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Culture, Family, Religion, and Society Lecture Notes

It is a way of life
It includes that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, custom & any other capacities and habits
acquired by humans as a member of society
It includes activities like playing the piano, reading poems & novels and such mundane actions like brushing one’s teeth, washing
the dishes and farting
It includes both material & non-material aspects
It includes agreed-upon principles of human co-existence (values & norms) & techniques for survival (technology)
Concepts to Remember in the Study of Culture
 Cultural relativism
 Ethnocentrism
 Noble savage
Culture is :
 Shared
 Learned
Generally adaptive
Always changing
Aspects of Culture
- basic unit of society; comprised of a group of persons closely related by marriage & blood
- Types:
1. Nuclear - monogamous single couple family
2. Extended family households
3. Matrifocal - in a single parent family, the mother is the head
Marriage -a socially approved sexual & economic union between a woman & a man
-presumed to be more or less permanent
-reciprocal rights & obligations from the spouses & their children
-Reasons for the Universality of Marriage
 Division of labor
 Division of produce
 Care for infants
 Minimize sexual competition
-Restrictions on Marriage
 Universal Taboo - Incest Taboo
 Childhood Familiarity Theory
 Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
 Family Disruption Theory (Malinowski)
 Cooperation Theory (Tylor, White, Levi-strauss)
 Inbreeding Theory
- Types of Marriages
By the number of spouses
 Monogamy: one spouse at a given time
 Polygamy: more than one spouse
 Polyandry: woman has many husbands
 Adelphic polyandry: marriage of one woman to a group of brothers
 Polygyny: man has many wives
 Sororal polygyny: marriage of one man to a group of sisters
 Group marriages: one man is married to more than one woman
ii. By origin of would-be-spouse
 Exogamous - from other groups
 Endogamous - from within the group
Patterns of Marital Residence
1. Patrilocal residence
2. Matrilocal residence
3. Bilocal residence
4. Avunculocal residence
5. Neolocal residence
- son stays, daughter leaves; married couple lives with or near the husband’s parents
- daughter stays, son leaves; married couple lives with or near the wife’s parents
- either son or daughter leaves; married couple lives with or near either the wife’s/ husband’s parents
- both son & daughter leave; but son and his wife settle with or near his mother’s brother
- both son & daughter leave; married couple lives apart from the relatives of either spouse
Kinship System
 Kin group - any group of people related through real or putative ties
 Deals with:
a) Life & death
b) Identity & personhood
c) Honor & shame
d) Control of property
e) Succession to positions of authority
 It is social rather than biological
 e.g. Social parents - pater & mater OR father & mother
Physiological parents - genitor & genetrix OR biological father & mother
Rules of Descent
1. Patrilineal Descent
2. Matrilineal Descent
3. Ambilineal Descent
4. Bilateral Descent
- affiliates an individual with kin of both sexes related to him or her through men only
- affiliates an individual with kin of both sexes related to him or her through women only
- affiliates an individual with kin related to him or her through men & women
- two-sides affiliation
Unilineal Descent Groups
1) Lineage
2) Clans
3) Phratries
4) Moieties
Religion -a system of beliefs & practices directed towards the “ultimate concern” of society
-it is concerned with the explanation & expression of the ultimate values of society
-The Universality of Religion:
 The Need to Understand
 Guilt & Projection
 Anxiety & Uncertainty
 The Need for Community
-Structure/ Hierarchy of Supernatural Beings
 Monotheistic - one god
 Polytheistic
- many important gods
- Ways of Interacting
 Prayer
 Physiological experience
 Simulation
 Feasts & sacrifices
-is referred to as the belief in one’s action to compel the supernatural to act in some particular and intended way.
It is private and individual in nature. There is a formula or set of formulas.
It is also manipulative, it acts ritually upon impersonal powers in order to automatically make use of them.
-Reasons for the Existence of Magic:
1. Explains misfortune & failure
2. Reveals the cause of illness
3. Assigns a human cause to terrifying events
4. It may act to drain off tensions which might otherwise result in physical combat and death
5. Gives the individual confidence in the face of fear
-Failure of Magic:
 Sorcery
- use of materials, objects & medicines to invoke supernatural malevolence
- thoughts & emotions used to invoke supernatural malevolence
1) It is nearly always inherited
2) It is invariably evil
3) It has an animal form (cat/ bat)
4) The evil eye & the evil tongue are variants of witchcraft
- art/ practice of foreseeing future events or discovering hidden knowledge through supernatural means
1) Allows man to control chance
2) To know the future
The ritual is said to have been incorrectly performed
The magician may have violated a taboo and thus have lost his power to perform the ritual
There may have been strong counter-magic
-Types of practitioners:
Sorcerers & witches
-Techniques used by healers:
Naming process
Personality of the doctor
Patient’s expectations
Curing techniques
- Language developed only with the emergence of modern-looking humans who had the mouth or throat anatomy
before or about 100,000 years ago
- Human Communication
> Symbolic (it is learned)
> Attach meaning
> Multi-faceted
- Animal Communication
> Body movement
> Sounds
> Odors
 Hunting & Gathering
 Horticulture
 Pastoralism
 Agricultural
- Three questions that can be asked about culture change:
1. What is the source of the new trait?
2. Why are people motivated (unconsciously as well as consciously) to adopt it?
3. Is the new trait adoptive?
How and Why Cultures Change?
1) Discovery & Invention
2) Diffusion
3) Acculturation
4) Revolution
Types of Culture Change in the Modern World
1. Commercialization
2. Religious Change or Revitalized Movements
3. Imposition of a Foreign System of Government - Invasion
4. Discovery of Precious/ Important Minerals
- is identification with, and feeling part of an ethnic group & exclusion from certain other groups because of this affiliation
- is based on cultural similarities & differences in a society or nation.
The similarities are with members of the same ethnic group, the differences are between that group and others.
Ethnic Group
- share certain beliefs, values, habits, customs, & norms because of their common background
- Distinction is based on:
1. Language
2. Religion
3. Historical experience
4. Geographic isolation
5. Kinship
6. Race
- Markers/ Signifiers:
1. Collective name
2. Belief in common descent
3. Sense of solidarity
4. Association with a specific territory
- is an ethnic group assumed to have a biological basis
- biological basis include:
1. Black, white, yellow, red, brown
2. Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid
3. Amerindian, Euro-American, African-American, Native American
Status - refers to any position that determines where someone fits in society
1. Ascribed
2. Achieved
Multiculturalism - view cultural diversity in a country as something good & desirable
Roots of ethnic differentiation/ conflict
1. Political
2. Economic
3. Religious
4. Linguistic
5. Cultural
6. Racial
- organism’s evident traits
-organism’s genetic make-up (not evident)
- describes the process of change that a minority ethnic group may experience
when it moves to a country where another culture dominates
Mode of Production
- is a way of organizing production
- set of social relations through which labor is deployed to wrest energy from nature by means of
tools, skills, organization, knowledge
Capitalist Mode of Production
- money buys labor power, and a social gap between the people is involved in the production process compared
with non-industrial societies where labor is given as social obligation