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Alliance Lite2 User Guide

Alliance Lite2

User Guide

This guide describes how to use the Alliance Lite2 web interface to create, modify, verify, and authorise FIN and MX messages. It also describes how to search for messages, create reports, and send and receive files. The guide is for business users of the application.

16 June 2017

Alliance Lite2

User Guide Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface............................................................................................................................................................... 5


SWIFT Training........................................................................................................................................ 7


Introducing Alliance Lite2.......................................................................................................................8


What is Alliance Lite2?............................................................................................................................ 8


What Does the Web Interface Provide?...................................................................................................9


Accounts at Banks................................................................................................................................. 11



Getting Started.......................................................................................................................................13


Get Access to Alliance Lite2.................................................................................................................. 13


Activate the Token................................................................................................................................. 14


Change Password..................................................................................................................................15


Log in to Alliance Lite2 ......................................................................................................................... 18


Log out of Alliance Lite2........................................................................................................................ 20

The Alliance Lite2 GUI ..........................................................................................................................21


Online Help............................................................................................................................................ 21


Tips and Tricks for Using Alliance Lite2................................................................................................. 21


Wildcards for Searching or Filtering.......................................................................................................22


Change your List View...........................................................................................................................23


Choose File........................................................................................................................................... 24


Print a Report Directly from the GUI......................................................................................................24


Report Types and Settings.................................................................................................................... 25


Change the Preferences........................................................................................................................26


Message Preparation............................................................................................................................ 29


Message Editor......................................................................................................................................29


Messages and Message Instances....................................................................................................... 33


General Message Structure...................................................................................................................35


Management of Messages.................................................................................................................... 36


Message Queues.................................................................................................................................. 38


Message Information for FIN and APC Messages................................................................................ 38


Message Information for SWIFT MX Messages.................................................................................... 40

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User Guide Table of Contents





Business Identifier Code (BIC).............................................................................................................. 42

Help about Message Standards........................................................................................................... 46


Help for Messages.................................................................................................................................46


Category Volumes: Message Text Standards........................................................................................50


Help for a FIN Message.........................................................................................................................50


Structure of Fields in FIN Messages..................................................................................................... 54


Field Formatting Rules.......................................................................................................................... 56

Message Creation..................................................................................................................................76


Create Messages.................................................................................................................................. 76


Create FIN Messages............................................................................................................................77


Create APC Messages.......................................................................................................................... 81


Create MX Messages............................................................................................................................ 81


Use Message Templates....................................................................................................................... 86


Fast Mode.............................................................................................................................................. 97


Validate a Message............................................................................................................................. 100


Route a Message................................................................................................................................ 103


Send a Message to a Queue (Dispose to).......................................................................................... 104

7.10 File Message: Send............................................................................................................................. 105

7.11 File Message: Get............................................................................................................................... 115

7.12 RMA Check Failure for File Messages................................................................................................ 121

Message Modification......................................................................................................................... 123


Message Modification Page Example..................................................................................................124


Modify a Message............................................................................................................................... 126


Messages in the Text Modification Queue........................................................................................... 127


Messages in the Emission Security Modification Queue.....................................................................128


Messages in the Reception Security Modification Queue................................................................... 130


Message Approval............................................................................................................................... 132


Message Verification Page.................................................................................................................. 133


Message Authorisation Page............................................................................................................... 135


Message Authorisation........................................................................................................................ 138


Authorise a Message........................................................................................................................... 139


Message Search and Report.............................................................................................................. 142

10.1 Message Search..................................................................................................................................142

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User Guide Table of Contents

10.2 Specify Search Criteria........................................................................................................................152

10.3 Message Instances..............................................................................................................................168

10.4 Types of Reports..................................................................................................................................170

10.5 Generate a Report of Messages from Search Criteria........................................................................ 173

10.6 Generate a Report of Messages from Search Results........................................................................174

10.7 Generate a Message Instance Report.................................................................................................176


Browse Services.................................................................................................................................. 178

11.1 Access Browse Services..................................................................................................................... 178


Message Upload.................................................................................................................................. 179

12.1 Message Partners............................................................................................................................... 179

12.2 Overview of Manual File Transfer........................................................................................................ 179

12.3 Batch File Transfer Sessions............................................................................................................... 180

Legal Notices................................................................................................................................................. 185

16 June 2017 4

Alliance Lite2

User Guide Preface


Purpose of the document

This guide describes how to use Alliance Lite2 to create, modify, verify, and authorise FIN and MX messages. It also describes how to search for messages, create reports, and send and receive files.


This guide is for business users of the application.

Significant changes

The following table lists all significant changes to the content of the Alliance Lite2 User Guide since the August 2016 edition. This update includes editorial changes that SWIFT has made to improve the usability and comprehension of the document.

New and updated information

A new section on SWIFT training added.

The Alliance Lite2 Workspace chapter has been renamed, extensively revised and improved.


SWIFT Training

on page 7

The Alliance Lite2 GUI

on page 21

A tip has been added when creating a template for

FIN, APC or MX Messages.

Event Log references have been removed from the

"Route a Message" section.

Create a Template for FIN, APC, or MX Messages

page 89

Route a Message

on page 103

Event Log references have been removed from the

"Send a Message to a Queue" section.

Additional columns that are not displayed by default on the Message Modification page are now listed.

Send a Message to a Queue (Dispose to) on page


Message Modification Page Example on page 124


The structure of the section "Authorise a Message" has changed.

Message Authorisation Page

on page 135

Message Authorisation

on page 138

Authorise a Message on page 139

A note has been added regarding the Text Tab on the

Message Details page.

Message Details Page on page 147

The "Searching by message ID and content" section has been revised and reorganised.

Search by ID and Content

on page 153

ID and Content Tab Search Criteria on page 154

An extra step to the procedure to search for a message using transmission details has been clarified.

Search by Transmission Details

on page 162

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User Guide

New and updated information Location

An extra step to the procedure to the section "Search by Instances" has been updated.

Search by Instances Location

on page 164

Alliance Lite2 documentation set

• Service Description

• Administration Guide

• Administration Guide - RMA

• User Guide

• AutoClient User Guide


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User Guide


SWIFT Training

SWIFT Training

SWIFT provides training about standards, products, and services to suit different needs. From tailored training to self-paced e-learning modules on SWIFTSmart, a range of training options are available for all SWIFT users.


SWIFTSmart is an interactive, cloud-based training service that offers a large variety of courses for different levels of knowledge. The courses contain exercises and quizzes and are available in multiple languages. The SWIFTSmart catalogue provides a lists of courses that are organised into these learning tracks:

• General knowledge

• Work with messages

• Deploy and manage SWIFT software solutions

• Security and audit

• Compliance and shared services

SWIFTSmart is accessible from the desktop or from a mobile device. No installation is required.

It is available to all connected SWIFT users and registered SWIFT partners with a swift.com

account. For more information, see How to become a swift.com user .

Tailored training

A full range of tailored programmes are available to meet specific training needs. For more information, visit the Training web page.

16 June 2017 7

Alliance Lite2

User Guide Introducing Alliance Lite2



Introducing Alliance Lite2

What is Alliance Lite2?

What are the components of Alliance Lite2?

Alliance Lite2 is an Internet-based solution aimed at any SWIFT customer including corporates, investment managers, funds distributors, and transfer agents that want to connect to SWIFT easily and securely. You can use Alliance Lite2 to send and receive message transactions using the FIN,

InterAct, FileAct, and Browse services over SWIFTNet.

Alliance Lite2 includes a Web interface and AutoClient. Your organisation can use either or both of them for manual or automated operations.

• The Web interface: Use the Web interface that has message data entry and business features if your organisation prefers to manually process a low number of message transactions per day.

This interface offers a web experience for sending and receiving all MT and MX message transactions and for file exchange. Alliance Lite2 customers who have ordered Browse services can also connect to Browse from the Web interface. For more information, see

What Does the

Web Interface Provide?

on page 9.

The Web interface can also monitor the status of message transactions that have been initiated through AutoClient.

AutoClient: Use AutoClient if your organisation has business applications and wants to enable these applications to send and receive message transactions in an automated way. For more information, see AutoClient User Guide .

Types of environment

Alliance Lite2 offers two types of environments:

Live environment: You use this environment to send live business messages and files. This environment is also called Production environment.

Test environment: You use this environment to exchange Test and Training messages and files. Other benefits of this environment are as follows:

New Alliance Lite2 users can try the Alliance Lite2 service in a safe environment before using the Live environment. Messages and files that users exchange in the Test environment have no financial consequences.

Existing Alliance Lite2 users can exchange test messages and files with a new correspondent to learn how to send and process messages and files properly.

Customers can test new Alliance Lite2 releases.

You can view only live messages and files in the Live environment and only test messages and files in the Test environment. The Test environment is a simulation of the Live environment, and you cannot send, view, or process a live message or file in the Test environment. Messages or files that you send from the Test environment are marked as test or pilot so that recipients of these transactions do not process them as live messages or files.

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User Guide Introducing Alliance Lite2



Who are Alliance Lite2 users?

There are three types of Alliance Lite2 users:

Customer security officers. See What Can Alliance Lite2 Customer Security Officers Do?


page 9.

Operators, use Alliance Lite2 for the creation, update, approval, sending, and receiving of messages and files to and from SWIFT. See

What Can Alliance Lite2 Operators Do?

on page


AutoClient operators (with access to the account that runs AutoClient) with a USB token or a channel certificate. For more information, see the Alliance Lite2 AutoClient User Guide .

What Does the Web Interface Provide?

The following types of users perform tasks in Alliance Lite2 through the Web interface:

• customer security officers that are responsible for sensitive tasks (for example, creating

operators and defining what tasks operators can do)

operators that perform day-to-day operations (for example, message creation, monitoring and approval)

Each customer security officer and operator has a personal token and password.

What Can Alliance Lite2 Customer Security Officers Do?

For each organisation that uses Alliance Lite2, SWIFT configures two customer security officers.

For the most critical tasks, an approval by the other customer security officer is required before the action can take effect.

The Alliance Lite2 customer security officers are responsible for user management of both the Live and Test environments.

A customer security officer's functions fall into the following categories, as shown in the following table.

User setup tasks Define an operator for each Alliance Lite2 user.

Assign each user an operator profile.

Create and maintain a corresponding personal token for each operator.

Generate reports related to roles, user entitlements, and security audit trails.

Assign RBAC user roles using SWIFTNet Online Operations Manager


Management tasks

Select the RMA relations or BICs that your organisation wants to transact with.

For more information, see the Alliance Lite2 Administration Guide - RMA .

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Alliance Lite2

User Guide Introducing Alliance Lite2


What Can Alliance Lite2 Operators Do?

What can operators do with the Alliance Lite2 Web interface?

You can use the Alliance Lite2 Web interface to access some or all of the following functions.

The functions that are available to operators depend on the operator permissions that the Alliance

Lite2 customer security officer allocates. According to their permissions, operators can perform the following tasks:

• message entry:

create, or modify transactions

Note This guide uses the term transactions when talking generically about all MT and

MX message typespayments, securities instructions, funds, asset holdings and free text messages.

use transaction templates to prepare messages. A template is a standard message form with pre-filled fields, corresponding to regular transactions.

approve (sign) transactions ready to be sent to SWIFT

reject transactions or return them for modification

view transactions sent to your organisation

monitor the status of transactions, from creation to final delivery

run reports on transactions or file transfers, such as generate Payments reports

• manual file transfers:

perform manual file transfers for batch input

view details about file transfer sessions for a message partner

• access Browse services:

access Browse services that are offered on SWIFTNet. This function is only available if your institution has subscribed to one or more of these Browse services.

An operator may have the permission to create message transactions, but may not have the permission to approve these message transactions. Another operator may have the permission to create and approve message transactions, including their own.

Examples of messages

The following are some examples of the messages that you can process using the Web interface:

Payments messages (MT) such as:

• initiation of multi-bank payments

• display balances and history of multi-bank cash accounts

Treasury messages (MT) such as:

• Foreign-Exchange confirmations

• Fixed Loan/Deposit confirmations

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User Guide Introducing Alliance Lite2


Securities Instructions (MT):

• Receive Financial Instrument

• Deliver Financial Instrument

• Process Deliver and Receive Confirmations and Status

Funds Management (MX):

• Subscription Orders

• Redemption Orders

• Switch Orders

• Generate Confirmations and Status (accept or reject)

• Processing and Linking of incoming and outgoing Confirmations and Status

Asset Holdings (MT and MX):

• Display of received statements and holdings

Accounts at Banks


What is a BIC and How are BICs Used?


A BIC is a unique identification of a bank

A Business Identifier Code (BIC) is a unique identification of a financial institution, or an entity within a financial institution. A BIC consists of either 8 (BIC8) or 11 (BIC11) characters. Alliance

Lite2 has a built-in, up-to-date list of all published BICs. This list is updated each time a new BIC file becomes available.

BIC example

An example of a BIC is ALGEDEFF, the BIC8 for Algemeen Bank in Frankfurt, Germany which is made up of the following:

• the first four characters of a BIC are a unique "shorthand" for the institution's name (ALGE)

• the next two characters are a country code (DE)

• the next two characters are a location (FF) which can, for example, indicate a city or a region.

The last three characters of a BIC11 indicate a branch of the institution. The BIC11 with XXX as branch code, for example, ALGEDEFFXXX, is equivalent to the BIC8.

What is a Distinguished Name (DN) and How is a DN


Distinguished Name

For every BIC, there is a corresponding Distinguished Name (DN) on SWIFTNet. This

Distinguished Name is a unique identifier in the X.500 notation in the form o=<bic8> , o=swift . For example, if the BIC is ALGEDEFF, then that BIC's DN is: o=algedeff, o=swift

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User Guide Introducing Alliance Lite2


Institutions sometimes define more DNs on SWIFTNet to identify departments or geographical locations, applications or individuals. These DNs have one of the forms: cn=<name>, o=<bic8>, o=swift or ou=<name>, o=<bic8>, o=swift or cn=<name>, ou=<name>, o=<bic8>, o=swift .

In general, the maximum length of a DN is 100 bytes plus maximum ten levels.

cn=<name>, ... , cn=<name>, ou=<name>, o=<bic8>, o=swift

DNs for Browse Services

The DN relates to the DN of the token. The token DN is always prepended with cn=%51 or cn=%52 .

For the Test and Training environment, cn=tt .

If the DN of the token is: cn=john, ou=users, o=algedeff, o=swift then the DN used by Browse (to sign SWIFTNet messages) is as follows: cn=%51,cn=john,ou=users,o=algedeff,o=swift or cn=%52,cn=john,ou=users,o=algedeff,o=swift

Banks and RMA Relations

A Bank

Before you can exchange SWIFT messages with a bank, your Alliance Lite2 administrator must define that bank in Alliance Lite2, and then set up an RMA relation with that Bank.

An RMA relation

The Relationship Management Application (RMA) is SWIFT's generic correspondent-control mechanism. RMA enables SWIFTNet customers to control what they want to receive and from which correspondent. An Alliance Lite2 administrator can set up or create an "RMA relation" to transact with a particular bank.

Activation of a received RMA is not automatic, the Alliance Lite2 administrator must view the received RMAs to activate them for use in Alliance Lite2.

For more information, see the Alliance Lite2 Administration Guide - RMA .

16 June 2017 12

Alliance Lite2

User Guide Getting Started



Getting Started

This section describes how you can perform the following tasks:

• get access to Alliance Lite2.

• activate your personal token

• log in to Alliance Lite2: for an Alliance Lite2 user or an Administrator who wants to get access to the Alliance Lite2 application

• use your password to sign important actions

• log out of, or end, a web session of Alliance Lite2

Get Access to Alliance Lite2

What do you need

To access Alliance Lite2, you must have the following:

• a USB Token and a personal password associated with that token, which your Alliance Lite2 security officer provides to you.

• an operator profile that your Alliance Lite2 security officer assigns to you. This operator profile provides you with specific roles or permissions to access some or all of the application's functions. It also defines whether you have access to the Live environment, to the Test environment, or to both. The Alliance Lite2 security officer associates an operator profile or profiles to a USB token and gives you that token.

USB tokens and passwords

A USB token functions as the security token that you must use to access Alliance Lite2. Initially an

Alliance Lite2 security officer provides you with a token and your first password. You must activate the token and set your own personal password before you can use the token. See

Activate the

Token on page 14.

When you access Alliance Lite2, plug the USB token into an appropriate USB port of your computer (laptop or desktop) on which the Alliance Lite2 driver is installed.

As best practice, you must change your password at least once annually. For more information, see

Change Password

on page 15.

More about passwords

Your password accesses the certificate on the USB token that enables you to log in to Alliance

Lite2. No other identifying information is required since this is all contained within the user certificate stored on the USB token.

CAUTION Never share your password with other users, not even with SWIFT. SWIFT staff never ask you for your password. Furthermore, you must take great care of your USB token when it is not in use.

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Alliance Lite2

User Guide Getting Started


Activate the Token

When you (operator) receive your personal token from an Alliance Lite2 customer security officer, the token is inactive because it does not yet contain your certificate.

You must activate your token on the SWIFT Certificate Centre before you can use it for SWIFT services. The activation process generates your PKI private key and stores it on the token.


1. Open Internet Explorer and navigate to http://www.swift.com/certificates .

The SWIFT Certificate Centre window appears.

2. Insert your token into a free USB port of your workstation.

3. Click Login .

The Confirm Certificate window appears.

4. Check that you are using the correct certificate by clicking the link Click here to view

certificate propr....

The correct certificate is issued by SWIFT and has a numeric name.

5. Select the certificate and click OK .

The Token Logon window appears.

6. Type the initial password that was supplied with the token in the Token Password field and click OK .

You receive your token from one security officer, and the initial password from the other security officer.

7. You may have to provide the password a second time.

The SWIFT Certificate Centre Login window appears.

8. Type the initial password that was supplied with the token in the Enter your token password field and click Login .

The Token Activation window appears.

9. Click



10. In the Enter Activation Code window, type the activation code that you received from your security officer and click Validate .

If there is a problem with the activation code, then re-enter the code and click Validate again.

Note The activation code is required only once to complete the activation. After activation is complete, this code cannot be reused.

11. You must now set your own password for the token. Complete the following fields in the

Change password window:

Current Password Enter the initial password that was supplied with the token.

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User Guide Getting Started



New Password (1)

Confirm new password

Provide a strong new password. The rules for passwords are as follows:

• Minimum length is four characters (maximum is 20 characters).

• Lowercase ( a-z ) and uppercase ( A-Z ) characters are allowed.

Password is case-sensitive.

• Digits 0-9 are allowed.

• All printable ASCII characters are allowed.

• You must use at least two different characters. For example, you cannot set the password to aaaa or 11111 .

• You cannot reuse the previous password. There is a password history of two years.

Re-enter the new password.

(1) There is no expiry date set on this password. The system will never ask you to change the password.

12. Click Change .

Your private key is now being generated on the token and certified by SWIFT.

The Activation complete window appears.

13. Click Logout to quit the SWIFT Certificate Centre.

When the activation has been completed successfully your personal token is ready for use.

Change Password

You can change your password in two ways: through the SWIFT Certificate Centre, or by using the

SafeNet tool.

Change password through the SWIFT Certificate Centre


1. Go to the SWIFT Certificate Centre: http://www.swift.com/certificates

The SWIFT Certificate Centre window appears.

2. Click



The Login window appears.

16 June 2017 15

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User Guide

3. Type your password, and click Login .

The Overview window appears.

4. Select Change the password that protects access to your token.

The Change password window appears.

Getting Started

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User Guide Getting Started


5. Complete the fields to set your new password for the token, and click Change .

A message pops up indicating that “Password changed successfully”. Then you are back to the

Overview page.

Change password using the SafeNet Tool


1. Right-click the SafeNet icon in the Windows tray.

2. Take either of the following two actions:

• Click Change Token Password.

• Click Tools > Change Token Password.

The Change Password: SWIFT_PDI window appears.

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User Guide Getting Started


3. Complete the fields in this window and click OK .

The “Password changed successfully” message appears.

4. Click OK .

You have successfully changed your password.

Log in to Alliance Lite2


Checking Certificates

Users can verify the Alliance Lite2 server's SSL certificate authenticity at each login to Alliance



1. At the Alliance Lite2 login window, you can verify the authenticity of the Alliance Lite2 server as follows:

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User Guide Getting Started


• Click the little lock presented by Internet Explorer for one of the following versions.

for Internet Explorer 8 click the lock at the right side of the address bar and select View


for Internet Explorer 9, 10, and 11, click the lock at the right side of the address bar and select View certificates.

• A window appears. It contains the information about the certificate of the Alliance Lite2 server. Verify that the certificate is still valid in the Valid from/to field.

2. If OK and there is no reported warning then go to display the Certificate window.

3. Click the Certification Path tab. Only the following two nodes must appear:

• the first is the root CA that issued the Alliance Lite2 server certificate

• the second is the Alliance Lite2 server certificate itself.

4. Select the first node, the root CA, at the top of the Certification Path and click View Certificate.

This displays the General tab. Verify that the root CA certificate is still valid in the Valid from/to field.

5. Select the Thumbprint in the field column on the Details tab. The Fingerprint of the

Certification Authority that certified the Alliance Lite2 server certificate appears in the lower frame.

6. Verify that the value matches the value published in the Knowledge Base tip ( 28660,What are the fingerprint values of the SWIFTNet Certification Authority Certificate and the SWIFT Code

Signing Certificate?) . You can find the tip on www.swift.com


7. If all the steps were successful then close all open windows and click Log in to Alliance Lite2 and continue. If any of the verification failed because of obsolete validation or Thumbprint mismatching, then do not connect to Alliance Lite2 and contact SWIFT.

Log in Procedure

Daily login

This section describes a daily log in procedure, using the password that you chose for yourself in section

Change Password

on page 15.

Screen resolution settings

For a proper display of the information in the Alliance Lite2 interface, set your screen resolution to

1280 by 1024 pixels or higher. Do not use the zoom in and zoom out functionality of Internet

Explorer. The labels on the Alliance Lite2 interface can have incorrect placement when the display value of Internet Explorer is not set at 100 percent.

To start a web session of Alliance Lite2


1. Insert your USB token in a USB port of a Windows computer.

2. With your Internet Explorer browser, log in to Alliance Lite2 with the appropriate URL:

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User Guide Getting Started


• On the Internet https://alliancelite2.swift.com

• On MV-SIPN https://alliancelite2.swiftnet.sipn.swift.com


The Alliance Lite2 page appears.

3. Click Login to Live service - Alliance Lite2 customers to go to the Live environment, or click

Login to Test service - Alliance Lite2 customers to go to the test environment.

4. Select your Alliance Lite2 certificate that is issued by SWIFT and click OK .

5. On the Token Logon window, type the token password that you chose in section Change


on page 15.

6. Click OK .

The Alliance Lite2 login page appears.

7. Type your password again and click Login .

When the password is accepted, you are ready to access Alliance Lite2 user functions.

If the password is not accepted, then an error message indicates that you entered a wrong password. After five wrong attempts to enter a token's password, the token becomes unusable.

If you see the message: "Signing failed: Password is permanently locked", then check with your Alliance Lite2 administrator whether your user ID has been approved. If you try to log in to

Alliance Lite2 using a token that has already been locked you will see the following message:

"The Password is permanently blocked. It cannot be used".

For more information about tokens, see the SWIFT Certificate Centre Portal User Guide .

Note Each login activates an Alliance Lite2 session with an idle timeout of 10 minutes. If a timeout occurs, then the system automatically logs you off, and you lose all unsaved changes.

Log out of Alliance Lite2


• Click Log Off on the top right corner of the window.

You have now disconnected an active session of Alliance Lite.

Note SWIFT recommends that you log out before removing the USB token.

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Alliance Lite2

User Guide The Alliance Lite2 GUI




The Alliance Lite2 GUI

The Alliance Lite2 GUI displays the home page by default when a user logs in.

Online Help

All pages within Alliance Lite2 contain the Help link in the upper-right corner of the navigation area of the GUI.

Clicking the Help link displays the online help that corresponds to the page or entity that is currently selected. It also enables you to navigate to other topics within the online help.


If you click the Help link, then the corresponding help file opens in a new window. The system opens the help file at the content that corresponds to the page or entity that is currently selected.

You can use the navigational links that are available in the help window to show other topics from within the online help.

The page from which you click the Help link determines the topics that the system shows:

• If you click the Help link on a page within Alliance Lite2, then the system opens the Alliance

Lite2 online help.

Tips and Tricks for Using Alliance Lite2

Click the logo at any time to return to the home page.

Navigation between task pages

In Alliance Lite2, you can open several items at the same time from different menus. This enables you to edit messages and switch between the message editor and other task pages at the same time.

If you are creating a FIN message (Creation menu), then you can open an MX message template, and also open a message in the Modification menu. The information remains active for all three tasks.

You cannot open the same task twice. For example, you cannot create two MX Message: New at the same time.

You can also do a message search (Search and Report menu) while you edit messages or complete other tasks. However, if you do a Message Search and view the message search results for a particular message then return to another task, the search results are discarded. This means that you must run the message search again.

Changing page size and possible impact

You can use the Change View function to set the value for Page Size, which changes the maximum number of rows that the list shows at a time. You can use the Change View function to change the column width, and to show or hide columns, if it is applicable for the current list. It is also possible to drag and drop items to re-order them.

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User Guide The Alliance Lite2 GUI


Note The default and recommended value is 100. Using a higher value may have an impact on the performance of Alliance Lite2. The more messages that you ask to be displayed on a page, the longer it takes to receive the page in your browser. Changing the Page Size value must be done with care.

Data input or modification in a form

The background of a property field changes to a different colour when it contains a value that is not valid. You can move the cursor over the property field to display details about the error. You cannot save properties if any field contains a value that is not valid.

Selection lists

Some pages in Alliance Lite2 display a list that enables you to select one or more values for a field.

To select a group of values that are not sequential, click a value and then hold down the CTRL key and click the other values.

Wildcards for Searching or Filtering

Where the functionality is available, you can use criteria to search or to filter the list for the current page for a specific set of information.


This is the behaviour for the search or filtering operation:

• If you do not specify a value for a criterion, then the system does not take that criterion into account.

• If you specify more than one value for a criterion, then the system uses an OR relationship to evaluate these values.

• If you specify values for more than one criterion, then the system uses an AND relationship to evaluate these criteria.


Some of the search criteria and the filtering criteria fields allow you to use these wildcards:

Purpose Wildcard

% (percent) Replaces one or more contiguous unknown characters in a string

_ (underscore) Replaces one unknown character in a string

Example a%a matches for example the following strings:

• aba

• afedpa

• azhgjdhsa aa_a matches for example the following strings:

• aa1a

• aaGa

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User Guide The Alliance Lite2 GUI


Change your List View

The Change View function changes the layout of the list for the current page or window.

You can use the Change View function to do the following:

• specify the maximum number of rows that the list shows at a time (page size)

• show or hide columns

• change the order of the columns

• save changes to column widths

• reset a list to the default layout, including column width

• reset a list to the default layout, except for column width changes


1. If you want to increase or decrease the width of a column in the list, then move the mouse pointer over the right-side edge of the column header, then click and drag.

2. Repeat the previous step for the other columns in the list, as necessary.

3. Click

Change View


The Change View window opens.

4. Use these methods to change the list layout, as necessary:

• Select or clear the check box for a column to show or hide it.

• Click the name of a column and use the up or down arrow to change its position in the list.

Alternatively, you can drag and drop the column names to reorder them.

5. If you made any changes to the column widths in the current list, then select or clear the Save

Column Widths check box, as necessary.

