Indonesia Domestic IRF Guide Visa Supplemental Requirements Version 4.7 Effective: 13 May 2017 Visa Confidential Important Information on Confidentiality and Copyright © 2014 - 2017 Visa. All Rights Reserved. Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa. The trademarks, logos, trade names and service marks, whether registered or unregistered (collectively the “Trademarks”) are Trademarks owned by Visa. All other trademarks not attributed to Visa are the property of their respective owners. Note: This document is a supplement of the Visa Core Rules and Visa Product and Service Rules. In the event of any conflict between any content in this document, any document referenced herein, any exhibit to this document, or any communications concerning this document, and any content in the Visa Core Rules and Visa Product and Service Rules, the Visa Core Rules and Visa Product and Service Rules shall govern and control. For further information on the IRF Guide, please contact your Visa Representative at 25TU Summary of Changes Section Status Description of Change 4.1 Modify • Revised government rates 5.1.2 Modify • Expanded government program to include additional MCCs Indonesia Domestic IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements Contents 1. 2. Organization of Guide ................................................................................................................................. 2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Usage ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 3. Settlement Jurisdiction................................................................................................................................ 4 3.1 National Net ........................................................................................................................................... 4 3.2 International Settlement ................................................................................................................... 5 3.3 Steps taken to determine Interchange ........................................................................................ 5 4. Interchange Fee Table Hierarchy ............................................................................................................ 7 4.1 Point-of-Sale (POS) Fee Hierarchy ................................................................................................ 8 4.2 Cash Disbursement Fee Hierarchy ................................................................................................ 9 4.3 ATM Non-Financials Fee Hierarchy............................................................................................ 10 4.4 Original Credit Fee Hierarchy ....................................................................................................... 10 4.5 Request For Copy Hierarchy ......................................................................................................... 10 5. Interchange Fee Edit Criteria ................................................................................................................. 11 5.1 POS Edit Criteria ................................................................................................................................ 11 5.1.1 Fee Program Indicator (FPI) ...................................................................................................... 11 5.1.2 Industry Fee Program ............................................................................................................. 11 5.1.3 Recurring Payment Fee Program ....................................................................................... 11 5.1.4 Chip Acquirer Fee Program ................................................................................................. 12 5.1.5 Chip Issuer Fee Program ....................................................................................................... 12 5.1.6 E-Commerce Non-Authenticated 3D Merchant Fee Program............................... 12 5.1.7 E-Commerce Authenticated 3D Fee Program .............................................................. 