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Oracle R12 iProcurement Reference Guide

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Introduction to iProcurement
What is iProcurement
Why we use iProcurement
Logging into iProcurement
iProcurement Home Page
2. Creating Requisitions
2.1 Creating a Catalogue Requisition
2.2 Creating a Non-Catalogue Requisition
2.3 Proceeding to the Checkout
2.3.1 Step 1 of the Checkout
- Requisition Description
- Delivery Information
- One-time Address
- Billing Information
2.3.2 Step 2 of the Checkout
- Approvals
- Attachments
2.3.3 Step 3 of the Checkout
- Review & Submit
3. Approving Requisitions
Approving a Requisition
Forwarding a Requisition for Further Approval
Rejecting a Requisition
Cancelling a Requisition
Requesting more information
Out of Office Rules
- Vacation Rules
- Worklist Access
4. Receiving Goods (Booking-In)
Receive Items
Return Items
Correcting Receipts
Viewing Receipts
5. Review Previous Requisitions
Review Requisition Details
Identify Purchase Order Numbers
Copying Requisitions to the Shopping Cart
Cancelling Requisitions
Change a Requisition after it has been Approved
Using Favourites
6. Useful Information
6.1 Enitity Codes
6.2 FAQ’s – Frequesntly Asked Questions
6.3 iProcurement Contact Information
6.3.1 Local Purchasing Teams
6.3.2 eEnablement Service Support Team
1.1 Introduction to iProcurement
All Goods and Services purchased within NHS Wales must be requested using the Oracle
iProcurement system.
The Oracle iProcurement system is used by every Health Board and NHS Trust in Wales and is
part of Oracle Applications, an integrated suite of E
ness solutions designed to work
together to streamline the way Finance and Procurement deliver their services.
The Oracle R12 iProcurement Reference Guide provides useful information
nformation with how to
use this system and details:
 How to navigate through iProcurement Oracle applications.
 How to submit Orders, Approve and Receive Goods.
 Provide an overview
verview and reference information.
1.2 What is iProcurement
iProcurement,, or iProc for short, is an internet style way of ordering goods and services from
any supplier. It provides a web based method for requestors to create requisitions, research
the status of requisitions, and book-in
(receive) delivered orders into the system.
1.3 Why we use iProcurement
iProcurement assists departments in obtaining value for money through the identification of
preferred contacts or by allowing price comparisons. It also enables users to transmit the
purchase order direct to the supplier without
the need for printing.
1.4 Logging into iProcurement
To be able to access the iProcurement system you will require a valid username and
To be able to access the Oracle iProcurement system you will require a user
account. For information on how to setup a new user account contact the
Service Support Team for further assistance:
How to do it…
1. Click on the following hyperlink
yperlink http://fmsappprod.wales.nhs.uk:8001 or copy and paste into
your Internet Browser.
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2. Enter your Username and Password
3. Click on to login to the Oracle Home Page
Note: Using the Self Service Password reset tool end users with an associated email can submit a
request to securely reset their password or request a reminder if forgotten username.
1.5 iProcurement Home Page
Once you have selected the iProcurement responsibility, you will automatically launch into the
iProcurement Home Screen.
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The screen opens displaying the Shop page.
The Shop page is your iProcurement Home screen. From this screen you are able to search
and shop for new items, view recent requisitions and receive goods.
The table below gives a brief description of the different areas of the screen.
Screen Item
Shop Tab
This is your shop home screen. You can search and shop for new
items, view recent requisitions (last 5) and receive goods.
Requisitions Tab
This tab opens to show all your requisitions. You access your
notifications via this tab. These are similar to “To Do” lists that
you need to view or action.
Receiving Tab
This tab opens all requisitions that you have created. From here
you have the option to receive correct and return items and view
Shopping Lists
This link opens an Ad Hoc catalogue which stores your favorite
items. This saves time searching for them.
Non Catalog Request
If an item is not contained within the online catalogue, you are
able to create a non-catalog request. Note: The supplier must
be setup in the system.
Search for catalogue items from here.