If you select the Save Column Widths check box, then the system saves the changes to the column widths and retains them in subsequent sessions.

If you clear the Save Column Widths check box, then the system discards the changes to the column widths when the current session ends.

6. Type the number of rows for the list to show at a time into the Page Size field, if it is available.

The value must be between 10 and 999.

Note The default and recommended value is 20. Using a higher value may have an impact on the performance of the GUI. The more messages that you ask to be displayed on a page, the longer it takes to receive the page in your browser.

Changing the Page Size value must be done with care.

7. Click OK .

The Change View window closes and the list layout changes accordingly.

The system also saves any changes to the column widths, if the Save Column Widths check box is selected.

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Reset list layout




1. Click Change View .

The Change View window opens.

2. If you made any changes to the column widths in the current list, then select or clear the Save

Column Widths check box, as necessary.

If you select the Save Column Widths check box, then the system saves the changes to the column widths and retains them in subsequent sessions.

If you clear the Save Column Widths check box, then the system discards the changes to the column widths when the current session ends.

3. Click Reset and then click OK .

The Change View window closes and the system restores the original layout of the list:

• the default page size

• the original set of columns in the original sequence

• the original column widths (if the Save Column Widths check box is cleared)

Choose File

This function enables you to select a file from the user space.


1. Click next to the corresponding field.

2. Navigate to the parent folder or file that you require.

3. Select the file that you require.

4. Click OK .

The Choose File window closes and the file name populates the corresponding field.

Print a Report Directly from the GUI

To print a report directly from an Alliance Lite2 GUI, click Print . The behaviour is similar to that of the Export function of the same GUI, with the following differences:

• The output format is always HTML.

• For font size, you can choose either small, medium, or large.

• The Page Orientation and Page Format options do not apply.

• If you select the All check box for a list, all of the entities displayed on the search page are displayed. In the Print window, Print Range is set to Selected items.

• If you select nothing in a list, all of the entities matching the criteria across all results (that is, not limited to the results on the page) are selected. In the Print window, Print Range is set to All


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• If you select a subset of the entities in the list, only those entities are selected for printing. In the

Print window, the Print Range is set to Selected items. However, you can change the selection to All items, which causes all of the entities matching the filters to be printed.

• When the output HTML page is opened in a new tab, the browser print menu is automatically displayed.

Report Types and Settings



The Report function enables you to run a report about information in the database, and is available:

• in the search or filtering criteria area of a page

• in the button bar of a list

• in the bottom button bar of a page


You can use the Report function to produce these types of reports:

• Summary report

Available only from pages that contain lists of entities, this report type enables you to include the information from at least one or more columns on the page for every entity included in the report.

• Details report

If available in the search or filtering criteria area of a page, then the corresponding report includes all the entities that the current search or filtering criteria return. In the Export window, checking the

"Search Criteria" box will include the current values for search or filtering criteria in the report.


This report type includes all details for every entity included in the report. You can only choose the output format and formatting options.

For more information about the types of reports that you can run for messages, see

Message Search and Report on page 142.

Run a Report (Export)

The Report function enables you to run a report about information in the database.


1. If applicable, select the entities in the list that you want to include in the report.

2. Click Report .

The Report window opens.

3. If applicable, select the report type.

4. Select the options that you require for the output format and formatting.

5. For summary reports, you can choose the columns for which details should be included in the report from the Available list.

6. Click OK .

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The File Download window opens and prompts you to open or save the report file.

7. If necessary, click Open to open the report or Save to save the report, as you require.

To open the report, you must have a tool installed that reads the corresponding file format: PDF,

CSV (only for summary reports), TXT, or XLS.

The system opens or saves the report accordingly.

Change the Preferences

Some preferences will take effect the next time you log in. The changes to preferences apply only to you, and not to other users.

These preferences are preserved across sessions, after a system restart and after deletion of the browser cache or history.


1. Click the Preferences link in a message handling screen.

The Preferences window opens.

The fields in the window vary depending on the task window that was open when you clicked the Preferences link.

2. To change the value of a setting, select the option you want from the drop-down list next to the setting:



Field Colour

Task window Description

Creation: FIN, MX and APC

Message Template or

Message New

You can set a colour to indicate mandatory fields. See



on page 27.

Error Field colour

Creation: FIN, MX and APC

Message Template or

Message New

You can set a colour to indicate which fields have

validation or format errors. See Step 3 on page 27.


Message Print for Creation

Creation: FIN, MX and APC

Message Template or

Message New

This preference enables you to produce a printed copy of a message that is being created. See Step


on page



Message Print for


Modification : all items


Message Print for Approval

Approval: all items

This setting enables you to produce a printed copy of a message that is being modified, after it is routed or

disposed. See Step 4 on page 27.

This preference enables you to produce a printed copy of a message that is being approved (verified or authorised), after it is routed or disposed to a message queue.

The setting for this preference does not affect messages being authorised without viewing the content. See Step

4 on page 27.

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Task window Description

Creation: FIN, MX and APC

Modification: FIN, MX and


Approval: FIN, MX and APC

This preference enables you to select the language used for displaying field expansions on screen, in the report obtained by clicking Report , and in the printed version obtained when the Enable message print for

Creation, Modification, or Approval preferences are set.

Search and Report: FIN,

MX and APC

In reports obtained by clicking Report , this value is used if the report type is Details and if the Display

expanded text option is selected. In instance reports obtained by clicking Instance report , this value is used if both the Display expanded text and Message Partner

Print Layout options are selected.

As well as the supported languages, the Server default value is displayed. If this value is selected, the language defined as default in the Alliance Lite2 server will be used.



(template of search criteria)

Search and Report: FIN,

MX and APC

If you have the Message File, Search Message permission and are opening a new instance of the

Message Search GUI, this preference enables you to automatically execute a search criteria template of your choosing. The results of the search are displayed in the list of messages.

This preference is displayed only when you select the

Message Search option.

This field is blank by default, but you can choose from the drop-down list the name of a search criteria template that is assigned to your unit.

3. Do the following to change the background colour of Mandatory Field or Error Field: a) Click next to the appropriate field type box.

A colour palette appears with the colours available for that field type.

b) Click the colour that you want.

The field type box is displayed with the newly selected colour.

4. The Enable Message Print preference enables you to produce a printed copy of a message after it is created, approved, or modified.

The available options are:

• No (default)

• After Route

• After Dispose

• After Route and Dispose

If you choose to print the message after creation, then Alliance Lite2 does the following:

• prepares the message details for printing

• allows you to select a printer on which to print the message

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You can also change the following options:

• output format

• page orientation

• page format

• font size

• include header and footer of the message

The output that is printed includes the message details, the originating task name, and the destination queue where the message was routed or disposed.

5. Click OK to confirm the changes or Cancel to discard the changes.

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Message Preparation


This section provides background information about the types of messages that an operator can manage through Alliance Lite2.

It also describes the concepts that the tasks descriptions refer to. For example, it explains the types of messages that you can send, and provides details about the key concepts related to those types of messages.

It also describes the message editors that are used to manage MT, MX, and APC messages.

Types of messages

Alliance Lite2 allows you to create and send various kinds of messages:

Type of message Description Reference



FIN messages are divided in two groups:

• FIN user-to-user messages the financial SWIFT MT messages that allow you to conduct transactions with your correspondents on the SWIFT network.

• FIN system messages

You send FIN system messages to communicate with the SWIFT organisation and its user community.

Message Information for FIN and

APC Messages

on page 38

Category Volumes: Message Text

Standards on page 50

System message only that allow you to communicate with the

SWIFT organisation and its user community.

Message Information for FIN and

APC Messages

on page 38



ISO 20022 XML-based (MX) messages that enable the transfer of richer data for more complex business transactions.

Message Information for SWIFT

MX Messages on page 40

Send or receive files using the

FileAct service.

File Message: Send on page 105


File Message: Get

on page


Message Editor

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Alliance Lite2 includes a form for creating and managing MT, MX, or system messages (APC). The form is referred to as a message editor. The form is also used to edit a template for MT, APC, or

MX messages.

The editor used to send and receive FileAct messages differs slightly from the message editor for

MT, MX, and APC. For more information about working with FileAct messages, see FileAct Details

(Send) Window

on page 107 or

FileAct Details (Get) Window

on page 117.

Note The Receiver field for FIN messages and ResponderDn field for MX messages is validated for RMA immediately after it is modified. This on the fly validation allows the field to be immediately highlighted as an error if the RMA validation is not successful.

Message management actions

The management actions that you can perform on a message are controlled through the permissions in your operator profile, and also on the current status of the message in the message lifecycle.

Management actions include:

• Create a message

• Validate a message

• Modify a message

• Complete a message (that is, specify that a message instance is at the end of its life cycle)

• Send message to a queue (dispose or route)

• Verify and approve a message

• Repair a damaged message

Example of the message editor

The following is an example of a message displayed in the Message Editor:

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Item Explanation More information

The name of message.

Click the name to display the help about the message from the Message


Help for Messages

on page 46

The tabs display the message and information about the message.

The Generate button creates a reference for the related field.





A repetition add button to include a sequence in a message. Each time you click the add button, the repetition is automatically expanded.

Some messages can have several sequences and subsequences. Within a sequence, some fields are mandatory and some are optional.

Help for Messages

on page 46

A repetition remove button to remove a sequence and the values from the fields in the sequence.

The expand arrow works when there is something to expand:

• for a mandatory field

• an optional field where the checkbox is selected (you want the field to be present in the message)

• a sequence with a repetition with at least one count

A picker to help you enter data in a field.

Format of values in fields

on page 32

A checkbox to expand an optional field.

The value of a field in a message.

Mandatory fields are denoted by a blue colour by default. Fields with invalid values appear in a different colour.

Different types of dropdown lists on page 32

Format of values in fields

on page 32

Help for Messages

on page 46



The field name and a detailed description of the field name.

Buttons that provide access to actions that you can perform on the message.

The buttons that are available depend on the permission in the operator profile that is assigned to you.

Format of values in fields

on page 32

Management of


on page 36


The message editor displays the information in a message in the following tabs.

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For more information about these tabs, see General Message Structure on page 35.

• Header

Application Header (for MX messages only)

• Body

• Comments

The Validation Report tab appears in the message editor to provide errors and warnings about an action that an operator performed.

If Alliance Lite2 detects errors during the various stages of message preparation, then the

Validation report outlines the following information:

• the location of the problem detected (for example, in the header or the body of the message)

• a description of the error or the warning

Tip Orange is the default colour for error messages. For information about how to change the error colour, see

Change the Preferences on page 26.

Format of values in fields

The values that you enter in a field for a FIN or an MX message must be syntactically correct and compliant with the message standards that are installed.

Some pages show the following icons to the right of a field:

Icon Purpose

Display the format of a field.

Click the icon to display the expected syntax of the field. For more information

about how to interpret the format descriptions, see Help for a FIN Message

on page 50.

Open a picker to help you enter a value in a field.

Where relevant, you can use the drop-down lists to select values for the fields in a message, or type the value directly in the field.

For text fields, the following information is shown:

• Number of characters already entered in the line on which the cursor is currently positioned

• Maximum number of characters allowed for the line in which the cursor is currently positioned

If the text field accepts multiple lines of input, then the following information is shown:

• Number of lines already entered

• Maximum number of lines allowed in that field

Different types of drop-down lists

Some fields use a drop-down list from which the operator selects a value from the list only. Alliance

Lite2 also uses drop-down list that enable an operator to input a specific value that is different from the values that are defined in the message standards schema. This feature is useful to handle intermediate changes in the message standards because you can use new keywords in this way.

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You can recognise the different types of drop-down lists by the background colour of the field and the background colour of the arrow.

This table shows the different types of drop-down lists, and explains how to recognise when you can type a value that is not in the list:

Usage Description Mandatory field icon

Not a mandatory field icon

Select a value from the list only The drop-down arrow is grey and the background colour of the arrow is different from the colour of the field.

Type a value that is specific for your institution, or select a value from the list.

If you type a value that is not in the list, then Alliance Lite2 does not check that the value is valid.

However, a warning appears in the Validation Report tab.

The background colour of the arrow is the same as the colour of the field.


Messages and Message Instances


Alliance Lite2 can create additional copies of a message during message processing. These copies are known as message instances. For example, when a message is sent, a message instance can be created and stored in a log file, so that there is a record of every message sent. Therefore, a message in Alliance Lite2 is a collection of message instances.

The creation of additional copies of messages is done through routing rule change in the central

Alliance Lite2 server. This is a payable option that is available upon customer request. To request this option, contact SWIFT Support.

Message instances

There are three different types of message instances:

• Original instance

• Copy instance

• Notification instance (transmission, information, or history)

A source instance is the instance that is being currently processed. It can be an original instance, new instance, copy instance, or notification instance.

Each message instance has an independent existence and is processed separately from the original instance.

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Original instance

When an operator creates a message through the Message Creation application, or when Alliance

Lite2 receives a message, the first instance of the message is the original instance. Each message has only one original instance.

You can modify only the message text of an original instance.

Copy instance

The routing software in Alliance Lite2 creates a copy instance of an original instance. A copy instance is for information purposes only, and therefore, an operator cannot use a copy instance to change the message text. A copy instance can only "point" to the message text.

Notification instance

The routing software in Alliance Lite2 creates a notification instance.

A notification instance provides information about the delivery status of a message. For example:

• The SWIFT network has acknowledged or rejected the message (that is, the original instance).

• The message failed authentication.

An operator cannot use a notification instance to change the message text. Like copy instances, they can only "point" to the text.

Status of a message instance

A message instance can have one of the following statuses:

Status Description


The message instance is being processed or is awaiting processing at one or more routing points. A routing point is a queue in Alliance Lite2.



The instance has been processed.

A message is not considered to be completed unless all of its instances have been completed. When a message is completed, it can be archived.

A Live or a Completed instance that the Message Processing Function has reserved. The instance is being processed , and you cannot perform an action on it.

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Message Preparation

General Message Structure

Message part








• FIN/APC messages

Defines the sender, receiver, message type, and options such as the message priority. A message is divided into blocks with the header information in blocks 1, 2 and 3.

• MX messages

Includes Distinguished Names (DNs) for requestor and responder, and other details needed to send the message through SWIFTNet.

FIN/APC messages

MX messages

For MX messages only

Depends on the service for which messages are processed.

Check with your supervisor for more information.

✓ ✓

The contents (that is, the payload) of the message. The body carries the financial information that the sender wants to send to the receiver.

The data in the text block is usually structured into a predefined sequence and format, as determined by SWIFT's message standards. For FIN/APC messages, the text is in block 4 of the message.

The payload of the message is carried in the application header and in the body of the message. In the body of the message, the data is stored as a Document element, which also identifies the XML schema for the message.

✓ ✓

Comments are optional and not sent externally. You can add a comment for the people in your institution who further process

the message. (1)

Confirms the authenticity of the sender, contains control information, and indicates whether any special handling is required of the receiver. The trailer is in block 5 of the message, and is identified by a 3-letter code.

(1) When an operator has added content in the Comments tab, and then validated or stored the message, the Comments tab includes a


after the tab name. The


indicates that an operator has added comments.

All messages processed by Alliance Lite2 must comply with the Standards MT and Standards MX.

For more information, see Help about Message Standards on page 46.

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Management of Messages

Life cycle of message depends on message type

Messages of different types have a different life cycle:

• MT and MX messages must be verified and authorised.

• System messages do not need to be verified, but must usually be authorised.

In addition, the management of messages within Alliance Lite2 also depends on the permissions of the operator and the routing rules that are defined in Alliance Lite2 for the institution.

Example of message management steps

The following graphic shows the possible message management steps for FIN or APC (MT 0_ _) messages:

MT 0_ _

MT 999

Creation Verification Authorisation



SWIFT Outbound Queue


Text Modification


Message management includes the following steps:

1. Create a message

An operator creates a message manually through the Message Creation application in

Alliance Lite2. This creates an original instance of the message.

For more information, see

Message Creation on page 76.

2. Route the message

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An operator can take any of the following actions if the permissions in their operator profile allow them to:

• Route a valid message to a queue that is defined in the routing rules.

• Move a message to a specific queue that the operator selects from the message editor. This is called Dispose in Alliance Lite2.

• Close a message, and in this case the message is not saved.

To save a message for editing later, an operator can save it as a message template.

For more detailed information, see

Message Queues

on page 38.

3. Modify the message, if needed

Optionally, an operator can move messages to the Text Modification queue for editing later.

These messages can be modified through the Modification application in Alliance Lite2.

For example, you can move an invalid message to the Text Modification queue when you are waiting for more information to include in the message.

4. Verify the message - only for MT and MX messages

In general, the creator of a message does not verify a message. Another operator verifies the message and re-enters the values for the fields that require verification. These fields appear empty when the verifier views the message. The values of fields in the original message must match the values in the re-entered fields for the message to pass the verification successfully.

5. Authorise the message

An operator authorises a message by checking the message visually. Then, the authorised messages are sent to the SWIFT network. Only operators with the appropriate profile can authorise messages.

Note By default, the ACKs of messages created manually are automatically completed. This messaging flow can be changed to have all the ACKs routed to the AutoClient directory. See the Service Description for more details about configuration changes

(“Appendix A”).

Operator permissions and security

For maximum security and accuracy, the message preparation process requires the following people:

• a creator

• a verifier (for MT and MX messages only)

• an authoriser

For security reasons, the specific permissions in your operator profile may limit your role in message management. Alliance Lite2 security officers can assign pre-defined profiles to operators.

Each profile corresponds to a specific user role. SWIFT creates the operator profiles for Alliance

Lite2 customers. Alliance Lite2 customers cannot create these profiles.

You can reduce the number of people involved in message preparation by giving operators permission in their profiles to create, verify, and authorise messages, but ensuring that they are not allowed to verify/authorise the messages that they have created themselves.

Operator profiles also define the sort of message that operators can prepare and which queues, if any, they can bypass.

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Note You can request for customisation of the profiles to have 2-eyes authorisation instead of the default 4-eyes authorisation.

Routing rules determine the message flow and consequently, may influence the message management tasks that you are allowed to perform.

Message Queues

Validity of a message format

Alliance Lite2 validates the syntax of a message when an operator clicks






, or

Dispose to


Message queues

Alliance Lite2 holds a message instance in a message queue according to the current status of the message.

The _MP_creation queue holds message templates, but Alliance Lite2 holds messages there for a fraction of a second before routing the message instantaneously to the next queue.

You use the Creation, Modification, and Approval menus to process the messages in the different queues.

If you cannot send a message to the next normal queue, then you can send it to the Text

Modification queue (_MP_mod_text). For example, you can send it to the Text Modification queue if you do not have enough information to finish preparing the message. If Alliance Lite2 has a problem with an input or output message and cannot process it, then the message is held in one of several other modification queues. You can use the Modification menu to edit the messages in these queues, to allow Alliance Lite2 to finish processing the messages.


Each message queue has a set of routing rules. These determine the default flow of messages from one queue to the next. If needed, the routing rules can be changed to suit your institution.

An operator can move a message from one queue to another queue in the following ways:

• Send (dispose) a message to a queue. In general, you can select the required queue from a list of available queues.

• Move a message to the Text Modification queue (_MP_mod_text) for editing later.

Message Information for FIN and APC Messages

This section describes:

• SWIFT message trailers

• Unique Message Identifiers (UMIDs)

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SWIFT Message Trailers

Every FIN and APC message has a trailer that:

• Indicates the status of the message (for example, whether the message is for Test and Training purposes (TNG))

• Assists in checking the integrity of the message, for example, to convey checksums.

Note With SWIFTNet PKI for FIN, a signature element is generated in the enveloping

InterAct message.

• Warns the receiver that some special handling may be required for the message, for example, the message may already have been delivered by SWIFT, or the message may have been sent before (PDM, PDE).

When a PDE or PDM is added to the message at emission, or detected at reception, then the event is marked in the event journal.

Most trailers are computed and attached automatically to the end of the message. They do not normally appear as part of the message. The only exception is the PDE (Possible Duplicate

Emission) trailer, which is added to a message, at the sender's request, to indicate to the recipient that the same transaction may already have been conveyed in an earlier message.

A PDE trailer is usually added if the sender is unsure whether a previous message was actually sent to the recipient, for example, following an application system failure. On receipt of a message with a PDE trailer, the recipient will try to match the transaction to an earlier message. If none is found, then the message containing the PDE trailer is processed as normal. If a duplicate transaction is found, then the message with the PDE trailer is discarded.

Unique Message Identifiers (UMIDs)

Every message stored in Alliance Lite2 can be uniquely identified based on information contained within parts of the header and text.

A Unique Message Identifier (UMID) consists of a User Unique Message Identifier (UUMID) plus a suffix, which makes it unique in the scope of Alliance Lite2. A UUMID, which is unique from the point of view of a single Alliance Lite2 user, consists of the following:

I/O + Correspondent + ID (type of message) + Reference where Reference is either TRN or MUR (MUR can be empty). However, note that the UUMID will not always be unique to a user, for example, if the user puts the same Reference twice in a single message.

The following table lists the information contained in the UMID:

Message identifier Description

I/O This is a single-character direction indicator. "I" means an input message, that is, a message input to the network specified within the message, from Alliance Lite2. "O"

- means an output message, that is, a message output from a network to Alliance


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Message identifier






This is 11 alphanumeric characters long and is the full BIC address of the sender or receiver of the message. If no specific branch code is given, then the last 3 characters of the BIC address default to "XXX". For messages with a direction indicator of "I", the BIC address identifies the receiver of the message. Where the direction indicator is "O", it identifies the sender of the message.

For SWIFT format, this is always a 3-character number and refers to the message type, for example, "100" for a customer transfer.

This is the Transaction Reference Number (TRN) as given in field 20 of the message. This reference may be up to 16 characters in length.

The suffix is a system-generated value that can help uniquely identify a message.

The first part is the creation date of the message in YYMMDD format, a six-digit number. The second part consists of a 1-to-10 digit number that the system generates. This number is incremental and unique for all messages.

Message Information for SWIFT MX Messages

MX messages are grouped according to the corresponding message standard. The list of message standards messages available within Alliance Lite2 depends on the services your institution uses, as well as on the version of Standards installed.

This section describes:

• Standards XML syntax

• Message UUMIDs

• Message formatting and expansion

• Derivation of correspondents

Standards XML Syntax

The Standards XML defines a structure which is defined as the request payload. Within the payload are the message header and the body of the message called the Document which contains the

XML schemas. All MX messages processed by Alliance Lite2 must comply with the Standard MX message format and syntax definition.

MX Message UUMIDs

Alliance Lite2 maintains a User Unique Message Identifier (UUMID) used to identify each message.

The UUMID is constructed for MX messages as follows:

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Message identifier




Message type

This is a single-character direction indicator. "I" means an input message, that is, a message input to the network specified within the message, from Alliance Lite2. "O" means an output message, that is, a message output from a network to Alliance Lite2.

Eleven-alphanumeric character long and is the full BIC8 address of the sender or the receiver of the message plus "XXX". For messages with a direction indicator of "I", the

BIC address identifies the receiver of the message. Where the direction indicator is "O", it identifies the sender of the message.

Three-character number that indicates the message type. It is extracted from the schema name or defaulted to "MX ".


Example: IGEBABEBBXXX007myref

Message Formatting and Expansion

Example of an expanded MX message

The following is an example of an MX message with its text expanded:

<AppHdr xmlns="urn:swift:xsd:$ahV10">




<Document xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchemainstance" xmlns="urn:swift:xsd:mas.mepsplus.mval.br$camt.007.001.01">









Alliance Lite2 is responsible for formatting an MX message payload in an expanded form.

Payloads in UTF-8 encoding are accepted.

The expanded message is generated using the following conventions (indentation is two space characters):

• Only printable US-ASCII characters below 127 appear. All other characters are replaced by a full stop ( .


• CR, LF, and CR/LF are replaced by a new line.

• Tab is replaced by a space character.

• Lines are wrapped based on the maximum line length provided with the format API (typically

72). The wrapped line keeps the current indentation and is aligned with the text on the previous line (that is, after the tag).

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• A tag is never indented with more than 30 positions (nesting of 15 levels). If the tag goes deeper than 15 levels, then only an indentation of 15 levels is used, and the indentation is only undone upon the return to level 14.

• Start and end tags appear as follows:

On one line if the field contained within the tags contains a value and no further subfields.

Line wrapping is as described above.

The end tag on a new line and is aligned with the starting < character of the corresponding start tag, if the field contained within the tags contains further subfields.

Empty tags appear as one single tag ending with /> .

• Tags that do not fit on one line are wrapped keeping the current indentation and are aligned with the starting < character on the first line.

Derivation of Correspondents

If not provided explicitly by the back-office application, then the Alliance Lite2 correspondents

(internal and external) are derived from the Requestor DN and the Responder DN contained in the message.

When a message is received by the SWIFTNet Interface, the correspondent names are derived from the Requestor DN (sender) and the Responder DN (receiver) as follows:

• mesg_sender_X1 (institution) = second node of the requestor DN (o=swift,o=<institution>), padded with XXX or truncated at 11 characters

• mesg_sender_X2 (department) = third node of the requestor DN (o=swift,o=<institution>, ou=<department>)

• mesg_receiver_X1 (institution) = second node of the responder DN (o=swift,o=<institution>), padded with XXX or truncated at 11 characters

• mesg_receiver_X2 (department) = third node of the responder DN (o=swift,o=<institution>, ou=<department>)

Note No mapping is done for mesg_sender_X3, mesg_sender_X4, mesg_receiver_X3, mesg_receiver_X4.

For mesg_sender_X2, if no "ou=" item is present, mesg_sender_X2 is not filled in.

For mesg_receiver_X2, if no "ou=" item is present, mesg_receiver_X2 is not filled in.

Business Identifier Code (BIC)


Business Identifier Code (BIC)


In the financial environment, a number of telecommunication services have defined coding schemes for identifying financial institutions as well as corporate entities. As a result, many financial institutions and some corporates have more than one code assigned, while others have no codes assigned.

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To ensure the availability of a unique identifier, an International Standard - ISO 9362 - has been established. This standard specifies a universal method for identifying financial institutions and is intended to facilitate automated processing of telecommunication messages.

SWIFT is the designated ISO Registration Authority for these ISO codes, and is responsible for their assignment and subsequent publication.

BICs in messages

ISO 9362 Business Identifier Codes (BICs) are used in certain fields of messages (for example, field 53a, Sender's Correspondent, or field 59A, Beneficiary Customer) to identify a party in the transaction.

When a BIC is available (for example, the party to be specified has been assigned a BIC), it should be used whenever possible, as it is standardised and can therefore be automatically processed by the receiver.

Both financial institutions and non-financial institutions can be identified with a BIC.

Related information

For more information on the BIC format and use of the BIC in SWIFT messages, see the SWIFT

BIC Policy on swift.com.

Business Identifier Code Structure

Components of a Business Identifier Code


The Business Identifier Code (BIC) consists of eight or eleven characters, comprised of the first three, or all four of the following components:








A 4-character code (BBBB) that identifies all instances of a particular institution worldwide (this is sometimes referred to as the BIC-4 address).

A 2-character code (CC) that identifies a country in which an institution operates (this, along with the Party Prefix, is sometimes referred to as the BIC-6 address).

A 2-character code (LL) that identifies a particular location within a country.

A 3-character code (BCD) that identifies a particular branch of an institution in a particular location. In messages, if the branch identifier is not known or not used, the characters

"XXX" are used instead.

