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Construction Project Management: Admin & Documentation

Construction Project Management III
Administration and Documentation
Project Meeting
 Documentation Effectiveness
 Coverage of Documentation- Primary Areas
 Documentation Prepared for Good Project Management
 Types of Project Documentation
 Report Types Content
Project Administration
 Project
 To share information
 Written and verbal mode of communication
 Meeting agenda is distributed to all participants prior to the
Formality Process of Meeting Minutes
 Meeting minutes will be recorded as an evidence for the decision
made during the meeting
 At each meeting, the previous minutes shall be approved with or
without amendments
 Any bias is at liberty to challenge the contents of the meeting minutes
or raises his objection at the next meeting and requests for an
 Once finalized the information contained shall form the basis
accountability of each participant.
Types of project meeting
 Client-consultant meeting
 Main contract meeting
 Main contractor’s staff meeting
 M&E coordination meeting
 Technical meeting
 Safety meeting
Client Consultant Meeting
Conducted between the client and his team of consultants.
 To keep track of project progress, design changes, budget,
quality and other issues that may be raised at the meeting.
Main contract Meeting
Weekly/ Fortnightly interval (every two weeks)
 Chaired by architect
 Conducted between client, consultants, resident engineer,
clerks-of-works and main contractor
 To report construction progress by site/construction
Agenda Constitute in Meeting
Confirmation of the previous minutes including amendments
Review of current site progress (taking note of significant delays)
Review of Product Data submittal (materials sample) and shop
drawing for schedule approval attached to minutes
Review of ‘Request For Information’ (RFI) from the project
Design changes shall be highlighted for the attention of all
Review variation order claims by contractor
Design discrepancies shall be highlighted for resolution with the
Agenda Constitute in Meeting
A review of the safety issues and implementation on site
 Any unsatisfactory workmanship shall be highlighted to the
contractor for remedial action by the architect
 The architect responsible for recording down all the issues
discussed in the meeting
 Meeting minutes shall be distributed to all participants in
advance of the next scheduled meeting
Main contractor’s staff meeting
Conducted at weekly interval
 To discuss on-going site issues with the intention of
coordinating the various aspects of the site work
 Site team members and subcontractors are expected to
attend this meeting
Agenda Constitute in Meeting
Weekly or fortnightly schedule will be distributed for the
attention of the site team members.
 Review of the progress status of the previous schedule and
highlighting any problem that impeded site progress.
 Review of the current status with regards the submission of
material samples for approval, submission of shop
drawings, materials and plant delivery to site and RFIs
Agenda Constitute in Meeting
A review of design changes with the implications on the site work shall
be discussed
A review of workmanship quality shall be discussed with particular
focus on work areas which are unacceptable
Any design discrepancies to be voiced out for follow-up with the
A review of safety issues highlighting areas which require the attention
of the safety personnel
Housekeeping and mosquitoes control issues shall also be discussed
The site manager shall be responsible for recording all the issues that
are discussed. Meeting minutes are distributed to all participants in
advance of each meeting
M&E Meeting
Problem issues pertaining to the M&E works
 All M&E subcontractors are expected to attend
 Held at fortnightly interval
 Chairperson is the M&E engineer / coordinator unless
the site manager decides to chair the meeting
Agenda Constitute in Meeting
Weekly or fortnightly schedule for each M&E subcontract work shall be
Discuss the status of progress for the previous schedule and highlighted
any significant delays for remedial action
Any issue that has affected the progress of the M&E works shall be voiced
out for the attention of all participants
A review of the submissions of material samples, shop drawings and RFIs
Design changes shall be highlighted for the attention of all participants
Any design discrepancies shall be highlighted for follow-up with the
A review of materials and equipment delivery to site
Technical Meeting
Resolving technical issues have been raised at previous
 Fortnightly interval
 Attend by this meeting shall be the relevant staff members
 Usually conducted in an informal basis and without any
 Consistence follow-up is necessary by the main contractor’s
Safety Meeting
Fortnightly interval
 The meeting chair by the safety officer/supervisor who will
record the minutes
 Attend by relevant site team members and subcontractors’
Agenda Constitute in Meeting
Review of progress status of safety implementation on site.
