Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 100, No. 6, pp. 2914–2926, December 2010, doi: 10.1785/0120100111 Ⓔ Scaling Relations of Earthquake Source Parameter Estimates with Special Focus on Subduction Environment by Lilian Blaser, Frank Krüger, Matthias Ohrnberger, and Frank Scherbaum Abstract Earthquake rupture length and width estimates are in demand in many seismological applications. Earthquake magnitude estimates are often available, whereas the geometrical extensions of the rupture fault mostly are lacking. Therefore, scaling relations are needed to derive length and width from magnitude. Most frequently used are the relationships of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) derived on the basis of a large dataset including all slip types with the exception of thrust faulting events in subduction environments. However, there are many applications dealing with earthquakes in subduction zones because of their high seismic and tsunamigenic potential. There are no well-established scaling relations for moment magnitude and length/width for subduction events. Within this study, we compiled a large database of source parameter estimates of 283 earthquakes. All focal mechanisms are represented, but special focus is set on (large) subduction zone events, in particular. Scaling relations were fitted with linear least-square as well as orthogonal regression and analyzed regarding the difference between continental and subduction zone/oceanic relationships. Additionally, the effect of technical progress in earthquake parameter estimation on scaling relations was tested as well as the influence of different fault mechanisms. For a given moment magnitude we found shorter but wider rupture areas of thrust events compared to Wells and Coppersmith (1994). The thrust event relationships for pure continental and pure subduction zone rupture areas were found to be almost identical. The scaling relations differ significantly for slip types. The exclusion of events prior to 1964 when the worldwide standard seismic network was established resulted in a remarkable effect on strike-slip scaling relations: the data do not show any saturation of rupture width of strike-slip earthquakes. Generally, rupture area seems to scale with mean slip independent of magnitude. The aspect ratio L=W, however, depends on moment and differs for each slip type. Online Material: Table of source parameter estimates. Introduction In several domains of seismology it is required to estimate the geometrical dimensions of an earthquake rupture area on the basis of the earthquake moment magnitude estimate. For the assessment of the earthquake potential of a specific region it is often necessary to estimate the size of the largest earthquake that might be generated by a particular fault. In history there are several examples when earthquake magnitudes exceeded former expectations of possible maximal magnitudes along individual faults as no such event has been recorded before; for example, the 2004 Sumatra– Andaman earthquake Mw > 9 (e.g., Okal and Synolakis 2008) and the A.D. 365 Crete earthquake (Shaw et al. 2008). Thus, the earthquake potential of a fault commonly is evaluated from estimates of possible fault rupture parameters that are, in turn, related to earthquake magnitude. Similar extrapolations have to be made to compile large and complete databases to estimate seismic or tsunami hazard. In real-time applications, like the generation of shake maps or the estimation of tsunami threat, slip distributions have to be estimated (e.g., Kanamori, 2008). A first order approximation of the ruptured fault area is generally a representative rectangular geometry from which in the simplest case a homogeneous average slip distribution can be derived. Scaling relations provide then characteristic 2914 Scaling Relations of Earthquake Source Parameter Estimates with Focus on Subduction Environment rupture length and width for given earthquake magnitude. Many applications of interest are related to subduction zone environments. In contrast to the widely used scaling relations of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) representing crustal earthquakes, there are no established scaling relations for rupture length and width of earthquakes in subduction zones. Therefore, we compiled a database containing 283 earthquakes of all slip types and analyzed different regression approaches, focusing on the questions: • Are there any differences between the newly compiled scaling relations including data from subduction environment and the ones derived from the database of Wells and Coppersmith (1994)? • Is it possible to distinguish between continental and subduction/oceanic earthquake scaling relations? We distinguish between reverse faulting subduction zone events, neighboring outer-rise events of normal faulting slip type and oceanic strike-slip faulting earthquakes. We compare the new oceanic/subduction zone scaling relations with our new relationships of continental earthquakes showing equivalent focal mechanisms and with scaling relations of other authors like Mai and Beroza (2000) and Hanks and Bakun (2002). The product of rupture length and width for subduction zone earthquakes and continental thrust events will be compared to the rupture area estimates according to the scaling relations of Murotani et al. (2008) and Somerville et al. (1999), respectively. Furthermore, we test the impact of technical improvements on scaling relations derived from a reduced dataset on the example of the installation of the worldwide standard seismic network (WWSSN) during the 1960s. The installation of the WWSSN provided an increase of available data and established a basis for higher accuracy in parameter estimation. Therefore, we ask: • Do the regression results differ when accounting for data derived after 1964 only? • Is it worth distinguishing between the scaling relations for the different types of focal mechanism? • And finally, do our new regression parameters follow selfsimilar scaling? Next to a generally improved quality of the scaling relations caused by decreased standard errors and enlarged data ranges, the main findings can be summarized in five points: • Scaling relations for reverse faulting earthquakes result in shorter but wider rupture areas compared to Wells and Coppersmith (1994). This holds for both continental and subduction events. • No differing scaling relations could be found for the rupture areas of pure continental thrust events and pure subduction zone earthquakes. 