If a BIC address is given without a branch identifier, then the eight characters, "BBBBCCLL", uniquely identify a financial institution, at a particular location, within a particular country. This form of address is called the "BIC-8" address for that institution and is identical to the institution's SWIFT

"destination address".

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If a BIC address is given with a branch identifier, then the eleven characters, "BBBBCCLLBCD", uniquely identify a particular branch of a financial institution at a particular location, within a particular country. This form of address is called the "BIC-11" address for that institution. If a branch is not known, or not used, then BIC-11 addresses may be expressed as "BBBBCCLLXXX".

Terminal code

During message preparation, the sender and receiver of a message are identified by their BIC-8 or

BIC-11 addresses. A further character, called a Terminal Code, is combined with the BIC to identify the logical terminals used by the sender and the receiver of the message. The Terminal Code occupies the ninth position of the BIC address (in front of the branch identifier):

"BBBBCCLLXBCD". The Terminal Code of the receiver defaults to "X" because the sender has no way of knowing which logical terminal the receiver will use to receive the message.

Standards for connected BICs and non-connected BICs

This section describes the standards for registered connected BICs and non-connected BICs used in SWIFT messages.

Details regarding SWIFT's policy concerning the use of connected BICs can also be found in the

FIN Service Description .

Components of a BIC

All connected BICs and non-connected BICs have the same basic structure except that nonconnected BICs are identified with the digit '1' in the eighth position. For addressing purposes, the

BIC is used with an additional character in the ninth position, shown as the logical terminal code:

Party prefix

Country code

Party suffix

Logical terminal code

Branch identifier a a a a a a c c c c c c

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

SWIFT Destination

Logical Terminal Identifier

Note: a = Letters only c = Letters and digits only

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User Guide

Related information

For more information, see: www.swift.com/bic

BIC Policy

Message Preparation

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User Guide Help about Message Standards

6 Help about Message Standards


This section describes the following information:


Help for Messages on page 46

Category Volumes: Message Text Standards on page 50

Help for a FIN Message on page 50

Structure of Fields in FIN Messages on page 54

For MT messages

For MX messages

For more information about MT Field Formatting Rules and characters for MT and MX messages, click


in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Help for Messages

Help for message standards

SWIFT provides online help in Alliance Lite2 for the messages:

• MT and APC messages: the help content is derived from the Standards MT User Handbook.

• MX messages: the help is derived from the documentation for Solutions.

You can also find additional information about message standards and Solutions on www.swift.com

, under Support > Resources > Documentation (User Handbook) .

For more information about message formats, BICs, SWIFT characters, and field formatting rules, you can also click Help in the upper right-hand corner of the Alliance Lite2 screen.

To display the help for a message

Clicking the name of the message in the message entry form (for a message or a message template) displays message-level help, if it is installed.

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The following is an example of the message help for a FIN message, MT 103:

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To display the help for a message field

To display the help for a message field, in the Body tab of the message, select the field (for example, F20 ):


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Help about Message Standards

The help for the selected message field is displayed:

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To display the help for a network error code

To display the help for a network error code, in the Validation Report tab of the message, select the error code (for example, D70 ):


Alliance Lite2

User Guide

Following is an example of help for error code D56 :

Help about Message Standards

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MX keywords

When you search for MX messages, you can provide values for the fields that are defined as MX keywords. Alliance Lite2 provides a list that includes the identifier, keyword, and path information for the messages within an MX standard. The information is based on the message standards that are installed in the Alliance Lite2 database.

If the configuration parameter, MX Keyword Extraction is set to Off , then keywords are not extracted from incoming MX traffic.


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Help about Message Standards



A link to a list of the MX keywords for all of the messages in a particular standard is available in the following situations:

• You select an MX standard in the Standard field of the ID & Content tab of the Message

Search Criteria or the Report Search Criteria page.

The link is displayed next to the Message Name field.

• You view an MX message in the Message Details page.

The link is displayed next to the MX keyword text on the Header tab.

Category Volumes: Message Text Standards

MT messages are organised into the following categories:

• Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques

• Category 2 - Financial Institution Transfers

• Category 3 - Treasury Markets - Foreign Exchange, Money Markets, and Derivatives

• Category 4 - Collection and Cash Letters

• Category 5 - Securities Markets

• Category 6 - Treasury Markets - Commodities

• Category 6 - Treasury Markets - Syndications

• Category 6 - Reference Data

• Category 7 - Documentary Credits and Guarantees

• Category 8 - Travellers Cheques

• Category 9 - Cash Management and Customer Status

• Category n - Common Group Messages

• FIN System messages

Help for a FIN Message


This section outlines the conventions that are used in the message standards for describing the formatting rules for FIN messages.

Note Alliance Lite2 uses a colour rather than the letter “M” to denote mandatory tags. For

more information about the colour for mandatory messages, see Change the

Preferences on page 26.

Message type scope

The scope of a message specifies the sender and receiver of the message and provides an explanation on how the message is used. In some messages, an example of the message flow is also provided.

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Message type format specifications

MT nnn (Message Type name)

The format specifications are the rules for the layout of the message type. This information is provided in table form as shown below:

Status Tag Field Name Content/Options No.

M 20 Transaction Reference Number 16x 1

2 M 21 Related Reference

Mandatory Sequence A (Sequence Name)

M 25 Account Identification



M 32A Value Date, Currency Code,



----> Optional Repetitive Sequence B (Sequence Name)







Ordering Institution

Detail of Charges

A or D


Sender to Receiver Information 6*35x


M = Mandatory O = Optional - Network Validated Rules may apply






MT nnn (Message Type name) provides the message type number and name.

The table headings have the following meanings:

Status indicates if the field is:

M = Mandatory

O = Optional - Network Validated Rules may apply

The status M for fields in optional (sub) sequences means that the field must be present if the

(sub)sequence is present, and is otherwise not allowed.

Tag is the field identification.

Field Name is the detailed name of the field tag, for this message type.

Content/Options provides permitted field length and characteristics.

No. identifies the number of the field in the Field Specifications for the message type. It is also called Index.

Only fields and field tag options, which are shown in the message format, may be used in that message type.

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Some message formats are separated into sequences of fields, as shown below. An arrow indicates that a sequence of fields may be repeated:

Status Tag Field Name Content/Options No.

First sequence




Second Sequence




Third sequence




M = Mandatory O = Optional - Network Validated Rules may apply

The arrows (----> and ----|) indicate that the second sequence may be repeated.

MT network validated rules

Network validated rules are validated on the network, that is, they are identified with an error code.

Rules specified in this section affect more than one field in the message, placing a "condition" on one of the fields specified. They are identified as Cn, or conditional rules.

For example, in the MT 202, a rule states that if field 56a (Intermediary) is present, then field 57a

(Account With Institution) must also be present (Error code C81, see the FIN Error Codes document).

MT usage rules

Usage rules are not validated on the network, that is, no error code is defined for them, but are nevertheless mandatory for the correct usage of the message. Rules specified in this section affect more than one field in the message, or more than one SWIFT message.

MT market practice rules

Market practice rules specify the rules published by a recognised Market Practice Group, for example, for category 5, the Securities Market Practice Group (SMPG). Market practice rules indicate the existence of a global market practice document on the business process in which the concerned field or message type is used. The absence of a market practice rule notation does not mean that no market practices exist for the concerned field or message type. The presence of a market practice rule is merely an indicator of a known market practice. Furthermore, readers

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User Guide Help about Message Standards should be aware that in addition to global market practices there may also be country-specific requirements that should be considered when using the field or message type.

MT guidelines

Guidelines are not validated on the network and are not mandatory for the correct usage of the message. They concern good practices. Guidelines specified in this section affect more than one field in the message, or more than one SWIFT message.

MT field specifications

The rules for the use of each field in the message are specified in this section. Each field is identified by its index number (as shown in the No. column of the MT format specifications), field tag and detailed field name, followed by a description of the field.

The description may contain some, or all, of the following:

1. FORMAT specifies the field formats which are allowed in the field.

2. PRESENCE indicates if the field is mandatory, optional, or conditional in its sequence.

3. DEFINITION specifies the definition of the field in this sequence of the message type.

4. CODES lists all codes available for use in the field. If there is more than one subfield for which codes are defined, each separate code list will be identified with a CODES heading. When a list of codes is validated by the network, the error code will be specified.

5. NETWORK VALIDATED RULES specifies rules that are validated on the network, that is, rules for which an error code is defined. Generally, rules specified in this section affect only the field in which they appear. In some cases, rules which are validated at the message level, that is, rules which affect more than one field, are repeated in this section. This is the case when the rule does not affect the presence of the field, but information within several fields, for example, a currency which must be the same for more than one field in the message.

6. USAGE RULES specifies rules that are not validated on the network, that is, rules for which no error code is defined, but are nevertheless mandatory for the correct usage of the field. Rules specified in this section affect only the field in which they appear.

7. EXAMPLES provides one or more examples of the field as it will be formatted/used.

Note For further information about the header and trailer, see the FIN Service Description

MT mapping

MT mapping explains how to map the fields of the message into another SWIFT message, either of the same, or a different, message type.

MT example

Examples are provided to illustrate the correct use of a message.

Examples always include:

narrative, which provides a brief description of a transaction

information flow, which illustrates the relationships between the parties involved in the message (see below diagram)

SWIFT format, which provides the message using the defined SWIFT format, and providing an explanation, where necessary, of the fields which have been used

The sender, receiver, and message type are summarily identified. Trailer contents are not shown.

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Note For further information about the header and trailer, see the FIN Service Description .

Structure of Fields in FIN Messages


This section describes the structure and format of fields in MT messages, which is visible when you view the message in fast mode.



Field tag number

Letter option


: nn [a] :


Field structure must comply with the following rules:

• Each field is identified by a tag which consists of two digits, or two digits followed by a letter option.

• Each field consists of a colon : , followed by a tag, followed by another colon : , and then the field content.

• The following character restrictions apply to the field content:

The field content must not start with a Carriage Return, Line Feed (CrLf) .

The field content must not be composed entirely of blank characters.

Within the field content, apart from the first character of the field content, a colon : or hyphen

must never be used as the first character of a line.

The format of each field must comply with the standards. For more information, see the

Format Description of the field in the Message Help on Alliance Lite2. Alternatively, you can view the format descriptions in the Standards MT General Field Definitions Plus , on www.swift.com


• Fields are separated by a 'Field Separator within Text' (CrLf) .

• The first field in a message is preceded by a 'Start of Text' (CrLf:) and the last field in a message is followed by an 'End of Text' (CrLf-) .

• Field content may be composed of one or several subfields.

When subfields appear on separate lines, the Carriage Return, Line Feed (CrLf) , which is not included in the number of characters for the length of the subfield, serves as the subfield separator.

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Subfields may themselves be of fixed or variable length.

The order of subfields is fixed.

When necessary, subfields are separated by special symbols, for example, / or // .

Subfields must not be entirely composed of blank characters.

Subfields and/or components must consist of at least one meaningful character.

• If a field content contains mandatory and optional subfields, then at least all of the mandatory subfields must appear when that field is used.

• The specification of field or subfield content may consist of:

restrictions on the length of field or subfield content, using the descriptions listed in

Restrictions on Length

on page 55

special formats, for example, for numbers and dates

codes, for example, currency codes

(See the BIC Directory, which is available for download from www.swiftrefdata.com


• In some messages, the field specifications may indicate specific characters, or sets of characters, for inclusion in the text of the field.

These take the following forms:

codes, for example, AMEND , TRF , or 08

slash / or double slash //

slash or double slash followed by a code, for example, //CH or /FIXED

slash followed by a code and another slash, for example, /REC/

Note All codes must be in uppercase alphabetic characters. When codes contain a mix of alphabetic and numeric characters, the alphabetic character must also be in uppercase.

Restrictions on Length

Restrictions on Length nn maximum length

(minimum is 1) nn-nn minimum and maximum length

Types of Characters Allowed n numeric digits (0 through 9) only a c h alphabetic letters (A through Z), upper case only alphabetic letters (upper case) and digits only hexadecimal letters A through F (upper case) and digits only

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Restrictions on Length nn!

nn*nn fixed length maximum number of lines times maximum line length d e

Types of Characters Allowed x y any character of the X permitted set

(General FIN application set) upper and lower case allowed any character of the EDIFACT level A character set as defined in ISO 9735 upper case only z any character as defined by the

Information Service decimals blank space





16-64h up to 2 digits exactly 3 uppercase letters up to 4 lines of up to 35 characters each at least 16 and up to 64 hexadecimal characters

Field Formatting Rules

General Rules

The following general rules apply to all fields:

• The field length and type of character(s), for example, letters, numbers, are specified in the

Standards MT General Field Definitions Plus and in the field specifications for individual message types.

• Unless otherwise stated in the Standards MT General Field Definitions Plus or message field specifications, all specified subfields must be present:

in the order (that is, sequence) specified

with no separator symbols (except a slash '/' or double slash '//' when specified).

• Brackets, [ ], around the format of a particular subfield (in a field containing more than one subfield), indicate that the subfield is optional within that field.

For example, if the format for a field is '16x[/4x]', up to 16 characters must be present (when the field is used). The following 4 characters, preceded by a slash '/', are optional, and therefore need not be present in the field.

• A field format may be shown on two or more lines:

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When this is the case, the information must be formatted with the CrLf character sequence separating each line.

Note In the ISO 15022 securities messages, generic fields are used to specify Party,

Amount, Date, Reference and Other types of data. For further explanation of this approach, see Category 5 - Securities Markets - Message Usage Guidelines .


Format nn...nn, nn...n

Fractional part (optional)

Integer part

Usage rules

Wherever they represent a numeric value, numbers always take the same form:

• The integer part must contain at least one digit.

• Decimal points are not permitted. A decimal comma ',' shall precede the fractional part.

• The maximum length includes the decimal comma.

• The fractional part may be missing, but the decimal comma must always be present.

• Neither blank spaces, nor any symbols other than the decimal comma are permitted.

• The integer part is mandatory in the number component, and at least one character must appear. Leading zeros are allowed.

• Normally, when a number represents an amount of money, the number of places following the decimal comma may not exceed the number of decimal digits valid for the specified currency.

The specifications for the individual message types will indicate the fields where this is not the case. Details regarding the allowable fractional parts for each currency code may be found in the BIC Directory download file (CU***.txt file), which is available on www.swiftrefdata.com


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5 1/4


Currency Codes



Format: 3!a


A currency code must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code, which normally consists of a two-letter

ISO country code followed by a third letter denoting the particular currency or type of funds.

Party Identification

Parties may be represented in several ways:

• Identifier Code (BIC)

• branch (city) of the sender or the receiver

• name and address

• other identification codes, for example, account number

When necessary, party identification can be supplemented by an account number line preceding other party information.

Party Identifier


When further identification of a party, for example, specification of an account number to be credited, is necessary, the party identifier should be used.

Format: [/1a][/34x]

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Subfield 1 [/1a]




Specifies which account is involved:

The receiver's account serviced by the sender is credited.

The sender's account serviced by the receiver is debited.

The account number information, preceded by a slash '/'.

Subfield 2


When the party identifier is present, the following rules apply:

• The party specified in the field with the account must be the account owner. The optional party identifier must specify the account known to the account servicing institution.

• Extreme care must be taken when formatting the party identifier, for example, when only subfield 2 '[/34x]' is entered, and its first and third characters consist of '/', the system can only presume that both subfields 1 and 2 are present. It will then qualify the second character for either code 'C' or 'D', and NAK the message if one or the other is not present (Error code T51).

Note Other fields impacted by this form of validation are:

• 42A, 42D.

• 50D, 50F*, 51A, 51D, 52A, 52B, 52D, 53A, 53B, 53D, 54A, 54B, 54D, 55A, 55B,

55D, 56A, 56B, 56D, 57A, 57B, 57D, 58A, 58B, 58D.

• 82A, 82B, 82D, 83A, 83D, 84A, 84B, 84D, 85A, 85B, 85D, 86A, 86B, 86D, 87A,

87B, 87D, 88A, 88B, 88D.

* See additional structure for party identifier in section

Option F: Party Identifier/Name and Address

on page 66.

Additional rules

The following additional rules apply:

• An account specified in field 58a or 59a must be owned by that party and must be serviced by the financial institution in field 57a or, if field 57a is absent, by the receiver.

• An account specified in field 57a must be owned by that party and must be serviced by the financial institution in field 56a or, if field 56a is absent, by the receiver.

• An account specified in field 56a must be owned by that party and must be serviced by the receiver.

• In field 53a, when an account is used it normally indicates:

which account is to be used for reimbursement, if multiple accounts in the currency of the transaction are serviced for the other party. In this case, the account should be specified

whether the sender's account serviced by the receiver, or the receiver's account serviced by the sender, is to be used for reimbursement, if they both service accounts for each other in the currency of the transaction. In this case, the account to be debited or credited shall be indicated in the party identifier by either the code /C or /D, or the account, or both

In both cases, this information should be specified in field 53a with the format option B (party identifier only).

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John Doe

122 Peyton Place

Elyria, OH 22216






John Doe

122 Peyton Place

Elyria, OH 22216






John Doe

122 Peyton Place

Elyria, OH 22216






John Doe

122 Peyton Place

Elyria, OH 22216


Bank A in New York services an account in USD for Bank B in London. Bank B also services, in

London, a USD account (number 567-3245-01) for Bank A.

Bank A sends a USD transfer to Bank B, using its USD account in London, serviced by Bank B, for reimbursement. Bank A will request that Bank B debit its account in London as follows:


Note In certain message types, there are exceptions to the rules for use of the party identifier detailed in this section, for example, field 57a in category 3 messages. In those cases, the intended use of the party identifier is described in the relevant field specification for the message type.

Option No Letter: Name and Address





(Name and Address)


Name and address of the party, with an optional account.

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Network validated rules

If the first line of this field starts with a slash '/', then it is assumed that Account is present and then at least 1 line of Name and Address must be present (Error code T77).

Usage rules

If Account is absent, then Name and Address must not start with a slash '/'.

Field assigned to this option


Option A: Identifier Code


[/1a][/34x] (Party Identifier)

4!a2!a2!c[3!c] (Identifier Code)


Identifier code such as a BIC. Optionally, the account of the party.

Network validated rules

Identifier Code must be a registered BIC (Error codes T27, T28, T29 and T45).

For institutions which are not SWIFT users, that is, which are not yet connected, the eighth position must consist of the digit '1'.


The following example shows BICs of non-connected users, without, and with, a branch identifier:



Fields assigned to this option

• 41A*, 42A

• 50A**, 51A, 52A, 53A, 54A, 55A, 56A, 57A, 58A, 59A

• 82A, 83A, 84A, 85A, 86A, 87A, 88A

Note When this option is used, the SWIFT system will validate the correctness of the

Identifier Code, that is, to ensure that it is registered : either connected or nonconnected.

(*) Field 41A does not have the optional party identifier, but does have an additional subfield.


Option D: Name and Address on page 62 on the use of clearing codes.

(**) Field 50A has the format [/34x] for Party Identifier.

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Option B: Branch of Sender/Receiver




(Party Identifier)


Usage rules

When used, at least one line must be present.

An account number only, not followed by any other identification, is allowed (field 53a).

For field 52a, the field specifications for individual message types specify whether this option identifies a branch of the sender or the receiver.

In field 53a, this option specifies either the account to be debited or credited, or a branch of the sender, that is, of the financial institution specified in the sender's address in the header.

In fields 54a and 57a, this option specifies a branch of the receiver, that is, of the financial institution specified in the receiver's address in the header.

Fields assigned this option

52B, 53B, 54B, 55B, 57B, 58B

82B, 84B, 85B, 87B, 88B

Option C: Account Number/Party Identifier


/34x (Account)


A code uniquely identifying an account and/or party.

In the MTs 101, 102, 102 STP, 103, 103 REMIT, 103 STP, and 104, clearing codes may be used.

Fields assigned this option

51C, 52C, 53C, 56C, 57C, 58C

82C, 83C, 85C, 87C, 88C

Note See

Option D: Name and Address on page 62 on the use of clearing codes.

Option D: Name and Address


[/1a][/34x] (Party Identifier)

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4*35x (Name and Address)











Note This option is used when no other option is available.

This information also applies to fields 50 (when option representing name and address is selected) and 59 (without letter option).


Name and address and, optionally, the account or clearing code of the party.

Network validated rules

If the first line of this field starts with a slash '/', then it is assumed that Party Identifier is present and then at least 1 line of Name and Address must be present (Error code T77).

Usage rules

When the party identification is provided by name and address (whether by full postal address or informal identification), the following rules apply:

• at least one line of the name and address must be present, in addition to the party identifier

• the street address must be on a new line following the name

• when a city is present, it must be on the last line, with the postal code (zip, etc.), state and country identification

Although more than one element of an address may appear on each line, care should be taken that, when possible, no element, for example, street address, should be spread over more than one line.

If a Party Identifier is absent, then Name and Address must not start with a slash '/'.

National clearing codes list

When the party identifier is used to indicate a national clearing system code preceded by a double slash '//', the following codes may be used:





Austrian Bankleitzahl

Australian Bank State Branch (BSB) Code

German Bankleitzahl

Canadian Payments Association Payment Routing Number



CHIPS Universal Identifier

CHIPS Participant Identifier


China National Advanced Payment System (CNAPS) Code


Spanish Domestic Interbanking Code



Fedwire Routing Number

HEBIC (Hellenic Bank Identification Code)

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Bank Code of Hong-Kong

Irish National Clearing Code

Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is the identification scheme defined by the Reserve Bank of India

Italian Domestic Identification Code

Polish National Clearing Code (KNR)

Portuguese National Clearing Code

Russian Central Bank Identification Code

UK Domestic Sort Code

Swiss Clearing Code (BC code)

Swiss Clearing Code (SIC code)

In some messages, some of these clearing codes may also be used with option A, that is, the MTs

101, 102, 102 STP, 103, 103 REMIT, 103 STP, and 104. This is indicated with the field specifications of each message type.

When one of the codes //FW (with or without the 9-digit number), //AU, //CP or //RT is used, it should appear only once, and in the first of the fields 56a and 57a of the payment instruction.

When it is necessary that an incoming SWIFT payment be made to the party in this field via

Fedwire, US banks require that the code FW appears in the optional Party Identifier.

When it is necessary that an incoming SWIFT payment be made to the party in this field via a realtime gross settlement system (RTGS), the code RT should appear in the optional Party Identifier.

Option D must only be used in exceptional circumstances, that is, when the party cannot be identified by a BIC, and when there is a bilateral agreement between the sender and the receiver permitting its use. Unless qualified by a clearing system code or an account number, the use of option D may prevent the automated processing of the instruction(s) by the receiver.

National clearing codes formats

List of codes and formats:

• The Australian BSB code is the identification scheme defined by APCA (Australian Payments

Clearing Association).

Its structure is either: for financial institutions with an extensive branch network:

2!n = Bank Code

1!n = State Code

3!n = Branch Code

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User Guide Help about Message Standards or for institutions with a small network:

3!n = Bank Code

3!n = Branch Code

• The Bank Code for Hong-Kong is structured as follows:

3!n = Bank Code

• The Hellenic Bank Identification Code (HEBIC) is the identification scheme defined by the

Hellenic Bank Association. Its structure is:

3!n = Bank Code

4!n = Branch Code

• The Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is the identification scheme defined by the Reserve

Bank of India. Its structure is:

4!a = Bank Code (same as party prefix in BIC - ISO 9362)

1!n = Zero - Reserved for future use

6!c = Branch Code

• The structure of the Irish NSC code is 2!n4!n, where:

2!n = Bank Code

4!n = Branch Code

• The Italian ITBI code is the identification scheme defined by ABI (Associazione Bancaria

Italiana). Its structure is:

5!n = Bank Code (ABI)

5!n = Branch Code (CAB)

• The New Zealand Bank/Branch Code is the identification scheme defined by NZBA (New

Zealand Bankers Association). Its structure is:

2!n = Bank Code

4!n = Branch Code

• The Portuguese National Clearing code is defined by the Banco de Portugal. Its structure is 4!

n4!n, where:

4!n = Bank Code (IFRI), potentially containing leading zeros

4!n = Branch Code (BLCI) which is unique for each branch and locally assigned by the

Financial Institution

• The Russian Central Bank Identification Code is to be considered as one, uniform, indivisible code. Its structure is 2!n2!n2!n3!n, where:

2!n = Country Code. The first position is always 0 and is not shown in the database of the

Central Bank of Russia.

2!n = Region Code within the country

2!n = Code of the division of the Central Bank in the region

3!n = Bank Code

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• The South African National Clearing code is defined by BankServ, the South African Bankers

Services Company Ltd. Its structure is 3!n3!n, where:

3!n = Bank Code, potentially with leading zeros

3!n = Branch Code, potentially with leading zeros

• The Spanish Domestic Interbanking Code is the identification scheme defined by CCI (Centro de Cooperacion Interbancaria). Its structure is:

4!n = Bank Code

4!n = Branch Code

[1!n] = Check Digit

Fields assigned to this option


50D, 51D, 52D, 53D, 54D, 55D, 56D, 57D, 58D

82D, 83D, 84D, 85D, 86D, 87D, 88D

Note Field 41D does not have the optional party identifier but does have an additional subfield.

Option F: Party Identifier/Name and Address




(Party Identifier)

(Name and Address)

The following line formats must be used (Error code(s): T54):

Line 1 (subfield Party Identifier) /34x

Line 2-5 (subfield Name and




Line 1 (subfield Party Identifier)

Line 2-5 (subfield Name and





Line 1 (subfield Party Identifier)

Line 2-5 (subfield Name and






(Code)(Country Code)(Identifier)



(Number)(Name and Address


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Name and address in a structured format to facilitate straight through processing.


When Party Identifier is used with the (Code)(Country Code)(Identifier) format, for example in field

50F Ordering Customer, one of the following codes must be used:

ARNU Alien Registration Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the

ISO country code, a slash, '/' and the Alien Registration


CCPT Passport Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the

ISO country code, a slash, '/' and the Passport Number.







Customer Identification Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the

ISO country code of the issuer of the number, a slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer

Identification Number.

Driver's License Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the

ISO country code of the issuing authority, a slash, '/', the issuing authority, a slash, '/' and the Driver's License


Employer Number

National Identity Number

The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the

ISO country code of the registration authority, a slash, '/', the registration authority, a slash, '/' and the Employer


The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the

ISO country code, a slash, '/' and the National Identity


Social Security Number

Tax Identification Number

The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the

ISO country code, a slash, '/' and the Social Security


The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the

ISO country code, a slash, '/' and the Tax Identification



On each line of Name and Address, subfield Number must contain one of the following values

(Error code(s): T56):

1 Name of the Ordering Customer The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the name of the ordering customer.

2 Address Line The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by an address line (Address Line can be used to provide for example, street name and number, or building name).

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3 Country and Town The first occurrence of number 3 must be followed by a slash, '/', the ISO country code, and optionally a slash '/' followed by additional details.

Other occurrence(s) of number 3 must be followed by a slash '/' and the continuation of additional details.

Additional details can contain town, which can be complemented by postal code (for example zip) and country subdivision (for example state, province, or county).

The country code and town should, preferably, indicate the country and town of residence.

Some option F fields also allow for these values in Number:

4 Date of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the date of birth in the YYYYMMDD format.

5 Place of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the

ISO country code, a slash '/' and the place of birth.




Customer Identification Number The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the

ISO country code of the issuer of the number, a slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the customer identification number.

National Identity Number The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the

ISO country code, a slash, '/' and the national identity number.

Additional Information The number followed by a slash, '/' is followed by information completing one of the following:

• the Identifier provided in subfield 1 (Party Identifier) used with the (Code)(Country Code)(Identifier) format.