Advanced Search
You can use an advanced search e.g.: search for items by
Stores Area
This area of the screen contains links to the various catalogues
contained within iProcurement.
My Requisitions
This area of the screen contains the last 5 requisitions created by
you. For a full list, click the Requisitions tab.
Shopping Cart
This area of the screen shows items that are currently in your
cart and awaiting check out.
Purchasing News
This area of the screen is configurable to hold Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) and hold important documents such as Policies
and Procedures.
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Creating Requisitions
To purchase Goods & Services a requisition must be raised and submitted for approval. Once
submitted for approval,, a requisition ID number (unique
identifier) is generated by the system
which can then be used to track the progress of the requisition
There are two types of requisition which can be created
Catalogue Requisitions
Non-catalogue Requisitions
2.1 Creating a Catalogue Requisition
A catalogue is a list products that have been loaded onto the system for which a purchase
agreement or contract is in place with a particular supplier.
If the item you require is available
within the catalogue a ‘catalogue
catalogue requisition’
must be raised. This is to ensure that the appropriate purchasing agreement or
contract is used for the item you need to buy.
Procurement will be unable to process your non
catalogue request if the item is in
the catalogue and will have to return your requisition to you to be re-processed
Selecting a catalogue item will save time in having to input information such as the Item Code,
Product Description and the Item Price as this information will automatically be loaded onto the
How to do it…
1. Navigate to the iProcurement Home page and using the search box, highlighted in the
screenshot below enter the details of the item you require.
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You can search for an item by entering any of the following details:
- Item Code
- Item Description
- Supplier Name
- Category Name
The text is not case sensitive
You can also use the ‘%’ sign as a wild card. It is not a good idea to enter just a
‘%’ on it’s own as the results will be too numerous and may take too long to be
2. Once you have entered your search criteria click
to search
earch the catalogue.
3. Once you have located the item you require enter the Quantity you need to purchase. The
system will automatically default a quantity of one.
Before amending the quantity check the unit of measure (UOM) that
the item will be ordered in. For example if the UOM is ‘Box of 10’ by
entering a quantity of 4 will order 40 items.
4. Click on the
button to add the item to your Shopping Cart.
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2.2 Creating a Non-Catalogue
Catalogue Requisition
You can request items or services not found in the catalog
catalogue by creating a non-catalogue request.
To be able to raise a non-catalogue
catalogue request you will need to know the Item Code, Product
Description, Unit of Measure, Price as well as the name of the Supplier.
You can contact your Local Procurement Team for advice and support to source the item you
uire and help find the information you will need to complete a non
catalogue requisition.
A non-catalogue
catalogue request should only be created if the item cannot
be found in the catalogue.
How to do it…
1. From the Homepage select Non-Catalogue Request.
The Non-Catalogue
Catalogue Request form will then be displayed.
2. Item Type: The following are the three item types used from non
non-catalogue requisitions:
Goods billed by quantity
Services billed by quantity
Goods or Services billed by amount
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3. Item Description: In the Item Description field enter as much information as you can to
make it clear to Purchasing and Requisition Approvers what it is that’s required.
The information entered in this box should be in the format of Item Description / Size
/ Colour / and other Supporting Information.
Description Should Read
“If your require a new desk then Purchasing will
need to know the Item Description, its Size and
Colour and or Features of the desk you Require”
Desk, 1600mm X 900mm, in Beech,
Right hand Turn.
4. Category: The category represents the type of item being purchased.
For example if you were ordering envelopes the category would ‘PAPER ITEMS & GENERAL
Categories are pre-set in the system and the relevant category for the item you are
purchasing needs to be selected.
Click on the
icon to search for a Category.
The Category search window opens. Enter a description to search for the Category.
Click on the
icon to select the category; you will then be taken back to NonCatalogue Request form.
5. Quantity: Enter the desired quantity.
7. Unit of Measure: The Unit of Measure (UOM) is the units that the item will be ordered in.
You are only able to choose a UOM that is available on the system.
