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Tablets for Early Numeracy: Needs Assessment

Course Project Part A - Needs Assessment
Part A: Instructions for Writing Learning Needs Assessment
Background of the Project
In this workshop, the learners will be taught how to incorporate tablet technology (i.e.
iPads) into their classrooms as a tool to aid with early numeracy skills. Existing research has
highlighted the need for early intervention to help improve early numeracy skills, and it is crucial
to ease learning by using tools that students are familiar with, such as tablets, for educational
purposes. (Mera, et al., 2017) Consequently, educators need to learn about the advantages of
tablet technology and how they can have a positive impact on developing early numeracy skills.
Learners will need to consider what funding is available to them, and what technologies will
work best for their classroom environment. This workshop will examine the tablet technologies
currently available for early numeracy development, how to select appropriate applications
(apps) for your classroom, and how to assess learning while using tablet technologies.
With the goal of developing early numeracy skills through the use of tablet technology,
we would like to request that educators attend the workshop “Make it Count – Using Tablet
Technology to Aid with Early Numeracy Skills Development,” to be facilitated by students of
the AEDT 2150 course.
Describe the Learners
The main learners that would be attending our workshop “Make it Count – Using Tablet
Technology to Aid with Early Numeracy Skills Development” consists of teachers, early
childhood educators, and educational assistants. According to Henriksen, Mehta, & Rosenberg
(2019), “Teacher confidence with technology is essential during times of rapid changes in digital
technologies. In order to have confidence we must learn how to use the technology with an
emphasis on how we as educators can support creative teaching with accessible technologies
available to us” (p. 63). Some other learners that may be present in our workshop could include
principals, Intervention Support Workers, child and youth workers, and curriculum policy
advisors. These individuals would be looking to obtain knowledge and strategies on developing
early numeracy skills through the use of tablet technology.
Current Scenario
We are living in the digital age and although children are being exposed to the use of
technology in their everyday lives before they are of age to attend school, technology is not often
seen in elementary classrooms. (Ontario Public School Boards' Association, 2009) Fullan &
Langworthy stated that, “The use of technology in today’s classrooms has the potential to enable,
expand, and accelerate learning in ways previously unimaginable”. (as cited in People for
Education, 2019, p. 1)
Funding varies from board to board and each school individually decides how much
funding they use for technology. This seems to be one issue with the integration of tablet
technology in the classroom. Tablet technology is not part of the current curriculum in Ontario
and it is up to the teacher to seek out professional development opportunities. Some teachers are
more keen than others when it comes to embracing technology in the classroom. The concern
here is the limited opportunities for professional development on how to integrate interactive
technology into the classroom (Miller, 2018). In 2018, a Technology Enabled Learning &
Teaching Contact (TELT) was provided to each school board by the Ontario Ministry of
Education to support teachers using technology effectively in their classrooms (People for
Education, 2019). This is why workshops such as this are necessary for providing educators with
the tools needed to incorporate digital technology into the classroom.
Ideal Scenario
The ideal scenario is that all educators that work with students in Kindergarten - grade 2
will have access to support in order to incorporate tablet technology (i.e. iPads) into their
classrooms as an aid for developing early numeracy skills. Ideally, this support will be adapted
and updated accordingly as the technology continues to develop and expand. This support system
and use of technology would help in communication, attention, organization, independence and
could even help self confidence in regards to the students utilizing tablets in the classroom.
Through this workshop and various resources we want to expand the use of technology in
the classroom. The use of tablets in classrooms can aid with fine motor skills, and utilize skill
building activities within a collaborative environment. Tablets in the classroom will allow
students to have information at their fingertips and helps to keep things organized. This
workshop will be offered all year round online and in person in the form of staff meetings, PA
day workshops, and webinars. Follow up training will be released every year in order to stay
current and up to date with emerging technologies and applications.
Gap Analysis
A. Difference between the current and ideal scenario:
The gap between the current situation and the ideal scenario involves the level of
expertise teachers have in relation to technology, the level of opt-in in regards to the use of
technology in the classroom and the support/training required to aid teachers in their efforts to
develop creative digital learning via the use of tablet technology in the classroom.
B. Describe what learners need to learn:
Teachers and support staff in the workshop will need to learn about the technology
available to them. They will be learning how to best incorporate tablets in the classroom as an
educational aid, particularly for numeracy. Learners will also be shown the advantages of
utilizing tablets in a classroom environment. Participants in the workshop will learn the current
devices and technology available to them. This will include learning about the various
applications (apps) and programs that will be used through tablet technology. Assessment
through tablet technology will also be a key part of the workshop, so that teachers are well
equipped to utilize the tools and provide appropriate assessment to students utilizing tablets in
the classroom.
C. Learning objectives:
1) Identify the benefits and advantages of tablet technology in the classroom
2) Demonstrate effective use of tablet technology and applications in the classroom
setting, specifically regarding early numeracy skills
3) Evaluate appropriate methods of assessment for the chosen age group of students
with the use of tablet technology
Summary of Documentation Strategy
● (Henriksen, Mehta, & Rosenberg 2019) This journal provided new information (2019) to
support the need to learn more about technology. The journal conducted surveys along
with an insightful look into a teachers inquiry with education and technology.
● (Mera, et al., 2017) The source provided research-based information about the need for
early intervention in mathematics development. The resource specifically supports the
use of applications (apps) for tablets and smartphones aimed at younger learners ranging
from ages 4-7.
● (Miller, T, 2019) This resource provided information about the use of interactive
technology (iPads) like mathematical applications in Kindergarten classrooms and their
impact. This resource also touches on professional development accessibility for teachers.
● (Ontario Public School Boards’ Association, 2009) This discussion paper provides
information to support the current scenario and positive impact of technology use in the
classroom based on collaborative feedback from multiple school boards in Ontario.
● (People for Education, 2019) This resource provides insights about technology in Ontario
schools. This information supports the current scenario for use of technology in the
classroom and professional development opportunities.
Henriksen, D., Mehta, R. & Rosenberg, J. (2019). Supporting a creatively focused technology
fluent mindset among educators: Survey results from a five-year inquiry into teachers’
confidence in using technology. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 27(1),
pp. 63-95. Waynesville: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education.
Mera, C., Ruiz-Cagigas, G., Navarro-Guzmán, J. I., Aragón-Mendizábal, E., Delgado, C., &
Aguilar-Villagrán, M. (2017). APP designed for early math training. Magnitudes
Comparison. TEEM 2017: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. 65, pp. 1-8. New York:
Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3144826.3145415
Miller, T. (2018). Developing numeracy skills using interactive technology in a play-based
learning environment. International Journal of STEM Education, 5(1).
doi: 10.1186/s40594-018-0135-2
Ontario Public School Boards' Association. (2009). What if? Technology in the 21st century
classroom . Toronto.
People for Education (2019). Connecting to success: Technology in ontario schools. Toronto, \
ON: People for Education.