Uploaded by Johnna Kratzer

Watershed Activity Worksheet

Date__________ Per._______
Activity 1
Roll the mouse over the region we are located in. What number appears?_____________ click on that portion of the
Roll the mouse over the region we are located in. What number appears?_____________ click on that portion of the
Roll the mouse over the region we are located in. What number appears?_____________ click on that portion of the
Roll the mouse over the region we are located in (look for Juniata County). What number appears?_____________ click
on that portion of the map.
1) Sign on & locate web site: http://www.epa.gov/surf3/
2) SCREEN "Surf Your Watershed" ENTER Zip Code & CLICK on Submit
3) SCREEN "Surf Your Watershed" with results from search WRITE down Code Number and
Watershed Name that you will be following.
Code Number: ________________ Watershed Name:____________________
WRITE down the counties that are part of the water shed:
What watersheds are located upstream _______________________and downstream __________________________
CLICK on Stream Flow
5) SCREEN "Real-Time Data-____site(s) Found"
WRITE down Name of Sampling Site that is closest to you.
WRITE down Gage Height, Discharge in Cu. Ft./Sec. & Date of Last Sample.
Gage Height:___________, Discharge Rate:____________, Date:__________
CLICK on a Site, can be nearby or popular location How many miles of land are included in the drainage area for that
monitor station?______________________________sq/mi
RETURN to "Watershed Profile" for your watershed Screen
7) SCREEN "Watershed Profile" for your watershed CLICK on Science in Your Watershed
Click on Lower Susquehanna River Basin Study Unit, NAWQA, click on the Introductory Fact Sheet. Download the “FullText PDF” version of the report and print. Write your name at the top, hand in with your completed paper.
RETURN to "Watershed Profile" for your watershed Screen
Click on : Impaired Water for this watershed now click on the map of Juniata County. This will bring you to a new screen.
“My Water Mapper” Click on My Drinking Water tab on the right hand side of the screen. Click on PA.
Record the number to surface water system __________________and ground water systems. _________________
RETURN to "Watershed Profile" for your watershed Screen
Bonus: Use what time you have left to explore the site. Write down two pieces of information that you can learn from
using this website.
When Finished check out these websites