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If it is a single item that you’re ordering, then the UOM would be ‘Each
If you’re ordering a box of ten then the UOM would be ‘Box of 10’.
If needed, click on the
icon to search for a unit of measure.
8. Unit Price: You must enter a price per unit (each/box/carton etc). There is no need to
enter a ‘£’ sign into this field.
The price must be entered exclusive of VAT,
VAT, this will be included when you
progress through the checkout.
9. Supplier Name: Enter the name of the Supplier which the items are to be purchased
Supplier accounts
ounts are created on the system by Procurement Services and the relevant
Supplier will need to be selected to complete your
catalogue requisition.
If the Supplier you would like to use is not available on the system you will need
to request a new Supplier record to be created on the system. The New Supplier
Request Form will need to be completed and submitted to your Purchasing Team
for processing.
If needed, click on the
icon to search for a Supplier record.
10.Supplier Site: The supplier site is the address to which the Purchase Order wi
will be sent.
If there is only one Supplier Site setup on the system, for the Supplier selected at Step 8
above, this field will automatically be populated.
If more than one Supplier Site is available, when selecting a Supplier Record, the Supplier
search window opens:
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Click on the
icon to select the Supplier Site you would like to use; you will then be
taken back to Non-Catalogue Request form.
11.Supplier Item: The Supplier Item is the suppliers product code of the item you are
Entering the correct Supplier Item / Product Code will help ensure you receive exactly
the item you need to purchase.
12.Click on the
button to add the item to your Shopping Cart.
2.3 Proceeding to the Checkout
Once you have added all of the items you require to your shopping cart you will then be ready to
proceed to the checkout to complete your requisition and submit for approval.
To proceed to the checkout click
in the Shopping Cart.
How to do it…
1. The Shopping Cart page will then be displayed listing all of the items you have put into
your cart.
This provides an opportunity to change the quantity of items to be purchased or delete
items not required, before progressing through the checkout.
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2. To confirm your Shopping Cart is complete and to progress through the checkout click on
The checkout is split into three steps:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
2.3.1 - Step 1 of the Checkout (Requisition Information)
At Step 1 of the check out you will be able to give your Requisition a meaningful title, determine
the Delivery information and set the Billing details.
-Requisition Description
A description will default into the field which will be the description of the first item in your
shopping cart. This field is a mandatory and cannot be left ‘blank’. It is a free text field so you
may wish to enter a description that better suits.
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-Delivery Information
A delivery address automatically populates the ‘Deliver T
o Location’ field each time you raise a new
requisition; this is because a delivery address is assigned to your user account by the system
administrator when it’s first created.
Should you require an Item(s) to be delivered to an alternative address you can
ca change the
defaulted delivery address.
If you change the delivery address you must also check to make sure the Cost
Centre code is correct.
This is because every delivery address has a Cost Centre Code assigned to it and if
you change the delivery address the Cost Centre code will also automatically
How to do it…
1. Click on the
icon to search for a Deliver-To Location.
2. The Deliver-To
To Location search window opens. Enter a description to search for the
location code and click-on
on the
3. Click on the quick select
icon to select the Deliver-To
To Location you would like to use;
you will then be taken back to Step 1 of the checkout.
-One Time Address
There will be an instance(s) where goods or service are to be delivered as a “one off” to particular
address. The delivery
ery address therefore
will not exist on the system for you to select.
In these instance(s) you have the ability to enter a “One-Time
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If you change the delivery address you must also check to make sure the Cost Centre
code is correct.
The Delivery Address doesn’t exist as system default and will therefore not be allocated
a Cost Centre.
How to do it…
1. Select Enter one-time Ad
The address you enter in the address box must be in the standard address format, i.e.
just how you would write an address on an
a envelope.
First Line
Second Line
Third Line
Forth Line
Fifth Line
Sixth Line
(Name of Address to)
(Number / Building Name)
(Street Name / Ward)
(Hospital / Town)
(County / POBOX)
2. Once you have entered the address
to return to Step 1 of the
- Billing Information
The charge account is the financial code of the budget to which expenditure for the purchase made
will be allocated to.
