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Formative Assessment Strategies AFL

Focus On Student Learning - Instructional Strategies Series
Book Two:
60 Formative Assessment Strategies
By Natalie Regier, M. Ed.
Image © Graphic Factory.com
© 2012 Regier Educational Resources
Focus on Student Learning - Instructional Strategies Series
Table of Contents
Note to Teachers
Who is Natalie Regier?
How does assessment fit into instruction?
What is formative assessment?
When are formative assessment strategies used?
Why are formative assessment strategies used?
How do I determine what types of formative assessment strategies to use?
How can teachers use the assessment information?
How can students use the assessment information?
1: ABC Brainstorming
2: Analogies
3: Checklists
4: Choral Response
5: Cloze Procedure
6: Concept Maps
7: Conferences
8: Computer Surveys
9: Demonstration Stations
10: Discussions
11: Double Entry Journals
12: Drawings
13: Email Questions
14: Examples/Non-Examples
15: Exit Cards
16: Fist of Five
17: Four Corners
18: Graffiti Wall
19: Graphic Organizers
20: Individual Whiteboards
21: Inside-Outside Circle
22: Learning Logs
23: List Ten Things
24: Matching Activities
25: Observations
26: One Minute Essays
27: One Minute Fluency
28: One Sentence Summaries
29: Open-Ended Questions
60 Formative Assessment Strategies
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Focus on Student Learning - Instructional Strategies Series
30: Paper Pass
31: Peer-Assessments
32: Placemats
33: Problem Solving
34: Questionnaires
35: Questioning
36: Quick Writes
37: Reflection Journals
38: Repeat Pre-assessments
39: Response Cards
40: Self-Assessments
41: Sentence Prompts
42: Show of Hands
43: Student Composed Questions
44: Teach a Friend
45: Think-Pair-Share
46: Three Facts and a Fib
47: Three Minute Pause
48: Three Things
49: 3, 2, 1
50: Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
51: Traffic Light
52: Turn and Talk
53: Whip Around
54: Ask
55: Checklists
56: Journals
57: Process Exemplars
58: Product Exemplars
59: Self-Marking Quizzes
60: Writing Continuums
60 Formative Assessment Strategies
Copyright © 2012 Regier Educational Resources. All Rights Reserved.
Focus on Student Learning - Instructional Strategies Series
Book Two: 60 Formative Assessment Strategies
By: Natalie Regier
Note to Teachers
Focus on Student Learning is a series of teaching resources created to support teachers and save
them time. Each booklet within the series takes one aspect of instruction and suggests multiple
ways of using that instruction practice in the classroom. Book Two: 60 Formative Assessment
Strategies provides teachers with a variety of strategies to gather information about their students
during instruction.
Who is Natalie Regier?
First and foremost, I am a teacher. I have spent over 20 years in the classroom and have worked
as a regular classroom teacher, a special educator, a vice principal and a learning coordinator. I
have always been interested in finding ways to help students succeed in school. My search for
knowledge to increase student learning has taken me to places like Edmonton, Boston, Orlando,
and Las Vegas where I attended conferences and talked with educators from all over the world.
As teachers, we all have one thing in common. We are searching for ways to help our students
succeed in this ever-changing world. Helping every student in our classroom achieve is a
challenge. I am continually searching for ways to support teachers with this challenge.
I am also a writer. Over the years, I have written over 40 teaching resources for Davies
and Johnson and Rainbow Horizons. I enjoy writing and especially enjoy writing for teachers. I
know how hectic the life of a teacher is and that time is a precious commodity. I am now
dedicating my time to searching for information and creating resources to support teachers in the
classroom. There are many changes occurring in education and teachers need to keep up with
new curriculums, research-based instructional practices, and ways to increase the achievement
level of their students. The teaching resources I create support teachers in understanding and
implementing the changes in our education systems.
To learn more about my teaching resources, workshops, coaching and consulting visit my
website at: www.regiereducationalresources.com
Visit my blog at: blog.regiereducationalresources.com
Let me know what type of resources I could offer that would support you in the
classroom and save you time searching for ideas. Contact me at:
How does assessment fit into instruction?
Assessment and instruction go hand in hand in a classroom that focuses on the student. Teachers
need to use a variety of different strategies to assess student readiness for a particular unit of
study and to plan their instruction around the needs the students demonstrate. Ongoing
assessment of student learning is an important part of the planning process.
60 Formative Assessment Strategies
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Focus on Student Learning - Instructional Strategies Series
There are three main types of assessment. They are pre-assessment, formative assessment, and
summative assessment. This booklet focuses on strategies that teachers can use to formatively
assess their students.
What is it?
Assessment that is used Assessment that
Assessment that shows
to collect information gathers information
what students have
about students.
about student learning. learned.
When is it used?
Before a lesson or new During a lesson or unit At the end of a lesson
unit of study.
of study.
or unit of study.
Why is it used?
