SECTION A Answer all questions, this Section carries 40 Marks QUESTION 1 a) With the aid of well labelled sketch and appropriate equations where necessary, explain the working principles of the following auxiliary equipment i) Steam traps, [2 marks] ii) Quick Start exhauster, [3 marks] iii) Condenser flash Box and [3 marks] iv) Cooling tower. [3 marks] b) Explain three main factors affecting the economics in power plants in the following key areas of decision making for new and existing plants, i) Plant selection, [3 marks] ii) Generation of power and [3 marks] iii) Distribution of power. [3 marks] c) The following table 1.1 gives scaled average readings data of a stage 2 boiler taken for a period of 3 months for Hwange Power station unit 6 boiler. Item Value Feed water rate 1400kg/hr at 25ºC Steam generated 15Bar at 300ºC Dryness fraction 0.89 Coal used 100kg/hr CV of coal 25MJ/kg Ash and unburnt coal collected from beneath the 7.25kg/hr grate CV of unburnt fuel Flue gasses formed/kg fuel 2MJ/kg 17.3kg/kg Flue gas temperature 325ºC Temperature of air 16ºC Cp of flue gas 1.025kg/kgK Determine: i) Equivalence Evaporation [2 marks] ii) Heat balance in a minute bass, [4 marks] iii) Draught produced in mmHg [2 marks] iv) Comment on the performance of the plant assuming all boilers are represented. [2 marks] d) Power plant chemistry is an important section in power plants, the operation, verification and continued operation of plants entirely rests within the department. Various tests are carried out to ensure continued generation and reliability of these station. In each of the following key activities done by the department, explain any three items that are covered by each of the following. i) Coal tests [3 marks] ii) Water tests. [3 marks] e) A nozzle of an impulse turbine of 1MW of capacity has steam entering at 20bar, 300⁰C (superheated states) and steam consumption is 8kg/kWh. Steam leaves at 0.2 bar and 10% of heat drop is lost in overcoming friction in diverging portion of the nozzle. If throat diameter of each nozzle is 1 cm. Find i) Number of nozzles required [2 marks] ii) Exit diameter of each nozzle, taking n as 1.3. [2 marks] SECTION B (TOTAL 60MARKS) ANSWER ANY 3 QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION QUESTION 2 A. Explain in brief how each of the following factors affect the efficient operation of a power system network interlocked to a power pool i) under-voltage [2 marks] ii) reactors [2 marks] iii) malfunctioning breakers [2 marks] iv) limited protection [2 marks] B. Describe in brief the methods used to classify power plant boilers. [6 marks] C. Air at temperature of 15ºC passes through a heat exchanger at velocity of 30m/s were its temperature is raised to 800ᵒC. it then enters a turbine with the same velocity of 30m/s and expands until the temperature falls to 650C on leaving the turbine, the air is taken at 60m/s to a nozzle where it expands until temperature falls to 500ᵒC. if the air flow rate is 2kg/s. Taking specific enthalpy of air, h = CpT, Cp =1.005kJ/kgK Calculate: i) Rate of heat transfer to air [2 marks] ii) Power output from turbine assume no heat loss [2 marks] iii) Velocity of air at exit from nozzle, [2 marks] QUESTION 3 A. Explain the following as used in Power Plant Engineering. i) Fourier law of heat conduction [3 marks] ii) Newton’s law of cooling [3 marks] iii) Stephan-Boltzmann’s constant of radiative heat [3 marks] b. Table 3.1 shows values for scaled monthly averaged values obtained on a log sheet completed by operators during the month of July 2014 on a vacuum condenser at Munyati Power Station TA7. Table 3.1: Condenser Readings scaled for a month. Parameter Value Recorded vacuum 11cm Hg Barometer reading 76.5cm of Hg Mean condenser temperature 34ºC Condensate collected 1800kg/hr Mass of cooling water 57700kg/hr Cooling water temperature rise 17.5ºC Cooling water inlet temperature 8.5ºC Calculate: i) Vacuum efficiency [3 marks] ii) Condenser efficiency [3 marks] iii) State of steam entering the condenser and [3 marks] iv) Hence Comment on the results obtained [2 marks] QUESTION 4 A. With the aid of well labelled T-s diagrams and necessary equations where necessary, show how the efficiency of the Rankine Cycle is: i) Increased [2 marks] ii) decreased. [2 marks] B. Describe with aid of a sketch and necessary equations where the main components of the following types of boilers’ i) Fluidised bed, [4 marks] ii) Pulverised fuel and [4 marks] iii) Chain grate. [4 marks] C. Boiler trial at Bara, Soweto Municipal Boiler gave the following results presented in table Q4.1. over a period of one year. The, dry fuel as burnt contained 84% C and 3 % free hydrogen. The flue gas analysis by volume gave CO2 -11.5%, Oxygen -8.4% and Nitrogen 80.1%. Table Q4.1: Flue Gas Analysis and Fuel Burnt Parameter Value(%) Dry Fuel Burnt: Carbon, C 84 Free hydrogen, H 3 Flue Gas as analysed by volume: CO2 11.5 O2 8.4 N, 80.1 Calculate per kg of dry fuel the weight of air supplied and the weight of excess air. [4 marks] QUESTION 5 A) Briefly explain the effects of the following terms in the combustion of fossil fuels in balanced draught boiler systems. i) Turbulence [2 marks] ii) Time [2 marks] iii) Temperature [2 marks] B) Explain the difference between direct contact and surface contact feed water heaters with the aid of sketch showing clearly the flow around the feed water heater. [2 marks] C) The velocity of steam leaving the nozzle of an impulse turbine is 900m/s and nozzle angle is 20, the blade velocity is 300m/s with a blade velocity coefficient of 0.7. Calculate for unit mass flow rate and symmetry blading i) Blade angle at inlet [3 marks] ii) Driving force on the wheel, [3 marks] iii) Axial thrust and [3 marks] iv) Power developed [3 marks] *****************End of main exam @ 2016 November**********************