In other words the charge account will be where money comes from to pay for the goods or
services ordered.
The system will default a charge account for you which allocated to your user accou
account when it
first created. This is only a default value and can be manually changed.
The default charge account will automatically apply to all of the items (lines) added to your
shopping cart.
You can either change the Cost Centre for all of the items in your shopping cart to billed to or
edit each of the lines in your requisition to have items billed to separate Cost Centers.
To change the Cost Centre your Requisition will be billed to:
How to do it…
1. Click on the highlighted charge account
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2. To change the Cost Centre your Requisition will be billed to,
to click on the highlighted
charge account a second time.
If there are multiple lines that have been included on your Requisition you can click on of
the charge accounts
s listed.
3. In the ‘Chart of Accounts’ field amend the Cost Centre.
Charge Account is broken down into 5 headers and tthe Format of each charge
account is “Entity-Cost
Cost Centre-Subjective-Analysis
Entity (Also known as Organisation) – 3 Digits
Cost Centre ( Also known as Department Cost) – 4 Digits
Subjective (Also known as category) – 5 Digits
Analysis Code (Always set to default 0000 unless requested otherwise by finance) – 4 Digits
Other ((Always set to default 000000 unless requested otherwise by finance)
finance) – 6 Digits
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4. Select ‘Apply this Cost Allocation information to all applicable requisition lines.
5. Once the Charge Account information has been confirmed click the
you return to Step 1 of the checkout.
button until
To change the Cost Centre for each of the lines on your Requisition repeat the steps above
except for Step 5, applying the cost to all lines.
2.3.2 Step 2 of the Checkout (Approvals)
Step 2 of the checkout will allow you to amend who approves your requisition, add an
attachment(s) and make notes to both the Buyer and approver.
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- Approvals
The approver name displayed within the ‘Approvals’ section is retrieved from the purchasing
hierarchy settings in place on the Oracle system.
The purchasing hierarchy is setup in-line with the organizations authorized signatory list and
aligned to the Standing Orders policy.
Settings are in place on the system which restricts an approver to only being able to approve
the Cost Center(s) allocated to them up to their authorized approval limit.
Should the Cost Centre be changed or if the value of the requisition is greater than what your
usual approver can approve; will result in the system automatically changing the name(s)
which appears in your approver list.
You may need to change your approver, maybe as a result of being on leave and there is no
vacation rule in place.
How to do it…
1. Click on the
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2. The Manage Approvals window will open; select ‘Change Managerial Approver’ then
Enter *New Managerial Approver.
When searching for Managerial approver, search using the persons Surname by
typing in the window or; selecting
and then search by surname.
3. Once you have slected your approver, click
selected approver.
and this will apply your
2.3.3 Step 3 of the Checkout (Review and Submit)
This final step of the checkout will allow you to view the Purchase Requisition as a whole, save
your requisition for later submission or submit your requisition for approval
How to do it…
1. To submit your requisition for approval click on the
2. A confirmation message will then be displayed confirming your requisition has successfully
been submitted for approval.
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Approving Requisitions
Approvers receive a notification via e-mail that a requisition requires approval. Approvers can
view the notification details and approve, amend or reject the requisition.
Requisitions not approved within 5 days of receipt will either timeout and are returned to the
preparer or automatically routed to the next level approver (when one has been defined).
Once the requisition has been approved a notification is sent to the requester and the
requisition has a status of “Approved”.
iProcurement Notifications are accessed via the iProcurement responsibility. Notifications are
contained in a Worklist and are like emails that are interactive. They act like an electronic To
Do list known as Oracle Workflow. When the system needs your input, Oracle sends you a
notification that appears in your Worklist.
3.1 Approving a Requisition
How to do it…
1. Click the Requisitions tab on the iProcurement Home page.
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2. Click the Notifications link on the Requisitions page.
Notifications are listed. The default view is Open Notifications; however, you are able to
view notifications in a variety of ways using the drop down list.