To determine the
To track students’
readiness level of
To provide evidence of
progress and to make
students and to inform
what students learned.
changes to instruction.
What is formative assessment?
Formative assessment is a process that uses informal assessment strategies to gather information
on student learning. Teachers determine what students are understanding and what they still need
to learn to master a goal or outcome. Strategies used to gather formative assessment information
take place during regular class instruction as formative assessment and instruction are closely
linked. Most formative assessment strategies are quick and easy to use and fit seamlessly into the
instruction process. The information gathered is never marked or graded. Descriptive feedback
may accompany a formative assessment to let students know whether they have mastered an
outcome or whether they require more practice.
When are formative assessment strategies used?
Formative assessment strategies are used throughout a unit of study. They are linked to the
instruction and focus on discovering what students know and need to know about the end goal or
outcome. Teachers use formative assessment during the learning process and use the information
to make adjustments to their instruction to better satisfy learner needs. Using formative
assessment over the course of a unit will provide teachers with information on the learning
processes of their students. Teachers can use one assessment strategy, change or adapt the
instruction, and then reassess using the same strategy or a different one to determine if the
instructional practice is impacting student achievement.
Why are formative assessment strategies used?
Formative assessment strategies are used to check for understanding of student learning and to
make decisions about current and future instruction. Through formative assessment, teachers can
60 Formative Assessment Strategies
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Focus on Student Learning - Instructional Strategies Series
discover the rate at which students are learning, the current knowledge of students, what
information or skills students still need to learn, and whether the learning opportunities they are
providing for students is effective or if they need to change or adapt their instruction. Results of
formative assessment drive instruction. If students are doing well and progressing as expected,
teachers continue with their current instruction practices. If students are not progressing as
expected and are missing key information or skills, teachers plan other learning opportunities to
help students attain the information or skills they need to be successful.
During a unit on measurement in math, teachers may set up demonstration stations for
students to show what they have learned using standard measures studied throughout the unit. As
students participate in the demonstration stations, teachers focus on the process the students are
using to attain a solution, as well as the solution itself.
How do I determine what type of formative assessment strategy to use?
Deciding on what type of formative assessment strategy to use will depend on a number of
factors. Teachers need to determine what aspect of student learning they want to measure. They
then need to consider the learning preferences of their students. Formative assessment strategies
can be given to students individually, as partners, in small groups, or as a class. The type of
grouping used for the formative assessment will also influence the choice of strategy. Teachers
should not rely on one type of assessment strategy. A variety of individual and group formative
assessment strategies should be used. Individual strategies allow teachers to get a clear picture of
each student and their understanding of the concept or skill being measured. Group strategies
provide teachers with general information about student learning that can be used to plan
instruction. Students can also use formative assessment information to make changes to their
How can teachers use the assessment information?
Teachers use formative assessment information to assess how their current instructional
strategies are working with their students. If there are students who are struggling, teachers may
need to work individually with a student, present information other ways, or adapt their current
instructional strategy. Students who have appeared to master the outcome or goal being
formatively assessed, may need to be further assessed or have learning opportunities planned that
challenge them and are designed at their level of understanding. Teachers are also able to identify
misunderstandings students may have and adapt their instruction accordingly.
How can students use the assessment information?
Students can use formative assessment information to determine what they need to do to achieve
the goals or outcomes of the unit. Students may need to adapt or to change their learning to
master curriculum outcomes. If students are not achieving at an expected rate, they can look at
the strategies they are using for learning and decide whether they need to change their current
learning strategies or adopt new ways of learning. The information provided by formative
assessment strategies can also be used to help students reflect on current learning goals or set
new goals.
60 Formative Assessment Strategies
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Focus on Student Learning - Instructional Strategies Series
1: ABC Brainstorming - Using the ABC brainstorming strategy with students midway through a
unit provides you with information about what students have learned about a particular topic.
Working individually, in pairs, in small groups, or as a class, students brainstorm words or
phrases that begin with each letter of the alphabet and are related to the current unit of study.
Midway through a unit on fire safety, students may write “meeting place” next to the “M” and
“stop, drop, and roll” next to the letter “S.” A glance through the brainstormed lists helps you
determine what information is lacking and provides direction for planning opportunities that
focus on these gaps in your students’ learning. A graphic organizer that can be used with the
ABC brainstorming assessment strategy is available at Student Handouts.
2: Analogies - A useful formative assessment strategy is to ask students to create an analogy
between something they are familiar with and the new information they have learned. When
asked to create an analogy for an atom, students may come up with an atom being like a
community. The nucleus of the atom is like your immediate family. The electrons that fly around
the nucleus are like members of the community that you may or may not interact with on a
regular basis. Asking students to explain their analogies will show the depth of their
understanding about a topic.
3: Checklists - Class checklists are a great tool for collecting data about students during a unit of
study. Before beginning a new unit, make a list of all the skills students will need to demonstrate
mastery of the unit’s outcome(s). On a chart, list the students names down the left hand side and
the skills across the top. Clip the chart to a clipboard and position it in an easily accessible place.