13 5.1.8 Electronic Fee Program ......................................................................................................... 13 5.1.9 Standard Fee Program ........................................................................................................... 13 5.2 Cash Disbursement Edit Criteria ................................................................................................. 13 5.2.1 ATM Cash .................................................................................................................................... 13 5.2.2 Manual Cash .............................................................................................................................. 13 5.3 ATM Non-Financials Edit Criteria................................................................................................ 14 5.3.1 Balance Inquiry ......................................................................................................................... 14 5.3.2 ATM Decline............................................................................................................................... 14 5.3.3 ATM Account Transfer ........................................................................................................... 14 5.3.4 PIN Management ..................................................................................................................... 14 5.4 Original Credit Edit Criteria ........................................................................................................... 15 5.5 Request For Copy Edit Criteria..................................................................................................... 15 Effective: 13 May 2017 VISA Confidential 1 Indonesia Domestic IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements 1. Organization of Guide The IRF Guide is organized as follows: Section 1 Organization of Guide describes the different information that will be covered in the guide. Section 2 Introduction describes the purpose of the guide, the target audience, and usage of the guide. Section 3 Settlement Jurisdiction explains how domestic transactions settle in a different jurisdiction. Section 4 Hierarchies lists the order in which transactions will be assessed the various fees by product and usage. Section 5 IRF Edits provides the message field values which the transactions will be validated against in order to qualify for a specific fee program. 2 Visa Confidential Effective: 13 May 2017 Introduction 2. Introduction 2.1 Purpose This document contains information on the various interchange fee programs for Indonesia domestic transactions and the various edit criteria that are required for each of the fee programs listed. 2.2 Usage The guide is intended for programmers, system analysts, and technical managers responsible for client or processor pre and post-edit programs on how the various interchange fee programs are assessed. Disclaimers: • The tables within section 4 set forth rates for interchange reimbursement fees applied on Visa financial transactions within Indonesia. • These rates are provided for reference only. While Visa will use its best efforts to ensure that this document is up to date, Visa does not guarantee that it is so. In the event of any discrepancy between these rates and rates that are deemed official by Visa, the rates that are deemed official will apply. • These rates are not exhaustive and there may be other rates in the system that may apply. • These rates are applicable subject to the transactions fulfilling certain qualification criteria as highlighted in section 5. • Clients should check their settlement reports to ensure that they are receiving the rates in which they are applying for. • To the extent permitted by law, Visa excludes all liability for any loss or damage (including special, indirect and consequential loss or damage) in connection with clients’ use of or reliance on these rates. Effective: 13 May 2017 Visa Confidential 3 Indonesia Domestic IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements 3. Settlement Jurisdiction 3.1 National Net Region 04 Zone 005 Settlement Service ID (SSID) 0024 National Net enables a country to determine specific interchange reimbursement fee rates (IRF rates) to be applied to domestic transactions. National Net settlement occurs when the transactions of the merchant, acquirer, and issuer are all in the same country and the transaction currency is the local currency. Both the issuer and acquirer must participate in the National Net Settlement Service (NNSS) to get the NNSS interchange rates. Region the numeric code assigned for the geographical jurisdiction. assigned to Asia Pacific. Region code 04 is Zone is the numeric code assigned for a specific country / geographical jurisdiction within a region. Zone code 005 is assigned to Indonesia. Settlement Service ID (SSID) is the numeric code assigned to a specific Settlement Service. SSID 0024 is assigned to Indonesia National Net Settlement Service. In order to qualify for National Net settlement, the following must be in place: 1. The issuer country, acquirer country and merchant country are the same. 2. The issuer and acquirer must participate in NNSS. 3. The transaction currency is in the local currency of the NNSS. For Asia Pacific, the Settlement Flag (TCR0, position 150) value of ‘9’ is required for original transactions. The settlement code is a retained and returned field, so the value in the original transaction should be carried in all subsequent transactions. E.g. Chargebacks. The value of ‘9’ results in VisaNet checking against the configuration for the issuer and acquirer for NNSS participation and determines the settlement jurisdiction. If the transaction meets NNSS qualification, the settlement flag will be converted to ‘8’ prior to sending the transaction to the issuer. NNSS IRF for the country will then apply. 4 Visa Confidential Effective: 13 May 2017 Settlement Jurisdiction 3.2 International Settlement Region 04 Zone 005 Settlement Service ID (SSID) 0001 International settlement can be used to settle domestic or international transactions. Domestic transactions settle via international settlement if the National Net Settlement Service (NNSS) for a country does not exist or is not in use, if either the issuer or acquirer is not participating in the NNSS, if the acquirer sends a settlement flag value of ‘0’ instead of ‘9’, or if the transaction does not fulfil the rules and requirements for NNSS settlement. Region is the numeric code assigned for the geographical jurisdiction. assigned to Asia Pacific. Region code 04 is Zone is the numeric code assigned for a specific country / geographical jurisdiction within a region. Zone code 005 is assigned to Indonesia. Settlement Service ID (SSID) is the numeric code assigned to a specific Settlement Service. SSID 0001 is assigned for International Settlement. If the settlement flag value of a transaction is ‘9’, and the transaction settles via International settlement, the settlement flag value will be converted to ‘0’ (to denote international settlement) prior to sending to the Issuer. 3.3 Steps taken to determine Interchange The following steps are taken to determine which hierarchy a transaction goes to, for the assessment of interchange. It should be noted the same process and edit rules are followed irrespective of how the transaction enters VisaNet, i.e. via BASE II or VIP format. 1. The product assigned to the account range is identified 2. The funding source is determined 3. The jurisdiction of the transaction (domestic, interregional, intraregional) is identified 4. For domestic jurisdiction, whether the transaction qualifies for NNSS Once the above is determined, the applicable hierarchy is then used. Based on the edit criteria and the message content, the interchange rate is determined. VisaNet checks the transaction elements against the edit criteria for the first fee program in the hierarchy. If it does not meet the edit criteria, it moves on to the next fee program in the hierarchy. It does so until the end of the hierarchy and the final fee in the hierarchy is applied if all other interchange rate criteria could not be met. The settlement flow is listed in the following table, by transaction type. Effective: 13 May 2017 Visa Confidential 5 Indonesia Domestic IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements Table 3–1: Settlement Flow by Transaction Type