3. Using the drop down box, select the view you require and click the
default is Open).
button. (The
All Notifications: Displays all notifications that have been sent to you and you have sent.
FYI Notifications: Displays notifications that are for informational purposes only, but require
no response from you.
Notifications From Me:: Displays notifications sent by you.
Open Notifications: Displays those notifications that still require action from you and/or has
an unresolved issue. This will not include notifications that have already been responded to
and/or issues that have been resolved.
To Do Notifications:: Displays notifications that
that require action by you.
Notifications that have been opened and acted upon will disappear from your list.
These are able to be viewed by selecting All Notifications.
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4. Click on the notification description link.
The notification will then open.
5. When opening a notification for a requisition approval, you will have the following
In the following example, you have been sent a notification for a requisition which
requires only your approval. You will be able to view the request and approve the
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1. The Approval Sequence shows that you are the only approver.
2. Click the
approving the request.
link to view more details of the requisition before
3. View the details and then click the
link to return to the notification.
4. To approve the requisition request, click the
Approving a requisition request as part of a line of approvers is done in the same way as it is
for a single approver. The difference here is where you sit in the list. If you are not the final
approver the request moves to the next approver in the list.
The example below shows that you have approved the request; however, the request now sits
with the next approver.
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Once the requisition request has been approved by all approvers in the list, the requisition
then has a status of “Approved”.
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3.2 Forwarding a Requisition for Further Approval
It is possible to forward your notification onto another person for further approval. There could
be various reasons why you would want to forward a notification, e.g.: you may believe that
the request requires further approval, or you might regard the request as beyond your
approval authority. You can approve and forward a requisition or forward without approving.
In the following example, the approver wants to forward the requisition onto another approver
without approving the request himself.
How to do it…
1. In the Response area of the screen click the
icon to search for a colleague.
2. Find the colleague and Quick Select.
3. The name will be entered into the window. Enter a note.
4. Click the
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5. The requisition request will appear in Mr. Davies’ notification list.
You can see from the screen below, that the requisition is pending awaiting Mr. Davies’
The screen below shows the requisition having been approved by Mr. Davies.
3.3 Rejecting a Requisition
When a requisition request is sent for approval there may be instances when the approver will
reject all or part of the request. If you receive a notification to approve a requisition request,
always check the requisition details before approving so that you are then able to make a
decision as to whether you wish to reject all or part of the request.
Rejecting part of a requisition will still give the request a status of “Approved”.
However, the rejected line item(s) will be deleted from the request. It is im
therefore, that the requester checks the approved requisition to confirm what has
been approved.
Rejecting a complete Requisition request
1. Open the notification.
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2. Click on the
link to view the requisition details.
3. View the details.
4. Click the
5. At the foot of the screen, type a response for the requester.
6. Click the
7. A notification will be sent to the requester to indicate the requisition has been rejected and the
requisition will have a status of “Rejected”.
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3.5 Requesting More Information
When viewing a requisition request in a notification you may want more information about the
requisition before you approve the request.
How to do it…
1. In the notification window, click the
1. Enter your request for more information into the free text field and click the
2. When the requester views the notification that is returned, he/she will be able to see
the information and is able to respond.
3. You will receive another notification with the information attached. You are then in a
position to approve the request.
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4. Click the
of “Approved”.
button. The requisition is given an order number and has a status
Out of Office Rules
When you are ‘out of the office’ you can re-assign your notifications to another person using a
Vacation Rule.
How to do it…
1. Click the Requisitions tab on the iProcurement Home page.
2. Click the Notifications link on the Requisitions page.
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3. Click on the Vacation Rules link.
4. The Vacation Rule page is then displayed, click
5. Vacation Rule: Item Type, Item Type and Notification will default to “All” these will not
need to be changed. , click
6. Check your Start Date, Enter the End Date of when the rule will expire and leave a
Message where Required.
Delegate – A Manager may delegate all notifications approvals to assistant
Transfer Notification Ownership -A
A manager may transfer a notification for a
specific project to the new manager of that project.
7. Although two options available, it’s advised to select “Transfer Notification Ownership”,
, using surname; find and select the person you plan your notifications to go to.