As students are participating in various learning opportunities, observe the students and check off
the skills you see students demonstrating with proficiency. Here is an example of a class
checklist for speaking skills:
topic is
ideas are
pace of
and tone
of voice
Student A
Student B
Student C
60 Formative Assessment Strategies
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Focus on Student Learning - Instructional Strategies Series
Individual checklists can also be used to gather data about student learning. Students and/or
teachers complete the checklists. A checklist for writing provides students and teachers with
assessment information. Students use the checklist to analyze their piece of writing and
determine if they need to make any changes before handing in a copy to you. You use the
checklist to identify areas that the student needs more instruction or practice. A sample writing
checklist may look as follows:
Name: ____________________________________________________________
contains complete thoughts
well organized
spelling is correct
uses correct punctuation
In the above example, students check off each area they completed in their writing. They attach
the checklist to their writing when they hand it in to you. You use the checklist as you read and
assess their written work. If there are discrepancies, provide feedback to the student by meeting
with them individually and discussing ways to make their writing stronger or by providing
written suggestions at the bottom of the checklist.
A number of different checklists are included on the Alaska Department of Education &
Early Development website. Scroll down the Index to Assessment Strategies and Samples to
view different examples of checklists.
4: Choral Response - If you need a quick assessment of student understanding, ask students to
respond to a series of questions “as a class.” If you listen carefully to the number and content of
responses, you will get a good idea of whether or not the students are clear on what you are
presenting. Choral response encourages all students to be actively engaged in the assessment
5: Cloze Procedure - The cloze procedure can be used to determine the level of student
understanding regarding a particular topic or unit of study. Create or use a passage that relates to
the unit. Make sure the passage is at a readability level for your students. Two or three passages
at different readability levels may be needed to accommodate all the students in your class.
Decide whether you are going to eliminate key vocabulary words or whether you will eliminate a
set word, such as every 7th word. Your decision will be based on the age and readiness levels of
the students in your class. Be sure to leave the first and last sentences intact to assist with student
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understanding. Two sites available online for creating cloze passages are Lexical Tutor and
Saskatchewan Public Schools has suggestions for using and adapting the cloze procedure
to meet the needs of your students.
6: Concept Maps - Concept maps are a type of web that provides a visual representation of
student understanding about a particular topic being studied. Google “concept maps graphic
organizers” for a variety of printable concept maps that your students can use. Students print the
topic or main idea in the oval in the center of the page. They then write supporting details in the
spaces surrounding the center oval. Depending on the age and ability of the students, they can
also group similar supporting details together. Using concept maps is a skill that must be taught
to students. Once students are familiar with concept maps, they can be used as a formative
assessment strategy in any subject area.
Visit the All About Adolescent Literacy and the eHow websites for more information on
concept maps and to download graphic organizers to use with your students.
7: Conferences - Student understanding can be formatively assessed using one-on-one
conferences with each student in your class or with select students for whom you want to further
assess their learning. Determine your target questions ahead of time to ensure you are gathering
information related to your goal or outcome. Take notes during the conferences to refer to later
when planning instruction.
8: Computer Surveys - Computer surveys are a quick way to determine what your students have
learned about a topic of study. Create ten short response questions - true/false, multiple choice, or
one word completion questions, and use a platform like SurveyMonkey to create the assessment.
SurveyMonkey allows you to see individual responses as well as providing a summary of class
9: Demonstration Stations - The use of demonstration stations is a great way for students to
show what they know and help you determine the direction of future instruction. Midway
through a unit on magnets, set up a number of stations and have students demonstrate how
magnets attract and repel, where the magnetic field is the strongest, the parts of a magnet, how
magnets are attracted to some objects and not others, how a compass works, etc. At each station,
the students could also explain their thought processes to you or write their thoughts in a science
10: Discussions - Having a class discussion part way through a unit of study can provide you
with valuable information regarding what your students know about the subject. Focus the
discussions on higher level thinking skills and give students a few minutes to reflect on their
learning before beginning the discussion. Encourage students to share what they have learned
and how that knowledge may have an impact on their daily lives. Brainstorm ways that the
knowledge could be transferred to other subject areas or situations the students may come across.
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Listening carefully to the responses given by students will provide useful information for
planning future instruction.
11: Double Entry Journals - Journals are a great way to formatively assess students and get a
“window” into their thinking. Double entry journals are one form of journaling. A double entry
journal has two columns. In the left column, students write key words, ideas, or quotations. They
then give their personal response to these words in the right column. Students may include
questions that arise out of their responding. By reading the students’ responses, you can assess
students’ knowledge and understanding of the topic you are studying. For example, when
studying flight provide students with the phrases “lift vs. gravity,” “Wright brothers,” and “laws
of flight.” Students print these phrases in the left hand column of their journal and then respond
to them in the right hand column. Reading over the student responses will provide you with
information about student understanding. More information on double entry journals is found at
Helpful ESL Links.
