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Math 066 Exam 01 Review

Math 066 Review for Exam 01
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Instructions: (a) Place answers only on this sheet. (b) Show work on separate sheets of
paper. (c) Staple everything together. (d) No Exam 01 Review = No Exam 01
1. Add:
2. Subtract:
7,899 + 4,566
12. Write this number in the word equivalent:
3,000 – 1,587
3. Multiply: 378 ∙ 409
4. Divide:
6,528 ÷ 13
5. Solve:
34 + x = 256
6. Solve:
12x = 600
13. Add:
 17,958
14. Round 73,643 to the nearest thousand.
15. A traveling salesman traveled 1,104 miles and
used 48 gallons of gas. How many miles did
he travel on each gallon of gas?
7. Estimate first by rounding to the nearest ten
then add:
a. 9,426 + 99
b. 8,494 + 196
8. Estimate first by rounding to the nearest
hundred then subtract:
8,907 – 2,059
16. Use the number line to find the value of -6+9.
9. Estimate first by rounding to the nearest
hundred then multiply: 435 ∙ 351
17. Add: 457  398  897
10. I have four children - their ages add up to 41.
The oldest is 13 and is 6 years older than the
youngest. How old is my youngest child?
18. Use the associative property to rewrite the
sum: (4  9)  7
11. Simplify:
a. 52 - (8 - 2) + 10
+ 8÷ 8 + 10
19. Find the difference of 471 and 293.
b. 40 – 32 ∙4
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Math 066 Review for Exam 01
Last name, First Name
20. Find the solution to the following equation: 7n
= 28
a) -9 _____ -4
b) -43 _____ 71
21. Divide: 1206 ÷ 67
c) -12 _____ -81
22. If a basketball team has scores of 61, 76, 98,
55, 76, and 102 in their first six games, find
the average score
23. Simplify
a) 480  128
b) 20  215  2  3
c) 5  3 4  16  2  2 2
d) 2  59  3(4  1)
d) -|21| _____ |-21|
26. City A has an elevation of 12,320 feet above
sea level while city B has an elevation of
18,161 feet below sea level. Find the
difference in elevation between those two
27. A rectangular football field has a length of
100 yards and a width of 85 yard. Find the
28. Find the perimeter and area of a square room
with side 4m.
20  6(2)
11  7
24. If a person paid $192 for 16 bottles of wine,
how much did each bottle cost?
29. The bar graph below shows the temperatures
recorded as the high temperature in Little City
on Brianna's birthday for the indicated years.
25. Insert < or > between the pair of numbers to
form a true statement.
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Math 066 Review for Exam 01
Last name, First Name
a) In which year was the temperature closest to
0° C?
b) Find the difference between the temperature
in 1999 and 2001
c) Find the average temperature for all the
30. Simplify
a) 81 ÷ 3 + {3 · [18 - (5 · 2)]}
b) |-12| - |-6|
c) (-12) - (-6)
d) -11 - 44
e) |-2| - |-13|
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