Transaction Message Class Description of Transaction Interchange Reimbursement Fee Paid By Sales Draft (Purchase) Original A product or service is bought on a Visa account Acquirer Credit Voucher1 Non-Original A purchase return or price adjustment is credited to a Visa account Issuer Cash Disbursement Original Cash is disbursed from an ATM or bank teller through a Visa or Plus card Issuer Reversal, Sales Draft Original A purchase is cancelled by the acquirer, usually due to a processing error Issuer Reversal, Credit Voucher Non-Original A credit voucher is cancelled Acquirer Reversal, Cash Disbursement Original A cash disbursement submission is cancelled Acquirer Chargeback, Sales Draft Non-Original The issuer finds a purchase incorrect or improper and sends it back to the acquirer Issuer Chargeback, Credit Voucher Non-Original The issuer finds a credit voucher incorrect or improper and sends it back to the acquirer Acquirer Chargeback, Cash Disbursement Non-Original The issuer finds a cash disbursement submission incorrect or improper and sends it back to the acquirer Acquirer Chargeback Reversal, Sales Draft Non-Original An erroneous purchase chargeback submission in cancelled Acquirer Chargeback Reversal, Credit Voucher Non-Original An erroneous credit voucher chargeback submission in cancelled Issuer Chargeback Reversal, Cash Disbursement Non-Original An erroneous cash disbursement chargeback submission is cancelled Issuer Representment, Sales Draft Non-Original The acquirer presents a chargeback of a sales draft back to the issuer Acquirer Representment, Credit Voucher Non-Original The acquirer presents a chargeback of a credit voucher back to the issuer Issuer Representment, Cash Disbursement Non-Original The acquirer presents a chargeback of a cash disbursement back to the issuer Issuer Representment Reversal, Sales Draft Non-Original An erroneous sales draft representments is cancelled Issuer Representment Reversal, Credit Voucher Non-Original An erroneous credit voucher representments is cancelled Acquirer Representment Reversal, Cash Disbursement Non-Original An erroneous cash disbursement representments is cancelled Acquirer P P 1 P 6 For Original Credit transaction, the interchange fee is paid by the originator to the recipient bank. Visa Confidential Effective: 13 May 2017 Interchange Fee Edit Criteria 4. Interchange Fee Table Hierarchy Interchange Reimbursement Fee (IRF) is a fee that is used as a balancing mechanism between financial institutions involved in a transaction to grow the payment system for the benefit of all participants. Generally, the acquirer reimburses the issuer for point-of-sale transactions whereas the issuer reimburses the acquirer for cash and ATM transactions. The interchange fee table hierarchy defines the order in which interchange fee programs are assessed. Hierarchies can be defined for a specific product, funding source, network, settlement jurisdiction and message class/subclass. Indonesia domestic interchange fee programs comprise the following fee hierarchies. Fee Hierarchy National Net Settlement International Settlement Point-Of-Sale Y N Cash Disbursement Y Y ATM Non-Financials N Y Original Credit Y N Request for Copy Y Y The hierarchy tables in this document illustrate the sequence interchange is assessed. The main components of each hierarchy include the fee program, product, fee descriptor and rate. • Fee Program: The category of fee descriptors where the sequence determines how interchange is assessed in the hierarchy. For each transaction, VisaNet will assess whether the transaction qualifies for the first fee program in the hierarchy. If it does not, VisaNet will try for the next fee program until it reaches one which the transaction qualifies for, failing which, the transaction will be assessed the standard fee program • Product: Lists out the products that are applicable to the fee program • Fee Descriptor: The name of the fee program for a specific product. The same fee descriptor can be used for multiple products. • Fee Rate: It can be a unit rate and/or a percentage rate. If it is a unit rate, the currency code (e.g. USD) is shown for the rate. If it is a percentage rate, the percentage