A template for a double entry journal is available at TeacherVision.
12: Drawings - Some of your students may be able to show you what they know by creating a
drawing or a series of drawings to demonstrate their understanding. Encourage students to share
their thinking about what they are drawing to gain insight into what they have learned up to a
given point in a unit of study.
An article titled, “Annotated Student Drawings” describes one way to use student
drawings to formatively assess student understanding.
13: Email Questions - Technology is a great resource for teachers and a medium that most
students are familiar with and comfortable using. If your school provides all its students with
email addresses, send questions to your students. The questions should focus on higher level
thinking skills and demonstrate their learning during a current unit of study. Encourage students
to think about all the learning opportunities they have participated in and how those activities fit
in with their own background knowledge and experiences.
14:Examples/Non-Examples - Encourage your students to provide you with examples and nonexamples of a topic being studied. The examples and non-examples provide you with
information regarding the depth of understanding of your students. For example, during a unit on
recycling, ask your students to provide you with examples of recycling and examples that do not
involve recycling. While studying a unit on mixtures and solutions in science, review mixtures
and determine student understanding by asking students to provide you with examples and nonexamples of mixtures. Ask students to explain their reasoning for classifying each example and
15: Exit Cards - Exit cards could be used on a regular basis to formatively assess what your
students know, understand, and have learned during a current unit of study. Before students leave
at the end of class, ask them a question or pose a problem for them to solve. Give students a
problem involving interest to solve during a unit in math or ask students to draw and label the
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planets when studying the solar system in science class. Ask students why people leave their
homeland in social studies and how they would feel if they had to relocate with their family to
another country. Students record their responses on a scrap piece of paper, a file card, or a sticky
note. Collect the exit cards as the students leave the classroom. Glance through the exit cards to
determine if students are generally understanding the topic or whether you need to provide
further whole class or small group instruction in a particular area. Separate the exit cards into
piles, indicating students who have mastered the outcome or are well on their way to doing so,
students who are making steady progress, and students who need additional one-on-one or small
group instruction. Exit cards can be used to create groupings for the next day’s lesson and
activities can be planned based on the students’ responses.
Visit Educational Aspirations for more information on using exit cards for formative
16: Fist of Five - When you need a quick, immediate assessment, the fist of five is a great
strategy. Ask your students a question and have them respond by showing you their level of
understanding. Students hold up one finger if they are still unsure of a topic and need to be
provided with more information. If they are on their way to fully understanding, they might hold
up three or four fingers. Students who have mastered the unit and are able to demonstrate their
knowledge and understanding would hold up five fingers. A glance around the classroom
provides you with information about student learning and allows you to adapt your instruction
Check out Cheryl’s Classroom Tips to find out how one teacher uses the fist of five with
her students.
17: Four Corners - A great way to get students out of their desks and moving is the four corners
strategy. Some students learn better when they are moving so this strategy appeals to their
learning preference. In each corner of the room, provide a label. Label one corner, “Strongly
Agree,” one corner, “Agree,” the third corner, “Disagree,” and the final corner, “Strongly
Disagree.” Call out a fact or statement about the current unit of study. Students go and stand in
the corner that matches their response. Encourage students to share their reasons for choosing the
response. Have one or two students from each corner share their answers with the rest of the
class. By listening to the students as they discuss their reasons and share them with the class, you
are provided with information that can guide future lessons.
The West Virginia Department of Education website provides more information about the
four corners strategy and links to other useful websites.
18: Graffiti Wall - The graffiti wall is fun activity for students and gives you a visual
representation of what your students have learned during a unit of study. Cover a part of a wall
with white paper. Encourage students to write or draw what they have learned about a topic.
Students can jot down facts, write personal opinions, connect their learning to other areas of
study, etc. Using the graffiti wall activity partway through a unit provides you with information
for further planning of instruction. If there appear to be gaps in your students’ learning, you can
target those areas and further assess to see if there is indeed a deficit that you need to focus on in
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future lessons. Students may have made connections that you were not expecting or hadn’t even
thought of when planning the unit. The information you collect from the graffiti wall is valuable
formative assessment data. Leave the graffiti wall up during the remainder of the unit and
students can continue to add comments and drawings. For more information about using a
graffiti wall as an assessment strategy please visit Whitley County Consolidated Schools and
Grand Island Public Schools.
19: Graphic Organizers - Graphic organizers have many uses in a differentiated classroom.
Using graphic organizers to formatively assess students is one use. Graphic organizers provide a
visual representation of student learning. Students complete the template with their thoughts and
understandings about a unit of study. A search on Google will provide you with many examples
and templates to use. If you want to assess your students on sequencing, Google “sequencing
graphic organizers.” For graphic organizers related to science, Google “science graphic
organizers.” There are a multitude of graphic organizers for every grade level available online.
Two websites that you may want to check out are Education Oasis and Education Place.