• the Customer Identification Number provided in subfield 2 (Name and Address) with number 6.

• the National Identity Number provided in subfield 2

(Name and Address) with number 7.

Network validated rules

In subfield 1 (Party Identifier) used with the (Code)(Country Code)(Identifier) format: Country Code must be a valid ISO country code (Error code(s): T73).

In subfield 2 (Name and Address):

• The first line must start with number 1 (Error code(s): T56).

• Numbers must appear in numerical order (Error code(s): T56).

• Number 2 must not be used without number 3 (Error code(s): T56).

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• The first occurrence of number 3 must be followed by a valid ISO country code (Error code(s):


• Option F fields that also allow the numbers 4 – 8 in Number, for example field 50F, have these additional network validated rules:

Number 4 must not be used without number 5 and vice versa (Error code(s): T56).

Number 4 must be followed by a valid date in the format YYYYMMDD and this date, local to the sender, must not be later than the date on which the message is successfully sent to

SWIFT (Error code(s): T50).

Numbers 5, 6, and 7 must be followed by a valid ISO country code (Error code(s): T73), a slash '/' and additional Details (Error code(s): T56).

Numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 must not be repeated (Error code(s): T56).

The use of number 8 is only allowed in the following instances (Error code(s): T56):

▪ to continue information on the Identifier of the ordering customer provided in subfield 1

(Party Identifier) used with the (Code)(Country Code)(Identifier) format.

▪ to continue information on the Customer Identification Number provided in subfield 2

(Name and Address) following number 6.

▪ to continue information on the National Identity Number provided in subfield 2 (Name and

Address) following number 7.

Usage rules

• In subfield 2: Numbers 1, 2, and 3 may be repeated.

• In subfield 2: if number 2 is present, the first occurrence of number 3 must include the town in additional details.

For ordering customer:

• Subfield 1 (Party Identifier) used with the (Code)(Country Code)(Identifier) format: if additional space is required for providing the Identifier of the ordering customer, one of the following options must be used:

First option (preferred): Identify the ordering customer with a different identifier where the length is not an issue.

Second option: Continue the information in subfield 2 (Name and Address) using number 8.

• Subfield 2 (Name and Address): if additional space is required for providing the Customer

Identification Number (number 6) or the National Identity Number (number 7) of the ordering customer, one of the following options must be used:

First option (preferred): Identify the ordering customer with a different identifier where the length is not an issue.

Second option: Continue the information in subfield 2 (Name and Address) using number 8.

Field assigned to this option

50F, 59F

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Option G: Identifier Code


/34x (Account)

4!a2!a2!c[3!c] (Identifier Code)


Identifier code of the party with mandatory account number.

Network validated rules

Identifier Code must be a registered BIC (Error codes T27, T28, T29, and T45).

Fields assigned to this option

50G, 52G

Option H: Name and Address





(Name and Address)


Name and address of the party with a mandatory account.

Field assigned to this option


Option J: Party Identification with no Party Identifier


5*40x (Narrative)


Identification of the party.


The following codes can be used with this option. Depending on the field tag and message type, some codes may or may not be used, may exclude each other or not, or may be mandatory or not:

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Format Description

4!a2!a2!c[3!c] or


the BIC or 'UKWN' if BIC not known

34x account followed by the account number








34x address followed by the first line of the address address followed by the second line of the address city followed by the name of city (and state, country)

Clearing Code followed by a clearing code

CHAPS followed by CHAPS sort code

Legal Entity Identifier name followed by the name a net settlement is taking place standard settlement instructions are used

CHIPS followed by CHIPS UID

FedWire followed by FedWire Routing Number

The codes do not need to be put on separate lines. It is the '/' at the beginning of a code, not the end-of-line, that marks the end of the information behind the previous code.

As a result, the narrative following the code may not contain a slash '/'. The end-of-line may be part of the narrative text following the code, but it is to be ignored when reading the field. However, the end-of-line may not be part of the code.







Fields assigned to this option

53J, 56J, 57J, 58J

82J, 83J, 84J, 85J, 86J, 87J, 88J.

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Option K: Name and Address





(Name and Address)


Name and address of the party, with an optional account.

Network validated rules

If the first line of this field starts with a slash '/', then it is assumed that Account is present and then at least 1 line of Name and Address must be present (Error code T77).

Usage rules

If Account is absent, then Name and Address must not start with a slash '/'.

Field assigned to this option


Option L: Party Identification


35x (Narrative)


Identification of the party

Field assigned to this option


Option P: Party


:4!c//4!a2!a2!c[3!c] (Qualifier)(Identifier Code)


Identification of the party, with a qualifier and an identifier code such as a BIC.

Field assigned to this option


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Option Q: Party


:4!c//4*35x (Qualifier) (Name and Address)


Identification of the party, with a qualifier and name and address.

Field assigned to this option


Option R: Party


:4!c/8c/34x (Qualifier) (Data Source Scheme) (Proprietary Code)


Identification of the party, with a qualifier, issuer code and proprietary code.

Field assigned to this option


Option S: Party


:4!c/[8c]/4!c/2!a/30x (Qualifier) (Data Source Scheme) (Type of ID) (Country code) (Alternate ID)


Identification of the party, with a qualifier, an optional issuer code, type of ID, country code and alternate ID.

Field assigned to this option


Option T: Party


:4!c//2*35x (Qualifier) (Name)

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Identification of the party, with a qualifier and name.

Field assigned to this option


Option U: Party


:4!c//3*35x (Qualifier) (Name)



Identification of the party, with a qualifier and names.

Field assigned to this option







Times are represented as either four or six digit integers, that is, in form HHMM or HHMMSS respectively, where (Error code T38):

• H = Hour

• M = Minutes

• S = Seconds

No blank spaces or other characters are permitted.






Value Date Ordering


The SWIFT system allows the receiver to request value date ordering of its value date sensitive messages.

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The value date sensitive messages are:

• MT 910

• all Category 1 and Category 2 messages containing fields 30 or 32A, or both 30 and 32A, except common group messages 192, 292, 195, 295, 196, and 296

The valid range of value dates implemented on the SWIFT system for these MTs is from 1980 to

2060, and must meet the following requirements:

• allowed: a year component, for example, 'YY' in the range of 80 through 60, of an ISO defined six digit integer date 'YYMMDD'

• not allowed: any 'YY' component outside of this range, for example, 'YY' in the range of 61 through 79



:32A: 60 1130USD1,

:30: 80 1130


:32A: 61 1130USD1,

:30: 79 1130

For the purpose of value date ordering, if there is more than one value date field in a message, the lesser date will be selected:




Value date = 18th December 1995

Value Date = 3rd January 2002

In this example, field 30 Value Date (18 December 1995) is selected for value date ordering of the message. Error code T50 is returned after an invalid value date.

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7 Message Creation



You can create a message from scratch, from a message template, or from an existing message.

You create messages according to the permissions defined in your operator profile, including any restrictions limiting the message types, currencies, or amounts.

Message editor

Messages are created in Alliance Lite2 through a message editor. The message editor is a form with tabs which display the mandatory and optional fields that must be completed with information by the sender or the requestor.

The forms for creating and editing FileAct message manually differ slightly from the form for creating and modifying FIN, APC, and MX messages.

Message standards help

If the online help for message standards is installed, then help about the fields in a message is

available from Alliance Lite2. See Help for Messages on page 46.

Create Messages

Overview of how to create a message

The creation of a message involves the following tasks:

1. If required, select the logical terminal from which the message must be sent.

2. Choose the type of message to create: FIN, APC, MX, or FileAct.

3. To create a message from scratch, see the following sections:

Create a FIN or a System Message on page 78

Create an MX Message

on page 83

For information about using message templates, see Use Message Templates

on page 86.

4. Validate the message.

5. Route or send the message for further processing.

Fast and prompted mode

You can create the body of an MT or MX message in the following modes:

• Prompted mode: Alliance Lite2 displays structured information about the fields in the body, or application header of a message, and provides user assistance for selecting and for entering values in the message.

• Fast mode: Alliance Lite2 displays in text format the fields in the body, or application header, of the message. No additional information is provided about what to enter in each field.

For more information, see Fast Mode on page 97.

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Create FIN Messages



This section explains how to create FIN messages from scratch. To create FIN messages based on

existing message templates, see Create a Message from a Message Template

on page 90.

FIN Message: New Page


The FIN Message: New page allows you to select the sender logical terminal, the FIN category, and the message type.

Page example

The following is an example. The list of standards that are installed in your institution may differ:

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Page description

Sender Logical


FIN Category


The logical terminal that you want the message to be sent from. You can only send a message from a logical terminal that is licensed for your installation and allowed by your profile. The value selected in Sender

Logical Terminal determines the message syntax version to use.

You can select a message category from the ones that are available. The list also includes the names of the message categories from the installed

MyStandards packet, if applicable. Each category contains only the messages that you are allowed to create (as defined in your operator profile).

The message type.


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User Guide Message Creation





The internal name of the message type.

Text that explains the business purpose of the message type.

The message syntax version assigned to the logical terminal selected.

Create a FIN or a System Message


1. From the Message Creation menu, select FIN Message: New.

2. Select a logical terminal from the Sender Logical Terminal drop-down list.

The value entered for the Sender Logical Terminal field by an operator when creating a message is automatically saved. It is proposed as the initial value when the same operator creates another message.

Note If you select a Sender Logical Terminal ending in X, then the default syntax when creating and validating the message will be used. If this syntax is different from the installed version of a FIN message standard, you will be unable to see all of the

FIN category.

3. Select the appropriate message category in the FIN Category drop-down list.

The value entered for the FIN Category field by an operator when creating a FIN message is automatically saved. It is proposed as the initial value when the same operator creates another

FIN message using the above GUI.

The list of message types available in the selected category appears.

4. Select a message type from that list.

The message editor appears and displays the fields that are appropriate for that message type.

The Header tab is selected by default.

5. Enter the values for the fields in each tab:

Complete the Header of a FIN or APC message

on page 79

Complete the Body of a FIN or APC Message

on page 81

• Complete the Comments, if any. Comments can contain a maximum of 500 characters.

6. Next, take the appropriate action:


Close Message


Save as Template


Closes the message without saving the changes.

Creates a report of the message.

More information

Report Types and Settings on

page 25

Saves the information in the message as a template. Then, you can close the message, or perform another action.

Create a Template for FIN, APC, or MX Messages

on page 89

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New Fast


Fast / Prompted


Dispose to


With this mode, you can choose how tags are displayed when creating messages, either All Tags or Mandatory Tags.

This button is not available for locked templates.

Validates the message format.

More information

Fast Mode

on page 97

Allows you to create the body of an MT message in fast or prompted mode.

Routes a valid message according to the routing rules defined within Alliance Lite2.

Sends a valid message to a queue that is chosen by the operator. However, you can move invalid messages to the Text

Modification queue.

Validate a Message and Correct

Errors on page 100

Fast Mode

on page 97

Route a Message on page 103

Send a Message to a Queue

(Dispose to) on page 104


Complete the Header of a FIN or APC message

In the message header, you specify the identity of the sender and the receiver of the message. You also provide information regarding the priority of the message, as well as other details that are relevant for the particular message that you are creating.


1. In the Sender part, select a unit from the Unit drop-down list. This is the unit to which the message is assigned.

The value entered for the Unit field by an operator when creating a FIN message is automatically saved. It is proposed as the initial value when the same operator creates another

FIN message.

2. The Sender Logical Terminal field shows the logical terminal that you have selected in the previous page.

3. Click Type to select the type of correspondent sending the message: Institution, Department, or Individual. If you select Department or Individual, then extra fields appear so that you can enter additional details.

4. The Institution field displays the sender institution BIC8 corresponding to the logical terminal as a read-only value before the input area for the branch code. Select the branch code from the drop-down list.

5. If the correspondent Type is Department or Individual, then complete the extra fields so that the Department or Individual is clearly identified. The combination of details in the Institution field and these other fields make up a Full Name which uniquely identifies the correspondent.

6. In the Receiver part, you can specify that the message is sent to an alias provided the alias is defined in the Correspondent Information File. The package is used to define aliases for correspondents. An alias is an alternative name for one or more correspondents.

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If you select Alias, then select an alias name in the field that appears. If the alias is for a group of correspondents, then the message type must be MT 999. The message is broadcast to the group of correspondents. If the alias represents only one correspondent then there is no restriction on the message type.

7. Click Type to select the type of correspondent receiving the message: Institution,

Department, or Individual. If you select Department or Individual, then extra fields appear so that you can enter additional details.

8. In the Institution field, provide the BIC11 address of the Receiver correspondent. This is usually a BIC11 address for an external correspondent, that is, one not owned by your organisation, and so having a different BIC11 to your organisation. It can, however, be an internal one.

If a record exists for this BIC11 address in the CIF, then Alliance Lite2 displays the address details. If the BIC is not found in the CIF, then the Address Expansion fields remain empty. It is possible that the BIC is not yet included in the CIF. If Alliance Lite2 does not display values in the Address Expansion fields, then you can type the data yourself, although this is not mandatory.

The validation of existing RMA is performed when you fill in the message receiver data.

9. If you specified the correspondent Type as Department or Individual, then you must complete the extra fields.

10. In the Options part, complete the FIN Copy field if you use the FINCopy service. From the drop-down list, select the FINCopy service corresponding to the central institution destination that you want to copy the message to.

FIN Copy is shown only for relevant message types according to the sender LT and the

FINCopy profiles that are installed on Alliance Lite2.

11. In the Options part, click Priority to select the priority of the message on the network.

12. From the Monitoring list, select an option for monitoring the delivery of the message:

• For messages with normal priority

None for no monitoring

• Delivery or delivery notification

• For messages with urgent priority

Non-Delivery for non-delivery warning

• Full for both non-delivery warning and delivery notification

SWIFT sends an MT 011 (delivery notification) to you after the message has been delivered to your correspondent.

SWIFT sends an MT 010 (non-delivery warning) if the message is not delivered to your correspondent within a fixed period.

13. Select Yes in the User PDE field if you suspect that the message that you are creating was sent previously. Otherwise you can leave the field empty. By default, messages are sent without a Possible Duplicate Emission trailer.

14. In the Banking Priority field, type a priority with which your correspondent must process the message. This field is optional. Any value that you enter in this field must be agreed with the correspondent in advance.

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15. In the field, enter a message user reference of 16 alphanumeric characters maximum. This field is optional. How the reference is derived and how it is used is for individual organisations to decide.

Complete the Body of a FIN or APC Message




You enter the text of the message in the message body. The layout of the message body varies according to the structure of the message.

The fields that appear depend on the message type selected and on the syntax version which varies according to the sender logical terminal selected. You may need to use the vertical scroll bar to display all the fields, depending on the message length. Complete the fields in their displayed sequence. Some parts of the body can be collapsed to ease navigation.

For more information, see Message Editor on page 29.

Fast mode

If you are an experienced operator, and you are familiar with message syntax, then you can also complete the body of the message in fast mode.

For more information, see Fast Mode on page 97 and

Structure of Fields in FIN Messages on

page 54.


1. Complete all mandatory fields.

2. Complete any optional fields as needed.

Related information

Fast Mode

on page 97

Create APC Messages

APC messages only include category 0 messages, that is system messages for the General

Purpose Application. Online help for the message is also available (see

Help for Messages on page

46). The online help is based on the information in the User Handbook and explains how to complete specific fields.

APC messages are created in the same way as FIN messages. See Create a FIN or a System

Message on page 78 for detailed instructions.

Note The Receiver fields are automatically completed for new APC messages.

Create MX Messages


The permissions that you have regarding message processing tasks for MX messages depend on your operator profile.

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MX messages that are delivered in real time may receive a business response message. Such a message is stored as an intervention called transmission response, which is visible when the message is retrieved from the database (on the back-end instance) through message search.

Extraction of currency, amount, and value date keywords

When you create an MX message in the Alliance Lite2 database, if the deployment package corresponding to the MX service/request type indicates that it contains the currency, amount, or value date keywords, Alliance Lite2 extracts those keywords and stores their value in the corresponding currency, amount, and value date fields of the message in the Alliance Lite2 database.

If the value of the amount keyword to be extracted is longer than the amount field of the Alliance

Lite2 database, then the currency and amount are not extracted (however, the value date is extracted) and an event is logged in the Event Journal.

MX Message: New Page


The MX Message: New page allows you to select the message standard and the message.

Page example

The following is an example:

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Each MX standard groups the messages used within a particular Solution. The list also includes the names of the message groups from the installed

MyStandards packet, if applicable.

The message name.

The internal name of the message.

Description The expanded text of the Name column.

Version The message standards version.


Alliance Lite2

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Delivery Mode Real-time or store-and-forward.

Create an MX Message


To display the MX Message: New option:

• The Mesg Creation / Create Message, Service&Identifier - MX messages detail of your operator profile must be different from Allowed: None.


1. From the Message Creation menu, select MX Message: New.

2. Select a message standard from the Standard drop-down list.

The list of messages available for the standard selected appears.

The value entered for the Standard field by an operator when creating an MX message is automatically saved. It is proposed as the initial value when the same operator creates another

MX message using the above GUI.

3. Click a message from that list.

The message editor appears and displays the fields that are relevant for the message. The

Header tab selected by default.

4. Enter the values for the fields in each tab:

Complete the Header of an MX Message on page 84

Complete the Application Header of an MX Message

on page 85

Complete the Body of an MX Message on page 86

• Complete the Comments, if any. Comments can contain a maximum of 500 characters.

5. Next, take the appropriate action:


Close Message


Save as Template


Fast / Prompted


Closes the message without saving the changes.

Creates a report of the message.

Allows you to create the body of an MX message in fast or prompted mode.

More information

Saves the information in the message as a template. Then, you can close the message, or perform another action.

Create a Template for FIN, APC, or MX Messages on page 89

Validates the message format.

Report Types and Settings

on page 25

Validate a Message and Correct


on page 100

Fast Mode on page 97

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User Guide Message Creation



Dispose to


Routes a valid message according to the routing rules defined within Alliance Lite2.

Sends a valid message to a queue that is chosen by the operator. However, you can move invalid messages to the Text

Modification queue.

More information

Route a Message

on page 103

Send a Message to a Queue

(Dispose to)

on page 104


Complete the Header of an MX Message

If the Requestor DN that is provided in the header of an MX message does not contain a BIC8 part

(for example, o=xxxxxxxx) that is an allowed sender destination according to your operator profile, then Alliance Lite2 does not allow you to further process this message, not even to dispose it to the

Text Modification queue.

The Responder DN must end with o=<bic8>,o=swift or, if relevant, o=swift,o=swift.

For more information about DN structure, see the SWIFTNet Naming and Addressing Guide . The guide is available on www.swift.com

, under Support > Documentation (User Handbook) .

Note An error in either the Requestor DN or the Responder DN field prevents you from routing or disposing the message, even to the Text Modification queue.

Alliance Lite2 creates and maintains a Last Used DN store. Each time a DN is successfully used for a message, the entry corresponding to the type of DN, operator, service, and DN itself is created or updated. Therefore, when you create a message, the DN can be selected from the drop-down list in the message header.


1. Select a unit from the Unit drop-down list. This is the unit to which the message is assigned.

Only operators belonging to the same unit are able to access the message.

The value entered for the Unit field by an operator when creating a MX message is automatically saved. It is proposed as the initial value when the same operator creates another

MX message.

2. Complete the Requestor DN field, or select it from the drop-down list. It must be a valid DN and must contain a BIC8 which is an allowed sender destination according to your operator profile. The BIC8 must be an internal correspondent for the Alliance Lite2 instance.

Note The Requestor DN and Responder DN fields may already contain default values configured during the installation of the message standards.

3. Complete the Responder DN field, or select it from the drop-down list. If REACHPLUS has been installed, you can also use the DN picker to select the DN from BICs and Other Codes.

4. If the message is going to a service that is not the live one, then type the relevant characters after ! next to the Service Name field (for example, "p" for a pilot service). The service name entered is subject to operator permission as defined in the operator profile.

5. Complete the User Ref field (optional).

6. Click Priority to select the priority of the message on the network. Select Normal for a normal priority message or Urgent for urgent messages. The default value is Normal. If no delivery criteria are specified, then messages with urgent priority are delivered before messages with normal priority.

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7. Signed field. You can select Yes or No, or leave the field empty.

The default value depends on the application service profile.

8. Non-Repudiation field. You can select Yes or No, or leave the field empty.

The default value depends on the application service profile.


This is not related to the signing of messages as discussed in section Message

Authorisation Page on page 135 and section

Authorise a Message on page 139.

9. The Delivery Mode field is unavailable and shows the delivery mode of the message being created.

10. The Possible Duplicate field is used to warn the receiver that some special handling may be required for the message (for example, the message was already delivered by SWIFT or was sent before). You can select Yes or No.

11. Notification Required field (only for messages sent using store-and-forward delivery). You can select Yes or No, or leave the field empty.

12. SWIFTNet Copy field (only for messages sent using store-and-forward delivery). You can select Yes or No. The default value depends on the application service profile.

13. Third Party DN (only if available for the selected service as defined by the application service profile). The possible values are retrieved from the application service profile.

14. Authorisation Notification Required (only for messages sent using store-and-forward delivery for a Y-Copy service). You can select Yes or No. The default value depends on the application service profile.

15. Overdue Warning Time field (only for messages sent using store-and-forward delivery). You can select time in UTC after which store-and-forward must generate an overdue warning if the message remains undelivered.

16. Overdue Warning Delay field (only for messages sent using store-and-forward delivery). You can select the number of minutes after which store-and-forward must generate an overdue warning if the message remains undelivered (min 5, max 1440).

Complete the Application Header of an MX Message


1. Click the Application Header tab and complete the mandatory fields:

• From

• To

• BusinessDefinitionIdentifier

• MessageDefinitionIdentifier

Note The system automatically completes the CreationDateTime field.

When creating an MX message or modifying an MX template or message, the

Time zone drop-down list in the picker of the CreationDateTime field must contain all values between -13:00 and +14:00 inclusive.

2. Complete optional fields if needed. To display some optional fields, you need to check the boxes.

For more information about these fields, refer to the Standards documentation for the specific


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Complete the Body of an MX Message

In the message body, you enter the text of the message. The layout of the message body varies according to the structure of the message.

For more information, see Message Editor on page 29.

If you are an experienced operator, and you are familiar with message syntax, then you can also complete the body of the message in fast mode. The application header is also visible in fast mode, as it is part of the payload.

For more information, see Fast Mode on page 97.


1. Complete the mandatory and possibly optional fields as needed. Mandatory fields must be completed.

2. The fields that appear depend on the message selected and on the message standard version.

You may need to use the vertical scroll bar to display all the fields, depending on the message length. Complete the fields in their displayed sequence. Some parts of the body can be collapsed to ease navigation.

Use Message Templates

This section describes message templates and how to create them for FIN, APC, and MX messages.

Message Templates


A template is a message where some fields are pre-filled with relevant values. You can create message templates for FIN, APC, and MX messages .

The content of a message template can be modified, if needed.

Users and permissions

To import and export MT and MX message templates, your operator profile must have these actions:

• Access Control / Files on User Space

• SWIFT Support / Export Template and Import Template

Benefit of using a message template

You can use message templates to create messages that you send on a regular basis.

A message template contains values that do not change often, such as the sender and the receiver of the message. When you create a message from a template, then you only need to enter values for fields that are variable, such as dates and amounts. You can use one template to create any number of new messages.

A template can be assigned to a unit within the business. A unit is a group of operators within an organisation that has common requirements, such as the need to deal with the same confidential

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information. Templates that are assigned to the unit None are available to everyone. If a template is assigned to a unit, then that template is only available to operators who have that unit assigned in their operator definition. For more information about unit definition and assignment, see the Alliance

Access Configuration Guide .

Import and export of message templates

It is possible to export and import MT, MX, and APC message templates, which are then saved in a single file. For example, you can export the templates from a previous release of Alliance Lite2, and then import them to the current release.

Note This option is only possible through customisation.

Locked Message Templates


A locked message template is a message template where the fields cannot be modified. A locked template is created from normal FIN and MX message templates. When such a message arrives in the modification queue, it is fully editable.

Users and permissions

To manage locked templates, your operator profile must have this action:

Mesg Creation / Add/Mod/Rem Template with the Locked detail set to Yes.

To create FIN or MX messages only from an approved locked template, your operator profile must have this action:

Mesg Creation / Create Message with the From locked templates only detail set to Yes.

This means that you will not have permission to create FIN or MX messages from scratch, or from other messages, or from normal templates.

When a template is created, Alliance Lite2 verifies that if a subfield is locked then the parent field must be locked as well. If this verification fails, then an error message is displayed and the locked template cannot be saved. The same error message is displayed if the template fails validation because of this issue.

To approve a locked template, the security parameter Mesg Templ Approval must be turned on.

Locked message template management

If you have the permission to manage locked templates, then you can:

• mark normal templates as locked

• define the content of a locked template

• modify the content of a locked template

• approve a locked template

• delete a locked template

• change locked templates into normal templates

When a template is marked as locked, you can define a subset of locked fields in the Header,

Application Header and Body tabs. A template marked as locked has all its fields locked. You must

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modify the template and unlock the mandatory fields to be able to edit them when creating a message from a locked template.

CAUTION All locked mandatory fields must be completed when creating a locked template, otherwise the message created from the locked template will be unusable, as the fields will no longer be modifiable (messages with empty mandatory fields will always be rejected).

When modifying a locked template, a checkbox next to each field or subfield is selected if the field is locked, and cleared if the field is unlocked.

After a locked template is created or modified, the Approved/Not Approved status can be viewed only if the security parameter Mesg Templ Approval is turned on. Then messages from locked templates can be created ONLY if the template status is Approved.

Approving a locked template can only be done by an operator different than the one that created or modified it. This second operator must have the Mesg Creation / Add/Mod/Rem Template with the Locked detail set to Yes.

Message Templates Page


This section describes the content of the pages that list message templates for FIN, APC, and MX messages.

Note The buttons related to the locked template functions are not available for APC messages.

Page example

The following is an example of a FIN Message: Templates page:

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Page description

Filtering criteria area


Enables you to filter the list of message templates according to various

criteria. For details, see Filter a List of Message Templates on page 92.

Name of the message template.

The permissions in the operator's profile for viewing and modifying a message templates control the templates that appear in the list.


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Creation

Open by



Usage Count

Last Usage

If a message template has an operator name in the Open by column, then this means that operator is currently modifying the message template.

Name of the unit to which the message template is assigned.

Identifies the sender BIC used for this message template.

The total number of times that the template has been used to manually build a message.

The timestamp (in the local time of the browser) when the template was used to manually build a message.

The date and time when the template was created.

Creation Date/


Version The Message Syntax Version used by the template.

Additional columns for MX message templates

Identifier The internal name of the message type.

Service Name The service that corresponds to the standard.


Create a Template for FIN, APC, or MX Messages

This procedure enables you to create a new template for FIN, APC, or MX messages.

It is not possible to create a locked template for FIN or MX messages from the Save as Template operation. A Save as Template action always creates a normal (non locked) template even if the message being saved as template is marked as locked because it has been created from a locked template.

Tip When you create a message template, you can also open other menu items

(messages) at the same time from the Creation, Modification, Approval, and Search

and Report menus.


To add a message or file template using the Message Creation application:

The User MT, System MT, or APC MT of the FIN/APC message template, the Service&Identifier of the MX message template, or the Service&Identifier of the File message template must be checked to be explicitly allowed or not explicitly prohibited by the following permission detail of your operator profile:

• Mesg Creation, Add/Mod/Rem Templ

• User MTs

• System MTs


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• Service&Identifier - MX messages

• Service&Identifier - File messages


1. Follow the steps to create a new message.

For MX messages, ensure that you have entered values for the Requestor DN field and the

Responder DN field.