mark (%) is shown next to the rate. The fee programs are defined for message class Originals (sales/cash original transactions and their reversals) and Non-Originals (credit voucher originals and their reversals, and sales/credit voucher/cash exception items). The hierarchies for domestic transactions are provided in this section along with the valid fee descriptors and the order in which a transaction passes through them. The same fee descriptor can appear in multiple hierarchies. This can happen when the edit criteria are the same irrespective of product or funding source, etc. If the edit criteria are different across products or funding sources, a different fee descriptor may apply. Effective: 13 May 2017 Visa Confidential 7 Indonesia Domestic IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements 4.1 Point-of-Sale (POS) Fee Hierarchy Account Funding Source All Settlement National Net Message Class/Subclass Purchase/Credit Voucher (Original/Non-Original) Connection BASE II/VIP Product Fee Descriptor Fee Rate Cashback ID STRATEGIC 1 1.40% N ID STRATEGIC 2 0.55% N CREDIT DEBIT Fee Program Indicator (FPI) All Industry Fee Program All CHARITIES NN CHARITIES NNS DB1 0.00 N STRATEGIC SEG STRATEGIC SEG DB1 1.00% N GAS EIRF NATL GAS EIRF NATL DB1 0.40% N GAS STD NATL GAS STD NATL DB1 0.40% N GOV NATL GOV NATL DB1 2,500 IDR N UTIL NATL UTIL NATL DB1 5,000 IDR N TRANS NATL TRANS NATL DB1 0.55% N RECUR-PMT-NATL REC-PMT-NATL DB 1.60% N CHPAQ NN 1.50% N Platinum CHPAQ NN PLAT 1.75% N Signature CHPAQ NN SIG 2.02% N Infinite CHPAQ NN INF 2.02% N CHPIS NN 1.70% N Platinum CHPIS NN PLAT 1.95% N Signature CHPIS NN SIG 2.02% N Infinite CHPIS NN INF 2.02% N 1.65% N Recurring Payment Fee Program All Chip Acquirer Fee Program Classic, Gold, Electron Chip Issuer Fee Program Classic, Gold, Electron E-Commerce – Non Authenticated 3D Merchant Fee Program Classic, Gold, Electron NONAUTHND MRCH NONAUT MCH DB NN Platinum NONAU MRCH PLAT 1.65% N Signature NONAU MRCH SIG 1.82% N Infinite NONAU MRCH INF 1.82% N 1.85% N 1.85% N E-Commerce – Authenticated 3D Fee Program Classic, Gold, Electron Platinum 8 AUTHENTICTD SEC AUTH SEC DB NNS AUTHENT SEC PLAT Visa Confidential Effective: 13 May 2017 Interchange Fee Edit Criteria Signature AUTHENT SEC SIG 2.02% N Infinite AUTHENT SEC INF 2.02% N 1.60% Y2 Electronic Fee Program Classic, Gold, Electron EIRF/NAT SETTLED EIRF/NATL SET DB Platinum PLATINUM EIRF 1.85% N Signature EIRF NATL SIG 2.02% Y2 Infinite INFINITE EIRF 2.02% N BUS EIRF NATL 2.00% Y2 Corporate CORP EIRF NATL 2.00% Y2 Purchasing PUR EIRF NATL 2.00% Y2 1.85% Y3 Business Standard Fee Program Classic, Gold, Electron NATL SETTLED NATL SETTLED DB Platinum PLATINUM STD 1.85% N Signature STD NATL SIG 2.02% Y3 Infinite INFINITE STD 2.02% N BUS STD NATL 2.00% Y3 Corporate CORP STD NATL 2.00% Y3 Purchasing PUR STD NATL 2.00% Y3 Business 1 These debit fee descriptors are only applicable for Classic, Gold and Electron. The cashback fee amount is 2,000 IDR, paid by the issuer to the acquirer. The cashback fee descriptors are EIRF/NAT SETT CB for applicable consumer products and BUS (or CORP or PUR) EIRF NAT CB for the respective commercial products. 3 The cashback fee amount is 2,000 IDR, paid by the issuer to the acquirer. The cashback fee descriptors are NATL SETTLED CB for applicable consumer products and BUS (or CORP or PUR) STD NAT CB for the respective commercial products. 2 4.2 Cash Disbursement Fee Hierarchy Product All Settlement National Net/International Message Class/Subclass Cash (Original/Non-Original) Connection BASE II/VIP (Network 2 & 4) Fee Program Misdispense ATM Cash Manual Cash1 1 National Net Domestic International Fee Descriptor Rate Fee Descriptor Rate MISDISPENSE 0.00 MISDISPENSE 0.00 ATM/NATL SETTLED 9,000 IDR ATM or VISA TRAVEL MONEY 1.00 USD NATL SETTLED 0.50%+7,500 IDR INTL SETTLED 0.33%+1.75 USD Network 2 only Effective: 13 May 2017 Visa Confidential 9 Indonesia Domestic IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements 4.3 ATM Non-Financials Fee Hierarchy Product All Settlement International Message Class/Subclass Balance Inquiry/Decline/Account Transfer/PIN Management Connection VIP (Network 2 & 4) Fee Program Fee Descriptor Fee Rate