20: Individual Whiteboards - Individual whiteboards provide you with a quick assessment of
student learning. Ask students questions about a topic or unit of study. Students record their
answers on individual whiteboards. Circulate throughout the class and observe students
responding. Students can also be asked to hold up their whiteboards. A glance at the whiteboards
will provide you with information regarding student knowledge and understanding. Students can
also be asked to draw and label their diagrams. In a unit on plants, ask students to draw and label
the parts of the plant or the photosynthesis cycle. In a biology class, ask students to draw and
label the heart and the route blood takes as it passes through the heart.
21: Inside-Outside Circle - The inside-outside circle is a strategy that can provide you with
information about student learning. Divide your students into two groups. One group is the inside
circle and the other group forms the outside circle. Students pair up with other students in the
opposing circle and face one another. The inside circle begins by responding to a question or
statement provided by the teacher. After a set amount of time--perhaps a minute or two, students
reverse roles and the outside partners respond. While students are responding, circulate around
the circles and listen to comments and explanations being shared. This information will help
guide further planning.
The West Virginia Department of Education website provides further information on the
inside-outside circle strategy and its use as a formative assessment strategy.
22: Learning Logs - Learning logs are notes students make during a unit of study. Time is set
aside at the beginning or end of class for students to write about what they have learned, list any
questions about the topic they may have, or make connections between the topic and their own
lives. Learning logs provide you with valuable information about what students are learning and
possible directions for future instruction. Using learning logs as a formative assessment strategy
provides you with information about student learning and what information or skills students
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may still need to reach the goals and outcomes of the unit. More information on learning logs is
available at the Saskatoon Public Schools website.
23: List 10 Things - About midway through a unit of study, instruct students to list ten things
they have learned during the unit. Gather these lists and read through them to get an idea of
where students are in regard to understanding. Look for gaps in learning or misunderstandings.
These gaps and misunderstandings can be addressed in future lessons.
24: Matching Activities - A fun way to assess student knowledge of vocabulary or facts is to
match words with their definitions or group facts into given categories. Provide each student or
pair of students with a set of cards. If assessing knowledge of content area vocabulary in a health
unit on nutrition, print words such as “carbohydrate,” “protein,” and “calorie” on one set of cards
and their corresponding definitions on another set of cards. Be sure that there is only one word or
one definition on each card. Students can also play a game of concentration with these cards. All
cards are turned over so that the words and definitions are hidden. Students play this game with a
partner. One student turns over two cards. If the two cards contain a word and a definition that
match, they keep the pair of cards. Cards that do not match are turned back over and the other
student takes a turn at finding a match. The activity continues until all words and definitions have
been found.
Another way to use the matching activity is to put individual words onto each card and
then have the students group the cards. When studying renewable and non-renewable resources,
you would print words like “oil,” “oxygen,” “water,” “coal,” and “uranium” on the cards. Give
each student or pair of students a set of cards. Students divide the cards into two piles. One pile
would include renewable resources and the other pile would include non-renewable resources.
25: Observations - Observing students can provide valuable information about how students are
progressing and what strategies they are using to learn. Recording information can take several
different forms. You can use sticky notes to jot down your observations. At the end of the day,
these sticky notes can be easily filed into individual student file folders or binders. Using a grid
that contains all the names of the students in your class is another useful collection device. As
you observe different students, you jot down information in their box on the grid. The grid
allows you to see, at a glance, the names of the students who have not been observed. These
students can then become the focus of your observation during the next class. File cards are
another collection device. Notes about individual students can be collected on file cards. At the
end of class, file these cards behind each student’s name. When you are ready to analyze your
observations, simply pull out all the file cards on a particular student and read the comments you
have made during your observations. If observations are taken over a number of classes, you can
determine whether there is a pattern to the behaviours you observe.
26: One Minute Essays - The one minute essay is a quick formative assessment strategy that
allows you to gauge student understanding of a particular topic. Pose a question to the students
have the students respond. Tell the students they have one minute to write down their response.
Ensure the question you ask can be answered in one minute. Use questions that cause students to
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reflect on learning and make personal connections with their own lives. Use Bloom’s Taxonomy
of question starters if you are unsure of how to pose a question. Aim for questions that use the
three higher levels.
27: One Minute Fluency - Being able to read fluently is an important skill. Assess the fluency of
your students on a regular basis to ensure they are reading at an appropriate rate for
understanding at their grade level.
For more information on reading fluency and a list of reading rates per grade level for
both oral and silent reading, please visit Reading Horizons.
For reading passages at your grade level visit the Meade School District for Grade 2 to
Grade 12 passages and The McGraw-Hills Company website for Grade 1 to Grade 6 fluency
28: One Sentence Summaries - Asking students to provide you with a one sentence summary of
what they have learned provides you with information about what your students know about a
topic. Give students time to reflect on their learning and encourage students to think about their
response. The depth of the student summaries will indicate their understanding of the topic or
unit to date and provide you with direction for future planning of lessons.