2. After you enter the message details, click Save as Template .

The Save as Template page appears, and prompts you to enter a name for the message template.

3. Type the name of the message template. This name identifies the template and appears in the list of message templates.

Message template names must comply with the following requirements:

• The name must contain a maximum of 31 characters.

• The following characters are permitted: A-Z , a-z , 0-9 , and special characters, except for single and double quotation marks.

• Spaces are allowed.

• The first character can be a space, or any of the letters, numbers or characters mentioned previously.

Note It is possible to add a message template with a name that is already used. The existing and the new message templates coexist with the same name.

4. Click



A confirmation message appears in the Status area, to confirm that the template was saved.

A FIN or APC message template includes the sender logical terminal and the message type the operator had selected when the template was created. An MX message template includes the identifier of the message standard that was selected when the operator created the template.

An MX messages template also includes the requestor DN and the responder DN.

5. You can continue to edit the message, send the message for further processing, or close the message.

Create a Message from a Message Template

This procedure enables you to create a FIN, APC, or MX message from a message template.

For more information about File messages, see

File Message: Send

on page 105 and File

Message: Get

on page 115.


1. From the Message Creation menu, select one of the following options:

• FIN Message: Templates

• APC Message: Templates

• MX Message: Templates

The list of message templates available appears. For more information, see Message

Templates Page

on page 88.

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You can navigate through the pages displaying the list, or refine the list using the filtering criteria. For more information, see

Filter a List of Message Templates

on page 92.

2. Click the name of the message template that you want to use.

When a template is opened or a message is created from a template, syntax validation is performed. The following behaviour can be observed:

• If there are no errors and one or more warnings, when opening the template, the Header page is displayed.

• If there are one or more errors, when opening the template, the page of the location of the first reported error is displayed.

The message entry form appears.

A FIN or APC message template includes the sender logical terminal and the message type the operator had selected when the template was created.

An MX message template includes the identifier of the message standard that was selected when the operator created the template. An MX messages template also includes the requestor

DN and the responder DN.

3. Complete the message fields.

When you create a message based on a locked message template (FIN and MX messages only):

• You can modify any non-locked fields from the template that are displayed in the message entry form.

• You cannot modify any locked fields from the template with the value READONLY that are displayed in the message entry form.

• Any optional locked fields from the template without a value are hidden in the message entry form.

When you create a message based on a message template, any editable data from the template displayed in the message entry form can be modified.

4. Next, take the appropriate action in the following table.

Table of actions


Close Message


Save as Template

New Fast


Closes the message without saving the changes.

Creates a report of the message.

More information

Report Types and Settings

on page


Saves the information in the message as a template. Then, you can close the message, or perform another action.

Create a Template for FIN, APC, or

MX Messages on page 89

With this mode, you can choose how tags are displayed when creating messages, either All

Tags or Mandatory Tags.

Fast Mode on page 97

This button is not available for locked templates.

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Fast / Prompted


Dispose to


Validates the message format.

More information

Validate a Message and Correct


on page 100

Allows you to unlock the message, if your operator profile detail Mesg Creation /

Create Message with the From locked

templates only detail is set to No.

If you unlock a message, then all the fields are no longer locked and it is not possible to return to a locked state.

Locked Message Templates

on page 87

Allows you to create the body of an MT or MX message in fast or prompted mode.

Fast Mode on page 97

These buttons are not available for locked templates.

Routes a valid message according to the routing rules defined within Alliance Lite2.

Route a Message

on page 103

Sends a valid message to a queue that is chosen by the operator. However, you can move invalid messages to the Text

Modification queue.

Locked messages cannot be sent to the Text

Modification queue.

Send a Message to a Queue

(Dispose to)

on page 104


Filter a List of Message Templates

Follow this procedure to filter a list of message templates according to specific criteria.


1. From the Message Creation menu, select one of the following options:

• FIN Message: Templates

• APC Message: Templates

• MX Message: Templates

The list of message templates available appears. For more information, see Message

Templates Page

on page 88.

2. Define the criteria to use to filter the list of message templates based on the following information:

• Template Name

You can use the following wildcards in the Template Name field:

" _ ", to replace one unknown character

' '% '', to replace zero, or one or more contiguous unknown characters

Match Case (applies only to the value provided for template name)

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Created by (name of the operator who created the template)

Modified by (name of the last operator who modified the template)

3. Click Submit .

The list of templates is filtered according to the selected criteria.

Message Template Management


This section provides information about the maintenance and the management of message templates in Alliance Lite2.

Modify Templates


You cannot change the message type of a message template.

To modify a message or file template using the Message Creation application:

• The User MT, System MT, or APC MT of the FIN/APC message template, the Service&Identifier of the MX message template, or the Service&Identifier of the File message template must be checked to be explicitly allowed or not explicitly prohibited by the Mesg Creation,

Add/Mod/Rem Templ, User MTs, System MTs, APC MTs, Service&Identifier - MX

messages, or Service&Identifier - File messages permission detail of your operator profile.


1. From the Message Creation menu, select one of the following options:

• FIN Message: Templates

• APC Message: Templates

• MX Message: Templates

The list of message templates available appears. For more information, see Message

Templates Page

on page 88.

2. Select the check box beside the name of the message template that you want to modify.

If needed, navigate through the pages or refine the list using filtering criteria. For more

information, see Filter a List of Message Templates on page 92.

3. Click Modify .

The message entry form appears and the title of the window includes Edit Template.

When an operator modifies a message template, the operator's name appears in the Open by column of the message template list to show that the template is being modified.

4. Change the values in the template, as required.

When modifying a locked template, a checkbox next to each field or subfield is selected if the field is locked and unselected if the field is unlocked.

5. Any data which appears in the message entry form can be modified except the MX message fields that follow:

• Service Name

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You can add extensions to the service name, if required (and if allowed by your operator permissions).

• Identifier

• Delivery Mode

6. Next, take the appropriate action in the following table.

Table of actions


Close Template


New Fast



Fast / Prompted

Save Template


Closes the template without saving the changes.

More information

Creates a report of the template.

With this mode, you can choose how tags are displayed when creating templates, either All

Tags or Mandatory Tags.

Fast Mode on page 97

This button is not available for locked templates.

Validates the template format.

Report Types and Settings

on page


Validate a Message and Correct


on page 100

Allows you to approve the locked template, if the security parameter Mesg Templ

Approval is turned on, and if you are not the last modifier of the template.

Locked Message Templates

on page 87

Allows you to create the body of an MT or MX message in fast or prompted mode.

Fast Mode on page 97

These buttons are not available for locked templates.

Saves the information in the template and closes the window.

If the template was approved, it becomes unapproved (regardless of the value of the

Mesg Templ Approval security parameter).

Remove a Message Template


To remove a message or file template using the Message Creation application:

• The User MT, System MT, or APC MT of the FIN/APC message template, the Service&Identifier of the MX message template, or the Service&Identifier of the File message template must be checked to be explicitly allowed or not explicitly prohibited by theMesg Creation,

Add/Mod/Rem Templ, User MTs, System MTs, APC MTs, Service&Identifier - MX

messages, or Service&Identifier - File messages permission detail of your operator profile.

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1. From the Message Creation menu, select one of the following options:

• FIN Message: Templates

• APC Message: Templates

• MX Message: Templates

The list of message templates available appears. For more information, see Message

Templates Page

on page 88.

2. Select the check box beside the name of the message template, or templates, that you want to remove.

If needed, navigate through the pages or refine your list using filtering criteria. For more

information, see Filter a List of Message Templates on page 92.

You can also remove all the templates listed on a page by checking the box next to the Name column.

3. Click Remove .

A dialog box appears that asks you to confirm the removal of the selected templates.

4. Click OK .

Copy a Message Template

You can create a message template from another template, which is faster and more convenient than re-entering similar data.


To copy a message or file template using the Message Creation application:

• The User MT, System MT, or APC MT of the FIN/APC message template, the Service&Identifier of the MX message template, or the Service&Identifier of the File message template must be checked to be explicitly allowed or not explicitly prohibited by theMesg Creation,

Add/Mod/Rem Templ, User MTs, System MTs, APC MTs, Service&Identifier - MX

messages, or Service&Identifier - File messages permission detail of your operator profile.


1. From the Message Creation menu, select one of the following options:

• FIN Message: Templates

• APC Message: Templates

• MX Message: Templates

The list of message templates available appears. For more information, see Message

Templates Page

on page 88.

2. Click the name of the template that you want to copy.

The message entry form for the template selected appears.

3. Change the values in the template, as required.

4. Click Save as Template .

A page appears that asks you to enter a name for the template.

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5. Type a name for the template.

This name identifies the template and appears in the page that displays the list of templates.

6. Click Save .

A confirmation message appears in the Status area to inform you that the message was saved as a template.

7. Click Close Message .

Template Incompatibility with Message Standards

You may still have templates for FIN and MX messages standards releases that were removed.

After a message standards release is removed, you cannot open or modify a message template that is based on that standards release. An error message alerts you that the message description could not be found.

If necessary, you can display the content of such a template by searching as described in Search by Source and Creation

on page 160.

If you are sure that the message template is no longer required, then you can remove it. Otherwise, check with your Alliance Lite2 administrator for details about message standards that were removed.

Migration of FIN and MX Message Templates


When you use a message template to create a message or when you open a template to modify it,

Alliance Lite2 checks whether a newer version of the standard needs to be used for the template.

Message template migration can result in a structure that is valid or invalid. If the migration is invalid, then the message appears in fast mode. Make any necessary changes as described in

Validate a Message on page 100. Alternatively, remove the migrated message template and create

another template based on the new standard.

The migration of a message template depends on the type of message template.

Migration of FIN message templates

If Alliance Lite2 detects that the message syntax version used in the template is not the same as the version assigned to the logical terminal, then Alliance Lite2 checks whether there is a schema corresponding to the logical terminal:

1. If there is a schema with the appropriate version, then Alliance Lite2 migrates the message to the new template and an information message informs you that the message template was migrated.

The next step differs depending on whether you are creating a message from a message template, or you are modifying a message template:

• Create a message from a message template

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If you are creating a message from a message template, then the result may be that the message is displayed in fast mode. Message entry can continue.

• Modify a message template

If you are modifying a message template, then save the template to confirm the migration.

Message entry can continue.

2. If there is no schema with the appropriate version, then an error message informs you that the message description could not be found. Message entry cannot continue: refer to your Alliance

Lite2 administrator to install the correct message standards.

Migration of MX message templates

If Alliance Lite2 detects that the message version used in the template is obsolete or that the standard with the corresponding version was removed, then Alliance Lite2 checks whether there is a schema corresponding to the most recent version amongst available message schemas:

1. If there is a schema with a more recent version, then an information message informs you that the message template was migrated.

The next step differs depending on whether you are creating a message from a message template, or you are modifying a message template:

• Create a message from a message template

If you are creating a message from a message template, then the message entry can continue.

If an incompatible change is detected between the old and newer version of an MX message type, then the message will be available in fast mode.

• Modify a message template

If you are modifying a message template, then save the template to confirm the migration.

Message entry can continue.

2. If there is no schema with a more recent version, then an error message informs you that the message description could not be found. Message entry cannot continue: refer to your Alliance

Lite2 administrator to install the correct message standards.

Fast Mode


Fields appear by default in the message editor in prompted mode, where the field labels are easy to read, and the message structure is expanded.

If you are an experienced operator, and you are familiar with message syntax, then you can create

FIN and MX messages in Fast mode. Fast mode does not provide expanded field labels or structures. Therefore, you must type the field tags and their corresponding values, as are required for the type of message being prepared. However, fast mode allows you to copy and paste the body of a message from another source.

You can also select 'New Fast' mode, where you can choose either 'All Tags' or 'Mandatory Tags' while creating messages.

For FIN messages, fast mode presents the message body as plain text, that is, the original string representation.

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For MX messages, fast mode presents the message body as a beautified XML representation

(assuming that discrete XML elements can be parsed) or possibly as a mixture of beautified XML and plain text.

Note You can enter some fields in fast mode only. For more information, see Knowledge

Base tip 5020378 (in regard to field 22C).

How to use fast mode

Clicking Fast at the bottom of the screen displays the message in fast mode in the Body tab.

The content of the message body tab is entered as a sequence of fields. You must start a new field at the beginning of a new line and the data that you enter must obey the syntax rules required for that field. You can also paste in text that has been prepared in other applications.

The fields and the values that you include in the message must conform to the message standards

that are installed. For more information about the message standards, see Help about Message


on page 46.

In this mode, no validation is performed as you enter the text for each field.

Field syntax

For each FIN or MX message, the message structure, syntax, field options, and code words must be used when you edit a message in fast mode. These are detailed in the User Handbook, and in the help for messages. For more information, see

Help about Message Standards on page 46. You

can also find information about the character sets through the help link on the top right corner of the message editor form.

When typed in fast mode, the on-screen appearance and format of a message text must be the same as the various examples detailed in the Standards books.

Example - FIN message

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Rules for entering a FIN message in fast mode

This section provides a summary of the rules for MT messages. For more information about the

message standards, see Help about Message Standards on page 46.


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Creation

A field always begins with a two-digit field tag and, if applicable, an option letter. The field tag and option letter must be enclosed by colons, for example, :20: or :32A: .

The value of the field is entered after the second colon. For example, a transaction reference number 25/2/96-RM43-100 .

A field can consist of several subfields. Each new line is a continuation of the field defined in the first line. Some fields have alternative sets of subfields, with each alternative identified by an option letter after the field tag. For example, 32A and 32B

Subfields can be of fixed or variable length. A field with two fixed length subfields (date, currency), and one variable length subfield (amount), looks like this:


A field with variable length subfields must have "/" as a separator between each subfield is like:


Note In field 22 , the application only checks the syntax of subfield 2 . Make sure that the semantic content is correct.

Where a message consists of a defined set of sequences, type each sequence of fields in the order in which they must appear in the message. Do no use / as a separator in this case.

Where a field, or series of fields, is repeated in the form of a loop, type the fields for each loop and repeat the fields as required. Do no use / as a separator in this case.

Example - MX message

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Example of a FIN message as viewed in fast mode

A complete message text for an MT 103 looks like this:




:50K: Ordering Customer

:59A: Beneficiary Customer



Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Creation


Some fields, such as field 72, contain more than one line. A typical multiple line field looks like:


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Validate a Message


Validate a Message and Correct Errors

This procedure explains how to validate a message and fix errors in the message, if any. An invalid message cannot be routed to the SWIFT network.

A message is valid if it has the correct syntax and completed header and mandatory text fields. For

more information about what validation involves, see Validation of a Message

on page 101.


1. Click Validate .

The feedback area of the message editor form shows the result of the validation check:

• The message is valid . Therefore, stop this procedure and perform the next action that is appropriate for the message.

• The message has errors or warnings .

The invalid field is identified using a different colour (as defined in the Preferences. (For information about changing the colour, see

Change the Preferences on page 26.)

Note Warnings do not prevent a message from being routed within Alliance Lite2.


Here is an example of a validation report:

Tip You can navigate between the Validation Report and the message tabs.

3. Click the error or warning in the Validation Report tab that you want to address, to move directly to the field.

Complete the field correctly.

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User Guide

The following shows an example of an error for a FIN message:

Message Creation


For example, a box indicates that this is the second of a total of two errors or warnings.

Use the up and down arrows in the rectangle to move directly to the previous or the next occurrence, without returning to the Validation Report.

Tip You can click the name of the message to view the help about the expected content of the fields in the message.

4. If a message has many errors, then all or part of the message may be displayed in fast mode.

For more information about how to use fast mode, see

Fast Mode on page 97

You can return to prompted view when the message is valid.

5. Click Validate to check that the message is correct.

The Validation Report shows errors and warnings that remain.

6. If you cannot correct all the errors in a message, then you can take one of the following steps:

• Select Text Modification from the drop-down list next to Dispose to .

This moves the message to the Text Modification queue, where it can be edited later. See

Send a Message to a Queue (Dispose to) on page 104.

• Click Close Message , to discard the message. A draft of the message is not saved.

Validation of a Message

Validity of a message format

A message is valid if it has the correct syntax and completed header and mandatory text fields. An invalid message cannot be routed to the SWIFT network.

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When to validate a message

You can request Alliance Lite2 to validate a FIN, APC, or MX message at any time and correct any errors or warnings before trying to route or dispose it. Alliance Lite2 indicates the fields that contain errors and warnings in a Validation Report.

Alliance Lite2 may also display global warnings within the Validation Report that are not related to a specific message field.

Alliance Lite2 validates the syntax of a message when an operator clicks






, or

Dispose to


Alliance Lite2 can also display a warning if there is no business relationship (RMA authorisation) between the sender and the receiver.

Checks performed to validate a message

Alliance Lite2 validates the following:

• The message structure is correct:

All mandatory fields, subfields, and sequences are complete.

Any optional fields selected are complete.

All text loops have at least the minimum number of occurrences.

All completed fields and subfields have the correct syntax.

• The operator profile permissions are correct, that is, that the operator is permitted to manage messages using the specified currency, amount, types of message, and so on).

• A business relationship (RMA authorisation) exists between the sender and the receiver.

• The values of the Requestor DN and the Responder DN in the header of an MX message comply with expected syntax, as described in the SWIFTNet Naming and Addressing Guide .

This guide is available on www.swift.com

, under Support > Documentation (User Handbook

Online) .

If the Requestor DN provided in the header of an MX message does not contain a BIC8 part (for example, o=xxxxxxxx) that is an allowed sender destination according to your operator profile, then Alliance Lite2 does not allow you to further process this message, not even to dispose it to the Text Modification queue.

• The Receiver field of an MT message is not empty. If it is, then Alliance Lite2 prevents you from processing the message further.

Semantic validation of a message

Although the syntax of an MT message is checked during message preparation, no semantic checks are performed during message preparation.

SWIFT performs full syntax and semantic checks before it sends a positive acknowledgement

(ACK) or negative acknowledgement (NAK) to the sender of the message.

The emission appendix contains the ACK or NAK code indicating whether a message was accepted or rejected. The negative acknowledgement specifies the reason for the rejection. Other checks, such as the validity of the sender and the receiver, also occur and can cause a message to be rejected. An operator can view the ACK and NAK details through the interventions that are stored with a message.

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Validation of MX messages

For MX messages, the Message Validation (MVal) processing can fail in case of errors or because of problems with semantic checks. Responses from that processing are included in the emission appendix.

Alliance Lite2 performs a basic validation of the XML structure of the payload in an MX message.

The validation checks the following:

• The size of an InterAct XML payload does not exceed 100,000 bytes.

• The InterAct XML payload has a structure that is compliant with the Standards MX.

Route a Message

When you route a message through the message editor, the message is sent from its current queue to the next logical queue within Alliance Lite2. The message must be valid before it can be routed.

Alliance Lite2 routes the message according to:

• the routing rules defined for the current queue (to determine which queue to store the message in)

• the format of the message

• the type of message

When routing a message, Alliance Lite2 adds any relevant criteria (such as suffix or UMID) to identify the message in a unique way.

Tip During message authorisation, you may decide not to route a message. Although messages being authorised are presumed to be syntactically valid, you may notice errors in the data during message authorisation. As it is not possible to change message detail during authorisation, you must move the message to the Text

Modification queue instead of routing it.


The permissions in the profile of the operator control who can route messages. If an operator is permitted to, the operator can route a valid message at any stage of its creation, verification, or authorisation.


1. Click


in the message editor.

Alliance Lite2 checks that the message is valid.

2. Two cases can occur.

• If no errors are detected, then you receive a confirmation in the Status area that the message was routed successfully.

• If errors are detected, then a Validation Report is generated. You must correct all the errors before trying to route the message again. For more information, see

Validate a Message on

page 100.

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Send a Message to a Queue (Dispose to)


If you click


instead of

Dispose to

, then the message is routed according to the routing rules that are defined within Alliance Lite2.

However, you can click

Dispose to

to send a message to a specific queue at any stage of its creation, verification, or authorisation.


The permissions in the profile of the operator control who can send messages to specific queues.

The ability to dispose a message to a queue other than Text Modification depends on the permissions assigned to your profile in the relevant application (Message Approval, Message

Creation, Message Modification).


1. From the message editor, select the queue that you want from the drop-down list next to

Dispose to


For a list of queues, see Message Queues on page 104.

Alliance Lite2 verifies that the message is valid (except for the Text Modification queue).

If the message is valid, then the message is moved to the selected queue. A confirmation that the message was disposed successfully appears in the Status area.

2. If errors are detected, then a Validation Report is generated. You must correct all the errors before trying to route the message again. For more information, see

Validate a Message

on page 100.

Message Queues

An operator with the correct permissions can send messages to the following queues:

Queue Description

Text Modification This queue holds messages that need data modification or data correction.

You can dispose a message to the Text Modification queue if you have not finished creating it (for example, due to a lack of information, or if it is invalid) and want to save it in its current state.

For MX messages, you cannot dispose the message to this queue if the following conditions are true:

• there are errors in the DN for requestor or responder

• your operator permissions do not allow the service name



This queue holds MT messages that must be verified.

This queue holds messages that must be authorised before they are sent to the SWIFT network.

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Queue Description

This queue holds messages that are valid and authorised and sends them to the appropriate message queue:

• MT messages go to _SI_to_SWIFT

• MX messages go to _SI_to_SWIFTNet

Availability of queues

The queues available depend on the following:

• the permissions in the operator profile

• the format of the message

• the type of message

• the configuration parameters that are defined for the correspondent

It is not required that the queue to which you move a message be the next queue as defined in the routing rules.

Before Alliance Lite2 moves the message to a selected queue (except for the Text Modification queue), Alliance Lite2 validates the message. If validation is successful, then the message is stored in the selected queue, and may be available for further processing (depending on the queue) by authorised operators.


File Message: Send


File Message: Send Process


File Message: Send allows you to send a file manually using a FileAct service with real-time or store-and-forward delivery.

File Message: Send process

1. Create a new FileAct message, or a new FileAct message based on a FileAct message template.

2. Upload the payload file for the message from one of the following locations:

• a directory in the user space (on the server)

• a directory local to the operator browser's desktop

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3. Use the transmission parameters of the application service profiles of the FileAct service, or provide custom transmission parameters which do not conflict with the application service profile.

4. Save the payload file in one of these ways:

• Directly after the file emission from the File Transfer Details window.

The File Transfer Details window appears as a pop-up after file emission.

• From the Search and Report menu > Message Search, do a search on messages and select a file message to open the Message Details, then in the action bar, click

Save File


The Message Details are also accessible from the File Transfer Details window. To save the file, click Save File from the Message Details window.

• From the Search and Report menu, select a file message and save the payload file from the File Transfer Details window by clicking Save File .

Note For additional information, see Knowledge Base tip 5019493 .


File Message: Send Page

Users and permissions

To display the File Message: Send option:

• The Mesg Creation / Create Message, Service&Identifier - File messages detail of your operator profile must be different from Allowed: None.


The File Message: Send page displays a list of the FileAct messages for transferring a file to correspondents.

From this page, you can perform the following tasks:

• create a FileAct message to send a file to a correspondent, and save the message as a template

• view, select, edit, and delete FileAct message templates

Page example

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Filtering Criteria area

Filtering Criteria Enables you to filter a list of FileAct message templates according to various criteria.


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Creation

Columns in the list

Template Name The name of the template

Service Name

Request Type

The name of the service over which the file is sent

The specific function within the service being provided

Requestor DN Your distinguished name

Responder DN The distinguished name of the organisation to which the file is being transferred (also called the receiver)

Unit The unit that is assigned to the file message when an operator sends a file.

Last Modified By The name of the last operator who modified the template



Enables you to create a FileAct message manually to send a file, and if needed, to save the message as a template.


Enables you to delete a file message template.


FileAct Details (Send) Window


This window displays details about the FileAct message.

If you are working with a FileAct message template, then the name of the window includes the template name: FileAct Template Details - <template name> (Get) window.

This window contains three tabs:

Header (see

Header tab description on page 109)

File (see

File tab description on page 112)

• Comments



Save as template




Saves a new or existing file message template or saves an existing file message template with a new name

Routes the file to Alliance Lite2 based on active routing schema

Sends the file to the _SI_To_SWIFTNet queue

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FileAct Details Window (Send): Header Tab


In the Header tab, you specify the header information of the payload file.

Header tab example

Message Creation

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Header tab description

Unit The unit of the operator that is sending the file

The value entered for the Unit field by an operator when creating a file message is automatically saved when the message is created successfully. It is proposed as the initial value when the same operator creates another file message.

Requestor DN

Responder DN

The distinguished name of the sender

The distinguished name of the correspondent that to which the file is transferred (also called the receiver)

Service Name The name of the service over which the FileAct message is sent (for example, swift.fileact.snf

for store-and-forward)

The specific function within the service being provided Request Type

User Reference This optional field allows you to enter additional information about the file transfer.

Priority The SWIFTNet priority that is requested for the exchange:

• Urgent

• Normal



There may be occasions when you need to re-send a file. Selecting this check box informs the receiver that it is a possible duplicate. The receiver then has the option to check the files and accept the re-send, or if the file was successfully received before, the receiver can mark the transfer as duplicated and the file is ignored.

Select from the drop-down list:

• Yes

• No

Header Info



This field allows you to add additional information in the header of the file transfer.

If you select the Advanced Settings check box, then additional fields appear.

Note You must not use Advanced Settings. Using Advanced

Settings may disable your FileAct traffic temporarily.

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Security Level



Select from the drop-down list:

• Automatic

• Without Signature : The message sent does not have to be signed

• With Signature : The file message sent must be signed. If this method is selected, then you can choose the signature method to sign messages.

• With signature and non repudiation : The file message sent must be signed and non-repudiation is required. If this method is selected, then you can choose the signature method to sign messages.

This is an advanced setting for FileAct messages.

This allows you to require a delivery notification

Select from the drop-down list:

• Automatic

• Yes

• No

This is an advanced setting for FileAct messages.

Overdue Warning


You can request that the store-and-forward system generates an overdue warning if a sent file has not been delivered within a certain delay or at a certain date and time. You can optionally flag a file with the overdue warning option. This indicates that you want to receive an overdue warning from

SWIFT if the file was not delivered within a time frame.

• None

• Time : If you select Time , then the Overdue Warning Time field appears.

• Delay : If you select Delay , then the Overdue Warning Delay (Min) field appears.

This is an advanced setting for FileAct messages.

SnF Copy This feature allows you to require a store-and-forward copy of the header of a file transfer request, or the full file to a third party, as provisioned for the service.

Select from the drop-down list:

• Automatic

• Yes

• No

This is an advanced setting for FileAct messages.

Third Party DNs The distinguished names of third parties for the store-and-forward copy

This is an advanced setting for FileAct messages.

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Select from the drop-down list to indicate whether a system message with the third party's decision to authorise the transfer is expected:

• Automatic

• Yes

• No

This is an advanced setting for FileAct messages.

For more information, see

Functions on page 107.


FileAct Details Window (Send): File Tab


In the File tab, you specify the details of the payload file. This information includes the file name and the description of information that the file contains.

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File tab example

Message Creation

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File tab description

File On

File Name

Select from the drop-down list:

• Local Drive

• User Space

Click Browse to select the file on a Local Drive.

Use the picker to select the file from the User Space.


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Creation

Logical File


File Info

The logical file name defined in the database for that file message.

