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Speech Communication Vocabulary List

SDC Speech Vocabulary
1. Communication
2. Communication types:
A. Computer-mediated communication
B. Effective Communication
C. Face-to-face communication
D. Group communication
E. Interpersonal communication
F. Intrapersonal communication
G. Mass communication
H. Mediated communication
I. Public communication
3. Communication codes
A. Visual
B. Verbal
C. Vocal
4. Communication process
A. Sender
B. Encoding
C. Message
D. Channel
E. Receiver
F. Decoding
5. Cultural norms
6. Cultural rules
7. Dyad
8. Environments
9. Ethics
10. Ethnocentric
11. Feedback
12. Individualistic
13. Maslow's hierarchy of needs
14. Noise
A. Physiological noise
B. Psychological noise
C. External noise
15. Nonverbal code / symbols
16. Reframing
17. Self-monitoring/ Self-talk
18. Semantics
19. Shared meanings
20. Symbols
21. Transactional
SDC Speech Vocabulary
2. GROUP COMMUNICATION - (Questions 11-20)
1. Group communication
2. Stages of group development
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
E. Adjourning
3. Group dynamics
A. Accountable
B. Cohesive
C. Group goals
D. Group norm
E. Group reports assessment
F. Group rule
G. Groupthink
H. Individual accountability reports
I. Interdependent
J. Synergetic
4. Types of conflict
A. Ego conflict
B. Issue-related conflict
C. Personality related conflict
D. Pseudo conflict
E. Virtual group conflict
5. Systematic problem-solving sequence
A. Identify and define the problem
B. Evaluate solutions and decide
C. Identify alternative solutions
D. Implement the agreed upon
solution and assess it
E. Determine criteria for judging
6. Types of groups
A. Family group
A. Interest group
B. Service group
C. Social group
B. Support group
D. Work group
8. Group roles (leadership, task, and
A. Leaders
 Formal leader
 Informal emergent leader
 Interim leader
B. Tasks Roles
 Initiator
 Information seeker
 Opinion giver
 Elaborator
 Energizer
 Reviewer
 Recorder
C. Maintenance Roles
 Encourager /Supporter
 Harmonizer
 Interpreter
 Mediator
 Tension reliever
SDC Speech Vocabulary
1. Intercultural communication
2. Types of knowledge
A. Formal studying
B. Informal studying
C. Affective knowledge
D. Ethnocentric knowledge
3. Cultural frame of reference
A. Adaptability
B. Bigotry
C. Discrimination
D. Ethnocentric
E. Ethnorelative
F. Explicit
G. Informal
H. Intercultural group
I. Multilingual
J. Open-minded
K. Out-group
L. Passive observation
M. Prejudice
N. Racism
O. Regional group
P. Salience
Q. Stereotyping
R. Subgroup
4. Cultural factors.
A. Cultural identity
B. Culture shock
C. Ethnicity
D. Intergroup anxiety
E. Nationality
F. Personal identity
G. Race
H. Social identity
5. Types of culture
A. Collectivistic culture
B. Deep-level culture
C. High context cultures
D. High power distance culture
E. Immediate-level culture
F. Individualistic culture
G. Intermediate-level culture
H. Low context culture
I. Low power distance culture
J. Surface-level culture
K. Uncertainty accepting culture
L. Uncertainty-avoiding cultures
SDC Speech Vocabulary
1. Autocratic needs
2. Contradictory needs
3. Control needs
4. Conversational principles
5. Dialectical tension
6. Disclosure
7. Forms of conflict resolution
8. High-power distance needs
9. Interpersonal communication
10. Introverts
11. Johari window
12. Metacommunication
13. Online communication
14. Reciprocal
15. Reframing
16. Self-disclosure
17. Transactional language
18. Strategies and theories
A. Content communication
B. Dialectical intensifier communication
C. Emotional dimension communication
D. Equity theory
E. Justification theory
F. Negative identity management
G. Relational dialectics theory