29: Open-Ended Questions - Using open-ended questions allows you to determine the depth
and breadth of student learning. Ask students questions that cannot be answered with “yes” or
“no” or another one word answer. Open-ended questions require students to think about their
answers and use their knowledge and understanding about a topic in their responses. Questions
that involve the word “why” often encourage deeper thinking. Examples of using open-ended
questions in math are available at Open Ended Questions in Math.
A good article titled, “Open-Ended Questions in Reading” is on the Practical Assessment,
Research & Evaluation website.
30: Paper Pass - Paper pass is a form of brainstorming that gets students up and moving from
their desks. Chart paper with different target words or questions are posted around the classroom.
Students rotate around the room to the different brainstorming sheets and add their comments
about the topics and about what other students have written. The process for the paper pass can
be informal or formal. An informal use of the paper pass permits students to wander around the
classroom and respond to the topic words or questions of their choosing. A more formal use
involves students being divided into groups and systematically rotating around the room and
responding. A wiki that outlines the specific steps for using the paper pass technique can be
found at Differentiated Instruction.
31: Peer-Assessments - Assessments by peers is a powerful way to gather information about
students and their understanding. Students can use a set criteria to assess the work of their
classmates. Peer-assessment can be used in different subject areas. In writing, for example,
students can assess another student’s piece of writing and provide feedback about what they
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observe. An example of peer assessment in writing is found at the Portfolio Assessment in the
Foreign Language Classroom.
Whenever students work in groups, the conditions exist for students to assess their peers.
An example of peer-assessment for group work is available at Now with Bill Moyers.
32: Placemats - The placemat strategy is an enjoyable activity for students and provides you
with information about their current level of understanding. Provide each group of four or five
students with a large sheet of paper. In the middle of the paper write the topic or target question.
Students divide the paper up so they each have a section to write in and there is room in the
middle to summarize their responses. Students individually write or draw to demonstrate their
understanding of the topic or target question in their area of the placemat. They then share what
they have written or drawn with the other group members. After everyone has finished sharing,
students discuss the information and come up with two or three main ideas. They write these
ideas in the center of the paper and share them with the rest of the class. An analysis of the
placemats provides you with a glimpse of what the students have learned so far in the unit.
33: Problem Solving - Pose a problem to students and ask them how they would solve it.
Students can respond orally or in writing. The responses given by the students indicate their level
of understanding regarding the unit being studied. Information provided by the students gives
you an indication of what type of instruction is needed during future lessons. An article that
explains more about the use of problem solving as a formative assessment strategy appears on
the Teaching Math website.
34: Questionnaires - Questionnaires can be used in various subject areas and for a variety of
purposes. When used as a formative assessment strategy, questionnaires provide teachers with
information on student learning that they can use to plan further instruction.
35: Questioning - Questioning is a great formative assessment strategy to determine the depth of
student understanding. Ask students lower level questions that focus on the facts and general
information about a topic. Use higher level questions to encourage students to think about and
reflect on their learning. During a unit on energy conservation, you may ask students to tell you
different ways that they could conserve energy. The listing of ideas would be a lower level
question. Asking students to describe one way they conserve energy and how this practice affects
the environment would be a higher level question. Bloom’s Taxonomy contains six levels of
thinking that teachers can use to guide the questions they ask their students. Question starters for
the different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy can be found at Uteach. Read, “Inviting Student
Engagement with Questioning” at redOrbit.
36: Quick Writes - Quick writes give teachers a visual of student learning. Provide students with
an open-ended question and set an amount of time for having them write--from two to five
minutes. Tell students not to worry about the conventions of writing but rather focus on getting
their ideas down on paper. When the time is up, ask students to put their pencils down. Look
through the quick writes for valuable information regarding the knowledge and understanding
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your students have about a given topic. Using a quick write at the start of class is also a great
way to activate the prior knowledge of your students.
A good article on the use of quick writes as a formative assessment tool is at the
MaryGrove College website.
37: Reflection Journals - Reflection journals are a type of journal that encourages students to
think about what they have learned and make connections to their own lives. Reading through
the entries that students create gives you information that can be used to plan future lessons. Visit
TeacherVision for examples of reflection journals.
38: Repeat Pre-assessments - Another way to formatively assess your students is to repeat a
pre-assessment strategy you used at the beginning of a unit of study. At the start of a unit on
ecosystems, you may have asked your students to create a web or write a one-minute essay on
ecosystems. Midway through the unit, repeat the strategy you used to collect pre-assessment
data. Read through the student responses and compare the depth of understanding to the initial
assessment. Most pre-assessment strategies can be repeated to determine what students have
learned and to inform your instruction.
39: Response Cards - There are so many uses for response cards in a classroom. Ask a question
and students respond by holding up a card. The most common response cards are yes/no
questions. Students are provided with two cards. One card has the word “Yes” written on it and
one card has the word “No” on it. After calling out a question, students respond by holding up
their answer. Glance around the room and quickly assess student understanding. There are many
different types of response cards. Try using true/false response cards, math operations cards, or
punctuation cards with your students.
