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baseball game

Going to a baseball game shouldn’t be dangerous
©2017, The Washington Post
Sep 23, 2017
Play stopped at Yankee Stadium for four excruciating
The question would be different if netting seriously
minutes Wednesday. Slugger Todd Frazier had just rocketed
detracted from the fan experience. But anyone who has been
a 105-mph foul ball into the stands, where it struck a young
lucky enough to score seats behind the fine mesh netting
girl in the head. Frazier knelt down, a pained look on his face.
currently in major league stadiums - made of fibers only 1.2
Some of the other men on the field shed tears. The girl was
millimeters thick - knows otherwise. Some stadiums even have
rushed to the hospital, where her father later told reporters
netting that can be retracted for tossing baseballs, T-shirts and
that she is doing “all right” - but that it is still unclear whether
other items into the stands when no one is batting.
she will need surgery.
Major League Baseball in 2015 issued a recommendation
Player after player has since insisted that stadiums
that teams maintain netting behind home plate, extending to
need more netting to protect fans from incoming foul balls.
where each dugout begins. Some stadiums - including Nationals
Anyone who has sat near a major league dugout knows how
Park - extended their netting further, to the end of each dugout.
tantalizingly - and alarmingly - close those seats are to the
Every team should provide at least that much coverage. But
action. Balls whizzing toward the crowd at 100-plus mph leave
even netting protecting the rows above the dugouts might not
close-in spectators practically no time to react.
have helped last Wednesday night. The girl was sitting behind
We wish Wednesday’s story were unique, but it is far from
the third base line, past the dugout.
the first time that an errant baseball has struck a spectator.
MLB should look to stadiums in Japan, where netting often
Fans have lost vision, required reconstructive surgery, endured
reaches from foul pole to foul pole. And the next time the
shattered skulls, even been seriously wounded by flying bat
organization issues an obvious safety finding, it should come in
fragments. A 2014 Bloomberg statistical analysis found that
the form of a requirement, not a mere recommendation.
1,750 spectators are hurt each year by flying balls and bat
fragments. Not every incident is as horrifying as Wednesday’s.
Some no doubt occur because people lean in to catch balls
coming their way. But a large number of injuries would
nevertheless be prevented if major league ballparks installed
more extensive netting.
The reaction among some is to blame the injured, arguing
that they should have been paying more attention, or to blame
those around the victims, insisting that it is irresponsible to
bring children to dangerous areas of the park. But even the
most conscientious of baseball fans might fail to react in time
- either to protect their loved ones or themselves. The balls
move very quickly. And it is just reality that, over the course
of a three-and-a-half-hour game, even the most attentive fan
may look away once or twice.
©2017, The Washington Post. Sep 23, 2017.