This optional field is for structured data that can be used by the receiver for automatic processing of the file. It has to be agreed between you and the receiver. Backus-Naur Form (BNF) notation is used as the syntax for this field.

For more information, see the Alliance Gateway File Transfer Interface Guide .

File compression can be used only if you have an agreement with your counterparty to use the same file compression algorithm and tools. If file compression is to be used, then it is the responsibility of the users to compress the file before it is transferred, and to de-compress it after it is received. SWIFT defines the SwCompression keyword in the FileInfo field to indicate if a file has been compressed. The usage of the SwCompression keyword is mandatory for all file transfers and must be the first keyword in the FileInfo field. If the file is not compressed, then the File Info must contain SwCompression=None .

Examples of possible values for SwCompression are:

• Zip

• Gzip

• None

Note Other values are possible, as long as both sides of the file transfer understand the compression used.

File Description This optional field allows you to provide information for the receiver about the file.

Transfer Info An optional field for structured data that can be used by the receiver to process the file transfer automatically. The contents of this field must be agreed between you and the receiver. Backus-Naur Form (BNF) notation is used as the syntax for this field. For more information, see the Alliance Gateway File

Transfer Interface Guide .




An optional field where you can enter information about the file transfer that you want to exchange with the receiver.

For more information, see

Functions on page 107.


Send a File Manually

This procedure enables you to do the following tasks:

• create a FileAct message manually to send a file to a correspondent using real-time or storeand-forward delivery

• create templates for FileAct messages, and create messages from these templates

• save the payload file that is associated with the FileAct message to a local directory

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File Message: Send (1)



Save As Template

Message details (2)

Permissions needed

Mesg Creation / Create Message

Mesg Creation / Create Message

Mesg Creation / Route Message

Mesg Creation / Create Message

Mesg Creation / Dispose Message

Mesg Creation / Add/Mod/Rem Template

Message File / Search

(1) To display the User space option of the File on field in the File tab of the FileAct Message Details (Send) view, the Access

Control, Files on User Space permission is also needed in your operator profile.

(2) Show Message displays the message details and is available through the File Transfer Details window.

Note Adjust additional permissions accordingly to allow or prohibit for Own Destinations, services, and request types.

This is a customisation option.


1. From the Creation menu, select File Message: Send.

The File Message: Send window opens.

2. Do you want to use a FileAct message template? Choose the next action:

• If yes, click the row of the template.

The FileAct Template Details - <template name> (Send) window opens.

• If not, click


. The FileAct Message Details (Send) window opens.

3. Enter the message details in the tabs:

Header: see FileAct Details Window (Send): Header Tab

on page 108

File: see FileAct Details Window (Send): File Tab

on page 111

Comments: if you want to, you can enter comments about the message.

4. Choose the action to take:


Save the message as a template

Route the message based on the active routing schema

Next, go to



on page 114



on page 115

Send the message to the _SI_To_SWIFTNet queue

5. To save the message as FileAct message template, do the following:

16 June 2017 114

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Save as template


The Save as template window opens b) Type the name of the message template.

Tip The name must be unique for a given unit.

If the message was created from an existing template with the same value for

Unit, then Alliance Lite2 proposes a name for the template.

c) Click OK .

Note The only field that is mandatory for a FileAct message template is Unit. The other fields can be empty.

If you have set an Authoriser DN for FileAct in your operator profile, its value is used as the authoriser DN for sending the file.

6. Click Send or Route .

RMA validation occurs. The outcome is as follows:

• If RMA validation succeeds (or if it fails but you click OK ), then the File Transfer Details window opens.

• If there is an RMA check failure, then a pop-up window appears. Click




. For more information, see

RMA Check Failure for File Messages

on page 121.

7. You can abort the file transfer if needed by clicking Abort .

8. You can save the payload file to a local directory by clicking

Save File


Alternatively, you can:

• Save the payload from the message details.

Click Show Message from the File Transfer Details window or go to the Search and Report menu > Message Search, search for messages and select a file message to view its

Message Details.

Click Save File .

• Save the payload from the file transfer details.

Go to the Search and Report menu.

Select the file message and save the payload file from the File Transfer Details window.


File Message: Get


File Message: Get Process


File Message: Get allows you to request a file from a correspondent using a FileAct service that supports real-time delivery.

Note In the context of real-time file get functionality (whether triggered by means of the

Manual FileAct GUI or the saa_rtfilegetrequest tool), the Authoriser DN permission detail has been added to the SWIFTNet Interface, RT File Get Request permission.

See the Alliance Access Security Guide for more information.

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File Message: Get process

1. Create a FileAct message, or a new FileAct message based on a FileAct message template.

2. Use the transmission parameters of the application service profile for the selected FileAct service, or provide custom transmission parameters which do not conflict with the application service profile.

3. Send the request to get the file from the correspondent.

4. Monitor the file-transfer request as follows:

• through a pop-up window, File Transfer Details

Note For additional information, see Knowledge Base tip 5019493 .

5. Save the payload file in one of these ways:

• Directly after the requested file has been received from the File Transfer Details window.

The File Transfer Details window appears as a pop-up after file reception.

• From the Search and Report menu > Message Search, do a search on messages and select a file message to open the Message Details, then from the File tab, click Save File .

The Message Details are also accessible from the File Transfer Details window with the

Show Message button.

• From the Search and Report menu, select a file message and save the payload file from the File Transfer Details window.


File Message: Get Page


The File Message: Get page displays a list of the FileAct messages for requesting files from correspondents.

From this page, you can perform the following tasks:

• create a FileAct message to download a file from a correspondent using FileAct in real-time mode, and save the message as a template

• view, select, edit, and delete FileAct message templates

Note Regarding users and permissions, to display the File Message: Get option, the RT

File Get Request, Service&Identifier detail of your operator profile must be different from Allowed: None.

Filtering Criteria area

Filtering Criteria Enables you to filter a list of FileAct message templates according to various criteria.

Columns in the list

Template Name The name of the template

Service Name The name of the service over which the file download is requested

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Request Type The specific function within the service being provided

Requestor DN Your distinguished name

Responder DN The distinguished name of the organisation from which file is requested (also called the sender)

Unit The unit that is assigned to the file message when an operator requests a file transfer

Last Modified By The name of the last operator who modified the template


New Enables you to create a FileAct message manually to request a file for download.

Delete Enables you to delete a file message template.


FileAct Details (Get) Window


This window displays details about the FileAct message.

If you are working with a FileAct message template, then the name of the window includes the template name: FileAct Template Details - <template name> (Get) window.

This window contains three tabs:

Header (see

Header tab description on page 118)

File (see

File tab description on page 120)

• Comments



Save as template



Saves a new or existing file message template or saves an existing file message template with a new name.

Send the request to download the file.

FileAct Details Window (Get): Header Tab


In the Header tab, you specify the header information of the payload file.

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Header tab example

Message Creation

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Header tab description

Unit The unit that is assigned to the file message when an operator requests a file transfer

The value entered for the Unit field by an operator when creating a file GET request is automatically saved when the message is created successfully. It is proposed as the initial value when the same operator creates another file GET request.

Requestor DN Your distinguished name

Authoriser DN The Authoriser DN to be used for the file get request. If present, its level 2

BIC8 must be the same as the level 2 BIC8 of the Requestor DN.

Responder DN The distinguished name of the organisation the file is transferred from (also called the sender)

Service Name The name of the service over which file download is requested.

Request Type The specific function within the service being provided

User Reference This optional field allows you to enter your own reference information concerning the file download


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Creation




The SWIFTNet priority that is requested for the exchange.

Select from the drop-down list:

• Urgent

• Normal

There may be occasions when you need to re-send a request. Selecting this check box informs the receiver that it is a possible duplication. The receiver then has the option to re-send the file or not.

Select from the drop-down list:

• Yes

• No






If you select the Advanced Settings check box, then additional fields appear.

Security Level Select from the drop-down list:

• Automatic

• Without Signature : The message sent does not have to be signed

• With Signature : The file message sent must be signed. If this method is selected, then you can choose the signature method to sign messages.

• With signature and non repudiation : The file message sent must be signed and non-repudiation is required. If this method is selected, then you can choose the signature method to sign messages.

This is an advanced setting for FileAct messages.

The name of the real-time SWIFTNet reception profile to be used for the request, its response, and the subsequent file reception.

This is an advanced setting for FileAct messages.

For more information, see Functions

on page 117.

FileAct Details Window (Get): File Tab


In the File tab, you specify the details of the payload file. This information includes the file name and the description of information that the file contains.

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File tab example

Message Creation

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File tab description

Logical File


Logical name of the file to be downloaded. This name must be known also by the correspondent from whom the file transfer is requested.


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Creation

Transfer Info




An optional field for structured data that can be used by the correspondent to process the file transfer automatically. It has to be agreed between you and your correspondent. The contents of this field must be agreed between you and the correspondent. Backus-Naur Form (BNF) notation is used as the syntax for this field. For more information, see the Alliance Gateway File

Transfer Interface Guide

An optional field where you can enter information about the file transfer that you want to exchange with the correspondent.

For more information, see Functions

on page 117.


RMA Check Failure for File Messages


If RMA is required for the selected service, then the following applies:

• File Message: Send

The requestor DN must have a valid authorisation to send files to the responder DN.

• File Message: Get

The requestor DN must have a valid authorisation to receive files from the responder DN.

The RMA validation occurs after you do the following:

• click Route or Send from File Message: Send

• click Get from File Message: Get

RMA check failure messages

A pop-up window appears with one of the following messages when an RMA check failure occurs:

Status of authorisation RMA check failure message


RMA not authorised

No business relationship exists

RMA is not enabled

Authorisation is not within validity period

The business relationship between sender {0} and receiver {1} does not allow you to send this message.

Are you sure you want to continue?

There is no business relationship between sender {0} and receiver {1}. Are you sure you want to continue?

The business relationship between sender {0} and receiver {1} is not enabled. Are you sure you want to continue?

The business relationship between sender {0} and receiver {1} does not allow you to send this message at this moment. Are you sure you want to continue?

(1) {0} and {1} correspond to the BIC8 of the requestor DN and the responder DN.

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Example for File Message: Send

After the pop-up window appears, you must click OK or Cancel .

If you click OK , then the file transfer is created on Alliance Lite2, but the file message is not sent. It is routed by default to the Emission Security Modification queue (_MP_mod_emi_secu).

For more information about Relationship Management, see the Alliance Lite2 Administration Guide

- RMA .

Example for File Message: Get

If there is an RMA check failure, then a pop-up window appears. Click Cancel . Correct the data and perform the action again.

If RMA validation fails but you ignore the message and click OK , then an Error pop-up window opens. The error message explains why the file message is invalid and asks you to correct the data and perform the action again.

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User Guide


Message Modification

Message Modification


By default, if Alliance Lite2 cannot process a message, it routes it automatically to the appropriate queue. For example, if a message fails authentication or cannot be authorised because there is no business relationship, Alliance Lite2 routes it to the Emission Security Modification queue.

Messages or files are in the Text Modification queue because operators deliberately sent them there or they may arrive there because of routing rules. You can view and work with messages held in modification queues depending on your operator profile.

Modification queues

Messages or files that require modification are held in the following modification queues in Alliance


• Text Modification

• Emission Security Modification

• Reception Security Modification

Allowed changes

Your operator profile determines which message queues that you can display and which messages that you can modify. For example, you can only modify messages assigned to your operator profile.

To modify a message, you may need to contact the person who originally put the message in the modification queue to find out which fields are incorrect.

The list of messages displayed for a modification queue may include messages that are reserved.

These messages are already open by other operators. Only one operator at a time can modify a message, to prevent concurrent updates.

The fields that you can change in a message depend on the modification queue in which the message is held.

After modifying a message, you must either route it or dispose it so that its processing continues.

Note A file message or a message with format FpML or AnyXML can potentially appear in a modification queue. Such messages are displayed with the body in fast mode.

Opening multiple messages for modification

You can open one or multiple messages for modification in all modification queues, by clicking



When more than one messages are selected, the behaviour is:

• The first message of the selection is opened with the editor

• Once the current message has been modified and the editor closed, a popup appears asking you to confirm that the next message in the selection must be opened with the editor. If you confirm, the next message is opened and the current message is removed from the selection. If you cancel, then no further message from the selection is opened with the editor and the selection is emptied.

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Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Modification


• If a message from the selection, by the time it is opened, has been reserved or moved to another queue, an error message is displayed. When this error is acknowledged, a popup is displayed asking you to confirm that the message after the one in error in the selection can be opened.

• If the Route or Dispose operation fails on one message, after it is handled, you are asked to confirm the next message in the selection.

Note No status message is displayed when returning to the full list of messages in the modification queue.

Fast mode

You can use fast mode to modify messages in certain queues.

Fast mode presents the message information as follows:

• MX messages:

beautified XML representation, if the elements of the message can be parsed, or possibly as a mixture of beautified XML and plain text

• FIN messages:

plain text, that is, the original string representation

Message Modification Page Example


The list of messages held in a queue shows various attributes for each message.

The messages are sorted in order of priority.

List example

The example that follows shows a list of messages held in the Text Modification queue:

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Columns in the list

I/O Input or output message.

I stands for inputmessages, that is, messages that were created for input to the network.

O stands for output messages, that is, messages received from the network.

Correspondent The sender of the message if the message was output from the network. The receiver of the message if the message was input to the network.

Identifier The message identifier that uniquely identifies the message type (within a particular service).


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Modification



Open By

A transaction reference number or a message user reference.

Value that helps identify the message.

Name of the operator who reserved the message, that is, who has already opened it and is currently working on it.

In Queue Since Time when the message entered the queue.

Inst Type The message instance type (original, copy, notification.)

Cur/Amt The currency code and amount of the transaction.

Value Date The date on which the transaction is to be completed.

NAK Code For FIN or APC messages, this is the error code returned by the SWIFT network. For more information about NAK codes, see the FIN Error Codes .

Last Change Name of the last operator who modified the message

Unit The unit to which the message is assigned.

Sender The sender of the message.

SLA ID The applicable global payment service level (field 111 in the MT header).

UETR An end-to-end reference across a payment transaction (field 121 in the MT header).

Status Indication of whether the message is locked (if not, the entry in this column is blank).

Additional columns not displayed by default

By default, the following columns are not displayed. To display a column, click

Change View




The format of the message (for example, Swift or MX).

The network used to send messages (SWIFT or SWIFTNet).

Message Description The name of the message.

Service Name The service that corresponds to the standard selected.

Status Indication of whether the message is locked (if not, the entry in this column is blank).

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User Guide Message Modification


Modify a Message





1. From the Modification menu, select the appropriate queue.

A page appears with the list of messages currently held in the selected queue.

The list shows the name of the selected queue and includes various attributes for each message. For a description of these attributes, see

Message Modification Page Example

on page 124.

2. If needed, refine the list using filtering criteria. For details, see Filter a List of Messages in a

Queue on page 126.

3. Click the message that you want to open. If the message is valid, then it is displayed with the

Header tab open by default. If the message contains errors, then a Validation Report is displayed in addition.

4. The fields that you can change depend in which of the following queues the message is held:

• Text Modification, see

Messages in the Text Modification Queue

on page 127

5. If you need to correct errors for a message in the Text Modification queue, then you can click

Validate to verify that you have corrected them properly and that no errors remain.

6. When you have finished entering modifications, either route the message or dispose it to another queue. The Status area informs you that the message was routed or disposed successfully.

If the message still contains errors or warnings, you can dispose it to the Text Modification queue for later editing.

7. You can generate a report of the message. Click Report . For more information about generating a report, see

Report Types and Settings on page 25.

8. Click another message to be modified or perform any other available task.

Filter a List of Messages in a Queue

When the list of messages is returned for a selected queue, it includes all the messages that are relevant to you. You can reduce this list by using filtering criteria.

Several criteria allow you to view a subset of messages in the queue based on the following information:

• I/O

• Correspondent

• Format

• Identifier

• Suffix

Created by (name of the message creator)

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User Guide Message Modification


Modified by (name of the last operator who modified the message)

• Reference

You can use the following wildcards in the I/O, Correspondent, Identifier, and Reference fields:

• ''_'', to replace one unknown character

• ''%'', to replace zero, one or more contiguous unknown characters

When filtering for Correspondent or Reference, the use of the "%" wildcard is not recommended, because the filter results may not be as expected.

Check the Match Case box if you want to restrict the search to the messages matching the case of the value entered in the Reference field.

It is possible to search for multiple message type families when using the message Identifier field in one search. If multiple values are provided for the Identifier field, then the values must be separated by a comma ",".


1. From the Modification menu, select the queue that you want. The page for the selected queue appears with the list of messages currently held in that queue.

2. Define the values to use in filtering the list in the filtering criteria fields.

Note When using filtering criteria for FIN messages, you must key the Identifier (for example, fin.103

) instead of just the MT (for example, 103 ).

3. Once you have provided all relevant criteria, click


. A new list is returned according to the criteria submitted.

Messages in the Text Modification Queue

The Text Modification queue stores valid and invalid messages and files:

• Messages or files disposed deliberately by an operator to the Text Modification queue for data modification.

• Messages rejected by the SWIFT network and routed back to the Text Modification queue as


Usually in Text Modification you change the content of a valid message or correct errors in an invalid message (for example, syntax errors, incorrect amount detected during message verification or authorisation). Some fields cannot be modified (for example, the sender, the logical terminal or the message type).

The following message parts can be modified from Text Modification:

• the header

• the application header (MX messages only)

• the body

• the comment

For File messages in Text Modification, the following applies:

• The message header information including Requestor DN, Responder DN, User Reference, and

Possible Duplicate can be modified.

• The comment can be modified.

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User Guide Message Modification



• The file header (Logical file name, File Description) is read-only.

• The file payload is not accessible and therefore cannot be edited.

Note You can use fast mode to modify messages in this queue.

Messages held in the Text Modification queue can also be completed, that is discarded. For details,

see Complete Messages

on page 128.

Complete Messages

You may want to discard a message that was created, for example, for training purposes.

Completing a message removes it from the Text Modification queue. You need the permission to complete a message in your operator profile.

A completed message has no further processing performed on it. It is no longer available for routing to any other queue and is no longer visible in the Text Modification queue. It is stored in the

Alliance Lite2 database (and in subsequent archives).


1. From the Modification menu, select Text Modification. A page appears with the list of messages currently held in the Text Modification queue (_MP_mod_text).

2. Select one or more messages to complete by checking the box next to the messages. To complete all the messages in the displayed page, check the top box.

3. Click Complete . A confirmation window appears.

4. Click OK to confirm or Cancel to return to the list of messages.

Messages in the Emission Security Modification



An input message or file message is routed to the Emission Security Modification queue

(_MP_mod_emi_sec) if the following occurs:

• an authentication (PKI) problem at emission time

• an authorisation (RMA) problem at emission time

When you route or dispose a message that is in this queue, Alliance Lite2 displays information in the Validation Report to indicate the current authentication state. You cannot change header or body text for a message or file message in this queue. Only the comments can be modified.

You can also search for a message to display the message intervention details (emission appendix or reception appendix), which contains information about message authentication or authorisation.


View Message Instance Details

on page 151.

You can toggle to fast mode and come back to prompted mode to display the body of the message.

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User Guide Message Modification


Here is an example of the validation report for a FIN message that has been opened from this queue:

FIN message authentication

Alliance Lite2 uses SWIFTNet Public Key Infrastructure certificates to authenticate messages.

Signature-related details for a message are visible in the emission appendix. For a FIN message, these PKI-related details are shown in the area for Authentication Information and, if relevant,

Proprietary Authentication Information. A FIN message that has a PKI-related authentication problem arrives in this queue.

You can authenticate a message after the problem that caused it to fail authorisation is solved. For example, correct wrong data in the CIF or update incorrect details for the Relationship

Management authorisation.

InterAct and FileAct message authentication

Authentication for these messages relies on SWIFTNet Public Key Infrastructure and its signaturerelated operations. Signature-related details are visible in the SWIFTNet Options area of the reception appendix. If a message that you are trying to send fails authentication, then first investigate the problem.

Message authorisation

Alliance Lite2 uses authorisations created with the Relationship Management interface to check that it is possible to send messages or files to a correspondent. Authorisation fails if there is no appropriate authorisation. For example, the authorisation does not exist, the message is not allowed, or the message is outside the validity period specified in the authorisation. The authorisation result is also in the emission appendix, shown in the RMA Check field.


1. Investigate the problem that caused authentication or authorisation to fail.

2. Correct information as needed for RMA.

3. Open or select a message and click Authenticate .

Alliance Lite2 attempts to authenticate the message and send it to the appropriate input queue.

If authentication fails, then the message returns to the Emission Security Modification queue.

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User Guide Message Modification


Messages in the Reception Security Modification



An output message or file message is routed to the Reception Security Modification queue

(_MP_mod_rec_secu) if the following occurs:

• an authentication (PKI) problem at reception time

• an authorisation (RMA) problem at reception time

When you open a message in this queue, Alliance Lite2 displays information in the to indicate why the message arrived in the queue. You cannot change header or body text for a message in this queue. Only the comments can be modified. You can authenticate messages that have authentication as well as authorisation problems.

You can also search for a message to display the message intervention details (emission appendix or reception appendix), which contains information about message authentication or authorisation.


View Message Instance Details

on page 151.

You can toggle to fast mode and come back to prompted mode to display the body of the message.

FIN message authentication

Alliance Lite2 uses certificates to authenticate FIN messages received with a logical terminal. The reception appendix shows how the message was authenticated. It contains either MAC-related and

PAC-related details, or PKI-related information. After solving the problem that caused the FIN message to fail authentication, you can authenticate again the message.

InterAct and FileAct message authentication

Authentication for these messages relies on SWIFTNet Public Key Infrastructure and its signaturerelated operations. Signature-related details are visible in the SWIFTNet Options area of the reception appendix. If a received message failed authentication, then first investigate the problem.

You may decide to bypass security for the message.

Message authorisation

Alliance Lite2 uses business relationships from RMA to authorise messages received. If the message needs to be authorised using RMA, then Alliance Lite2 checks whether an appropriate

RMA relationship exists when attempting to receive a message. If there is no appropriate business relationship, then RMA authorisation will fail. The authorisation result is visible in the RMA Check field in the reception appendix. After solving the problem that caused the message to fail authorisation, you can reauthorise the message (only FIN messages allow reauthentication to be used). For example, an RMA authorisation is received after the message is routed to the

_MP_mod_rec_secu queue. The trailer of a reauthenticated message now shows that the authorisation is successful.

You can also possibly bypass security for the message if you have the appropriate permissions.


1. Investigate the problem that caused authentication or authorisation to fail.

2. Correct information as needed for RMA.

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User Guide Message Modification

3. If you open the message

Open the message by clicking the message or select the checkbox to the left of the message and click Open then perform one of the following actions:

• Bypass Security

• Route

• Dispose to the Modification for Transmission queue

4. If you select the message without opening it

Select the checkbox to the left of the relevant message or messages and perform one of the following actions:

• Authenticate

• Bypass Security

If you click Open , then see the previous step.

Note Depending on security practices at your institution, you or another operator with appropriate permissions may decide to bypass security for the message so that processing can continue. When you bypass security for a message, Alliance Lite2 routes it according to the defined routing rules, but without authentication.

Alternatively, it may be necessary to complete a message that failed authentication

(after moving it to the Text Modification queue).

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Alliance Lite2

User Guide


Message Approval

Message Approval


Approval can include the following task:

• Authorise messages, that is, perform a visual check on the messages before sending them to the network input queue.

Note Messages with format FpML or AnyXML can potentially appear in the authorisation queue. Such messages can be opened using fast mode.

Note InterAct and FileAct messages have an emission expiry time. This means that there is a limited time between message creation and the time that they can be authorized.


Message Details Page

on page 147.

Permission checks for approving and rejecting messages

The following permission checks are performed when approving or rejecting messages during message verification, authorisation, and recovery:

Approval Task View Type Action

Message Verification List view Reject

Details view Reject

Instance selection

Single message

Permission Check

Mesg Approval, Approve Message, Own destination/ Can Verify/ Verify own entered msg/ Ccy-amount/ Message types


Mesg Approval, Route Messages, Own destination; or Mesg Approval

Multiple messages

Mesg Approval, Approve Message, Own destination/ Can Verify/ Verify own entered msg/ Ccy-amount/ Message types/ Group


Single message

Mesg Approval, Approve Message, Own destination/ Can Verify/ Verify own entered msg/ Ccy-amount/ Message types


Mesg Approval, Route Message, Own destination

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User Guide Message Approval




List view Approve/


Details view Approve/


Single message

Multiple messages

Mesg Approval, Approve Message, Own destination/ Can Authorise/ Auth own entered msgs/ Auth own verif msgs/ Ccyamount/ Message types/ Trans app limit,

Daily app limit/ Group Authorise

Single message

Mesg Approval, Approve Message, Own destination/ Can Authorise/ Auth own entered msgs/ Auth own verif msgs/ Ccyamount/ Message types/ Trans app limit,

Daily app limit


Mesg Approval, Route Message, Own destination

Mesg Approval, Approve Message, Own destination/ Can Authorise/ Auth own entered msgs/ Auth own verif msgs/ Ccyamount/ Message types/ Trans app limit,

Daily app limit


Mesg Approval, Route Message, Own destination

Rejecting MT and MX messages that are syntactically incorrect and cannot be opened

Operators can reject one or more messages selected from the list of MT and MX messages in the verification queue using the


button. In order to reject one or a group of messages, an operator requires the Msg_Auth or Msg_All permission. This action enables the operator to move syntactically incorrect messages that cannot be opened from the verification queue to the text modification queue.

Message Verification Page


The Message Verification page displays a list of messages available for verification.

Page example

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User Guide Message Approval

Filtering criteria area

Enables you to filter a list of messages according to various criteria. For more information, see

Filter a List of Messages in a Queue

on page 126:

I/O Input or output message.

I stands for input messages, that is, messages that were created for input to the network.

O stands for output messages, that is, messages that Alliance Lite2 received from the network.

Correspondent The receiver of the message.

Format The format of the message (for example, Swift or MX)



The message identifier that uniquely identifies the message type.

Value that helps identify the message.

Created by

Modified by


Match Case



Name of the operator who created the message.

Name of the operator who last modified the message.

A transaction reference number or a message user reference.

You can check the Match Case box to restrict entries in the results to the messages matching the case used in the Reference field.

Service Level Agreement (SLA) identifier in the MT header: field 111. This field identifies the applicable global payment service level.

Unique end-to-end transaction reference in the MT header: field 121. This field provides an end-to-end reference across a payment transaction.

Columns in the list

I/O Input or output message.

I stands for input messages, that is, messages that were created for input to the network.

O stands for output messages, that is, messages received from the network.

Correspondent The receiver of the message.

Identifier The message identifier that uniquely identifies the message type.




The applicable global payment service level (field 111 in the MT header).

An end-to-end reference across a payment transaction (field 121 in the MT header).

A transaction reference number or a message user reference.

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User Guide Message Approval


Open By

Value that helps identify the message.

Name of the operator who reserved the message, that is, who has already opened it and is currently working on it.

In Queue Since Time when the message entered the queue.

Network The network used to send MT messages (SWIFT).

Inst Type The message instance type (original, copy, notification.)

Last Change Name of the last operator who modified the message

Unit The unit to which the message is assigned.

Sender The sender of the message.

Status Indication of whether the message is locked (if not, the entry in this column is blank).

Additional columns not displayed by default

By default, the following columns are not displayed. To display a column, click

Change View



Message Authorisation Page


The Message Authorisation page displays a list of messages available for authorisation.