Deb’s Data Digest gives an example of using math facts response cards and has a link to
using punctuation response cards.
40: Self-Assessments - Provide each student with a self-assessment related to your unit of study.
Self-assessment involves students reflecting about their own learning in relation to unit goals or
outcomes. Checklists or open-ended questions can be used to assist students with their
reflections. Include questions that deal with student understanding about the topic and with the
identification of areas that need more information or more practice. Students are often able to
articulate their learning needs to us. We just need to ask the right questions. Self-assessments is
one way of asking students about their learning and the information can then be used to help plan
future instruction.
41: Sentence Prompts - Sentence prompts can be used in a variety of ways to informally assess
students and gather information to inform instruction. Simple sentence starters such as the
following could be used:
• I understand ....
• I don’t understand ....
• I need more information about ...
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Prompts for finding out what students have learned about different writing conventions
are included in the article, “Formative assessments: Informal writing beats grammar quizzes”
which is available at the You Can Teach Writing website.
Prompts that can be used in math are available at Mister Teacher. The wording of these
prompts can be adapted to target the unit outcome or specific skill you want to formatively
42: Show of Hands - A simple strategy to gauge the understanding level of your students is
through a show of hands. In a unit on problem solving, you may ask your students if they recall
the steps needed to solve a problem or how to determine the operation of a problem. Through a
quick show of hands you can decide whether you need to review with a few students or with the
whole class.
43: Student Composed Questions - Have students write “test” questions. Students compose the
questions and possible answers. Students should think about what questions would show an indepth understanding of a topic. When students have finished creating their questions and
answers, they hand them in to you. Read through the questions and answers to get a feel for what
the students have learned about a topic. Use the questions as prompts for class discussions or
have students exchange their question sheets. Students answer the questions and return them to
their owners to be “marked.” Students enjoy playing the role of the teacher. Encourage students
to provide positive, descriptive feedback to the student who answered their questions.
44: Teach a Friend - A good strategy for determining if students understand a concept or process
is to have them teach it to a friend. Students need to think about the knowledge and skills needed
for understanding and include that information in their teaching. Pair students up and have them
“teach” their partner about the concept or process.
45: Think-Pair-Share - The think-pair-share strategy is a great way to gather information about
the level of understanding of your students. It is a quick and easy strategy that can be used a
number of times throughout a unit of study. Ask students questions such as, “What did you learn
during today’s lesson?” or “What connections can you make to your own life based on what you
have learned so far?” Give students a few minutes to think about these questions. Pair students
up with partners. Students share their thoughts with each other and then join a larger group or the
whole class. Randomly call on students to share their ideas. By going through this process,
students are able to solidify and refine their thinking before having to share their answers.
Circulate throughout the class as students are sharing their thoughts and ideas to assess the
overall depth of understanding.
A good article that looks at the think-pair-share as a formative assessment strategy is,
“Teaching Ideas: Using Think-Pair-Share as a Formative Assessment in the Classroom” by
Vivian Herron.
46: Three Facts and a Fib - The three facts and a fib activity is a great strategy to find out what
students have learned about a unit of study. Students write down three facts and one fib about a
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topic. They take turn sharing their three facts and a fib with a partner, in a small group, or with
the entire class. Students enjoy trying to identify the “fib.” Circulate throughout the class as the
students are writing and sharing what they have written.
47: Three Minute Pause - The three minute pause is a strategy that allows students to stop and
reflect on learning, make connections to personal experiences, and ask for further information or
clarification. Assign students to groups. Give students three minutes to complete this activity.
First, the students summarize the main points of the new learning. Next, they make connections
to personal experiences. Finally, they ask questions to further their understanding of the learning.
Visit the Literacy Geeks website for more information about the three minute pause.
For other uses and variations of the three minute pause, read the article by Doug Buehl.
48: Three Things - The three things strategy involves giving each student a piece of paper and
having them visually represent, through words or drawings, three things they have learned in the
unit so far. Tell students to provide as many details as possible to determine the depth of their
understanding. Have students share with a partner. By talking through their ideas, students may
come up with more details to add. Give students a couple minutes to add or make changes to
their “three things” and then have them hand them in so you can take a closer look at what they
created. Circulate through the classroom as students are working and listen to what they are
saying to their partners. Use this information to help plan future instruction.
49: 3-2-1 - The 3-2-1 strategy is a quick way to gain information about all the students in your
class and the level of understanding they have about a current unit of study. Ask students to jot
down three things they have learned about a topic, make two personal connections to the topic,
and one area that is unclear or one question they have about the topic.
Reading Quest provides a few suggestions for using the 3-2-1 strategy and a template you
can print out for classroom use.
Stem Resources also provides a description of the 3-2-1 strategy.