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The person you choose;
choose will have to be senior to your current position in the
hierarchy and can’tt be a subordinate where
their approval limits are lower than
8. Click
You will now be taken back to Vacation Rules Home Page; here you can Delete and Update your
Vacation Rule.
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Receiving Goods (Booking-In)
All goods and services ordered must be receipted (booked-in) in an accurate and timely manner
to allow the Accounts Payable Team to pay the suppliers invoice within the statutory 30 day
Receipting in iProcurement is a straight forward process and is completed using the Receiving
The Receiving screen is split into 4 areas:
Search: You can search for requisitions to receive.
Receiving Process. There are four actions you can perform within Receiving.
Receive Items
Return Items
Correct Receipts
View Receipts
Requisitions to Receive. Here you will see the 5 latest requisitions that have been
approved and awaiting receipt. You are able to click the
button to view
more requisitions.
My Receipts at a Glance. Here you will see the last 5 receipts generated by you,
including those generated on behalf of others. You are able to click the
button to view more receipts.
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When you receive goods, a receipt number is aut
omatically generated by Oracle. It is
important to note that you can only receipt items against a valid Purchase Order.
To summarise the ordering process starts with the creation of a Requisition,
Requisition which is a control
document that details the requirement (need) identified by the department as well as
providing approval to ‘go-ahead’
ahead’ with the purchase.
A Purchase Order document is then created and placed with the supplier containing the
relevant terms and conditions.
Process completed in
iProcurement by the department
sting goods or services.
Process completed in Oracle
by Procurement Services
An invoice will then be received from the supplier however before payment can be made u
what we call 3-way
way matching, Oracle checks the receipt against the purchase order before
generating payment.
Way matching is where you match the goods received to the Purchase Order and
to the Invoice.
By receiving the goods electronically, you are approving the payment of the invoice.
This ensures that you do not pay for what you do not receive.
If, for example, you receive less than what the invoice states, the invoice will go on
hold until all goods are received.
4.1 Receive Items
A list of requisitions to receipt will only display automatically if you
you raised the requisition in the
first instance. If no list appears you will need to use the search functions. This will also be the
case if you are receiving goods on behalf of another requisitioner.
How to do it…
1. Click the Receiving tab on the iProcurement Home page.
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2. Click the
The Receiving window will then be displayed.
3. Click the
button before entering any search criteria.
4. Enter your search criteria in to the relevant field and click on the
button. For
example if know the Purchase Order number enter this into the ‘Order Number’ field.
You can also search for a Purchase Order to receipt by clicking on the search icon
against the relevant field.
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The items to receive will then be displayed.
5. Check that the quantity and Unit of Measure are correct for the items you have
received. This information will need to be amended as appropriate to match the items
you actually received.
In other words by receipting items you will then be allowing for payment to be made
to the supplier and until the goods and services have actually been received the
purchase order should not be booked-in on the system.
6. Once you are happy the information entered is correct click
7. Click the
the checkbox.
8. Enter the Goods Received Note into the Packing Slip field.
9. Click the
button to move to the next stage.
A warning may display if the receipt date has exceeded the need by date tolerance
period; click on the
button to move to stage 3 of the process.
10.Check everything is correct and if so, click the
A receipt number is automatically generated and shown in the confirmation message
at the top of the screen.
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Return Items
If you are unsure of how to arrange collection for items to be returned contact your
Local Procurement Team for further advice.
The Return Items feature within iProcurement will create a record on the system
however this is for internal purposes only and is not linked to the supplier.
Arrangements will need to be made outside of the system for the collection of any
goods received that maybe for example damaged.
Correcting Receipts
If a mistake is made when receipting items the ‘Correct Receipts’ function can be used to make the
necessary amendments.
How to do it…
1. From the Receiving section click the
2. Enter your search criteria in to the relevant field and click on the
button. For
example if know the Purchase Order number enter this into the
he ‘Order Number’ field.
You can also search for a Purchase Order to receipt by clicking on the search icon
against the relevant field.
