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Visiting Professor Invitation & Marcos Ferasso CV

Invitation Letter
Obs.: My curriculum is attached to this letter.
Dear Researcher,
I am Dr. Marcos Ferasso and I am looking for opportunities to act as visiting professor in
Universities based in other countries. I intend to build an international research network in the
following subjects: General Management, innovation management, local/regional development,
knowledge management, industrial clusters, innovation ecosystems, innovation strategy,
entrepreneurship, strategy & SMEs, research methods in Management, luxury market, and
healthcare networked organizations.
My personal and professional goal is to strengthen my skills as professor and researcher at
international level and to form partnerships for research. In exchange, I can offer you the
opportunity to establish partnerships/agreements with Brazilian or foreign institutions for
academic mobility (professors and/or students) and research.
In case of you or your institution may be interested, please contact me and we can discuss all the
Warm regards,
Prof. Dr. Marcos Ferasso
Visiting Researcher and Professor
KEDGE Business School Marseilles (France)
Marcos Ferasso
Personal information:
Chez WANG – 83, Boulevard du Redon, Résidence la Routière, Bâtiment B7
13009 Marseilles – France.
Mobile: +33 07 88 91 11 95
E-mail: admmarcosferasso@gmail.com
Nationality: Brazilian.
SCOPUS ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2907-9133
Professional goals: My professional goal is becoming a Visiting Professor abroad.
Education and Trainings:
June/2018 – present
Post-Doctoral research fellow, KEDGE Business School – Marseilles campus
2018 – 2019
Post-Doctoral research training, IMED Business School, Meridional Faculty (Brazil).
2014 – 2018
Ph.D. in Management, Federal University of Parana (Brazil).
Exchange period as visiting researcher at Forsyth Technical Community College, Winston-Salem, N.C., United States of America.
Doctoral dissertation: Innovations as strategic factors of high-tech SMEs located in innovation ecosystems: a cross-national analysis
using Configurations Approach.
2007 – 2008
M.Sc. degree in Management, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).
Exchange period as exchange student at Euromed-Marseille Ecole de Management, Marseilles, PACA Region, France.
Master thesis: The process of knowledge creation within enterprises located on industrial clusters: a multi case study on the
biotechnology sector in France and in Brazil.
2006 – 2006
Improvement course in Strategic management of local and regional development,
CEPAL/United Nations (Chile).
2005 – 2006
Specialist in Local Development, ILO/United Nations (Italy).
2003 – 2005
Specialist in Business Management, Western University of Santa Catarina (Brazil).
1997 – 2002
Bachelor’s in Management, Western University of Santa Catarina (Brazil).
Main published research papers:
Published on peer reviewed journals (total of 47):
Vicente, A.R.P.; Ferasso, M.; May, M.R. (2018). Dynamic capabilities development and business model
innovation: evidences from IT industry in an emerging country. International Journal of Business
Innovation and Research, 17, pp.226-248.
Ferasso, M.; Takahashi, A.R.W.; Gimenez, F.A.P. (2018). Innovation ecosystem: a meta-synthesis.
International Journal of Innovation Science, 10(4), pp.495-518.
Ferasso, M.; Pinheiro, I.A.; Schröeder, C. da S. (2017). Strategies of innovation in an ancient business:
cases of the fountain pen industry. International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 14(1),
Ferasso, M.; Salem, T.; Pinheiro, I.A. (2017). Strategies of innovation applied to luxury market firms: the
case of Montblanc’s fountain pens. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 12(4),
M. FERASSO – Curriculum Vitae
Ferasso, M.; Vargas, L.M. (2014). Proposition Schématique du Processus de Création de la Connaissance
avec la Stratégie Interorganisationelle de Grappes Industrielles. La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 266,
Ferasso, M.; Saldanha, J.A.V. (2011). Entrepreneurship as way to contain the population exodus: a local
development proposal. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 14, pp.205-229.
Pessôa, L.R.; Ferasso, M.; Vargas, L.M.; Ferla, A.A. (2010). Challenges in organizing care networks for
the elderly in two regions of Brazil. Cadernos de Saude Publica, 26, pp.1314-1322.
Ferasso, M. (2007). The environmental impact of economic activities: the case of the five economic macroregions of the State of Santa Catarina/Brazil. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable
Development, 6, pp.436-450.