50: Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down - Using the thumbs up/thumbs down strategy with your
students is one way to determine whether students understand the information presented. After
introducing students to new learning, do a quick comprehension check to see if students
understand the information presented. Ask students to give you a thumbs up if they understand
and a thumbs down if they don’t understand and need more information.
An article titled, “Formative Assessment: Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Thumbs AllAround” is available on the Teaching Through the Arts Blog. In this article, the author, Jeffrey
Billard, discusses how students can use their thumbs to show different degrees of understanding.
51: Traffic Light - Provide students with three circles. Give students a red circle, a yellow circle,
and a green circle. To check for student understanding during a lesson or unit, ask students
questions about their learning. If students are comfortable with the topic and ready to move on,
they hold up their green circle. If they are fairly comfortable with the topic, they hold up their
yellow circles. Students who are confused or require further instruction to understand, hold up
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the red circle. This is a quick strategy that provides you with immediate feedback and provides
direction for your instruction.
Innovate My School has an interesting article that suggests an alternative to the three
circles. The article, “Traffic light cups to enhance assessment for learning - ten top tips”
describes how students can use coloured cups to indicate their level of understanding.
52: Turn and Talk - The turn and talk strategy allows all students to talk about a question or
topic that you have introduced in class. Students turn to a neighbour and discuss their thoughts
and what they have learned about the question or topic. Both students are given the opportunity
to speak. Circulate throughout the classroom during the turn and talk activity in order to get an
idea of what they students know and have learned about the question or topic being studied.
The Mid-Pacific Institute blog post titled, “Turn and Talk Strategy Gives Children A
Voice” provides detailed information about the turn and talk strategy.
53: Whip Around - Whip around is a formative assessment strategy that involves all the students
in the class. First, you pose a question to the students. The students are given a few minutes to
formulate their answers and make brief notes. You then repeat the question and “whip around”
the room and have each student give one response from their notes. The whip around assessment
strategy provides general information about student learning and can help you plan future
instruction. More information about the whip around strategy is provided at the Daniell Middle
School Website.
54: Ask - Ask your students what they have learned during a unit. Have students identify what
skills they need to practice or what information they require to help with their understanding of
the topic. Students are often aware of the type of assistance they need. There are a number of
ways to collect this information. Pose the question to the entire class and have them jot down
their responses and hand them in. Meet with students one-on-one and have a conversation that
focuses on the current unit of study and ask students what they need to help them continue to
learn about the topic. Students can identify what they need to do to further their understanding
and what you can do as a teacher.
55: Checklists - Checklists provide students with valuable information and indicate areas they
need to focus their learning on. Provide checklists for tasks and assignments that are given to
students so they have a means to assess whether they have completed all the steps in a task or
included all the needed information in an assignment. If students are missing information, they
can decide on what course of action they need to take to learn the information.
56: Journals - Journals provide useful information to both teachers and students. Encourage
students to identify questions or needs they have about their learning and reflect on how they
could take an active role in addressing these questions or needs. Respond to student questions
with further suggestions and let students decide on the best course of action.
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57: Process Exemplars - Process exemplars provide students with information about the
thinking process that leads to understanding. Collect samples of student thinking by having
students explain how they arrived at an answer. A good example of a process exemplar would be
solving a two digit multiplication question in math. Students record each step in their thinking
and provide descriptions of how they solved the question. By providing a number of different
process exemplars for each question, students realize there is more than one way to solve a
problem and they can try out different processes and find the one that works the best for them.
58: Product Exemplars: Provide exemplars for students to compare their work. When writing a
narrative paragraph, for example, post a few examples of the type of paragraph you are wanting
them to hand in. Students can compare their narrative paragraphs to the exemplars and determine
what they need to change or add to their paragraph to demonstrate mastery of narrative writing at
their grade level.
59: Self-Marking Quizzes - Create a number of quizzes that contain higher and lower level
questions. Allow students to take these quizzes and use a key to mark the quizzes themselves.
Students are able to determine their level of understanding regarding a particular topic or unit of
study. They can also identify areas they need to spend more time learning by taking these selfmarking quizzes. It is important to stress to students that the purpose of these quizzes is to
identify areas for further development and that the number of correct or incorrect responses is
not important.
60: Writing Continuums - Writing continuums provide valuable information to students which
they can use to make decisions about their learning. Provide students with a number of different
samples of writing that are written at different developmental levels. Students compare their
writing sample to the samples on the continuum to determine what level they are working at and
what they need to do to move to the next level. By analyzing their writing, students are able to
identify areas they need to develop and set goals to improve their writing. Collect writing
samples from your students to create your writing continuum.
Other booklets available in the Focus on Student Learning series are:
Book One: 50 Pre-assessment Strategies
Book Three: Summative Assessment - 50 Ways To Gather Evidence of Student Learning
Visit www.regiereducationalresources.com for more information on these and other teaching
Sign up for my monthly newsletter and receive the ebooklet, Outcomes: Unpack and Plan in
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