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Fiberglass Alternatives: Saccharum & Paspalum Review

According to the article of Gardiner (2009) that states that fiberglass was used in
ancient civilizations but only rose into popularity due to the commercialized manufacturing.
Furthermore this article will help the researchers to determine the process of creating
fiberglass and ways that the researchers can use it to determine different materials we can use
to create fiberglass with alternative components.
Additionally the article of Rodriguez (2019), entitled plastic, shows just how
versatile and useful fiberglass is. In this article the researchers can have a basis on how the
fiberglass that they will create can be compared to in terms of its durability and usefulness.
On the other hand, the article published by the website Thomasnet shows that
there are still negative side effects of using fiberglass in everyday life like being an irritant
and can cause other health risks. Therefore this article can give us some effects that refular
fiberglass can do and what the experimental fiberglass the researchers are making should try
to lessen or remove.
Furthermore to determine the capabilities of the saccharum spontaneum as an
effecient alternative component for creating fiberglass and according to the article of
Bartolome (2013) it has capabilities of causing damage to the skin and has been used for
bio-ethanol and bio-diesel but just like glass it can be made into fibers and can cut like it.
With this in mind, the researchers can use this article to further determine the suitability of
saccharum spontaneum to be mixed with other materials to create fiberglass.
Saccharum spontaneum is a wildspread invasive plant that can be found all over
most places even in cities. With that in mind this will make the study applicable in most
places. Furthermore the article that was published by the datasheet Cabi that shows that not
only is it found in the Philippines but also all over the world. This article will help the
researchers by providing the characteristics of the different subspecies of saccharum
spontaneum its difference ffrom one another to determine the best one to use as an alternative
component for fiber glass.
On the other hand another potential component that the researchers might use as
an alternative material in creating fiberglass is Paspalum conjugatum or otherwise known as
carabao grass here in the Philippines. Furthermore, according to the article published online
by the org Stuartxchange, which states that it has many uses including an antifungal and
phytoremediation, can be used by the researchers as a guide into knowing and locating the
suitable species of Paspalum conjugatum that can be used in their study.
If the researchers cannot find a way to make fiberglass out of the two seperate
materials then they will combine the fibers that have been collected from the Paspalum
conjugatum and Saccharum spontaneum to make fiberglass because according to the article
of Delgado (2015) the Paspalum conjugatum can be mixed with other materials to create all
sorts of materials that are durable and beneficial. Furthermore those fibers that have been
collected will serve as a primary replacement for the glass fibers that are used in commercial
fiberglass and could be more durable or more cost effecient compared to the regular glass
fibers that are used to produce the standard fiberglass
Additionally, the study of Mariano (2015) further adds the fact that Paspalum
conjugatum can be used as a more environmentally-friendly alternative to replace paper based
food containers. From this study we can conclude that not only is the Paspalum conjugatum a
suitable replacement but also a more effecient and unexpensive alternative component for
those food containers. This will help the researchers in determining the durability of the fibers
collected from the Paspalum conjugatum to determine whether it is a suitable replacement for
the fibers that are used in fiberglass.
The article of the webpage Reference states that Paspalum conjugatum has many
uses including but not limited to agricultural farms and medicinal purposes and from that
information the researchers will determine the best course of action to collect the fibers and
how those said benefits will further affect the durability and its suitability to be used as an
component to create fiberglass.
Furthermore the article of Alojado (2014) shows that Paspalum conjugatum has
skin moisturizing properties that can be used if it is mixed in the proper solution. It shows that
the Paspalum conjugatum has beneficial porperties for the people around it. Since fiberglass
is manufactured in factories of companies then most likely it is exposed to workers and is
causing health problems for them. With the information gathered from the article the
researchers hypothesize that with the creation of their fiberglass that this will remove the need
for protective gear and costly equipment for the workers in companies