BAL INQ DECLINE 0.30 USD ATM BALANCE INQ 0.30 USD ATM DECLINE 0.30 USD TRANSFER DECLINE 0.00 ATM TRANSFER 0.30 USD Change PIN CHANGE DOM 0.60 USD Unblock PIN UNBLCK DOM 0.60 USD ATM Balance Inquiry ATM Balance Inquiry – Decline ATM Balance Inquiry ATM Decline ATM Decline ATM Account Transfer Account Transfer – Decline Account Transfer PIN Management PIN Management 4.4 Original Credit Fee Hierarchy Product All Settlement National Net Message Class/Subclass Credit Voucher (Original Credit) Connection BASE II/VIP Fee Program Original Credit Fee Descriptor Fee Rate ORIGINAL CREDIT 750 IDR P 4.5 Request For Copy Hierarchy Product All Settlement National Net/International Message Class/Subclass Request For Copy (TC52) Connection BASE II/VIP Fee Program Request For Copy – T&E Request For Copy 10 National Net Domestic International Fee Descriptor Fee Rate Fee Descriptor Fee Rate NATL SETTLED FAX 50,000 IDR INTL SETTLED FAX 25.00 USD NATL SETTLED 5,000 IDR STANDARD 2.00 USD Visa Confidential Effective: 13 May 2017 Interchange Fee Edit Criteria 5. Interchange Fee Edit Criteria This section provides the edit criteria for all the fee descriptors present in the various hierarchies. The edit criteria identify the fields that are checked in each transaction to determine the applicable fee. The following tables list the fee programs and the applicable edits applied to domestic transactions settled via NNSS or International. 5.1 POS Edit Criteria 5.1.1 Fee Program Indicator (FPI) Data Element Clearing BASE II TC Field Fee Program Indicator 5.1.2 TCR1, Position 76-78 VIP Field Value F63.19 Must be valid as follows ID STRATEGIC 1 (Carrefour) ID1 ID STRATEGIC 2 ID2 Industry Fee Program Data Element Clearing BASE II TC Field Merchant Category Code TCR0, Position 133-136 VIP Field Value F18 Must be valid as follows Charities 8398 Strategic segment 4121 (taxis), 5814 (fast food), 7523 (parking lots), 7994 (video arcades), 7542 (car washes), 7841 (DVD/Video rental), 7832 (cinemas) Gasoline 5541, 5542 Government 9211 (court costs), 9222 (fines), 9311 (tax payments), 9399 (government not elsewhere classified) Utilities 4900 Transportation 4111 (ferries), 4112 (passenger railways), 4131 (bus lines), 4784 (tolls) Additional edit for Gasoline Electronic POS Entry Mode 5.1.3 TCR0, Position 162-162 F22 05, 07, 90, 91, 95 Recurring Payment Fee Program Data Element Clearing BASE II TC Field POS Environment Effective: 13 May 2017 TCR1, Position 168 VIP Field F126.13 Visa Confidential Value R 11 Indonesia Domestic IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements 5.1.4 Chip Acquirer Fee Program Data Element Clearing BASE II TC Field VIP Field Value Reimbursement Attribute TCR0, Position 168 F63.11 B POS Entry Mode TCR0, Position 162-163 F22 90, 91 POS Terminal Capability TCR0, Position 158 F60.2 5, 8 Authorization Code TCR0, Position 152-157 F38 Valid 6-digit value1 Central Processing Date TCR0, Position 164-167 F15 Within 4 days of purchase date2 N/A N/A 1, 3 N/A N/A Not “CC” Chip Terminal Deployment Flag3 P Account Range Attribute (CONFIG)4 P P The last five positions of the code must not be all spaces, all zeroes or four zeroes followed by a space or N. date, central processing date and Sundays are not counted. This edit only applies to BASE II purchase original and reversal (TC05/TC25) transactions. 3 CONFIG flag at the Acquiring BIN level to indicate that acquirers are qualified as Chip Acquirer. 4 CONFIG flag at Account Range to indicate that the cards issued under the ranges are chip cards. 1 2 Purchase 5.1.5 Chip Issuer Fee Program Data Element Clearing BASE II TC Field VIP Field Value Reimbursement Attribute TCR0, Position 168 F63.11 B POS Entry Mode TCR0, Position 162-163 F22 90, 91 POS Terminal Capability TCR0, Position 158 F60.2 not 5 or 8 Authorization Code TCR0, Position 152-157 F38 Valid 6-digit value1 Central Processing Date TCR0, Position 164-167 F15 Within 4 days of purchase date2 N/A N/A “CC” Account Range Attribute (CONFIG)3 P P P The last five positions of the code must not be all spaces, all zeroes or four zeroes followed by a space or N. date, central processing date and Sundays are not counted. This edit only applies to BASE II purchase original and reversal (TC05/TC25) transactions. 