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3. Enter the ‘Correct Quantity’ that was received. The system will automatically calculate the
difference from what was originally received to correct the receipt.
For example if you originally receipted a quantity of 100 in error and the correct quantity
should be 10; Enter 10 into the ‘correct quantity’ field and the system will automatically
deduct a quantity of 90.
4. Click on the
5. The ‘Review and Submit’ page will be displayed; check the quantity and if you’re happy
with change click on the submit button.
4.4 View Receipts
The ‘View Receipts’ facility allows you to look-up information for Receipts that have been created in
the system.
How to do it…
1. From the Receiving section click the
2. Enter your search criteria into the relevant field and click on the
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button. For
example if know the Purchase Order number enter this into the ‘Order Number’ field.
You can also search for a Purchase Order to receipt by clicking on the search icon
against the relevant field.
3. Your search results will then be displayed.
Review Previous Requisitions
Review Requisition Details
Using the search function within iProcurement you can review requisitions that have been
raised along with the purchase orders that would have been created, receipts and Invoices
How to do it…
1. From the iProcurement homepage, select Requisitions and then click
2. Click the
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3. Enter your search information
rmation into the required field and then click
Status’s Explained
Approved – Completed and Approved
Returned – There has been an issue or a further request for information,
instructions will be accompanied with a returned requisition.
Rejected – The Approver has rejected the requisition
Incomplete – The approver has not approved within 7 days and requires rere
Cancelled – The requisition has been cancelled by, manager, buyer or originator.
Identify Purchase Order Numbers
Following the Steps in 5.1 Review Requisition Details to locate your requistion,
requistion the last column
in the search results will detail the Purchase Order number.
If this field is ‘blank’ a Purchase Order will not have been assigned to your requisition.
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If more than one Purchase Order has been assigned to your Requisition, this field
will show the value ‘multiple’. Click-on
e link to identify the Purchase Order
numbers assigned to your Requisition.
Copying Requisitions to the Shopping Cart
A Requisition that has been previously raised can be copied to create a new Requisition. This
will save time having to re-enter
enter the same information on to the new Requisition.
How to do it…
1. Following the same Steps in 5.1 Review Requisition Details.
2. Select the Requistion you wish to copy.
3. Click Copy, Select Shop tab and you will find that the requisition has been copied to
your shopping cart for you to review and submit.
celling Requisitions
There maybe an instance where you will be required to cancell a Requisition, you will have to
check the status of the requisition first.
If a Purchase Oder has already been assigned to your Requisition the system will
not allow you to use this function. You will need to contact your local
Procurement Team to cancel the order.
How to do it…
1. Following the same Steps in 5.1 Review Requisition Details.
2. Select the requisition you wish to cancel
3. Click
Change a Requisition after it has been Approved
Should a change be required to the Requisition once it has been processed; you can request a
changed to the quantity ordered and the unit price.
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How to do it…
1. Navigate homepage, and complete search as instructed in 5.1 Review Requisition
2. Select the Requisition and click
3. Selecting Shop Tab you will find that this requistion now sits in your Shopping Cart
ready for you to checkout and make change.
When this Message displays after clicking change, this is because the Requisition
has passed the point of changing and you will be required to contact your local
procurement to cancel the purcahse order and will have to create a new
Using Favourites
For consitent Requisitioners, you have a Favorites option which is know as your shopping list.
This list can only contain active catalogue items.
When Changes are made to catalogue items, those that have been selected and
are in your shopping list will delete of your list.
You wil have to again to search for these items to re-add
re add them
This will happen as the Item descriptions may change, the quantity may change,
the pack size may change, supplier item code may change there are many
variables but ultimately any changes will affect your shopping list.
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Useful Information
FAQ’s - Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I contact if I forget my log-in (password) details?
Using the ‘Login Assistance’ you will be able to request a new password. This self service feature can be
accessed by selecting the ‘Login Assistance’ link from the login screen; located directly below the password
Can I raise one requisition that contains items from multiple suppliers?