2915 • The use of post 1964 WWSSN data has a significant effect on scaling relationships for strike-slip earthquakes; there is no evidence of rupture width saturation. • The scaling relations differ significantly for different slip types. • Assuming constant rigidity mean slip seems to scale invariant on moment magnitude with rupture area. The aspect ratio L=W, however, changes with moment magnitude differently for the different slip types. We will first describe the compilation of the new database followed by the summary of the regression methods and the statistical analysis tool. After presenting the scaling relations, we will discuss them and conclude with a summary. Data The database is composed of 196 source estimates published by Wells and Coppersmith (1994), 40 by Geller (1976), 25 by Scholz (1982), 31 by Mai and Beroza (2000), 36 by Konstantinou et al. (2005), and 31 by several other authors analyzing single large events (see Data and Resources section for references; Ⓔthe complete list of earthquakes is provided in Table S1 of the electronic supplement to this paper). The dataset contains estimates of moment magnitude, focal mechanism, rupture length, and (in most cases) rupture width of shallow earthquakes located all over the world including subduction zones in particular. Moment magnitude, if not available as such, has been derived from the seismic moment by Mw 2=3 log10 M0 10:7 dyne-cm (Hanks and Kanamori, 1979). To avoid any inconsistencies caused by magnitude conversion formulas we restricted the dataset to events with available moment magnitude only. Wells and Coppersmith (1994) distinguished between surface and subsurface rupture length. Surface lengths are determined from ground-surface outcrops, whereas subsurface estimates are generally estimated from aftershock analyses. Wells and Coppersmith (1994) as well as Wang and Ou (1998) (they analyzed a subset of the dataset of Wells and Coppersmith [1994] constrained to a high reliability level) showed that the surface rupture length is generally less than the subsurface rupture length. We choose to work with the subsurface lengths and will compare our scaling relations for rupture length with the subsurface scaling relations of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) in the discussion. In most publications the focal mechanism was categorized into reverse, normal, or strike-slip faults according to the dominant slip type. For the events published by Geller (1976), the focal mechanisms were not listed and were therefore added from additional references within this study. Hence, the database is composed of 33% reverse, 14% normal, and 53% strike-slip faulting mechanisms. We note that this distribution does not follow the relative composition of observed earthquakes worldwide. For example, in the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) project catalog (1976–2009; see the Data and Resources section), there 2916 L. Blaser, F. Krüger, M. Ohrnberger, and F. Scherbaum are 47% reverse, 24% normal, and 39% strike-slip earthquakes larger than M > 6. This might be of importance in the case of using the scaling relation independent of focal mechanism when sampling, for example, a synthetic earthquake catalog with no focal mechanism information for a hazard study. Generally, the geometrical rupture dimensions were obtained by seismological investigations of the aftershock distribution. The 31 parameter estimates published for 24 specific large events in recent time were derived from 31 distinct sources in which detailed source rupture studies were conducted in combination with geodetic data from radar or GPS observations. In total there are 359 entries in the database describing 283 earthquakes. For the regression analysis, multiple parameter estimates from different authors were replaced by their mean value. In Figure 1 the rupture lengths are plotted versus the earthquake moment magnitudes for different slip types indicating the original publication. Compared with Wells and Coppersmith (1994), the supplemental data of strike-slip events show the same magnitude range, whereas the domain of the normal and reverse faulting earthquakes could be expanded considerably (reverse: 4:8 ≤ Mw ≤ 9:5, normal: 5:1 ≤ Mw ≤ 8:4). The variability of different earthquake parameters published for the same events is illustrated in Figure 2. We can use the multiple parameter estimates to derive approximate uncertainty bounds of those values. The differences in moment magnitude reach Δmax Mw ⪅0:3 and are independent of the magnitude size and slip mechanism. Differences between the logarithm of rupture lengths are found mainly to be smaller as Δmax log10 L⪅0:25. Again, no dependence on rupture length or focal mechanism is found. In order to detect temporal changes of data uncertainty that may be caused by technical improvements of the global (a) 5 6 7 8 9 10 (1) normal 3 2 1 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 all slip types Wells and Coppersmith 1994 Geller 1976 Scholz 1982 Mai and Beroza 2000 Konstantinou 2005 additional events 2 0 4 0 Mw 3 strike slip log10L n X 1 ϵ^2 ; np1 i i where n is the P number of samples, p 1 for linear regression, and S ni ϵ^2i sum of square residuals. To compare the different resulting scaling relations we calculate the coefficient of determination R2 , a measure of how well future outcomes are likely to be predicted by the model. There is a clear definition of R2 , only for simple linear regression 10 4 Mw Figure 1. s2xy 1 1 (c) The strong correlation between the logarithm of rupture length and moment magnitude (between 0.9 for normal and 0.95 for reverse and strike-slip faulting earthquakes) and rupture width and moment magnitude (between 0.82 for normal and 0.94 for reverse slip type, see Tables 1 and 2 for details) confirms the appropriateness of scaling relations between moment magnitude and rupture length/width. The regression analyses were performed for the relationships of rupture length or width (as dependent variable Y) and the moment magnitude Mw according to log10 Y a b × Mw . Each of these combinations was analyzed based on the focal mechanism specific data (reverse, normal, and strike-slip) as well as on all data independent of slip type. Next to the regression coefficients a and b, the standard errors of the coefficients sa, sb as well as the standard deviation of the error term sxy were compiled. The standard deviation of the error term sxy is defined as log L log10L 2 0 Regression Analysis (b) reverse 3 observation network, the variability of parameter estimates are plotted against the year of the earthquake origin in Figure 2d. We are unable to detect time-dependent variability of the epistemic uncertainties in our data set. Uncertainties of rupture width estimates show similar properties with Δmax log10 W⪅0:3. 