Uploaded by Julia Ann Resguardo

Lesson Plan: Writing References & Self-Awareness

LESSON PLAN – References
Theme – Myself In Relation To Others
CAREER SKILLS – Self Development
KEY SKILLS – Communication, Problem Solving, Improving Own Learning &Performance
WORK RELATED LEARNING – Learning For Work, Learning About Work
COMPETENCIES – *ai, *aii, *aiii, *bi, *bii, *ci, *cii, *di, **ei, **eii, **eiii, **eiv, **ev, **evi, ***fiii,
***fiv, ***hi, ***hiii, ***hiv, ***Iii, ***Iiv, ***kiv, ***kvi, ****li, ****mi, ****pi
SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – Personal Development, English, Technology
Learning Outcomes
By completing this task students will be able to:
Understand why references are required.
State what information may be included.
Develop a reference for themselves showing their self awareness.
Preparation and Materials
Copies of Info Sheet (1) and (2) and the Activity Sheet “References” for each student (can be
photocopied back to back).
Explain the aims of the lesson using the learning outcomes on Info Sheet (1).
Remind students of the sequence of events in applying for a job or course, and the purpose served by
the reference.
This sequencing could also be done by brainstorming ideas from the class and writing on the
Discuss the attributes a reference could be expected to contain, before giving out Info Sheets (1) and
(2) and expanding on the areas they address. Encourage students to add points to the list as a result of
the brainstorm.
Stress that it is in the applicant’s best interest that a comprehensive picture is given to the potential
employer – this might also include mention of any negative points.
Ask students to look at themselves critically and write a realistic reference about themselves using the
Activity Sheet.
You might like to read through some of the references and comment on the level of realism displayed!
If a student is willing to discuss the reference he/she has written in front of the class, this could be an
interesting exercise.
Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson.
Summarise the main learning outcomes.
Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to:
Understand why references are required.
State what information may be included.
Develop a reference for yourself showing self awareness.
INFO SHEET (1) – References
You are usually expected to provide references when applying for a job,
training course or further education. That person (your referee) is then
contacted by the potential employer or admissions tutor for information
about you before your application can proceed.
One of the most important factors in influencing the decision to invite
you for interview is the confidential statement (the reference) made by
the referee(s).
A referee is asked to state their opinion, in confidence, of you qualities
and suitability for the type of work or course in question, and should
include information on the topics listed on Info Sheet (2).
Add you own ideas to the list.
INFO SHEET (2) – References
Points that should be included in a reference:
1. Communication.
This should include both written and verbal skills.
2. Initiative/working as part of a team.
What contribution the person makes to group/class work (or does the person stay
silent and not contribute?)
3. Motivation/Commitment.
What level of motivation/commitment the person shows in different situations.
4. Confidence.
Is the person confident, over confident or do they lack confidence?
5. Socialisation.
How popular is the person, not just with their peers, but also with people of
different ages?
6. Particular strengths
This should include any negatives, but expressed positively.
7. Potential for the type of job/course
In terms of the physical and/or academic challenge.
8. Health and attendance record/reliability in the last two years.
Own time management, ability to get to work on time!
9. Athletic/social/other interests
Now look at yourself critically, and use all the points discussed in
this lesson to write a reference for yourself, for the job/course of
your choice. You should be honest – but not too hard on yourself.
Remember – a good reference is supposed to help a good candidate
be successful with their application!!