Ferasso, M.; Saldanha, J.A.V.; Vieira, L.M.M. (2006). The process of knowledge conversion in Institutions
of Superior Education: the case of the Catarinian Association of Educational Foundations - ACAFE/Brazil.
International Journal of Knowledge, Culture & Change Management, 6, pp.1-7.
Published on conference proceedings (total of 36):
Ferasso, M.; Takahashi, A.R.W.; May, M.R. (2017). Dynamic capabilities, operational capabilities, and
SMEs performance: a synthesis of researches. Proceedings of The 26th International Conference for
Management of Technology - IAMOT 2017, 2017, Vienna, Austria. Vienna: IAMOT, 2017. v. 1. pp.1-18.
Ferasso, M. (2013). Strategies and knowledge within an industrial cluster of medium-low technological
innovation in an emerging country. Proceedings of 7ème Congrès de l’Institut d'Administration des
Entreprises-IFBAE, Tours : IFBAE, 2013. v. 1. pp.1-22.
Ferasso, M.; Fracasso, E.M.; Pinheiro, I.A. (2008). Strategies of innovation in an ancient business: cases of
the fountain pen industry. Proceedings of The 17th International Conference for Management of Technology
- IAMOT 2008, Dubai. The British University in Dubai: IAMOT, 2008. v. 1. pp.1-18.
Approved funding for research/extension projects:
2018 – Approved Grants for Postdoctoral Research from The Post-Doc PRESTIGE Programme.
Funding agencies: Campus France & Marie Curie Fellowship Programme, European Union (France). Approved amount: € 22,500
(Approved but not funded due to financial constraints).
2011 - Federal University of Piaui: Extension/Research project “Qualification in entrepreneurship:
qualification for local development and social inclusion”.
Funding agency: Ministry of Education of Brazil (Brazil). Approved amount: USD 6,000.
2010 - SENAC Faculty: Extension/Research project “Qualification: synonymous of social inclusion and
local development”.
Funding agency: FAPESC – Government of the State of Santa Catarina (Brazil). Approved amount: USD 25,000.
2007 – Approved High-level Scholarships for Latin Americans for a Master 2 course in France.
Funding agency: Alban Program, European Community. Approved amount: € 34,800 (Approved but not implemented).
Main Awards and Honors (total of 22):
2019 – Selected as Visiting Professor at the PROM Programme (International scholarship exchange for
Ph.D. Students and Academic Staff Member) by Wrocƚaw University of Economics (Poland),
funded by European Funds, and supported by Republic of Poland, Polish National Agency for
Academic Exchange, and European Union.
M. FERASSO – Curriculum Vitae
2018 – ‘Highly Commended’ Award winner of the 2017 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research
Awards in the Management and Governance category, Emerald Publishing & European Foundation
for Management Development – EFMD (England).
2017 – ‘Highly Commended’ Honorable Mention, 2017 edition of EMERALD/CLADEA Management
Research Fund Award, Emerald Publishing & Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de
Administración CLADEA (United States of America).
2011 – Homage to Awarded Students for the period of 2008/2010, Rectory of Federal University of Rio
Grande do Sul (Brazil).
2008 – Honorable mention – SIMPOI 2008 Symposium, FGV/EAESP (Brazil).
2007 – Excellence Certificate - 13th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference,
School of Business – Mälardalen University (Sweden).
Professional Experiences:
Teaching roles:
Lecturer for Undergraduate Courses:
Wrocƚaw University of Economics (Poland).
November/2018: Visiting Professor, Innovation ecosystems.
Educational Faculty of Araucaria (Brazil).
March/2016 – May/2018: Lecturer, Scientific Methodology and Research Methods.
Federal University of Technology of Parana (Brazil).
November/2012 – November/2015: Lecturer (Undergraduate level).
Federal University of Piaui (Brazil).
May/2010 – November/2012: Lecturer, Research Methods and General Management.
Ministry of Education, Open University of Brazil (Brazil).
August/2010 - September/2010: Lecturer (e-learning), General Management.
SENAC Faculty of Technology (Brazil).
March/2009 – May/2010: Lecturer, Research Methods.
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).
October/2007 – December/2008: Lecturer, General Management.
