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EECS 3604 Assignment 1: Phasors & Transmission Lines

Course Instructor: Elham Baladi
Winter 2020
Assignment 1
EECS 3604
January 14, 2020
Due Date: January 21, 2020 by 4:00 pm
Problem 1
Find the phasors of the following time domain functions:
(a) v(t) = 9 cos(ωt − π/3) (V)
(b) v(t) = 4 sin(ωt + π/3) + 3 cos(ωt − π/6) (V)
(c) i(x, t) = 5e3x sin(ωt + π/6) (A)
Problem 2
Find the instantaneous time domain function of the following phasors:
(a) Ṽ = -5 ejπ/3 (V)
(b) Ṽ = j6 e−jπ/4 (V)
(c) I˜ = -3 + j2 (A)
Problem 3
Problem 2.1 in Pozar, 4th edition
Problem 4
Problem 2.3 in Pozar, 4th edition
(note: permittivity of Teflon= 2.08, loss tangent = 0.0004, conductivity of copper= 58.14×106
siemens per meter.)
hint: unit of α is np/m, and neper’s number= 2.71828 = 8.686 dB
Problem 5
A transmission line has the following per-unit-length parameters:L = 0.5 µH/m, C = 200 pF/m, R =
4.0 Ω/m, G = 0.02 S/m.
(a) Obtain the propagation constant at f = 2 GHz.
(b) What is the attenuation in dB over a length of 15 cm along the line?