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Food Science HAACP Lesson Plan

Course Title:
Food Science
Date: 9/25/19
Time: 44
Pennsylvania Ag
Unit Title: Food Safety 101: Steps Taken to Ensure Product Safety
Lesson Title (Essential Question): What is HAACP and how can it affect food
Number of Students: TBD
Oley Valley High School Classroom- Mr. Deysher’s Classroom
Standard 4.4.8.A- Identify and describe how food safety issues have
impacted the food and fiber system
Standard 4.4.12.B- Research and evaluate laws and policies that affect the
food and fiber system
FPP.01.01- Analyze and manage operational and safety procedures in food
products and processing facilities
FFP.01.02- Apply food safety and sanitation procedures in the handling and
processing of food products to ensure food quality
1 jar peanut butter
1 jar jelly
Pen or Pencil
1 loaf of bread
Electronic Device
Paper plates
Access to Internet
Plastic knife
Plastic spoon
Paper towels
A table should be set up at the front of the room. A bag with the peanut
butter, jelly, bread, plates, knives, spoon, and napkins should be on the
backside of the table. PowerPoint should be prepared on the computer.
HAACP: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
Critical Control Point: points in the process where hazards can be
prevented, controlled, or eliminated
1. Explain the importance of a HAACP plan to peer according to USDA
2. Recognize the 7 Principles of HAACP by answering Kahoot! Questions
with 7/10 answered correctly
3. Create a mock HAACP plan on maple syrup production at Oley Valley to
teacher satisfaction based on rubric
Bellwork: Students will answer this question in their notebooks while coming into the room:
“What steps do you take at home to ensure food safety?”
Prep work for student’s introduction activity
2 mins Ask four students to share their response to the bellwork activity
Interest Approach
5 mins
The teacher will select one student to go to the back of the room and face the wall.
They will then take out the contents of the bag (peanut butter, jelly, plate, paper
towels, knife, spoon, and bread). The teacher will tell the student all of the items
that are available and explain the task to the student. The student will then have to
tell the teacher exactly what to do in making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The
teacher will follow exactly what the student says, even if it does not make a correct
sandwich. This uses Lancelot’s principles of Humor creates interest and the novel and
unexpected are interesting.
Summary of Content and Teaching Strategies
1) Students will begin with the bell work
2) Teacher will get four students to share what they wrote down about their bell
3) Transition to the interest approach. The teacher will write down a number on
the table and the student to guess the number will be the student giving
directions for the interest approach.
4) The teacher will instruct the selected student to go to the back of the room
and face the wall. The teacher will then take out the contents of the bag
(peanut butter, jelly, plate, paper towels, knife, spoon, and bread) and place
on table at the front of the room. The teacher will tell the student all of the
items that are available and explain the task to the student. “I have ______
sitting out on the table. I want you to give me very explicit instructions on
what to do to create a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that you would eat.”
The student will then have to tell the teacher exactly what to do in making a
peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The teacher will follow exactly what the
student says, even if it does not make a correct sandwich. This uses
Lancelot’s principles of Humor creates interest and the novel and unexpected
are interesting
5) We will ask the students if they know what a HAACP plan is. The teacher will
introduce by speaking what a HAACP plan is, then show the PowerPoint with
the objectives for the day. Check for understanding before opening the
6) Please share the attached PowerPoint Presentation on HAACP, critical control
points, and the USDA. Be sure to stop and ask for questions periodically
7) After PowerPoint instruction of what a HAACP plan is, students be assigned to
research one of the 7 principles of HAACP in groups. They will create a 5 slide
presentation and document for creation of Maple Syrup at Oley Valley.
8) The students will play a Kahoot! To test their knowledge on HAACP, Critical
Control Points, and the USDA. This activity should be allocated 10 minutes to
9) Students will be given the remainder of class time to research their principle
and start the presentations and document.
Ticket Out (Assessment of Learning)
Kahoot and proof of an item uploaded in the HAACP resources folder
Yesterday: Protein Unit Exam
Today: Introduction to Food Safety and HAACP
Tomorrow: Regulations Surrounding Food Safety and Production
Adaptations &
For peanut allergies, a teacher can use cream cheese or marshmallow fluff
Accommodations as peanut butter. For students with IEPs, the teacher will make
appropriate accommodations. Teacher can have a HAACP plan template
available for IEP students.
Flex Activity
If extra time: Allow students to work on their HAACP plan
If running short on time: Skip the Kahoot! game
FFA Activity
SAE Activity
Food Science CDE may include information on HAACP and critical control
If students are working in food service, they will need to know how to
properly handle food to ensure food safety. Following correct procedures
can be utilized in any work setting, not just food service.
Evidence of Need
HAACP is used in USDA regulations to ensure food safety. For our food science class, it is
important that students understand the necessity of following directions very carefully to
ensure the safety of all consumers.