 Highlighting safety violations by workers using photographic
 Enforcement of safety compliance using a ‘fine system’
 Highlighting areas with deficient safety measures
Project Documentation
An important part of project management
 Substantiated by the essential two functions of documentation:
 1) To make sure that project requirements are fulfilled;
 2) To establish traceability with regard to what has been done,
who has done it, and when it has been done
Documentation Effectiveness
 Objectivity
and truthfulness
 Timeliness
 Appropriate
 Standard & uniform information
 Completeness & comprehensiveness
Coverage of Documentation- Primary Areas
1) Events
 Documentation types-Daily, weekly and monthly reports,
diaries, accident report
2) Conversations
 Documentation types-Daily reports, diaries, telephone logs
and memos to the file
3) Costs
 Documentation types-Bill of materials, purchase order, receipt
of delivery, delivery logs, time cards, labour reports,
equipment logs and rental logs
Coverage of Documentation- Primary Areas
4) Correspondence
 Documentation types-Transmittals logs, submittal transmittals,
submittal logs, RFI, letters, faxes, emails notes, payment
requests, schedule updates
5) Contractual requirements
 Documentation types-Progress payment requests, schedules of
values, contract change orders and proposals, certified payrolls,
certificates of substantial completion
6) Meeting minutes
 Documentation types- Meeting minutes of preconstruction,
construction progress, special installation, subcontractor and
special meetings
Documentation Prepared for Good Project Management
Feasibility Report
2. Project Charter
3. Requirement Specification
4. Design Document
5. Work Plan/Estimate
6. Traceability Matrix
7. Issue Tracker
Documentation Prepared for Good Project Management
Change Management Document
9. Test Document
10. Technical Document
11. Functional Document
12. User Manual
13. Transition/Rollout Plan
14. Handover Document
15. Contract Closure
16. Lessons Learned
Types of Project Documentation
Time Records
Superintendent’s Daily Reports
Schedules and Progress Report
Photographs and Video
Minutes of Meeting
Corresponding of Transmittals
Extra Works Order
Cost Accounting Reports
Contract Documents
Shop Drawings
Others- safety reports,
accidents report, bonding,
weather etc
Subcontractor Records
Reports on Company
Report Types Content
Event and Conservation Documentation
 Illustrate the actual sequence of the project, personnel on
the job, materials delivered to the jobsite, equipment used
on the jobsite and many other factors
 Recorded by the field engineer or superintendent
Report Types Content
Daily Reports
Consecutive record of events
Provide snapshot of the day’s activities and conditions
Information included in the daily report:
1) Date
2) Project name and number
3) Individual making the report
4) Weather information
5) Description of activities in progress
6) Contractor labour on site
Report Types Content
7) Subcontractors on site
 8) Equipment at site
 9) Material deliveries to site
 10) Visitor to the site
 11) Occurrences on site
 12) Signature and date
Report Types Content
Weekly and Monthly Reports
Use to inform upper management of the project's progress
Write in narrative form
Topics included in the report:
1) Identification of the project
2) Summary of activities
3) Schedule analysis
4) Cost analysis
5) Subcontract and purchase order management
6) Change orders
 7) Summary
 8) Signature of preparer
Report Types Content
 Personal records of conversations and occurrences that are
kept by each management individual on site
 Individual contact and activities, but yet belong to employer
 Often used in arbitration, depositions, and court appearances
 Individual’s daily should be as follows:
 1) Written in own hand to prove authenticity
 2) Bound so the pages cannot be inserted
 3) Consecutively written with each day dated
Report Types Content
 Addition to reports, not as important as to provide complete,
accurate and up-to-date information about the activities and
conversations at site
 A) Telephone log
 B) Visitor’s log
 C) Subcontractor log
 D) Document control log
 E) Accident Reports
 F) Progress Photographs
Report Types Content
Video Recordings
 1) Discovering an unknown condition
 2) Showing process
 3) Recording existing conditions
 4) Videotapes
Report Types Content
Time-Lapse Photography
 Provides an accelerated view of the construction process
compared to real-time video recordings
 This recording show the flow of construction process but not
 Primarily for information in disputes, showing the sequence,
equipment, and flow of the project; in productivity studies,
showing the effect of jobsite and facilities, and showing how
the facility was constructed
Report Types Content
Progress Schedules
 Record of progress and sequence as well as a plan for
the project.
 Actual events, activities, and occurrences can be
tracked and entered on the schedule, providing a record
of what actually was done on the project
Report Types Content
Cost documentation
 Two primary purpose:
 1) To transit information to the company’s accounting system
for disbursement of funds
 2) To accumulate information to control the project’s costs
 Types of cost documentation for cost control: Labour, material,
Report Types Content
To address specific issues or problems encounter during the project for
communication with other parties
Guidelines for construction correspondence
1) Reference
2) Description and Location
3) Objective of correspondence
4) Summary
5) Signature
Report Types Content
Letter of Transmittal
A dated record of when a particular document or item was sent
to another party
Contains the minimum elements:
1) Name and address of sender
2) Name and address of intended receiver
3) Project number
4) Item sent with full description
5) Number of copies of the item
6) Notes relating to item
Report Types Content
RFI (Request For Information)
 To substantiate a project direction
 Uses of RFI:
 1) Request for clarification can be a non-change item and can
merely require information
 2) Notice of architect about and occurrence and latent conditions
 3) The guidelines for correspondence; index in numbering as
reference, sent date and responded date should included