Can I raise one requisition that contains both catalogue items and non-catalogue
Yes. A single requisition can contain items selected from more than one supplier.
Yes. A single requisition can contain both a mixture of catalogue and non-catalogue items.
Once the requisition has been fully approved, the Oracle system will automatically generate a purchase
order for the catalogue items selected with the order then in-turn automatically sent to the supplier. The
non-catalogue items that were requested will be sent to a Buyer in Procurement to be processed, a
separate purchase order number will then be generated for these items before the order is then
transmitted to the supplier.
Can I raise one requisition that contains multiple cost centre codes?
Yes. A single requisition can contain multiple cost centre codes which can be applied to each individual
transaction line.
When I enter a ‘Unit Price’ should this figure contain VAT?
No. Any Unit Price that you manually enter into the system should always be entered as the net value (the
value before VAT). You will have the option, when proceeding through the checkout, to select the relevant
VAT rate, the system will then automatically calculate the Gross Price.
Does the ‘Unit Price’ displayed for catalogue items contain VAT?
No. All Unit Prices display for catalogue items is the value before VAT.
Does the ‘Total’ value of my requisition contain VAT?
No. When you review your shopping cart, the total value of all the items in your shopping cart is the net
value (the value before VAT). Please note, your approver’s financial limit on the system will be the gross
amount (the value after VAT).
For example, if your shopping cart displays a total value of £950 and your approver has a financial limit of
£1,000, should all the goods ordered have Standard VAT applied, once the VAT has been added to the total
value in your shopping cart your approver with their limit of £1,000 will be unable to approve the purchase.
The requisition will need to be forwarded higher up the purchasing hierarchy to be approved.
Can I raise separate requisitions to purchase the items I require from my supplier so
as to allow my approver to approve the requisition because the total value would have
been over their financial limit?
No. Requisitions cannot be placed in a manner devised to avoid the organisation Financial Limits. Only the
employee with the appropriate authorization limit can approve your request to purchase goods or services.
If your approver does not have the appropriate financial limit your requisition must be sent up the approval
hierarchy to the appropriate person.
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How will I know if a requisition that I’ve place has been approved?
You are able to access the Oracle system at any time to check the progress of your requisition. To do this,
click-on the Requisitions tab in the top right hand corner of the screen and then locate the relevant
requisition from the table displayed.
On the right hand side of the requisitions table is display the status column. This can be used to determine
whether your requisition has been approved, the statuses that could be displayed are:
This means that your requisition is waiting to be approved. The approver only has 5 days to approve
the requisition. If the requisition isn’t approved within 5 days the system will automatically return it to
you as an ‘Incomplete’ requisition.
The requisition has been approved by the first approver and has automatically been sent to the second
approver within your hierarchy.
The requisition has been approved and will generate an order number automatically for any catalogue
items selected or will be sent to the Procurement department to be ordered for those non-catalogue
The requisition requires you to take action. The requisition will need to be submitted for approval
otherwise you will not receive the goods you’ve requested.
Can I print a copy of the Purchase Order or the Requisition?
No. No hard copies of either the Purchase Order or Requisition can be printed from the Oracle System. The
reason for this is because all of the relevant information relating to your purchase for goods or services can
be ‘looked-up’ on the system. Further it helps to work towards a ‘greener’ way of working.
Can I raise a non-catalogue request for catalogue items?
No. If the item you require has been loaded onto the system in a catalogue you must select the item from
the catalogue. This is to ensure that the correct contract prices are used.
lease note, Procurement will be unable to process your non-catalogue request if the item is in the catalogue
and will have to return your requisition to you to be re-processed correctly.
Contact information
To request iProcurement Systems Support an email can be sent to the Service
The eEnablement Team provide
iProcurement (iProc) system.
Should you need Support & Guidance in the following areas please contact the
eEnablement Service Desk:
 General Support & Guidance with how to use the Oracle iProcurement System.
 To book a place on a Training Session for using Oracle iProcurement.
Service Desk Telephone:
WHTN 01796 3880 (029 2090 3880)
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