6 7 Mw 8 9 10 Rupture lengths and magnitudes for all data separated by their slip type and classified according to the original publication. Scaling Relations of Earthquake Source Parameter Estimates with Focus on Subduction Environment (a) ∆max(log10L) 10 log L (b) all slip types 3 2 1 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 reverse normal strike slip 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 10 0 0.5 1 Mw 3 3.5 log L 10 0.3 0.2 ∆ Mw 2.5 Mw 0.2 ∆ max 2 log L 0.4 (d) reverse normal strike slip 0.3 1.5 10 0.4 (c) 2917 0.1 0.1 0 4 5 6 7 Mw 8 9 0 1920 10 1940 1960 year 1980 2000 Figure 2. (a) Events with double or multiple entries are linked with a black line. Underlying gray dots are events with single entries. (b) Maximal observation differences for the logarithm of rupture length from multiple estimates classified according to the slip type. (c) Maximal differences of multiple magnitude estimates classified according to the slip type. (d) Both magnitude and logarithmic length estimate differences plotted at the year of the origin date. R2 Pn y y^ i 2 1 Pin i ; 2 i yi y sands. The coefficient of determination takes on values between 0 and 1, where values closer to 1 imply a better fit. We analyzed the dataset using two different regression methods. First, we build an ordinary least-square regression model to make our new empirical relationships comparable to those of Wells and Coppersmith (1994). Using standard (2) where n is the number of data samples yi , y^ i are the predicted values by the regression, and y is the mean of the regres- Table 1 Scaling Relations for Rupture Length L and Moment Magnitude Mw Derived from (Subsets of) the New Combined Catalog with Different Regression Methods* Equation Slip Type Number of Events a sa b sb corr sxy R2 Mw Range L Range (km) log10 L a b × Mw Orthogonal† ≥ 1964 Oceanic Continental Wells and Coppersmith (1994)‡ reverse 96 96 82 26 70 50 2:28 2:37 2:27 2:81 2:17 2:42 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.29 0.18 0.21 0.55 0.57 0.55 0.62 0.54 0.58 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.92 0.93 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.19 0.16 0.91 0.91 0.90 0.93 0.85 4.8–9.5 4.8–9.5 4.8–9.2 6.1–9.5 4.8–8.4 4.8–7.6 1.1–1400 1.1–1400 1.1–1400 13–1400 1.1–300 1.1–80 log10 L a b × Mw ≥ 1964 ≥ 1964 and Orthogonal† Wells and Coppersmith (1994)‡ normal 43 33 33 25 1:61 1:75 1:91 1:88 0.23 0.28 0.29 0.37 0.46 0.49 0.52 0.5 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.90 0.89 0.89 0.88 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.80 0.80 0.79 5.1–8.4 5.1–8.2 5.1–8.2 5.2–7.3 4.5–210 4.5–210 4.5–210 3.8–63 log10 L a b × Mw Orthogonal† ≥ 1964 Oceanic Continental Wells and Coppersmith (1994)‡ strike-slip 144 144 116 16 128 93 2:56 2:69 2:50 2:56 2:55 2:57 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.47 0.12 0.12 0.62 0.64 0.61 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.02 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.92 0.95 0.96 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.19 0.18 0.15 0.89 0.89 0.90 0.85 0.90 4.6–8.1 4.6–8.1 4.6–8.1 5.3–8.1 4.6–8.1 4.8–8.1 1.5–450 1.5–450 1.5–427 7.0–350 1.5–450 1.5–350 log10 L a b × Mw Orthogonal† ≥ 1964 Oceanic Continental Wells and Coppersmith (1994)‡ all 283 283 231 47 236 167 2:19 2:31 2:20 2:07 2:26 2:44 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.20 0.10 0.11 0.55 0.57 0.55 0.54 0.57 0.59 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.92 0.94 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.20 0.16 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.90 0.85 4.6–9.5 4.6–9.5 4.6–9.2 5.3–9.5 4.6–8.4 4.8–8.1 1.1–1400 1.1–1400 1.1–1400 7.0–1400 1.1–450 1.1–350 *Orthogonal where noted, ordinary least-square regression elsewhere. relation. ‡ Equivalent scaling relations. †Preferred 2918 L. Blaser, F. Krüger, M. Ohrnberger, and F. Scherbaum Table 2 Scaling Relations for Rupture Width and Moment Magnitude Derived from (Subsets of) the New Combined Catalog with Different Regression Methods* Equation Slip Type Number of Events a sa b sb corr sxy R2 Mw Range W Range (km) log10 W a b × Mw Orthogonal† ≥ 1964 Oceanic Continental Wells and Coppersmith (1994)‡ reverse 83 83 71 23 60 43 1:80 1:86 1:82 1:79 1:83 1:61 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.26 0.18 0.2 0.45 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.45 0.41 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.95 0.90 0.9 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.14 0.18 0.15 0.89 0.89 0.87 0.90 0.82 4.8–9.5 4.8–9.5 4.8–9.2 6.1–9.5 4.8–8.4 4.8–7.6 2–240 2–240 2–240 12–240 2–140 1.1–80 log10 W a b × Mw Orthogonal† ≥ 1964 Wells and Coppersmith (1994)‡ normal 39 39 29 23 1:08 1:20 0:85 1:14 0.25 0.25 0.38 0.28 0.34 0.36 0.30 0.35 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.82 0.82 0.68 0.86 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.12 0.67 0.67 0.47 5.1–8.4 5.1–8.4 5.1–7.2 5.2–7.3 3–100 3–100 3–23 3.8–63 log10 W a b × Mw ≥ 1964 ≥ 1964 and Orthogonal† Oceanic Continental Wells and Coppersmith (1994)‡ strike-slip 129 103 103 14 115 87 0:76 1:05 1:12 0:66 0:75 0:76 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.64 0.10 0.12 0.27 0.32 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.82 0.86 0.86 0.62 0.84 0.84 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.21 0.15 0.14 0.68 0.75 0.74 0.38 0.70 4.6–8.1 4.6–7.7 4.6–7.7 5.3–7.8 4.6–8.1 4.8–8.1 2–30 2–30 2–30 4–30 2–30 1.5–350 log10 W a b × Mw ≥ 1964 ≥ 1964 and Orthogonal† Oceanic Continental Wells and Coppersmith (1994)‡ all 251 203 203 40 211 153 1:36 1:47 1:56 1:76 1:14 1:01 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.19 0.10 0.1 0.38 0.40 0.41 0.44 0.34 0.32 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.89 0.90 0.90 0.94 0.84 0.84 0.19 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.15 0.79 0.80 0.80 0.88 0.71 4.6–9.5 4.6–9.2 4.6–9.2 5.3–9.5 4.6–8.4 4.8–8.1 2–240 2–240 2–240 4–240 2–140 1.1–350 *Orthogonal where noted, ordinary least-square regression elsewhere. relation. ‡ Equivalent scaling relations. †Preferred least-square regression relies on many assumptions. Minimizing the vertical distances implies that errors in the model Y a b × X are confined to the observed ycoordinates. Thus, for log10 L a b × Mw it is assumed that the moment magnitude is measured without any error, which does not hold as one could observe in the previous section. Alternatively, we make use of the orthogonal (or total least-square) regression in a second approach. Orthogonal regression minimizes the Euclidian distance to the regression line instead of the vertical distance. In contrast to the ordinary least-square regression, the inverse problem Mw