Page example

Filtering criteria area

Enables you to filter a list of messages according to various criteria. For more information, see

Filter a List of Messages in a Queue on page 126

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User Guide Message Approval

I/O Input or output message.

I stands for input messages, that is, messages that were created for input to the network.

O stands for output messages, that is, messages that Alliance Lite2 received from the network.

Correspondent The receiver of the message.

Format The format of the message (for example, Swift or MX).



Created by

Modified by


Match Case



The message identifier that uniquely identifies the message type.

Value that helps identify the message.

Name of the operator who created the message.

Name of the operator who last modified the message.

A transaction reference number or a message user reference.

You can check the Match Case box to restrict entries in the results to the messages matching the case used in the Reference field.

Service Level Agreement (SLA) identifier in the MT header: field 111. This field identifies the applicable global payment service level.

Unique end-to-end transaction reference in the MT header: field 121. This field provides an end-to-end reference across a payment transaction.

Columns in the list

I/O Input or output message.

I stands for input messages, that is, messages that were created for input to the network.

O stands for output messages, that is, messages that Alliance Lite2 received from the network.

Correspondent The receiver of the message.

Identifier The message identifier that uniquely identifies the message type.





The applicable global payment service level (field 111 in the MT header).

An end-to-end reference across a payment transaction (field 121 in the MT header).

A transaction reference number or a message user reference.

Value that helps identify the message.

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User Guide Message Approval

Open By Name of the operator who reserved the message, that is, who has already opened it and is currently working on it.

In Queue Since Time when the message entered the queue.

Inst Type The message instance type (original, copy, notification).

Cur/Amt The currency code and amount of the transaction.

Value Date


The date on which the transaction is to be completed.

Last Verify Name of the last operator who verified the message.

Last Change Name of the last operator who modified the message

The sender of the message.

Additional columns not displayed by default

By default, the following columns are not displayed. To display a column, click

Change View


Format The format of the message (for example, Swift or MX).

Message Description The name of the message.


Service Name

The network used to send messages (SWIFT or SWIFTNet).

The service that corresponds to the standard selected.




The unit to which the message is assigned.

The Transaction Reference Number (TRN) of FIN messages (usually field

20 of the message), and the MX keyword 1 of MX messages. This field is left blank for File and proprietary messages.

Related Reference The Related Reference of FIN messages (usually field 21 of the message), and the MX keyword 2 of MX messages. This field is left blank for File and proprietary messages.

Message Signing window

The Message Signing window enables you to view the fields of the selected messages to be signed before they are authorised. When signing is required of a message, you will have the option to open the window. You sign the messages in this window by using your token password. The number of signatures required is determined by the non-repudiation rules on the server.

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User Guide


Message Approval


File Displays a list of the FileAct files available for signing.

FIN Displays a list of the FIN messages available for signing.

XML Displays a list of MX messages available for signing.

Note The tabs are only visible when there are messages available for signing. The columns that appear in the list depend on the type of messages to be signed.


Message Authorisation


During authorisation, you open the message and visually inspect it to confirm that the message content is accurate.

You can authorise a group of messages without viewing their content.

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During authorisation, if you notice that some data needs to change, then you can move the message to the Text Modification queue for editing. It is not possible to modify the content of a message during its authorisation.

The permissions in your operator profile may allow you to authorise messages without viewing their content. In this case, you can route those messages from the authorisation queue using



Authorised messages can be routed or disposed, depending on your Alliance Lite2 operator profile permissions.

You can also open a message and reject it using


. To reject one or a group of messages without viewing their content, you require the Msg_Auth or Msg_All permission.

Message signing

You must sign a message before it is authorised. This feature applies to all MT, MX messages and

FileAct files.

You can sign messages individually, or sign multiple messages in one operation. You sign a message in the Message Signing window.

Authorise a Message


To view the content of the Payload tab, an operator must have the Message File / Open/Save File permission.

For File messages, to have access to the option Save File , an operator must have the Message

File / Open/Save File.


1. From the Message Approval menu, select Message Authorisation.

The Message Authorisation page appears with a list of messages available for authorisation.

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The list shows various attributes for each message. For a description of these attributes, see

Message Authorisation Page on page 135.

Messages shown as reserved (that is, having a name in the Open By column) are already open by other operators. To prevent concurrent updates, any other operator cannot open a reserved message.

2. If needed, refine the list using filtering criteria. For more information, see

Filter a List of

Messages in a Queue

on page 126.

3. Do you want to view the message before you authorise or reject it? Choose the appropriate step:


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Approval

Yes: go to Step 9 on page 140

• No: go to Step


on page 140

4. Select the checkbox to the left of the message or messages, in the Message Authorisation page.

Choose the appropriate actions:

• Click Authorise .

A confirmation window appears. Go to Step 5 on page 140.

• Click Reject . The message is sent to the Text Modification queue by default, or to another routing queue defined in the routing in Alliance Lite2.

5. Click OK .

The Message Signing window appears.

If you select multiple messages for approval and only some of them require signature, then only the messages that require signature are displayed in the Message Signing window.

6. Type the password in the Password field. This is your token password.

7. Click Sign .

The Message Authorisation page appears. The message that has been signed disappeared from the list.

Once a message has been signed, it disappears from the list of messages still to be signed by the current operator. If the message requires more signatures, it appears in the list of messages to be signed by all the other operators who have not signed it yet.

If the signature is successful, then a confirmation pop-up is displayed indicating which messages just signed require further signature(s) by another operator or other operators. If there are more than 1000 such messages still requiring signatures, then only the 1000 oldest messages are listed.

If the signature fails, then none of the messages selected for approval are approved. The messages that do not require signature are not approved, either.

If the operator cancels the signing, then none of the messages selected are approved and they remain in the authorisation queue.

If you want to check the status of a signed message or see your signature after a message is signed, do the following actions:

• To check the status: click Status at bottom right of the screen to display the status of the message(s).

• To see your signature: go to Message Search to find and open the message. Click

Instances, select and open the message. Click Interventions. The Interventions List shows your signature and related information.

8. Open another message to authorise, and repeat this procedure, or select another task.

9. Click the message to view the message details. Review the content of the message and verify that the data is correct.

The message editor displays the message.

Select the Payload tab to partially display the content of the file payload. Click Save File to save the content.

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If the message has validation errors then the Validation Report appears. For more information, see

Validate a Message and Correct Errors

on page 100.

10. To view the body of the message in fast mode, click Fast .

The body of the message appears in fast mode.

11. Optionally, click the Comments tab and add your comment.

12. Next, take the appropriate action. You authorise a valid message if you route it or if you dispose it to the Swift queue.


Close Message




Dispose to


Closes the message.

More information

Creates a report of the message.

Report Types and Settings on

page 25

Route a Message on page 103

This button authorises the valid message and routes it according to the routing rules defined within Alliance Lite2.

The message is sent to the Text

Modification queue by default, or to another routing queue defined in the routing in

Alliance Lite2.

Optionally, add a comment with more information for the rejection.

Sends the message to a queue that you choose. You authorise the message if you dispose the message to Swift .

• Text Modification , where an operator can fix the message

• Swift , sends the message to SWIFTNet

A notification message appears in the Status area.

Send a Message to a Queue

(Dispose to) on page 104


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Search and Report

10 Message Search and Report


You can query the Alliance Lite2 message file using search criteria to find specific messages, based on business needs. For example, you may need to check whether an urgent message was sent or received. You can then open a message and view extensive details about it and its instances. Instances can be completed, reactivated. You can create message search criteria templates for searches that you make on a regular basis.

When searching for messages, you can always generate a report of any selected messages (see

Generate a Report of Messages from Search Results

on page 174). In addition to generating a report of selected messages, Alliance Lite2 allows you to generate a report of messages that match criteria that you provide. You can choose to include message details or message summary information in the report.

The content available on the search results page depends on the search criteria provided and on the operator profile permissions. The resulting list may include messages or message templates, depending on the source searched. You can also search directly for message instances.

The actions that you can perform on messages and message instances depend on the permissions defined in your Alliance Lite2 operator profile.

Note Message Partner configuration is only available upon customer request.


Message Search

This section describes how to search for messages and view message details.


Search for Messages


1. From the Message Search and Report menu, select Message Search.

The Message Search page appears with the Source & Creation tab open by default.

2. Specify search criteria by completing the fields as needed. See

Specify Search Criteria

on page 152 for details. You can also use a search criteria template to perform a message search.

See Save Search Criteria as Template

on page 165 for details.

Provide search criteria as needed so that the messages returned are a useful subset.

Search criteria that you specify remain until you change or clear the information, which allows you to refresh the list without having to re-key criteria. Click Clear if you want to remove the criteria previously provided and enter new criteria.

CAUTION If you do not provide search criteria, then you will not easily find what you are looking for. The server will only fetch a limited number of records (that is, enough to show a first page of results).

3. Click


. While messages are being added to the list, the text Please wait may appear.

The search results appear with the list of messages that meet your search criteria. If a search returns no results, then a message is displayed that indicates that no results match the current criteria.

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The total number of messages matching the search criteria is displayed next to Rows in list in the list. This total is computed or refreshed only when you click Search . Otherwise, it is not automatically refreshed at regular intervals. If the number of messages matching the search criteria is above 10.000 occurrences, in order to avoid a degradation of performance, Alliance

Lite2 stops counting and displays the link Total: More than 10.000 in the top menu, instead of the counting result. If you select this link, the full counting function is resumed.

Use Previous and Next, if necessary, to navigate through the pages of the complete list.

Click Change View to select the number of rows displayed.

You can use the check boxes to select the messages for which you want to generate a report of the message details, or the message summary. You then click Export to generate a report. See

Generate a Report of Messages from Search Results on page 174 to select and generate a

report of one or more messages from this page.

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For MX messages, the Reference column is populated with the content of the RequestRef field. This field is extracted from MX keyword 2 in the MX System Messages Deployment

Package, for the following MX system messages:

• xsys.002.001.01

• xsys.003.001.01

• xsys.010.001.01

• xsys.010.001.02

• xsys.011.001.01

• xsys.011.001.02

• xsys.012.001.01

• xsys.012.001.02

4. Click a message in the list to open it and view its details. The Message Details page appears with the Header tab open by default. For a description of that page, see

Message Details Page

on page 147.

You can generate a report of the message details, or the message summary by clicking Export .

See Generate a Report of Messages from Search Results

on page 174 to select and generate a report of one or more messages from this page.

5. Take one of the following actions.

• Click Previous or Next to go directly to the previous or next message in the list without closing the message currently displayed.

• Click Search Results (located between Previous and Next) or Close to go back to the list of messages.


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Search and Report


The Message Search Window

When you run a message search, to customise the columns of data that are displayed, click

Change View . In the dialog box, select the check box next to a column to show it. You can also click the column name and use the arrows to change its position in your search results. Click OK to save your view.

Change View dialog box for messages

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Columns of data available for display

I/O Specifies the direction of message flow:

I - The message was created as input to a network, such as SWIFT.

Alliance Lite2 sends the message.

O - The message was output from a network, such as SWIFT.

Alliance Lite2 receives this message.



The BIC-11 address of the correspondent

Identifies the type of message

Mesg Description



A description of the message.

The applicable global payment service level (field 111 in the MT header).




Value in the Reference field

The Reference field contains one of the following:

• Transaction reference number, which is located in field 20 of the MT message

• Message user reference, which is located in the SWIFT user header

MX A user reference





Related Reference


Value Date

Message User Reference extracted from the User Header block of the message

An end-to-end reference across a payment transaction (field 121 in the

MT header).

Contains the Transaction Reference Number (TRN) of FIN messages

(usually field 20 of the message), and the MX keyword 1 of MX messages. This field is left blank for File and proprietary messages.

Contains the Related Reference of FIN messages (usually field 21 of the message), and the MX keyword 2 of MX messages. This field is left blank for File and proprietary messages.

A system generated value intended to make the UMID unique. The first part is the creation date of the message in YYMMDD format, a six-digit number. The second part consists of a number (1 to 10 digits) that the system generates. This number is incremental and unique for all messages.

The date on which funds are credited or debited to or from the receiver's account.

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Netw. Status

Orig Inst RP

Dup from Network

Dup Set Locally

Interface Detected


Mesg Creation

Service Name

Emission Info

Reception Info



Validation Flag

MX Keyword 1

MX Keyword 2

The financial amount prefixed by a currency code.

Messages without currency/amount are shown before those with currency/amount.

The message format and current processing state of the message. For example, a message may be in SWIFT format with a status of "live", which means the message has one or more instances undergoing or awaiting processing. Alternatively, a message can have a status of

"complete", which means that all instances have been processed.

The network processing result of the last transmission. The data for this field is taken from the information contained in the last transmission intervention attached to the corresponding message instance.

The queue or routing point in Alliance Lite2 where the original instance of the message is located. If the original instance has been completed, then no routing point appears.

A message that has been received with duplicate information from the network

A message that has been marked as duplicate locally (inside Alliance

Lite2) by a user

A message that Alliance Lite2 has identified as duplicate by means of its duplicate detection mechanism

The date and time when the message was created

SWIFTNet service

The network name, session number, and sequence number of the last emission appendix of the original message instance have the following format:

<network name><session number><sequence number>

The network name, session number, and sequence number of the last reception appendix of the original message instance. It has the format:

<network name><session number><sequence number>

The BIC-11 address of the sender, and receiver of the message

Location of the message (database or archive). The name of an archive is shown as a date, the format of which is specified in the System

Management application.

Message User Group

First keyword for an MX message (if present)

Second keyword for an MX message (if present)

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MX Keyword 3 Third keyword for an MX message (if present)

Sorting search results

In the Message Search GUI, the search criteria or the sorting option are applied by means of a contextual menu that is displayed by clicking the sortable columns headers. This contextual menu enables you to perform ascending or descending sorting and to define nested sorting (up to three levels deep) on most of the available columns.

The nested sorting determines the order in which the results of a search are made available to the

GUI in the list of messages/instances. For example, if Mesg Creation, Identifier, and Service

Name are selected (in that order), the messages/instances will be sorted first by Mesg Creation, then by Identifier, and then by Service Name.

The sorting selected on the table header applies to all messages or messages instances and is not limited to the subset of results displayed in the GUI page.

While sorting, you can click Abort to cancel the ongoing sorting action. In this case, no results are returned.

Note The default sorting for message and instance searches is based on Mesg Creation.

You receive an error message when you attempt to sort an unsortable column, such as Mesg Description or Suffix.

During a search, if some fields are returned empty and need to be sorted on, The empty values are displayed at the beginning of the returned list. The empty values include: null values (for optional fields), empty string values (for mandatory string fields), or 0 values (for mandatory numeric fields).


Message Details Page


The Message Details page enables you to view extensive details about retrieved messages and their instances.

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Page example

Message Details page for a FIN message

Message Search and Report

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Page description

Header tab Contains information about the message header.

You can display help for MX keywords of a message that is opened from

searching (see Help for Messages on page 46).

Contains details of the sender and the receiver of the message.


Receiver tab

Text tab (not applicable for

File messages)

Displays the content of the message body.

Note You can display this tab and the information within it only if you are a member of a unit to which at least one of the message instances is assigned. To change this, contact your security officer to ask for extra permissions.

The text of a message can be displayed in either normal or expanded format, provided the corresponding message standards are installed in Alliance Lite2.

Expanded format provides descriptive names for each field. To use this option, check the Display expanded text box (default). Display expanded text does not appear if the corresponding message standard is not installed.

The Display expanded text option selected by an operator when viewing the

Text tab details of a FIN/MX message in Message Search is automatically saved. It is proposed as initial value when the same operator opens another

FIN/MX message details in Message Search.

Depending on the value of the configuration parameter FIN User Header in

Alliance Lite2, the Text tab can also show the contents of the FIN User Header

(block 3 ) of the message.


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Search and Report

Response Text tab (real-time

MX AnyXML or other XML messages sent only)

For MX messages sent using real-time delivery, the Response Text tab contains a business response from the message receiver. The Display

expanded text option is also available on this tab. This option is only shown when Alliance Lite2 was able to retrieve the message definition of the response

(deployment package installed) and the response is valid according to its schema definition.

History tab Shows the history of a message, which is derived from message interventions.

The message history is presented chronologically as individual paragraphs.

Starting with the original instance, each paragraph refers to a separate instance associated with the message, such as copy or notification.

The History tab shows only the final routing rule that was applied to the original message.

For example, if a routing rule was applied to an original instance but without an action defined to apply to the message, and then a second routing rule was applied, then the history of the message does not include details of the first routing rule.

If there are more than 50 appendices, then only the 25 first appendices and 25 last appendices are displayed. The same rule applies to interventions.

Instances tab Shows all the instances, both live and complete, that were created for a message.

You can also cancel message instance emissions on this page.

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Other tab

Message Search and Report

Contains further information about the message, such as the message priority, and the number of signatures required by the message.

This tab also contains information related to emissions, such as:

Expiry Date Time, which indicates the date and time after which Alliance

Lite2 should stop attempting to send a real-time FileAct or InterAct message to SWIFTNet, should the emission repeatedly fail until that date and time.

This information is applicable to input SWIFTNet messages only.

Next Emission Date Time, which indicates the date and time before which

Alliance Lite2 will not attempt to send a real-time FileAct or InterAct message to SWIFTNet. This field provides information about the Alliance

Lite2 retry logic only, which regularly recalculates the sending interval to maximise the chance of sending the message successfully.

Note If the delivery notification cannot be returned, then the file will be re-sent up to 10 times; each time the acknowledgement and the failed delivery notification will be stored in the reception directory. If the delivery notification is still not received after 10 retries, then the payload file and the companion parameter file are moved to the error directory. If the delivery notification is sent successfully, then the payload file and the companion parameter file are moved to the reception directory.

For both store-and-forward and real-time traffic, Alliance Lite2 global system parameter Default emission expiry is set to 4 hours, and this is the maximum length of time during which retries can happen. For store-and-forward specifically, there is a retry limit of 2 times, indicating the maximum number of retries done for store-and-forward FileAct or InterAct.

When it is up and running, the Alliance Lite2 checks every five minutes if messages with an emission expiry date and time that are in the

_SI_to_SWIFTNet queue have expired. The expiry criterion is that the File message emission expiry date and time is earlier than or equal to the current date and time.

When a message is found to be expired, it is immediately rejected locally as if it had been rejected by the network, and Alliance Lite2 no longer attempts to send it to SWIFTNet. The detailed process is as follows:

1. An emission appendix is created with:

• Network Delivery Status: Rejected Locally

• Session number: 0

• Sequence number: 0

• Session holder: expired

• The pseudo Network ACK/NAK text: T08 - Message expired

2. The function result is set to Failure.

3. The message is routed.

4. An intervention Message Expired is created for the message.

5. SNIS event 28149 is logged in the Event Journal.

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Messages tab

(MX messages; relevant only for store-andforward delivery)

Appears in the message details if the message that you open is related to at

least one other message. For more information, see Find and View Related

Messages on page 152.


Clicking this button generates a report of a message or messages.


View Message Instance Details


1. Click the Instances tab from the Message Details page. The Instances List appears.

Depending on your Alliance Lite2 operator profile, you can perform one of the following actions on an instance:

• complete it

• move it to a different routing point

• reassign the unit assigned to it

• reactivate it if it was completed

• generate a report that simulates a report printed from a message partner

• change the priority

• open the details of the message that contains the message instance

For details on these actions, see further in this section.

2. Click the relevant instance to view its details.

Those details contain two types of information:

• Instance Description & Comments

• List of interventions

If the message contains several instances, then you can navigate to other instances by clicking

Previous and Next, without having to close the instance. You can also return to the list of instances by clicking Instances List.

3. Click Interventions to view the list of interventions for the currently displayed instance.

If there are more than 50 appendices, then only the 25 first appendices and 25 last appendices are displayed. The same rule applies to interventions.

4. You can then click a specific intervention to view its details. The ACK reception section of the screen contains the date and time (local to the browser) at which the SWIFT ACK or NAK was received from SWIFT. This information is also displayed in the detailed reports.

After you view the intervention details, you can perform one of the following actions:

• Navigate to another intervention of the list by clicking Previous or Next, depending where you are in the list.

• Return to the list of interventions by clicking Interventions List.

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• Return one level higher to the list of instances by clicking Instances List.

• View another tab of the message.

• Navigate to the previous or next message without closing the current one.

• Close the current message.


Find and View Related Messages

Alliance Lite2 offers a quick way to view MX messages that share some common values based on data contained in those messages. This relationship is established through values used in the messages. The concept of related messages refers specifically to values provided for two of the

MX keyword fields of messages for Solutions that use store-and-forward delivery. As explained in

Create MX Messages

on page 81, these fields are defined as part of the message standards for a particular service.

The relationship between messages is established based on the following rule: the value of the MX

Keyword 1 field for the message that you opened must be the same as the value for the MX

Keyword 2 field for any message or more messages related to it.

The opposite also applies. If you opened a message for which the value of the MX Keyword 2 field matches the value of the MX Keyword 1 field for another message, then it is that other message that appears on this tab.

The Find Related button appears on all tabs that display message details for an MX message sent using store-and-forward delivery.


1. Display an MX message that was sent using store-and-forward delivery.

2. Click the Find Related button.

Alliance Lite2 retrieves any related messages and refreshes the content of the message that appears.

Note This refresh presents the initial view of all tabs. For example, if you were on the

Instances tab and had opened a particular message instance or an intervention for an instance before clicking

Find Related

, the content of the Instances tab would be refreshed with the instances list.

3. Click a message displayed on the Related Messages tab. Alliance Lite2 opens it and displays its details instead of the details of the message that you opened from the list.

4. After you view details of a message or a related message, close the message or navigate within the list.

If you click Previous or Next , then Alliance Lite2 displays details of the previous or next message in the list relative to the one that you opened from the list.


Specify Search Criteria

To run a search, you must specify search criteria.

To obtain a list of messages, you must start a search in either live days or one or more selected archives. Every message has a number of attributes associated with it, which are used as criteria for searching for messages or groups of messages. A number of tabs are available to specify the search criteria.

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Message attributes are grouped in four categories:

• ID & Content

• Source & Creation

• Transmissions

• Instances Location

• Units

You can combine search criteria from different tabs. For example, you can search for all messages in a specific queue (selected from the Instances Location tab) that were created between 9 am and 10 am (defined in the Source & Creation tab).

Frequently performed searches using the same criteria can be saved. See Save Search Criteria as

Template on page 165 for details.


Search by ID and Content

The ID & Content tab enables you to specify the message format, UMID, and content (that is, sender, receiver, nature, and search text).

The search criteria values that are available depend on the Alliance Lite2 licence options. For more information, see

ID and Content Tab Search Criteria on page 154.


1. From the Message Search and Report menu, select Message Search.

2. Click the ID & Content tab.

3. To specify the message format, select a message format from the Standard field in the

Message Format part. For more information, see Message Format on page 154.

It is possible to search for multiple message type families when using the message Identifier field in one search. If multiple values are provided for the Identifier field, then the values must be separated by a comma ",".

For example:

• For FIN : fin.1%, fin.2% will return all MT1% and MT2% messages

• For MX : secl.001% will return all SECL.001% messages

• For BOTH : camt%, fin.1% will return all CAMT% and MT1 messages

4. The UMID or Other (for file or other standard) part enable you to define the structure of the message UMID. In the fields of this part, you can either specify the UMID in full, to locate an individual message, or you can specify messages, in part, by using wildcards. For more

information, see UMID on page 155.

You can use the following wildcards:

• "_", to replace one unknown character

• "%", to replace zero, one or more contiguous unknown characters

When searching for Correspondent, Type, Qual, or Reference (in the UMID part), the use of the "%" wildcard is not recommended, because the search results may not be as expected.

Instead, if you need to use this wildcard in your search, you should search for Sender or

Receiver (in the User part), as appropriate.

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5. The Content part enables you to search for messages based on the sender, receiver and what the message contains. You can search for a particular type of message, such as financial messages, and then search on some aspect of their contents, such as their amount fields or message properties. You can also search for messages by specifying a search text. For more

information, see Content on page 157.

ID and Content Tab Search Criteria

This topic describes the search criteria available in the ID & Content tab.

Message Format






Other Standard ...

To search for

MT messages only

Messages of any format

File message only

Complete additional fields as follows

Identifier. Enter a message identifier to filter upon. This is a free-text field that accepts the wildcards _ and %.

It is possible to search for multiple message type families when using the message Identifier field in one search. If multiple values are provided for the Identifier field, then the values must be separated by a comma ",".

Identifier. Enter a message identifier to filter upon. This is a free-text field that accepts the wildcards _ and %.

It is possible to search for multiple message type families when using the message Identifier field in one search. If multiple values are provided for the Identifier field, then the values must be separated by a comma ",".

Service Name. You can enter a service name to search for messages sent to a service for which the message standards are no longer installed.

You can search for messages of a specific service even if the message standards were removed.

You can type a value in the Identifier field, which is a free-text field that accepts the wildcards _ and %.

Store-and-forward delivery notifications; also for messages that may have arrived with an unrecognised format

Identifier. Enter a message identifier to filter upon. This is a free-text field that accepts the wildcards _ and %.

Service Name. You can enter a service to search for messages sent to a service for which the message standards are no longer installed. You can search for messages of a specific service even if the message standards were removed.

You can type a value in the Identifier field, which is a free-text field that accepts the wildcards _ and %.

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For Solutions that you have implemented

To search for

MX messages

Complete additional fields as follows

The Service Name is automatically filled in to correspond to the MX message standard that you select.

If you select a specific message from the Message Name drop-down list, then the Identifier is automatically filled in.





If you selected The following fields appear


Complete the fields as follows

Select one of the following:

I - Sent, to search for input messages, that is, messages that were created for input to a network

O - Received, to search for output messages, that is, messages that were received from a network

%, to search for both input and output messages




Type the applicable BIC11 according to the directional indicator:

I, type the receiver BIC11

O, type the sender BIC11

If no specific branch code is given, the last three characters of the BIC address default to "___" (for example, three wildcards).

Enter the message type that is the object of the search (for example,

103). It must be a three-digit number.

If necessary enter a qualifier. For example, use STP or REMIT in the case of MT 103.STP and MT 103.REMIT.








Enter one of the following:

• the transaction reference number, located in field 20 of the SWIFT message

• the message user reference, located in the message header

Same as FIN messages

Same as FIN messages

Enter a value that corresponds to the user reference in the message.

Same as FIN messages

Same as FIN messages

Same as FIN messages

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If you selected


Other Standard ...

The following fields appear






Complete the fields as follows

Same as FIN messages

Same as FIN messages

Same as FIN messages

Same as FIN messages


Type the sender BIC8 (if the message was output from the network) or the receiver BIC8 (if the message was input to the network).

Enter a value that corresponds to the user reference in the message header.

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To search for messages based on

The sender

The receiver

Complete additional fields as follows

Type the name of the sender Any, Institution, Department, or


Type the name of the receiver Any, Institution, Department, or



Search Text


Banking Priority

User Reference

Their business nature

(for example, financial messages) and also to some aspect of their contents (for example, their amount fields)

• All

• Financial

• Text

• Network

• Security

• Binary

• Service

Depending on what you select here, there are additional fields that can be completed.

A string contained in the message

Type a string, which must begin and end with %.

Consider the following restrictions:

• this field is case-sensitive

• the search is limited to the message body only

For improved results use wildcards.

You can specify the character string fully or partially by using wildcards:

• "_", to replace one unknown character. For example, type

A_Z to match both "AUZ" and "ABZ".

