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Early Childhood Education Inclusion Quiz

Chapter 1 Quiz: Wrapping It Up
1. According to the text, it is important for the field of early childhood education to have a shared definition
of inclusion because without one, what might individual programs do?
c. Create their own working
2. Based on the text, which of the following is a description of inclusion?
c. Inclusion is about belonging to a community.
3.Political and social activities during the 1960s led to which of the stages described by Caldwell?
Identify and help
4.Why is the following parent’s story from the book a rationale for inclusion?
Andrea came back from preschool saying she wanted to invite Katie home for lunch the next day. I could not
figure out who Katie was. Andrea tried to describe Katie’s hair, then her new jacket, then her paintings. I still
couldn’t place her. Finally Andrea said, “Katie’s the one who comes with shiny ribbons in her hair,” and I
knew immediately who Katie was. She was the child in the wheelchair who always had big colorful bows at
the ends of her braids! Apparently, using a wheelchair was not one of Katie’s outstanding characteristics for
my child.
d. Unless otherwise influenced, children at a young age seldom have trouble accepting
those who are different.
5.Merely placing children with disabilities in the same settings as their typical peers will not automatically
lead to social interactions and acceptance. Teachers must do which of the following to foster social
interactions? d. Structure the environment to promote social interactions.
6. A parent who is looking for a preschool that is inclusive of all children should look for which of the
following when visiting preschools?
a. A program that plans and provides activities that leads children to play and work together.
program that provides training and support for its staff to work with all childre
c. A
7. Children who are typically developing benefit from being peer tutors because it allows them to do which
of the following? a. Increase their own understanding of the skill they are teaching.
8. According to the text, inclusion appears to have a long-term benefit on society as children who grow up
with opportunities to interact with children with disabilities mature into adults who do which of the
b. Have a greater understanding and respect for those less able.
9. Which of the following would alleviate a parent’s concern about their child learning inappropriate
behaviors from a classmate with a disability?
b. Typical children are more likely to imitate their peers who are typical.
10. What is the most critical factor to insuring that all children’s needs are met in an inclusive program?
1. No Child Left Behind specifically requires states to do which of the following?
d. Create adequate tests to support curriculum.
e. Bring all students to the proficient level on state tests.
a. Providing a quality program with adequate support for all children. In recent years, much of the federal
legislation on behalf of children has been focused on which of the following?
a. Prevention of developmental disabilities.
b. Prevention of secondary disabilities.
c. Prevention of developmental disabilities only during pregnancy.
d. Identifying and serving children who are gifted.
3. Under NCLB, schools and school districts that show little or no growth are at risk of losing which of
the following?
a. Textbooks
b. Professional development
c. Federal funding and teachers
d. Special education programming
4. Kirk (1972) demonstrated that for some preschool children their "mental disability" was a result of which
of the following? c. An inadequate learning environment
5. Under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), schools must make reasonable modifications to their
policies and practices to include all individuals with disabilities in their program. Which of the following
are exceptions to this law?
a. The modification would result in a fundamental alteration of the program.
b. The modification would serve a parent in a wheelchair.
The modification would pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others.
d. The modification would serve a child who is not toilet trained.
e. The
modification would serve a child in a wheelchair
6.Sacramento Unified School District vs. Holland (1992) did what to determine the feasibility of inclusion?
c. Provided a four-part test looking at supports, benefits, effect on other students, and cost.
7. Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program provides coverage to more than 36
million children a year. The program covers the majority of the children in the country that need insurance.
a. True
8 reevaluation of institutionalization of young children with special needs was a result of the recognition
of the importance of which of the following?
a.The Civil rights
b. Compensatory education
c. Genetic predeterminism
d. Early intervention.
9. According to the text, which of the following is a major challenge in providing services to children who are
gifted? a. Identifying children in a way that is free of racial and cultural bias.
10. Which legislation required schools that offer preschool to children who are non-disabled to also offer
comparable service to children with disabilities?
b. The Developmental Disabilities ACT
c. Head Start Act
d. Early Education Project for Children with Disabilities
3 chapter
1 Programs that employ multiple staff members and care for a larger number of
children are called:
c. child care centers
2. Drew is diagnosed as having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). He is
accompanied by a paraprofessional on the days he attends his neighborhood
preschool. The paraprofessional helps him transition from activity to activity, and
to interact with his peers. This is an example of a support a child may need to be
successful in an inclusive environment.
a. True
3 Rebecca is hearing impaired. Her teacher wears a voice amplifier to help her
voice carry across the classroom. The speech therapist has trained the teacher in
its use and has also taught her how to look for the signs that may indicate Rebecca
is unable to hear. This is an example of what type of support?
a. Staff development
4. Neil has Down syndrome and is in a general education first grade at his
neighborhood school. His mother is attending the IEP meeting where she will meet
with the speech therapist, occupational therapist, behavior specialist, resource
specialist, and his general education classroom teacher. This is an example of what
type of recommended practice
d. Cross-disciplinary
5 Classroom material, activities, and curricula that acknowledge and respect the
different ethnicities that are represented in the classroom and community are
referred to as:
b. culturally competent.
6.According to the NAEYC, children birth to age two develop best when they have
which of the following?
b. Consistent relationships
d. Responsive adults
7.Creating a caring community of learners underscores which of the following?
a. Everyone benefits when everyone is successful..
8. Emphasis on exploration, spontaneity, self-expression, and appreciation, rather
than on completing a specific product or learning a specific tune is a description of:
c. aesthetic development.
9. According to Walker, Ramsey & Gresham (2003), school aged children who have
trouble making friends are more likely to:
a. have academic problems as adolescents.
d. have mental health problems as adolescents.
10. Teachers must consider the impact of groupings and scheduling on classroom
communities and membership. If class sharing is always scheduled at the same
time each day, the child who leaves daily for speech therapy will always miss a
chance to share. This is an example of:
b. creating a caring community.
correct answers chapter 2
1. No Child Left Behind specifically requires states to do which of the following?
d. Create adequate tests to support curriculum.
e. Bring all students to the proficient level on state tests.
2. Drew is diagnosed as having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). He is
accompanied by a paraprofessional on the days he attends his neighborhood
preschool. The paraprofessional helps him transition from activity to activity, and
to interact with his peers. This is an example of a support a child may need to be
successful in an inclusive environment.
a. True
5. 5. Under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), schools must make reasonable modifications to
their policies and practices to include all individuals with disabilities in their program. Which of the
following are exceptions to this law?
a. The modification would result in a fundamental alteration of the program.
b. The modification would serve a parent in a wheelchair.
The modification would pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others.
d. The modification would serve a child who is not toilet trained.
e. The
modification would serve a child in a wheelchair
7. The reevaluation of institutionalization of young children with special needs was a
result of the recognition of the importance of which of the following?
d. Early
10. Which legislation required schools that offer preschool to children who are
non-disabled to also offer comparable service to children with disabilities? d. Early
Education Project for Children with Disabilities