Name _____________________ Viruses Study Guide Class Pd. _____ Characteristics of a Virus __________ membranes, cytoplasm, ribosomes, or other cellular _______________________ they _______________ move or ______________________ they can only ___________________inside a __________________________cell ______________________- extremely tiny, much smaller than a cell and only visible with microscopes Virus Structure Nucleic Acid—DNA or RNA _________________________________________ Protein coat called a _______________________________surrounds nucleic acid core Outer layer called an ________________________surrounds the capsid Parasitic Nature of Viruses _____________________to their ____________________________(human, dog, some can cross species) They can ______________attack ______________ cells , the common cold is a virus that specifically attacks cells of the respiratory track (coughing and sneezing and sniffling). HIV specifically attacks white blood cells. _________________________________- a virus that infects bacteria. Types of Viruses:_________________________________________________________________________________ Viral Reproduction __________________________________ = reproduction occurs, cells burst ____________________________________ = reproduction does not immediately occur (dormant) _______________________________________= viruses that undergo _______________________cycles Lytic Stage Viruses that use this cycle cause disease_____________________—known as __________________________ Virus invades host cell, produces new viruses, ________________________host cell, and releases newly formed viruses. __________________________________ = “to burst” 5 Steps of Lytic Stage 1. Virus____________________________________ to host. 2. Virus ____________________________________its nucleic acid. 3. Using enzymes of host, virus _______________________________________________its nucleic acid. 4. ________________________________the new viral _________________________________. 5. ______________________________by bursting/ __________________________ the cell. Lysogenic Cycle Viruses that use this cycle infect a cell ___________________ causing immediate _________________________. Can _____________in host for days, months, or _______________________. Examples: __________________________________________________ 8 Steps of Lysogenic Stage 1. Virus ________________________to _____________________cell. 2. ________________its nucleic acid. 3. Virus nucleic acid becomes ____________________into the host cell’s nucleic acid becoming a ___________________. 4. Host cell replicates with the new virus _______________________. 5. ____________________cell continues to ______________________new virus instruction into each new cell. 6. Host cell continues to make multiple new cells with the virus inside it. 7. External stimuli cause the host to enter the lytic cycle 8. Host cell bursts releasing new viruses and organism starts to feel symptoms of disease Retroviruses -- _______________viruses that have _____________________stage. Related to Viruses ____________________________ – even smaller than viruses, consist of RNA strands that lack a protein coat _____________________- "rogue protein", believed to be the cause of Mad Cow Disease. How do Vaccines Work? 1. Once you have gotten a virus, such as chicken pox, your ____________________ develops the ________________________to that virus. 2. _____________________are made by growing a _______________________or killed form of the virus (often grown in ________________________). 3. This form of the virus is ____________________________into a person's body, which causes an ___________________________response, and immunity to the virus. 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