a b × log10 X can be derived by the reciprocal of the orthogonal regression parameters, as X ab b1 × Y and does not need to be recalculated. Taking into account that the predictor variable X is also error-prone, thus, orthogonal regression with equal weights reflects better the properties of the data because all parameters are prone to uncertainties of about the same range. All scaling relation analyses, described in the following, were performed with both regression methods. We found that the differences between the orthogonal and ordinary relationships are minimal and for the range of available data negligible. Standard errors of the regression coefficients could not be reduced, and the coefficients of determination R2 do not differ either. The errors of the data are thus symmetrically aligned around the regression line. We will discuss in the following section the ordinary regression relations to compare best with Wells and Coppersmith (1994) and other published relationships, but we recommend the use of the scaling relations derived by orthogonal regression (for clarity highlighted in Tables 1 and 2). The results of the regression analysis are listed in Tables 1 and 2. Results Are There Any Differences between the New Scaling Relations and Those of Wells and Coppersmith (1994)? In the following, we compare the new scaling relations dependent on the slip mechanism with those of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) (Fig. 3). Rupture areas of large (Mw > 7) thrust earthquakes are considerably shorter and wider (where length is defined in the along-strike and width in down-dip directions) compared with the scaling relations of Wells and Coppersmith (1994). The slopes bW&C and bnew of the two length-relationships differ by more than the standard deviation of the regression coefficient sbnew for the new regression relation (see Tables 1 and 2 for details). The differences are larger for rupture width, in which the Wells and Coppersmith (1994) slope deviates even by two standard deviations of the new scaling relation (bW&C < bnew ). As our dataset now contains earthquakes from subduction zone Scaling Relations of Earthquake Source Parameter Estimates with Focus on Subduction Environment (a) 3 reverse 1) 2) (b) 2.5 reverse log10W log10L 2 2 1 0 log10L 3 5 6 7 Mw 8 1 0 9 (d) normal 2) 1.5 0.5 2 log10W (c) new W&C y>1963 2919 2 5 6 7 Mw 8 9 6 7 Mw 8 9 6 7 Mw 8 9 normal 1.5 1 1 0.5 0 (e) 3 5 6 7 Mw 8 0 9 (f) strike slip 5 strike slip 2 log10W log10L 1.5 1 0 1 0.5 5 6 7 Mw 8 9 0 5 Figure 3. Regression solutions for the scaling relation log10 L a b × Mw and log10 W a b × Mw based on the database of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) (dots) extended with additional events (asterisk). The circles mark the events prior to 1964. Squares denote rupture width estimates from the Wells and Coppersmith (1994) database not judged as reliable. The solid line illustrates the regression solution based on the entire database, the dash-dotted line illustrates the scaling relations based on the younger events only, and the dashed line corresponds to the original Wells and Coppersmith (1994) relation. Legend in (a) is valid for all subplots. (a, b) Number 1 denotes the 1957 Aleutian earthquake (no width estimates available); number 2 denotes the Sumatra–Andaman 2004 earthquake. thrust events, this result is not unexpected when compared to the mere continental data accumulated by Wells and Coppersmith (1994). Generally, the brittle seismogenic layer of the continental crust is thin compared to the brittle zone of subduction regimes extending much deeper depending on the dip of the subducting slab. Large continental thrust earthquakes expand along the fault strike direction only after breaking the entire crust. In contrast subduction events of same magnitude can be wider, but they may not extend to the same length as continental earthquakes. Only very large subduction events are able to rupture the full extent of the brittle zone such that further energy release leads to extent in length only. The December 2004 earthquake in Sumatra and the 1957 Aleutian earthquake may be of this kind as they seem to be rather long (see Fig. 3, upper left plot; the two events are marked). For normal and strike-slip faulting earthquakes our newly derived scaling relations differ only marginally from Wells and Coppersmith (1994). The differences of the regression coefficients are smaller than one standard deviation of the new scaling relations and are therefore considered negligible. However, it is noteworthy that the standard deviations of all regression coefficients were reduced considerably; for example, rupture length of normal earthquakes: sanew 0:23, saW&C 0:37; sbnew 0:04, sbW&C 0:06. Comparisons of our scaling relations for strike-slip events with those of Mai and Beroza (2000), which were derived on a set of eight events spanning over the magnitude range from Mw 5:9 to Mw 7:3, do not show considerable differences. To compare best with the results in Tables 1 and 2, we rewrite their solution in the Mw space: log L 2:67 0:6 × Mw and log W 0:63 0:26 × Mw . Sampling distributions from scaling relations. The decrease of the standard deviations of the regression coefficients quantifies the higher accuracy of the determination of the regression coefficients, which has a positive impact in many applications and is illustrated by the following example. Assuming a synthetic database shall be compiled using the scaling relations, in a first step a number of events is characterized by some location and magnitude information. Second, rupture length and width are derived by 2920 L. Blaser, F. Krüger, M. Ohrnberger, and F. Scherbaum evaluating the scaling relations given the magnitude. To avoid having the same sizes for all rupture areas of earthquake with equal magnitudes (which would not be expected in nature either), the rupture fault parameter would be sampled from normal distributions according to log10 L ∼ Na1 b1 × M; s2xy ; (3) a1 ∼ Na; s2a ; (4) b1 ∼ Nb; s2b : (5) The notation x ∼ Nμ; σ2 is read like variable x is sampled from a normal distribution with mean value μ and variance σ2 . The parameters a, b, sa, sb, and sxy are all provided in Tables 1 and 2. The total variability of sampled length or width estimates shrinks considerably using the regression parameters based on our new relationships when compared with Wells and Coppersmith (1994). The enlargement of the dataset leads to a slight increase of the standard deviation of the error term sxy caused by the partially increased scatter of the data. However, the improvements on sa and sb seem to efficiently counteract the increased scatter on sxy . Figure 4 