VEND_NAME(Hint: Your actions should produce three dependency diagrams.) INVOICE (INV_NUM, PROD_NUM, QUANT_SOLD) https://www.coursehero.com/file/12547520/DB211-Unit-8-Assignment-A/ PRODUCT (PROD_NUM, PROD_LABEL, PROD_PRICE, VEND_CODE, VEND_NAME) ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m SALE (INV_NUM, SALE_DATE) c. Remove all transitive dependencies, write the relational schema, and draw the new dependency diagrams. Also identify the normal forms for each table structure you created. INVOICE (INV_NUM, PROD_NUM, QUANT_SOLD) SALE (INV_NUM, SALE_DATE) sh Th is PRODUCT (PROD_NUM, PROD_LABEL, PROD_PRICE, VEND_CODE) VENDOR (VEND_CODE, VEND_NAME) d. Draw the Crow’s Foot ERD. https://www.coursehero.com/file/12547520/DB211-Unit-8-Assignment-A/ ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m SAMPLE VALUE SAMPLE VALUE SAMPLE VALUE SAMPLE VALUE SAMPLE VALUE INV_NUM 211347 211347 211347 211348 211349 PROD_NUM AA-E3422QW QD-300932X RU-995748G AA-E3422QW GH-778345P SALE_DATE 15-Jan-2012 15-Jan-2012 15-Jan-2012 15-Jan-2012 16-Jan-2012 0.25-in. drill bit Band saw Rotary sander Power drill Rotary sander Th PROD_LABEL is TABLE P6.3 ATTRIBUTE NAME 211 211 309 211 157 VEND_NAME NeverFail, Inc. NeverFail, Inc. BeGood, Inc. NeverFail, Inc. ToughGo, Inc. QUANT_SOLD 1 8 1 2 1 $49.95 $3.45 $39.99 $49.95 $87.75 PROD_PRICE sh VEND_CODE 11. Given the sample records in the CHARTER table shown in Table P6.11, do the following: a. Write the relational schema and draw the dependency diagram for the table structure. Make sure that you label all dependencies. CHAR_PAX indicates the number of passengers carried. The CHAR_MILES entry is based on round-trip miles, including pickup points. (Hint: Look at the data https://www.coursehero.com/file/12547520/DB211-Unit-8-Assignment-A/ values to determine the nature of the relationships. For example, note that employee Melton has ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m flown two charter trips as pilot and one trip as copilot.) CHARTER (CHAR_TRIP, CHAR_DATE, CHAR_CITY, CHAR_MILES, CUST_NUM, CUST_LNAME, CHAR_PAX, CHAR_CARGO, PILOT, COPILOT, FLT_ENGINEER, LOAD_MASTER, AC_NUMBER, MODEL_CODE, MODEL_SEATS, MODEL_CHG_MILE) b. Decompose the dependency diagram you drew to solve Problem 11a to create table structures that are in 3NF and write the relational schema. sh Th is CHARTER (CHAR_TRIP, CHAR_DATE, CHAR_CITY, CHAR_MILES, CUST_NUM, CHAR_PAX, CHAR_CARGO, PILOT, COPILOT, FLT_ENGINEER, LOAD_MASTER, AC_NUMBER) CUSTOMER (CUST_NUM, CUST_LNAME) AIRCRAFT (AC_NUMBER, MOD_CODE) https://www.coursehero.com/file/12547520/DB211-Unit-8-Assignment-A/ sh Th is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m MODEL (MOD_CODE, MOD_SEATS, MOD_CHG_MILE) https://www.coursehero.com/file/12547520/DB211-Unit-8-Assignment-A/ c. Draw the Crow’s Foot ERD to reflect the properly decomposed dependency diagrams you created in Problem 11b. Make sure the ERD yields a database that can track all of the data shown in Problem Th is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m 11. Show all entities, relationships, connectivities, optionalities, and cardinalities. TABLE P6.11 ATTRIBUTE NAME 10232 10233 10234 10235 15-Jan-2012 15-Jan-2012 16-Jan-2012 17-Jan-2012 CHAR_CITY STL MIA TYS ATL CHAR_MILES 580 1,290 524 768 CUST_NUM 784 231 544 784 CUST_LNAME Brown Hanson Bryana Brown CHAR_PAX 5 12 2 5 CHAR_DATE sh CHAR_TRIP SAMPLE VALUE SAMPLE VALUE SAMPLE VALUE SAMPLE VALUE https://www.coursehero.com/file/12547520/DB211-Unit-8-Assignment-A/ ATTRIBUTE NAME SAMPLE VALUE SAMPLE VALUE SAMPLE VALUE SAMPLE VALUE CHAR_CARGO 235 lbs. 18,940 lbs. 348 lbs. 155 lbs. PILOT Melton Chen Henderson Melton COPILOT Henderson Melton FLT_ENGINEER O’Shaski LOAD_MASTER Benkasi 1234Q 3456Y 1234Q 2256W MODEL_CODE PA31-350 CV-580 PA31-350 PA31-350 MODEL_SEATS 10 38 10 10 MODEL_CHG_MILE $2.79 $23.36 $2.79 $2.79 Assignment Details: ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m AC_NUMBER sh Th is SEE RED TEXT ABOVE https://www.coursehero.com/file/12547520/DB211-Unit-8-Assignment-A/ Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)