TRAINING EVALUATION FORM - CARRIER GUIDANCE Course name Date Sl.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. : ________________ : ________________ Instructor Evaluative Indicators Training Quality The overall quality of training I received was high This training will be beneficial to me in the performance of my job Course Presentation The methods of content delivery (lectures, PowerPoints, etc.) were appropriate for this course. The course material was easy to understand and helpful. The topics were presented in a logical order The vocabulary used in the course was clear and easy to understand. The instructor was knowledgeable and effective. Course Objectives The course covered the material I expected. The times scheduled for the agenda items were appropriate The course met the training objectives. The course met my training needs. Time management Adequate time was devoted to each module. Adequate time was given for feedback from the participants. The training atmosphere : ________________ 5 4 3 2 14. The general atmosphere during the course enhanced the Learning process. 15. The course fostered teamwork and cooperation among 16. Participants. The area is good in terms of space, lighting and seating arrangement About Trainer 17. The Trainer is Knowledgeable 18. Adequate time is given for questioning and clearing doubts 19. The topics mentioned in the Course outline are taught in the class 20. Classes are conducted regularly The training course will be useful in your future work: The greatest strengths of the course are: Please write briefly any suggestions or recommendations for improvements of training course 1