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Mini Dam Owner Survey: Crop & Irrigation Choices

Willingness Survey Findings:
The mini dam owners were interviewed to enquire their area development choices and following is
outcome of their response.
The crop development plan of farmer’s relates to following APP models; PPH Model 66 farmers, PPC
model 65 farmers and PPS model 22 farmers.
The PPH model was further divided into 3 categories. Out of 66 farmers 2% Farmer selected PPH-1
(Vegetables on <33% of cropped area), 59% farmer selected PPH-2 (Vegetables on 34-66% of cropped
area), 39% farmer selected PPH-3 (Vegetables on 66%< of cropped area).
The PPC model was further divided into 3 categories. Out of 65 farmers 11% Farmer selected PPC-1
(Orchards on all cultivated area), 53% farmer selected PPC-2 (Orchards + Irrigated Crops), 1% farmer
selected PPC-3 (Orchards + No Irrigated Crops).
The PPS model was further divided into 3 categories. Out of 22 farmers 14% Farmer selected PPS-1
(Rangeland Management + No Irrigation), 14% farmer selected PPS-2 (Rangeland Management +
Orchards), 73% farmer selected PPS-3 (Rangeland Management + Crops).
The farmers selected different mode of irrigations as per their capacity and capability. The mode of
irrigation selected by farmers were Drip 12%, Sprinkler 5%, Pipe 59%, Pipe for crops + Drip for orchards
14% and Open Channel 11%.
The majority of farmers (77%) chooses Solar Power for Irrigation, 17% farmers chooses Diesel Engine for
power source, while 6% like electric motor.
The farmers suggested 20 percent farmer’s share in the command area development cost particularly
irrigation system because they don’t have sufficient income from agriculture. Farmer will generate their
share from other income sources such as job, fishery etc.