summarizes the probability distribution of sampled rupture lengths for magnitudes from Mw 4 to Mw 9 derived from the scaling relations of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) (lines) and the new relationship (dotted lines). When comparing the probability density functions of distinct magnitudes in Figure 4, we note that the total variance of this model is dependent on the predictor variable moment magnitude. This effect is called heteroscedasticity and results from the variability of the slope; the rupture length is drawn from a normal distribution with a mean value depending on the regression coefficients (and their standard deviation) and the magnitude. The spread of the sampled data is enlarged with growing magnitude caused by the multiplication of magnitude and sampled regression coefficient b. 2.5 reverse M= 4 5 6 7 8 As a result, the probability density functions tighten even stronger (solid lines in Fig. 4). Further, the problem of the dependence of the total variance on earthquake magnitude becomes negligible when accounting for the correlation of a and b. As a first preliminary summary, we conclude that the scaling relations based on the newly compiled dataset differ considerably from those of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) for reverse faulting earthquakes. The almost doubled amount of data reduces the standard errors of the regression coefficients of all scaling relations independent on focal mechanism. This increased accuracy has a clear impact in applications in which not only the mean value is of interest but also its probability distribution. In the next section we investigate more specifically differences between continental and oceanic/subduction zone earthquakes out of the dataset. 9 2 W&C multivariate sampling 1.5 no correlation of regression coefficients 1 0.5 0 −2 This characteristic, however, contradicts the data in which no dependence of the variance of rupture length/width on the magnitude is observed. Therefore, we analyzed the correlation of the regression coefficients a and b using the leave-one-out cross-validation. This resampling technique allows an estimation of the standard error of the determination of the regression parameters by recomputing a and b N times (N equals the number of entries in the database) excluding one sample each time. For all relationships there was a strong correlation found corra; b < 0:99. A stronger inclining slope results, thus, in a lower intercept as the center of mass of the data cloud remains close to constant. Sampling a and b independently, therefore, leads to an overestimation of the error. Although the range of variation is quite small (e.g., reverse rupture length 2:34 < ai < 2:21, 0:54 < bi < 0:57), it is worth accounting for the correlation of the regression coefficients and sample from a two-dimensional multivariate normal distribution (see Table 3 for the covariance matrices) replacing equations 4 and 5 with a1 a (6) ∼N ;Σ : b1 b −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 log10(L) Figure 4. Probability density functions of sampled (logarithmic) rupture lengths for different magnitudes using the scaling relations of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) and our newly derived relationships without and with accounting for the correlation of the regression coefficients. Is It Possible to Distinguish between Continental and Oceanic/Subduction Scaling Relations? We classified the 283 events in our database to be oceanic or continental. Oceanic denotes any offshore events as well as subduction zone earthquakes, that is, hypocenter can be attributed to subduction zone environment even if the epicenter appears to be onshore. We found for thrust faulting earthquakes, 70 continental events, and 25 earthquakes in subduction zones; for strike-slip events, 128 continental and 16 oceanic. The amount of data for normal faulting oceanic earthquakes is too little (five rupture lengths, three widths) to calculate meaningful scaling relations. Scaling Relations of Earthquake Source Parameter Estimates with Focus on Subduction Environment 2921 Table 3 Covariance Matrices for the Preferred Scaling Relations in Tables 1 and 2 Slip Type σxx × 105 σxy × 105 σyy × 105 Reverse Orthogonal Regression Normal* Normal Orthogonal Regression* Strike-Slip Strike-Slip Orthogonal Regression All Fault Types All Fault Types Orthogonal Regression Reverse Reverse Orthogonal Regression Normal Normal Orthogonal Regression Strike-Slip* Strike-Slip Orthogonal Regression* All Fault Types* All Fault Types Orthogonal Regression* 24.22 26.14 197.54 222.24 11.21 12.37 2.72 3.13 28.31 27.47 299.80 264.18 12.72 13.48 4.83 4.67 3:39 3:67 29:02 32:34 1:76 1:94 0:41 0:48 3:88 3:77 47:71 42:02 2:04 2:18 0:76 0:73 0.48 0.52 4.31 4.75 0.28 0.31 0.06 0.07 0.54 0.52 7.64 6.73 0.33 0.36 0.12 0.12 Fault Parameter Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Width Width Width Width Width Width Width Width *Subset of data excluding events prior to 1964. The magnitude ranges of the available reverse faulting continental and subduction events differ strongly: 4:8 ≤ Mw ≤ 8:4 and 6:1 ≤ Mw ≤ 9:5 for continental thrust and subduction earthquakes, respectively. The overlapping data range spans 2.3 magnitudes only. Our regression analysis on the available data shows that rupture lengths of reverse faulting earthquakes on continents and in subduction environments differ considerably: boceanic 0:62 0:04, bcontinental 0:54 0:03 (Fig. 5), whereas surprisingly there is no obvious difference in rupture widths. This result still holds for scaling relations derived on the overlapping data range only. The standard deviations of the regression coefficients increases little for continental scaling relation but substantially for the oceanic regression solution and the coefficients of determination decrease. A larger dataset would definitely be desirable. The rupture areas of reverse faulting earthquakes for continental and subduction environment do not show obvious differences. Figure 6 illustrates rupture areas against magnitudes of our dataset. Because we have not derived relationships for rupture area directly from the data, we simply multiply rupture length and width derived by our scaling (a) 3 relations for the data range and plot the resulting line in Figure 6. We do not see any systematic difference between rupture areas of continental and subduction events of equal moment magnitude despite the different material properties. Regarding M0 μ × A × d (Kanamori and Anderson, 1975), we conclude that in general mean slip d is reciprocally proportional to the rigidity μ for given seismic moment M0 and rupture area A. This is consistent with the assumptions