Western University of Santa Catarina (Brazil).
July/2005 – December/2006: Lecturer (Undergraduate level).
Visiting/Invited Lecturer for Specialization/Graduate Courses:
Wrocƚaw University of Economics (Poland).
Upcoming/2019: Visiting Professor of summer course, Conceptual framework of PhD thesis.
Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy).
Upcoming/2019: Visiting Professor, Structural Topic Modeling in Digital Methods: how to use VOS Viewer software for
Tweeter analysis.
Aix Marseille Université, Aix-en-Provence (France).
February 2019: Invited lecturer, ‘Postdoctoral lecture: Using quasi-mixed methods approach for cross-cases comparisons:
from mixed bibliographic methods to complex multilevel analysis’. Atelier du CERGAM.
M. FERASSO – Curriculum Vitae
KEDGE Business School, Marseilles (France).
January 2019: Invited lecturer, ‘The diffusion of innovations’ in ‘PGE - Innovating organization and new business models
in health’ course.
Verbo Educacional (Brazil).
April/2016 to May/2016: Visiting Lecturer, Entrepreneurship.
State University of Campinas (Brazil).
March/2016: Visiting Lecturer, Human Resources Management.
Ministry of Education, Open University of Brazil (Brazil).
April/2013 – November/2015: Lecturer (e-learning), Public Administration.
União da Vitoria University Centre (Brazil).
June/2009 – July/2009: Lecturer, Health Management.
International Centre of Post-Graduation and Extension (Brazil).
September/2006 – March/2007: Lecturer, Consumer Behavior.
Extension lecturer/project coordination:
Extension Courses/Activities:
Federal University of Piaui (Brazil).
May/2010 – November/2012: Extension activities, Research skills of students.
Researcher roles:
Research Projects coordination/participation:
KEDGE Business School, Aix Marseille Université (France).
September/2018 – present: Assistant researcher on the research project "Acceleration of scaling-up of innovations".
Federal University of Parana (Brazil).
January/2016 – March/2016: Research Assistant, Dynamic Capabilities (in partnership with Manchester Business School,
funded by British Academy - Program Newton Fund).
Federal University of Technology of Parana (Brazil).
November/2012 – November/2015: Research project coordinator, Knowledge creation.
Federal University of Piaui (Brazil).
2011-2012 Research/Extension project coordinator, Entrepreneurship.
2011-2012 Assistant Researcher on research project, Healthcare cluster.
SENAC Faculty of Technology (Brazil).
March/2009 – May/2010: Leader of the Research Group. Coordinator of Extension/Research project, Entrepreneurship.
Other Research/Reviewer/Assessment roles:
2018 – present: Participation on juries at master’s degree courses: 5.
2005 – present: Editorial and referees’ affiliations: total of 36.
2005 – present: Paper reviews for journals/congresses: total of 49.
2005 – present: Advisor of undergraduate thesis/specialization monographs: total of 32.
2005 – present: Participation on juries at undergraduates/specialization courses: total of 85.
M. FERASSO – Curriculum Vitae
Administrative/Expert experience:
Ad hoc/Expert for Assessments:
European Cooperation in Science & Technology (Belgium)
October/2017 – present: Ad hoc external expert for transnational cooperation projects of European Community.
State Government of Santa Catarina (Brazil).
May/2015 – May/2018: Ad hoc evaluator for undergraduate courses in the State of Santa Catarina.
January/2013 – May/2018: Ad hoc consultant (evaluator of fundraising projects).
Ministry of Education (Brazil).
2013, 2017 and 2018: Ad hoc consultant for technical-pedagogic revision/elaboration of questions for the National Exam
for Undergraduates Courses in Brazil.
May/2011 – May/2018: Ad hoc evaluator for 55 undergraduate courses in Brazil.
Languages (graded according to Europass self-evaluation):
English: Independent/Advanced in oral comprehension (C1), spoken (B2), and written (C1).
French: Independent/Advanced in comprehension (C1), spoken (B2), and written (C1).
Spanish: Independent/Advanced in comprehension (B2), spoken (B1), and written (C1).
Italian: Independent in comprehension (B1), spoken (B1), and written (B2).
Portuguese: mother tongue.
April 27, 2019.
Prof. Dr. Marcos Ferasso