Government Gordon College Rawalpindi Mid-term Examination Fall-2019 MATH-206 Programming Language for Mathematicians Q1. Maximum Marks : 20 Time allowed : 01:30 Hours Trace the output of following code. (2x5=10) 10 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int num = 23; num++; switch (num%2+13+num) { num++; case 1: num++; case 2: num++;num++; case 3: num++;num++;num++; case 3+1: num++;num++;num++;num++; default: num++; } cout<<num; } b. c. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { if (1) { label_1: cout<<"Hello "; goto label_2; } else { goto label_1; label_2: cout<<"Geeks"; } return 0; } d. d. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { short a; for (a = 32767; a < 32770; a++) cout << a << "\n"; return 0; } a. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n1=1; float n2=11.2345; switch((int)(n1 > n2)) { case 0: cout<<n2<<”is the largest”<<endl; break; case 1: cout<<n1<<”is the largest”<<endl; default: cout<<n1<<“is the largest”<<endl; } #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define MAX 20 #define MIN 5 int main() { int i=MIN; START: cout << i++ << "\n"; cout << ++i << "\n"; if (i<=MAX) goto START; return 0; } Q2. Write a program that inputs the total marks of students of a whole class (using goto statement) and calculates and displays the percentage (rounded off) of student. Your program will then display the grade of student based on following criteria: If marks are 81 – 100% then grade is A If marks are 61 – 80% then grade is B If marks are 41 – 50% then grade is C If marks are < 40% then grade is D Students are allocated scholarship on following criteria: If marks are 91 – 100% then scholarship is 100% If marks are 81 – 90% then scholarship is 80% If marks are 71 – 80% then scholarship is 60% If marks are 61 – 70% then scholarship is 40% If marks are 51 – 60% then scholarship is 20% If marks are 41 – 50% then scholarship is 10% If marks are < 40% then NO scholarship At the end program displays Average percentage of whole class with total number of students. Total number of passed and failed students. Total number of students who secured 100% scholarship. Total number of students who secured more than 50% scholarship. Total number of students who secured less than 50% scholarship. 10