of constant stress drop made by Bilek and Lay (1999) and supports the hypothesis that tsunami earthquakes (characterized by extensive tsunami generation for given seismic moment; Kanamori, 1972) result because of small rigidity of sediments in shallow subduction environments and the consequent large displacements. However, the conclusion that rupture areas of thrust faulting continental and subduction zone events are of the same size is in contradiction to the conclusions of Murotani et al. (2008) stating that rupture areas of plate-boundary earthquakes are larger than those of crustal earthquakes. Murotani et al. (2008) analyzed fault areas from source rupture models with heterogeneous slip of 26 estimates of 11 plate-boundary earthquakes in the Japan region between 1923 and 2003. They (b) reverse reverse 2 log10W 2.5 log10L 2.5 2 1.5 1 continenal all reverse subdubtion 0.5 0 1.5 1 0.5 0 5 6 7 Mw 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 Mw Figure 5. Scaling relations of rupture length and width depending on magnitude based on mere continental thrust (stars) or subduction (open circles) earthquakes. 2922 L. Blaser, F. Krüger, M. Ohrnberger, and F. Scherbaum 6 5 log10A Somerville et al. (1999) 3 Murotani et al. (2008) Somerville et al. (1999) reverse oceanic all continental all continental 2 1 0 reverse oceanic Murotani et al. (2008) 4 4 5 6 7 Mw 8 9 10 Figure 6. Rupture areas of continental and oceanic/subduction zone events versus moment magnitudes. Somerville et al. (1999): rupture areas derived by slip model analyses of crustal earthquakes of all slip; all continental: rupture areas (L × W) of continental earthquakes in our new compiled dataset, all slip types; Murotani et al. (2008): rupture areas of Japanese plate-boundary earthquakes (partly multiple estimates) derived from slip model analysis; reverse oceanic: rupture areas (L × W) of subduction zone earthquakes in our new compiled dataset. compared their results with scaling relations based on crustal events derived by Somerville et al. (1999) (data and scaling relations of Murotani et al. [2008] and Somerville et al. [1999] are shown in Figure 6). Whereas the data of the crustal events of Somerville et al. (1999) match well with our database, there is a clear offset of about factor 2 in rupture area at given moment magnitude between the scaling relations of Murotani et al. (2008) and our subduction earthquake scaling relationship. The offset may result from regional differences as Murotani et al. (2008) focused on Japanese events and because of the different methods estimating the rupture areas. All techniques of estimating rupture area are based on many assumptions and simplifications. Beresnev (2003) summarized several sources of uncertainties in the process of rupture area estimates based on slip distributions. On the other hand the evaluation of aftershock distribution are also based on subjective judgment and other sources of uncertainty. This illustrates that the total uncertainties in rupture area estimation are large in general. Therefore, it is questionable whether the differentiation between subduction zone and continental rupture areas is reasonable at all. For completeness we note that there is no difference between the scaling relations of continental and oceanic strike-slip events found in the data. This is remarkable because the rigidity of the uppermost oceanic lithosphere is higher than rigidity of the upper continental crust; therefore, for a constant seismic moment and equal rupture area the mean slip d of oceanic according to M0 μ × A × d, events consequently would be smaller than that of continental earthquakes. If continental and oceanic rupture areas can extend to the same size, although the oceanic crust is generally thinner than the continental one, this would support the hypothesis that earthquakes can not only rupture the crust but are able to propagate dynamically into the uppermost mantle. McKen- zie et al. (2005) and Geli and Sclater (2008) found transform faulting earthquakes rupturing within the upper oceanic mantle, whereas earthquakes in old continental lithosphere occur almost entirely within the crust as McKenzie et al. (2005) pointed out. They conclude that the mechanical behavior of oceanic and continental upper mantle appears to depend on temperature alone. However, it should be noted that the relationships for oceanic strike-slip events are prone to much larger uncertainties than the equivalent continental solution. The uncertainties may be simply too large to allow for such detailed conclusions. Do the Regression Results Differ When Accounting for Data Derived after 1964 Only? The quality of earthquake source parameter estimates depends certainly on the quality of the recorded waveform data. From the beginning of the establishment of global seismological observation, technology has continuously evolved. In this realm we investigate the changes in geographic station density, timing accuracy, and standardization of recording equipment. The installation of the worldwide standard seismic network (WWSSN) in the sixties led to a major improvement in the amount and quality of recorded data. The recent use of geodetic networks for improved earthquake size (rupture geometry and slip distribution) estimation will probably have a similar impact in the advance of observation accuracy. Whereas there are not yet enough data to calculate scaling relations for earthquakes for which new array-based geodetic data are available, we will perform a test on the effect on scaling relations when accounting for data since 1964 only as we consider these data to be more reliable. In particular, the reliability of geometrical fault parameters estimated from aftershock distributions before 1964 is questionable. We recalculated all regression relations on the dataset excluding the events before 1964 (dotted and dashed lines in Fig. 3). Differences of more than one standard deviation between regression parameters from the two distinct datasets are observed for normal faulting earthquake parameters as well as for the rupture width of strike-slip events. Thrust faulting scaling relations are not affected by the reduction of the dataset. We will first discuss the new normal faulting scaling relations and then those of strike-slip events. The dataset for normal slip type is reduced substantially. The overall range of rupture width estimates shrinks considerably as there is only a single estimate of a large earthquake (Saitama 1933, Mw 8:4). The differences of the scaling relations for the remaining data range (5:1 ≤ Mw ≤ 7:2) are negligible. Rupture length estimates however are still available for a wide data range due to the