Artifact 1 Rubric: Lesson Plan Analysis Skill Present Yes Not Yet Yes Not Yet Yes Not Yet Yes Not Yet Yes Not Yet Yes Not Yet Yes Not Yet Yes Not Yet Yes Not Yet Criteria The central purpose of the artifact is clear and specific evidence from the lesson plan is included in the analysis. The candidate carefully reviewed the science lesson plan and analyzed all essential components of the lesson plan. The candidate analyzed and addressed the alignment of the instructional objective and the state assessment. The candidate analyzed and addressed the presence or absence of exemplars for every part of the lesson that requires student output. The candidate analyzed and addressed the effectiveness of the independent practice in the lesson plan. The candidate analyzed and addressed the length of time that is provided to students during independent practice. The candidate analyzed and addressed the strategies that ensure all students can master the objective. The candidate addressed any missing lesson components by describing how the absent lesson component impacted students. Candidate answer demonstrates clear analysis of lesson plan components. Each criterion is worth 10 points.