3 CONFIG flag at Account Range to indicate that the cards issued under the ranges are chip cards. 1 2 Purchase 5.1.6 E-Commerce Non-Authenticated 3D Merchant Fee Program Data Element Clearing BASE II TC Field 1 VIP Field Value Reimbursement Attribute TCR0, Position 168 F63.11 0 POS Entry Mode TCR0, Position 162-163 F22 01, 10 Mail/Phone/Electronic commerce and Payment Indicator (MOTO/ECI) TCR1, Position 116 F60.8 6 Authorization Code TCR0, Position 152-157 F38 Valid 6-digit value1 P The last five positions of the code must not be all spaces, all zeroes or four zeroes followed by a space, N, Y or P. 12 Visa Confidential Effective: 13 May 2017 Interchange Fee Edit Criteria 5.1.7 E-Commerce Authenticated 3D Fee Program Data Element Clearing BASE II TC Field 1 VIP Field Value Reimbursement Attribute TCR0, Position 168 F63.11 0 POS Entry Mode TCR0, Position 162-163 F22 01, 10 Mail/Phone/Electronic commerce and Payment Indicator (MOTO/ECI) TCR1, Position 116 F60.8 5 Authorization Code TCR0, Position 152-157 F38 Valid 6-digit value1 P The last five positions of the code must not be all spaces, all zeroes or four zeroes followed by a space, N, Y or P. 5.1.8 Electronic Fee Program Data Element Clearing BASE II TC Field VIP Field Value Reimbursement Attribute TCR0, Position 168 F63.11 B POS Entry Mode TCR0, Position 162-163 F22 05, 07, 90, 91, 95 Central Processing Date TCR0, Position 164-167 F15 Within 4 days of purchase date1 1 Purchase date, central processing date and Sundays are not counted. original and reversal (TC05/TC25) transactions. 5.1.9 This edit only applies to BASE II purchase Standard Fee Program The standard fee program is the last fee program in the hierarchies. The standard rates apply to transactions that do not meet the qualification criteria for the rest of the fee programs in the hierarchies. 5.2 Cash Disbursement Edit Criteria 5.2.1 ATM Cash Data Element Clearing BASE II TC Field1 VIP Field P Value Merchant Category Code TCR0, Position 133-136 F18 6011 Response Code TCR5, Position 35-36 F39 00 (Approved) 1 Only applicable to dual-message acquirers. 5.2.2 Manual Cash Data Element Clearing BASE II TC Field1 VIP Field P Value Merchant Category Code TCR0, Position 133-136 F18 6010 Response Code TCR5, Position 35-36 F39 00 (Approved) 1 Only applicable to dual-message acquirers. Effective: 13 May 2017 Visa Confidential 13 Indonesia Domestic IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements 5.3 ATM Non-Financials Edit Criteria 5.3.1 Balance Inquiry Data Element Authorization VIP Field Value Merchant Category Code F18 6011 Processing Code F3, Position 1-2 30 (Balance Inquiry) 5.3.2 ATM Decline Data Element Authorization VIP Field Value Merchant Category Code F18 6011 Processing Code F3, Position 1-2 01 (Cash Disbursement) Authorization Code F39 Not equal to 00 (Approved) 5.3.3 ATM Account Transfer Data Element Authorization VIP Field Value Merchant Category Code F18 6011 Processing Code F3, Position 1-2 40 (Account Transfer) 5.3.4 PIN Management Data Element Authorization VIP Field Value Merchant Category Code F18 6011 Processing Code F3, Position 1-2 70 (PIN change/unblock) 72 (PIN unblock) Response Code F39 Approved or applicable decline response codes1 1 Refer to the Visa Global ATM Member Guide for the list of decline response codes that are not assessed the PIN Management Services interchange fee. 14 Visa Confidential Effective: 13 May 2017 Interchange Fee Edit Criteria 5.4 Original Credit Edit Criteria Data Element Clearing BASE II TC Field VIP Field Value Transaction Code Qualifier TCR0, Position 3 - 2 Processing Code - F3, Position 1-2 26 (Original Credit) 5.5 Request For Copy Edit Criteria Request for copy (TC 52) refers to a request for a photocopy of the original paper (or microfilm) for an interchange transaction from the merchant processing center. Although it is reported in the VisaNet Settlement Service reports along with other interchanged transactions, the interchange reimbursement fee for an RFC transaction is effectively a client-to-client fee. Refer to BASE II Clearing Interchange Formats, TC50 to TC92 for the detailed layout. Effective: 13 May 2017 Visa Confidential 15