two outer-rise events of Sumbawa 1977 (Mw 8:2) and Kuril 2007 (Mw 8:1). The exclusion of events prior to 1964 results in longer rupture length estimates for normal faulting earthquakes. In general, we note that the differences between the relationships are smaller than the standard deviations Scaling Relations of Earthquake Source Parameter Estimates with Focus on Subduction Environment of the regression coefficients. Nevertheless, we prefer the scaling relations for normal faulting earthquakes based on events after 1964. For strike-slip events the rupture widths are much wider for earthquakes larger than Mw ⪆6 considering recent events only. In particular, one cluster of 12 width estimates between 10 and 20 km corresponding to earthquakes of magnitudes larger than Mw > 7:5 is excluded from the full dataset. Only three larger events (Mw ≥ 7:6) that occurred after 1964 with a rupture width estimate around 10 km remain in the catalog (gray squares in Fig. 3f). Investigations of the original literature showed that the width of these was set ad hoc without any seismological evidence or direct observations. In conclusion, we excluded those from our database (Ⓔin Table S1, available as an electronic supplement to this paper, the corresponding widths are set in parentheses). Rupture widths of strike-slip events with Mw > 7 thus appear to be considerably larger compared to the initial dataset. No obvious saturation of the rupture width can be observed. Hence, rupture areas of large strike-slip events become larger according to our new scaling relations than those derived by the relationships of Wells and Coppersmith (1994) for a given moment magnitude. This is contradictory to the findings of Hanks and Bakun (2002, 2008). They state that Wells and Coppersmith (1994) are overestimating rupture area for a given moment magnitude. Hanks and Bakun (2002) propose a bilinear source scaling model for rupture area of large (Mw > 7) continental strike-slip earthquakes. Our reanalyzed dataset does not give any indication for such a bilinear model as there is no obvious saturation of rupture width at the thickness of the crust. For rupture width of strike-slip events, we propose to use the scaling relations based on the data recorded after 1964. Furthermore, in the case of slip type independent scaling, we suggest using scaling relations derived on the subset ≥ 1964, too. Is It Worth Distinguishing between the Scaling Relations for the Different Types of Focal Mechanism? Wells and Coppersmith (1994) stated that most of their relationships as a function of slip type are not statistically 3.5 (a) different at a 95% significance level. Thus, they consider the regression for all types to be appropriate for most applications. We found clear statistical difference at a 95% level of significance (Student’s t-test) between all combinations of slip types for the intercepts of the regression relations (Fig. 7). The slopes also differ significantly for most combinations except for: reverse versus normal (length and width), reverse and all (length and width), and strike-slip versus all (width only). In order to not misinterpret apparent differences due to distinct magnitude ranges, the t-tests were repeated for regression relations derived on the basis of a dataset limited to the maximal magnitude of 8.1. We still find the same analysis results and therefore exclude biased values due to sampling. In conclusion, we do not recommend the use of one scaling relation for all different kinds of slip types. It is better to distinguish between the scaling relations for different slip types. Self-Similar Scaling Finally, we will analyze the scaling relations in the context of self-similar earthquake scaling. There is an ongoing debate whether the earthquake source parameters rupture length, rupture width, and mean slip are scale invariant with magnitude (Romanowicz, 1992,1994; Scholz, 1994,1997; Wang and Ou, 1998; Mai and Beroza, 2000; and many more). The discussion has been started with the definition of L and W models by Scholz (1982) in which stress drop and mean slip are determined by fault length and width, respectively. The slopes of the regression relations of moment magnitude Mw and the logarithm of either rupture length, width, or mean slip should be close to 0.5 in the case of self-similar earthquake scaling (scaling with seismic moment the fault parameters should scale like M0 ∝ L1=3 , M0 ∝ W 1=3 , M0 ∝ d1=3 , which follows from M0 μLW d assuming constant rigidity μ). Considering our (favorite) scaling relations (marked with a dagger symbol in Tables 1 and 2), it becomes obvious that the slopes b differ considerably from 0.5 at least for rupture length and width of strike-slip events (b 0:64 0:02 length, b 0:33 0:02 width), reverse rupture 3 (b) 3 2.5 1.5 1 0.5 5 6 7 Mw 8 9 10 log (W) 2 reverse normal strike slip reverse normal strike slip all 2 10 log (L) 2.5 0 2923 1.5 1 0.5 0 5 6 7 Mw 8 9 Figure 7. Different regression solutions for the scaling relation log10 L a b × Mw and log10 W a b × Mw dependent on slip type. The scaling relations of rupture length of normal faulting earthquakes and of rupture width of strike-slip as well as slip-independent events are based on the reduced dataset, excluding all events older than 1964. 2924 L. Blaser, F. Krüger, M. Ohrnberger, and F. Scherbaum length (b 0:57 0:02), and normal faulting width (b 0:36 0:04). Interestingly, the slopes of rupture length and width sum up close to one independent on focal mechanism. The size of the rupture area therefore is linearly proportional to the moment magnitude. The aspect ratio L=W, however, is dependent on earthquake magnitude. Considering our data, we do not observe the L model nor the W model but rather an A model in which mean slip scales with the rupture area (under the assumption that μ is constant) and the magnitude dependent aspect ratio varies for the different slip types. • Summary For many seismological applications, the size and shape of rupture areas has to be estimated because of the lack of observations. Scaling relations are often in demand for subduction environments, in particular, because of the high seismic and tsunamigenic potential. Wells and Coppersmith (1994) provide a set of well-established scaling relations based on a large dataset of all slip types but with the explicit exclusion of subduction zone events. To our knowledge there are currently no published equivalent relationships feasible for subduction zones. With the analysis of a large database containing source parameter estimates of 283 continental and oceanic/subduction zone earthquakes, we present and discuss scaling relations filling this gap. We calculated ordinary least-square