H. Relational dimension communication
I. Social exchange theory
J. Social penetration theory
SDC Speech Vocabulary
1. Abstract language
2. Ambiguous
3. Appropriate meaning
4. Arbitrary language
5. Comparative rule
6. Concrete meaning
7. Connotative meaning
8. Constitutive rule
9. Constructive rule
10. Context
11. Denotative meaning
12. Emphasis meaning
13. Euphemism
14. Feminine styles of language
15. Guidelines emphasized in masculine-gender speech communities
16. Hate speech
17. Hypothetical Messages
18. Inherent language
19. Jargon
20. Language
21. Marking
22. Meaningful
23. Metaphoric meaning
24. Objective language
25. Overgeneralizing
26. Phonological rule
27. Polarizing
28. Precise term
29. Precision meaning
30. Racist Messages
31. Regulative rule
32. Relative term
33. Sapir Whorf hypothesis
34. Slang
35. Sociolinguistic background
36. Specificity meaning
37. Stereotyping
38. Syntactic
39. Syntactic Messages
40. Trigger word
41. Users
42. Verbal communication
43. Vividness meaning
SDC Speech Vocabulary
6. NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION – (Questions 51-60)
1. Ambiguous
2. Artifacts
3. Chronemics
4. Context
5. Contradicting
6. Cultural meanings
7. Eye contact
8. Feedback
9. Feminine style of communication
10. Gaze
11. Haptics
12. Individual space
13. Intimate space
14. Kinesics
15. Monochronic
16. Nonverbal communication
17. Paralanguage
18. Perception checking
19. Personal differences
20. Personal space
21. Physical appearance
22. Polychronic
23. Posture
24. Precise
25. Proxemics
26. Public space
27. Regulating
28. Reinforcing
29. Relational
30. Social space
31. Substituting
32. Verbal communication
SDC Speech Vocabulary
7. PERSUASION - ART OF RHETORIC - Questions 61-70)
1. Persuasion
2. Classical rhetorical theory
A. Ethos
B. Logos
A. Pathos
B. Deductive
C. Inductive
3. Appeals and fallacies
A. Ad hominem
B. Causal
C. Ceremonial
D. Deliberative
E. Either /or
F. Emotional appeals
G. Ethical appeals
H. False cause
I. Hasty generalization
J. Logical appeals
K. Manipulation
L. Straw person (strawman)
M. Subliminal appeals
N. Testimonial
4. Research-based evidence
5. Process of preparing persuasive communication
6. Types of Persuasive speeches
7. Diction
8. Figures of speech
A. Pun
B. Synecdoche
C. Hyperbole
D. Litotes
E. Rhetorical question
F. Oxymoron
G. Irony
H. Satire
9. Refutation
10. Toulmin Model
SDC Speech Vocabulary
8. PUBLIC SPEAKING - (Questions 71-80)
Audience adaptation
Uncertainty reduction theory
Audience analysis
General goal / purposes
A. To inform
B. To persuade
C. To entertain
5. Visual aids
6. Informative speeches
A. Definition
B. Demonstration
C. Description
D. Expository
E. Narration
F. Process
7. Process of speech writing
8. Types of research
9. Types of sources
A. Valid
B. Accurate
C. Reliable
D. Credible
10. Plagiarism
11. Citing evidence
12. Oral citations
13. Types of proposition speeches
A. Fact
B. Value
C. Policy
D. Direct
14. Patterns
A. Topical order
B. Narrative order
C. Chronological order
D. Logical reasons order
15. Elaboration likelihood model (elm)
SDC Speech Vocabulary
9. THE VALUE OF LISTENING - (Questions 81-90)
Listening strategy
Critical listening
Critical listening skill
Stages of listening
A. Attending
B. Organizing
C. Interpreting
D. Responding
7. Summarizing
8. Linking
9. Paraphrasing
10. Personalizing
11. Men's listening behaviors
12. Women’s listening behaviors
13. Types of listening
A. Analytical listening
B. Combative listening
C. Critical listening
D. Defensive listening
E. Emphatic listening
F. High-fidelity listening
G. Informational listening
H. Insulated listening
I. Low fidelity listening
J. Pseudo listening
K. Relational listening
L. Selective listening
M. Task-oriented listening