and orthogonal regression relations for moment magnitude and rupture length or width, respectively. Orthogonal regression analysis accounts for uncertainties of the predictor variable and therefore better reflects the uncertainty characteristics of the data. In order to compare with previous works (Wells and Coppersmith, 1994; Somerville et al., 1999; Mai and Beroza, 2000; Hanks and Bakun, 2002; Murotani et al., 2008), we always additionally used the standard regression approach. The differences between the scaling relations derived by the two methods are negligible within the range of available data. The new combined catalog contains next 196 source estimates of the Wells and Coppersmith (1994) dataset, other carefully determined rupture geometry parameters published by Geller (1976), Scholz (1982), Mai and Beroza (2000), and Konstantinou et al. (2005), as well as particular publications from 24 large and more recent earthquakes (Data and Resources section). Compared with Wells and Coppersmith (1994), the amount of data could almost be doubled, not only for reverse faulting but also for normal and strike-slip faulting earthquakes. The range of the earthquake magnitude, however, was increased for reverse and normal faulting earthquakes only. The analysis of the combined catalog can be summarized as follows: • The newly derived linear regression relations for moment magnitude and the logarithm of rupture length and width, respectively, differ considerably for large (Mw > 7) thrust earthquakes. As expected for a model representing also • • • earthquakes from subduction zones, rupture length is shorter compared to the estimates of Wells and Coppersmith (1994), whereas rupture width is larger. The analysis of scaling relations of pure continental thrust events and pure subduction zone earthquakes showed no systematic difference between their size of rupture areas. This is in contradiction to the findings of Murotani et al. (2008). They compared rupture areas from plate-boundary earthquakes with rupture areas of continental events from Somerville et al. (1999), both derived by slip map inversions. The clear offset of about a factor of 2 between the data from Murotani et al. (2008) and our data points to the large uncertainties in rupture area estimation and raises the question if the distinction between continental and subduction zone rupture areas can be resolved at all. In 1964, the WWSSN was established, providing an increase of available data and the basis of higher accuracy of earthquake source parameter estimation. We took this technical improvement as an example to test the reliability of the data and its corresponding influence on the derived scaling relations. Restricting the dataset to the time interval of the last four decades has a large influence on the scaling relations of strike-slip rupture widths. According to the data, there is no evidence of a saturation of rupture width. This supports the hypothesis that (oceanic) earthquakes are able to rupture not only the brittle crust but even further down into the uppermost mantle as found at transform faults by McKenzie et al. (2005) and Geli and Sclater (2008). This interpretation is supported by the fact that we could not observe differences between oceanic and continental rupture area sizes of strike-slip events. However, we have to point out the large uncertainties in the more recent data. As soon as sufficient rupture area estimates derived by geodetic or other advanced techniques are available, an effort should be made to analyze the effect of reduced uncertainties and biases. Wells and Coppersmith (1994) stated that there is no statistically significant difference between the scaling relations depending on the different slip types. The analysis of the scaling relations based on the enlarged database showed clear statistical differences at a 95% level of significance. Therefore, we recommend using different scaling relations depending on the focal mechanism. The analysis of the slope values results in a new type of model regarding the subject of self-similar earthquake scaling: mean slip seems to scale invariant to moment magnitude with the rupture area, whereas the aspect ratio L=W is dependent on the moment magnitude and varies for the different slip types. The combined database does not support the L model (Scholz, 1982) nor the W model (Romanowicz, 1992) but rather an A model. Note Added in Proof It has come to our attention that another set of scaling relationships for subduction earthquakes has been produced Scaling Relations of Earthquake Source Parameter Estimates with Focus on Subduction Environment by a team at the Imperial College in London (Strasser et al., 2010), and we would like to alert the reader to that model as well since this alternative provides a means of addressing epistemic uncertainty in such empirical relationships between magnitude and rupture dimensions. Data and Resources ⒺThe entire list of source parameter estimates is provided in Table S1 as an electronic supplement to this paper. Global Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) project catalog (1976–2009) is available at www.globalcmt.org (last accessed March 2010). The source parameters of the 24 earthquakes added individually to the dataset were published by Johnson et al. (1994); Johnson et al. (2001); Antonioli et al. (2002); Delouis et al. (2002); Ammon et al. (2008); Aoi et al. (2008); Briggs et al. (2006); Burchfiel et al. (2008); Carlo et al. (1999); Catherine et al. (2005); Huang et al. (2008); Klinger et al. (2005); Lay et al. (2005, 2009); Li et al. (2005); Lin et al. (2002); Lynnes and Lay (1988); McGinty and Robinson (2007); Ozacar and Beck (2004); Petersen et al. (2009); Robinson et al. (2003); Satake and Tanioka (1999); Shabestari et al. (2004); Stramondo et al. (2005); Tatar et al. (2005); Umutlu et al. (2004); Yamanaka and Kikuchi (2003); Yu et al. (2001). Acknowledgments We are grateful to Martin Mai, who suggested checking the regression parameters with respect to self-similar scaling; John Ristau, who provided important additional data; and editor Arthur McGarr for his careful and constructive reviews that helped to improve the manuscript. This work is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Geotechnologien Frühwarnsysteme, Number 03G0648D. References Ammon, C. J., H. Kanamori, and T. Lay (2008). 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Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Potsdam Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24/25 14476 Potsdam, Germany lilian@geo.uni‑potsdam.de kruegerf@geo.uni‑potsdam.de mao@geo.uni‑potsdam.de fs@geo.uni‑potsdam.de Manuscript received 22 April 2010