• "%", to replace zero, one or more contiguous unknown characters. For example, type A%Z to match both

"ABCDEZ" and "AZ".

The possible values of the list depend on the FIN-Copy services installed on the Alliance Lite2 instance.

Maximum length is 4, only alphanumeric values are allowed.

Maximum length is 16, only alphanumeric values are allowed.

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Any, Internal

Select To search for messages based on

The sender

Complete additional fields as follows

Same as FIN messages.


Receiver The receiver


Does not display for Internal.

MX, File, or Any messages


Same as FIN messages.

Select the check box to include copy messages.

Their business nature

(for example, financial messages) and also to some aspect of their contents (for example, their amount fields)

Same as FIN messages.

Requestor DN

Responder DN

The requestor DN

The responder DN

Type the requestor DN. The wildcards '_' and '%' can be used in the name. No normalisation is performed, so the DN criteria you provide must exactly match the DN of the message to be found.

Type the responder DN. The wildcards '_' and '%' can be used in the name. No normalisation is performed, so the DN criteria you provide must exactly match the DN of the message to be found.

Same as FIN messages.

Amount From and To

A range of amounts

Currency The currency

A string contained in the message

Same as FIN messages.

Value Date From and To

A range of value dates Same as FIN messages.

Search Text Same as FIN messages.

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Requestor DN

To search for messages based on

The sender

Complete additional fields as follows

Same as FIN messages.

The receiver

File messages

The requestor DN

Same as FIN messages.

Select the check box to include copy messages.

Type the requestor DN. The wildcards '_' and '%' can be used in the name. No normalisation is performed, so the DN criteria you provide must exactly match the DN of the message to be found.

Responder DN

Logical File




The responder DN

The logical file name

Type the responder DN. The wildcards '_' and '%' can be used in the name. No normalisation is performed, so the DN criteria you provide must exactly match the DN of the message to be found.

Type the logical file name. The wildcards '_' and '%' can be used in the name.

The transfer description Type the transfer description. The wildcards '_' and '%' can be used. A '%' wildcard is automatically appended to values that do not already contain a '%' wildcard. This applies regardless of whether the value contains space character(s) and/or '_' characters.

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Standard ...





Requestor DN

To search for messages based on

The sender

Complete additional fields as follows

Same as FIN messages.

The receiver

The requestor DN

Same as FIN messages.

Select the check box to include copy messages.

Type the requestor DN. The wildcards '_' and '%' are accepted in the name. No normalisation is performed, so the DN criteria you provide must exactly match the DN of the message to be found.

Responder DN The responder DN Type the responder DN. The wildcards '_' and '%' are accepted in the name. No normalisation is performed, so the

DN criteria you provide must exactly match the DN of the message to be found.

Same as FIN messages.

Amount From and To


A range of amounts

The currency Same as FIN messages.

Value Date From and To

A range of value dates Same as FIN messages.

MX Keyword 1,

MX Keyword 2,

MX Keyword 3

MX keywords

Search Text A string contained in the message

Enter values of message fields corresponding to MX keyword

1, 2 and 3 as required. Wildcards can be used. For more information, see

Create MX Messages

The list of MX keywords for all messages in the selected MX standard can be displayed by clicking "?" located next to the

Message Name field.

Same as FIN messages.

on page 81.

Related information

Search by ID and Content

on page 153


Search by Source and Creation

The Source & Creation tab enables you to specify the source file and creation date criteria of the messages to be searched.



1. Click the Source & Creation tab.

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2. To specify the source in which you want to perform a search, select a value from the Search In field in the Source part.



Live Days

To search for

Messages in the Alliance Lite2 database, that is live and completed messages for days that have not been archived yet.

Complete additional fields as follows

Creation date/time range and the

Find Possible Duplicates checkbox.

Messages in an archive file, that is a file containing messages that were archived

(and are no longer live).

Use the arrows to move the values required from the Available field to the Selected field.

Templates Message templates.

If you search for message templates, then the ID & Content tab is the only other tab available.


Save Search Criteria as

Template on page 165.

3. To specify creation date and time criteria, complete the Date and Time fields in the Creation part.

Field Complete as follows

From Date

From Time

Type the date of the earliest message to be found, using numeric characters. The date can be entered with or without slashes, for example, DD/MM/YY or DDMMYY. The date format is interpreted according to the Alliance Web Platform settings, for example

European, US, or ISO format.

Type the time of the earliest message to be found. Provide either the entire HH:MM:SS value with or without the : or only the one-digit or two-digit ( HH ) hour value. Alliance

Web Platform interprets this value as 24 hour time format, and fills in the values for

MM:SS automatically with the current settings.

If no value is entered, the field is automatically filled in with a time of 00:00:00 .

Type the date of the latest message to be found, using numeric characters only.

To Date

To Time Type the time of the latest message to be found. Provide either the entire HH:MM:SS value with or without the : or only the one-digit or two-digit ( HH ) hour value. Alliance

Web Platform interprets this value depending as 24 hour time format, and completes the values for MM:SS automatically with the current settings.

If no value is entered, then the field is automatically completed with a time of 23:59:59 .

4. To specify message template usage tracking criteria, complete the Usage count and Last

usage fields in the Usage Statistics part. This part is available only when the Search In field is set to Templates.

Field Complete as follows

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Usage count This field indicates the total number of times that the MT or MX template has been used to manually build a message.

In the first field, select a threshold value, either: '=',

'>', '<', '>=', or '<='. In the second field, specify an integer. Both fields are optional, but must be present together.

Last usage This field indicates the timestamp (in the local time of the browser) when the MT or MX template was used to manually build a message.

Specify either a start date field or an end date (or both). Both fields are optional.

5. To search for duplicate messages, select the option Find Possible Duplicates. This search criterion returns all messages that have been received with duplicate information from the network, messages that Alliance Lite2 has identified as duplicate by means of its duplicate detection mechanism, or messages that have been marked as duplicate locally (inside Alliance

Lite2) by a user. Messages that Alliance Lite2 identifies as duplicate are also automatically marked as having been flagged locally as duplicate by the user.

For more information, see

Detecting Duplicate Messages on page 166.


Search by Transmission Details

The Transmissions tab enables you to search for messages based on details of their transmission interventions.

Note If you selected Templates in the Source & Creation tab, then the Transmissions tab is not available.


1. From the Message Search and Report menu, select Message Search.

2. Click the Transmissions tab.

3. To specify details of the transmission interventions of the message, complete the fields in the

Interventions part.

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Network Name

Complete as follows Complete additional fields as follows

Select the network used to send or receive the message:

Any, to search for messages sent or received on any networks






The Reference field appears if you selected

SWIFTNet as a network. Enter a value for the reference in the message header. You can use wildcards in this field.

From/To Network Select the search direction:

From, for messages received from the network selected

To, for messages sent to the network selected

Any, for messages in both directions

Session Holder Type the name of the logical terminal or message partner profile that established the session during which the message was exchanged with Alliance Lite2.

If you selected OTHER, SWIFT or SWIFTNet as a network, then enter the following in a continuous string for the logical terminal:

• a nine-character logical terminal identifier through which the message is sent or received

• a three-character branch code (this is always "XXX")

• a single-character code identifying the session type

(this is either "A" for APC sessions or "F" for FIN sessions)


If you selected APPLI as a network, then type the name of the message partner through which Alliance Lite2 exchanges the messages that you are searching for.

Session Number Type the number of the communications session during which the messages were transmitted.





Type a sequence number to search from. This is a sequence number within the communications session specified in the Session Number field.

Type a sequence number to search to. This field specifies the upper limit of the search.

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4. To specify the networks that sent or received the messages to be searched, use the Available and Selected columns in the Status part. Move the networks that you want to include in your search to the Selected column. Click the appropriate networks in the Available column and click the > arrow, or double-click them to move them directly to the Selected column. You can select several networks simultaneously. To do so, press the CTRL key and click on the networks that you want.

The following networks are available:





5. After selecting a network, options appear for you to specify transmission details.

Select one of the following:

Transmission Failure, to search for messages whose transmission has failed

Waiting Delivery, to search for messages that are awaiting delivery

Waiting Transmission, to search for messages that have not been transmitted yet


Search by Instances Location

When searching for messages or instances, the Instances Location tab enables you to specify the queues in which they are held.


1. From the Message Search and Report menu, select Message Search.

2. The Source & Creation tab is selected by default.

3. In the Search Type drop-down list, select Messages or Instances.

The Search In field automatically shows Live Days.

4. Select the Instances Location tab.

5. The Queues part enables you to select which queues that you want to search for messages in.

Move the queues that you want to the Selected column. If you do not select any queue, then a search is made for all queues.

Note If you are searching for instances, selecting Completed as the value for Status prevents you from selecting any entry in the Available column.

6. Click Search . The instances corresponding to your criteria are displayed.

You can perform the following actions:

• Select one or several instances and perform any of the tasks available on the page.

• Open a message instance to view its details

• Run a new search based on different criteria.

• Refresh the list by searching again with the same criteria.

• Click Home to return to your home page.

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User Guide Message Search and Report


Search by Units

The Units tab enables you to search for messages according to their live or completed instances.

You can also specify the units to which the instances are assigned.


1. From the Message Search and Report menu, select Message Search.

2. Select the Units tab.

3. The Units part enables you to search for message instances that are assigned to specific units.

Move the units that you want to the Selected column as described in step 4 on page 164. If you

do not select any unit, then a search is made for all units.


Save Search Criteria as Template

You can save the criteria provided for a search by creating a search criteria template. This is useful when a number of different searches are performed frequently.


1. From the Search and Report menu, select Message Search.

The Message Search page appears.

2. Specify the message search criteria that you want to save as template. See Specify Search


on page 152 for details.

3. Click Save as Template.

The Save as Search Criteria Template window appears.

4. Give a name to your template by typing it in the Name field. It can be a maximum of 50 characters long, including spaces and underscores.

5. Select a unit from the Unit drop-down list. A search criteria template must be assigned to a unit.

6. Click




Use Search Criteria Templates


1. From the Search and Report menu, select Message Search.

The Message Search page appears.

2. Select Use Template.

The Search Criteria Templates window appears. The list of available search criteria templates appears.

3. Click the required search criteria template.

The criteria of the template is loaded to the search criteria fields.

4. Click


. While messages are being added to the list, the text Please wait may appear.

The Message Search page displays the list of returned messages.

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Use Previous and Next, if necessary, to navigate through the pages of the complete list.

5. To close the search template, select Close Template.


Update Search Criteria Templates


1. From the Search and Report menu, select Message Search.

The Message Search page appears.

2. Select Use Template.

The Search Criteria Templates window appears. The list of available search criteria templates appears.

3. Click the required search criteria template.

4. Make the necessary changes to the message search criteria. See

Specify Search Criteria

on page 152 for details.

5. Click Update Template.

A confirmation window appears, click OK .


Detecting Duplicate Messages

Duplicate detection applies only to non-archived messages (that is, only for live days).


Duplicate detection is based on digest comparison.

Alliance Lite2 distinguishes between three types of duplicate messages:

• Messages received with duplicate information from the network (either the back office or


• Messages marked as duplicate locally (inside Alliance Lite2) by the user

• Messages identified as duplicate by the Alliance Lite2 server by means of its duplicate detection mechanism. Such messages are also automatically marked as having been flagged locally as duplicate by the user.

Actions on the possible duplicate messages

When a message is added to or updated in the database, the message is checked if it is a duplicate message depending on the digest comparison value.

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The following tasks are performed using the digest-based duplicate detection functionality:

• For every message added or updated in the Alliance Lite2 database, a digest is calculated and compared with all digests of the active messages present in the database. The digest is calculated for all FIN, InterAct, and FileAct messages, except for FIN messages from category 0

(system messages).

• When a message is updated, the digest is re-calculated only when the message payload or the value in one of the fields used for the digest calculation is changed.

• When the same digest is found in the database, an extra comparison is performed on the payload itself and if it is identical, then the routing keywords possible_duplicate and user_duplicate are set to "True" for the message.

Note If a duplicate FileAct message is sent or received using a different file digest algorithm, then it will not be flagged as a duplicate.

Duplicate message digest

The digest is calculated for each FIN, XML-based or File message, and the calculation uses, as input, the message payload and a fixed set of fields:

• Sender: BIC11 for FIN, Requestor DN for InterAct and FileAct

• Receiver: BIC11 for FIN, Responder DN for InterAct and FileAct

• Direction: I or O

• Message type: Message type for FIN, Request Type for InterAct and FileAct

• Unique message identifier (UUMID): Generated by Alliance Lite2.

The duplicate messages can be found in the Message File application.

Calculation of message digest

1. The digest of the message is calculated as follows:

• FIN message: digest of Block 4 (maximum 4 KB) plus the additional fields listed above

• XML-based message: digest of the document (maximum 100 KB) plus the additional fields listed above

• File message: digest of the file payload digest (32 bytes) plus the additional fields listed above

Note If the back office provides the same file twice, but each file has a different digest value, then the duplicate message is not detected.

2. The message is stored in the database along with its digest and when it is stored, the system checks whether the digest already exists.

• If the digest does not exist already in the database, then the check stops.

• If the digest already exists in the database, then an extra comparison is performed on the payload itself to ensure a complete duplicate check.

• If the comparison check returns a difference, then the check stops.

• If the comparison check identifies the messages to be identical, then the routing keywords possible_duplicate and user_duplicate are set to "True" for the message.

3. The message is added to the database or updated. A duplicate message is flagged as a possible duplicate.

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Note File messages cannot be updated.


Message Instances

The status of a message can be live or completed. A message is not considered to be completed unless all of its instances are completed.

You can perform the following actions on a message instance that you select from the Message

Search page:

• complete it

• move it to a different routing point

• reassign the unit assigned to it

• reactivate it if it was completed

• generate a report

• change the priority

• open the details of the message that contains the message instance

For information about generating a report of an instance, see Generate a Message Instance Report

on page 176. For details on the other actions, see further in this section.

These actions can be performed on a group of instances when you search specifically for message instances.


Search for Message Instances


1. From the Search and Report menu, select Message Search.

2. Specify your search criteria.

Select the status of the instances that you want to search for in the Instance State field:

Live. If you select this status, then a list of queues appears. You must select the queues where the instances are located. To select a queue, move it to the Selected column either by clicking it and using the > arrow, or by double-clicking it. Several queues can be selected.

If you do not select a queue, then the search is performed on all of the queues.

Completed. If you select this status, then you can provide transmission information in the

Transmission Details fields.


If you want to remove the criteria provided, click Clear and enter new criteria. The criteria that you have selected remain for future searches until you log off, unless you have cleared them and selected other ones.

3. Click Search . The instances corresponding to your criteria are displayed.

You can perform the following actions:

• Select one or several instances and perform any of the tasks available on the page.

• Open a message instance to view its details

• Run a new search based on different criteria.

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• Refresh the list by searching again with the same criteria.

• Click Home to return to your home page.


Complete Instances


1. From the Search and Report menu, select Message Search.

2. Specify your search criteria as described in Search by Instances Location on page 164.

3. Select the relevant instance by checking the box to the left of the list.

If you want to complete a group of instances simultaneously, then select all the relevant ones.

To complete all the instances displayed on the current page, check the box in the column heading line.

If you want to complete all of the message instances resulting from the search (including those not displayed on the current page), do not select any instances in the list.

4. Click Complete . A confirmation window appears. Click OK to confirm or Cancel to return to the list of instances.

Note Messages are autocompleted after 14 days, see Browser-based Screens of Alliance

Lite2 Service Description . The message history shows that the autocomplete is done by a technical operator, APTool_SAA_Write.


Move Instances

When you are logged in to Alliance Lite2, you can move an instance to another routing point.


1. Select the relevant instance by checking the box on its left from a search with Message

Instance Search.

If you want to move a group of instances simultaneously, then select all the relevant ones. To move all the instances displayed on the current page, check the box in the column heading line.

2. Click Move to .

3. Select a routing point from the list by clicking it and then click Move .

The Move to Action Feedback window appears that confirms the action. Click OK .


Reassign Instances

When Alliance Lite2 is connected to Alliance Lite2, you can reassign an instance to a different unit.


1. Select the relevant instance by checking the box on its left, from the list resulting from a search with Message Instance Search.

If you want to reassign a group of instances simultaneously, then select all the relevant ones. To reassign all the instances displayed on the current page, check the box in the column heading line.

2. Click



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3. Select a unit from the list by clicking it and then click



The Reassign Feedback window appears that confirms the action. Click OK .


Change Priority of Instances

Depending on their operator profile, operators can change the priority of a message instance.


1. Select the relevant instance by checking the box on its left from a search with Message

Instance Search.

If you want to change the priority of a group of instances simultaneously, then select all the relevant ones. To change the priority of all the instances displayed on the current page, check the box in the column heading line.

2. Click Change Priority .

3. The Change Priority window appears.

4. Select a priority from the Available Priorities drop-down list and click Change .

A message appears in the Status area that confirms the change.


Open a Message Instance

You can open the details of the message containing the message instance.


1. Click the relevant message from a search with Message Search.

2. Select the relevant message instance and click the message instance to open it.

The Message Instance Detail page appears.


Types of Reports


Alliance Lite2 offers the following kinds of reports:

• a message summary report, that summaries the information of messages that match the search criteria, or from search results

• a message details report, that contains detailed information of messages that match the search criteria, or from search results

Format of Reports

The reports are generated to be exported to a file or displayed for printing.

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The report can be generated in the following formats:


• CSV (only available for summary report, that is, message summary and messages per queue reports)


Operator permissions

The Alliance Lite2 operator profile permission to search for messages (Message File / Search) is required for producing the message details and message summary reports in Alliance Lite2.


Details Report

Report structure

Information at the top of the first page of the details report shows:

• the application used

• report type

• name of operator who generated the report

• Alliance server instance

• date and time when the report was generated

The content for details of a message resembles the content shown when viewing a message located using the message search functionality of Alliance Lite2. However, it does not include the interventions for each instance.

Note If you create a details report from search results, then the interventions for each instance are included in the report if you have the right permission.

You can generate a report that includes the interventions by selecting one or more messages and clicking Report and selecting Details on the Report Window. See

Generate a Report of Messages from Search Results on page 174. The message details report includes the following sections for

each message:

• warning text (optional; if a three-character eye-catcher code is provided for the message, then it refers to the most recent emission appendix of an input message or the reception appendix of an output message)

• message identifier

• request type (if different from message identifier)

• message header details

• sender/receiver details

• message text

The message text always appears in expanded format even if the Display expanded text box is not selected (see

Text tab ).

• message file

• message history

• message instances and transmission

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• interventions

• end of message indicator

Warning text and eye-catcher codes

If a warning header or eye-catcher is present for a message, then Alliance Lite2 prints it. The

Alliance Lite2 configuration parameter setting for Print - ST200-like Format determines the appearance of warning header details and the presence of eye-catcher text.

Message text

Depending on the value of the configuration parameter FIN User Header in Alliance Lite2, the message text section shows the contents of the FIN User Header (block 3 ) of the message.


Summary Report

Report structure

Text at the top of the first page of the summary report shows the following information:

• the application used

• report type

• name of operator who generated the report

• Alliance server instance

• date and time when the report was generated

The summary report includes at least one line per message. Depending on the columns that you select, information related to one message may require multiple lines on the printed report.

The bottom of the last page of the summary report shows the number of messages that correspond to the report search criteria.

Column selection

The columns selected by default for summary information correspond to the set of columns that is used for the Search Results page when searching for messages. You can modify this default set of columns by clicking Change View on the Search Results page.

You can always select a different set of columns by selecting them in the Export window when you click Export . You can reset the selected set of columns to its default value at any moment by clicking Reset .

Sort order

Sort order is only applicable when running a Summary or a Details report from search criteria.

Alliance Lite2 presents summary results in the sequence that Alliance Lite2 provides them. You can select a value in the Sort Order field to determine the order in which Alliance Lite2 returns the resulting output.

Value Result

Creation Date (default) The output is sorted in descending order so that the most recent message appears first.

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Currency / Amount


The output is sorted in alphanumerical order.

The output is first sorted in alphabetical order by currency code, and then sorted in ascending order by amount.

Use Currency / Amount for a report that includes only FIN messages.


Generate a Report of Messages from Search


Alliance Lite2 allows you to generate a report of details or summary information of messages that match the search criteria provided. The resulting report may include messages (if the source selected is for live days or archives) or it may include message templates (if the source selected is templates).

When using the report function from the search criteria, you are able to select a detailed report or summary report and the report can contain too many messages. It is better to redefine your search and then use the report function of messages from search results. For this procedure, see

Generate a Report of Messages from Search Results

on page 174. If you want to create a details or summary report from search criteria, then use the following procedure.


1. Specify the search criteria, see Specify Search Criteria

on page 152.

2. Click Export in the search criteria.

The Export window appears.

3. For Export Range, the following rules apply.

• If you have selected all of the entities in the search list, the Export Range is set to Selected


• If you have not selected an entity on the search page, then all of the entities matching the criteria across the results are selected (not limited to the results on the page). The Export

Range is set to All items.

• If you have selected a subset of the entities in the list, then only those entities are selected for export. The Export Range is set to Selected items. However, you can alternatively select All items, which causes all entities matching the filters to be exported.

4. Select a report type from the Export Type drop-down list.

The report types available are:

• Summary

• Details

If you select to create a Details report, the following check boxes are activated:

Display Expanded Text: if selected, descriptive names for each field are displayed in the report, provided that the corresponding message standards are installed.

Include History: if selected, message history details are included in the report. The history is derived from message interventions.

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If any of the above check boxes are not selected, the corresponding section of the message

Details report is omitted.

5. Select a format from the Output Format drop-down list.

The formats available are:



• CSV (only available for Summary Report)


6. Select the orientation of the report from the Page Orientation drop-down list.

7. Select the page size of the report from the Page Format drop-down list.

8. If you selected the Summary report type then you can modify the default set of Columns used for the report.

9. Click OK .

The File Download window appears. You can then click Open to view or Save to save the report.

If you click Open , then the report automatically opens assuming that you have a tool installed to read PDF, CSV or XLS files.


Generate a Report of Messages from Search


Alliance Lite2 allows you to generate a report of details or summary information of messages retrieved through searching. The content available on the search results page depends on the

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User Guide Message Search and Report search criteria provided. The resulting list may include messages (if the source selected is for live days or archives) or it may include message templates (if the source selected is templates).

Reporting is available for one or more messages selected from the list of search results or for a message that is open.

There are three report types available:

• Selecting Summary outputs the message information displayed in the columns on the Search

Results page for one or more selected messages.

You can use the default column layout provided when Alliance Lite2 is installed or you can use

Change View to modify the default selection.

• Selecting Details outputs all the message information retrieved by the search for one or more selected messages.

• Selecting Count provides the number of messages that satisfy the search criteria.

If your operator profile does not allow you to see the message text, then it does not appear in the printed output.


1. Run the search query.

The Search Results page appears.

2. Use the check boxes to select the messages for which you want to generate a report, or click a message to open it.

3. Click Export on the top of the table of search results or at the bottom of the message details page if you opened an individual message.

The Export window appears.

4. For Export Range, the following rules apply.

• If you have selected all of the entities in the search list, the Export Range is set to Selected


• If you have selected no entities on the search page, all of the entities matching the criteria across the results are selected (not limited to the results on the page). The Export Range is set to All items.

• If you have selected a subset of the entities in the list, only those entities are selected for export. The Export Range is set to Selected items. However, you can alternatively select

All items, which causes all entities matching the filters to be exported.

5. Select a report type from the Export Type drop-down list.

The report types available are:

• Summary

• Details

• Count

6. Select a format from the Output Format drop-down list. The formats available are: PDF, CSV

(only for summary reports), XLS, and TXT.

Note If you selected TXT or CSV format, then Page Orientation Page Format are not available.

7. Select the orientation of the report from the Page Orientation drop-down list.

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8. Select the page size of the report from the Page Format drop-down list.

9. If you selected the Summary report type then you can modify the default set of Columns used for the report.

10. Click OK .

The File Download window appears. You can then click Open to view or Save to save the report.

If you click Open , then the report automatically opens assuming that you have a tool installed to read PDF, CSV or XLS files.


Generate a Message Instance Report

Alliance Lite2 allows you to generate a report of instance-specific information of a message retrieved through searching.

The report simulates the layout of a report printed from a message partner.

The report consists of the following sections for a message instance:

Warning header (appears if there is a warning) (see Warning text and eye-catcher codes on

page 172)

Instance Type and Transmission section

• Message Header section

Message Text section (see Message text

on page 172)

• Message Trailer section (appears if block 5 exists in the message)

• Interventions section (appears based on value of configuration parameter in Alliance Lite2)

Tip The message instance report for an input message always contains the Possible

Duplicate indication even if this is not the case.


1. Run the search query.

The Search Results page appears.

2. Open the message for which you want to generate an instance message report and click the

Instances tab.

The list of instances appears.

3. Use the check box to select the instance for which you want to generate a report.

4. Click Instance Export .

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The Export window appears.

5. Select a format from the Output Format drop-down list. The formats available are: PDF, XLS, and TXT.

6. Select the orientation of the report from the Page Orientation drop-down list.

7. Select the page size of the report from the Page Format drop-down list.

The File Download window appears. You can then click Open to view or Save to save the report.

If you click


, then the report automatically opens assuming that you have a tool installed to read PDF, CSV, or TXT files.

8. Check the options Display Expanded Text, Include Header/Footer, and Message Partner

Print Layout as required. The Message Partner Print Layout option applies only to output messages that have been completed.

9. Click OK .

10. Click


to return to the list of messages.

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User Guide Browse Services

11 Browse Services

Browse Services enable you to access secure Browse Services that are offered by third parties on

SWIFTNet. You can only access the services that your institution has subscribed to.

To access a Browse Service, you must first log on to the Browse environment of Alliance Lite2.

Note Administrators always have access to SWIFTNet Online Operations Manager, a

Browse service, for administration tasks.

To use Browse Services, you must deactivate the pop-up blocker for the website. The pop-up blocker is deactivated by default. If the pop-up blocker has been activated, then go to Internet Explorer > Tools > Pop-up Blocker > Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.


Access Browse Services


1. Click the Browse Services tab on the Alliance Lite2 home page.

The Welcome page appears that lists the Browse services that your institution has subscribed to.

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2. Click a service of your choice.

You are now connected to the Browse services environment of Alliance Lite2.

Note If it is the first time within the session that you access a Browse service, it is starting automatically. When you access the service again later, you must click the

Open Application button to start it.

When you select a Browse service, you will go through several screens before actually accessing the service. You can skip these screens by clicking the

Preference button on the upper right corner of the screen. You may still be requested to enter the password to access the service.


Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Upload

12 Message Upload

This chapter explains how to manage manual file transfer for batch input and to view details about a file transfer session for a message partner.

Note Message Partner configuration is only available upon customer request.


Message Partners

Alliance Lite2 profiles

Alliance Lite2 allows batch input with message partners that are already defined on Alliance Lite2.

The data format established for a message partner is part of its profile definition. The Alliance Lite2 security profile assigned to the profile of a message partner controls its specific permissions.

Your operator profile controls the particular message partners that you are allowed to use. Alliance

Lite2 shows input message partners that you are allowed to use, provided that your operator profile includes permission to start a session.

Requirements for message partner profiles

Alliance Lite2 allows you to initiate sessions for message partners that are already defined on

Alliance Lite2.

The list of message partners is restricted to those with appropriate values for the session:

• The connection method must be file transfer.

• The session initiation must be manual.

• The message partner profile must be defined to deal with files located in the user space.

• The value for Direction must be set to From Message Partner for file input to Alliance Lite2.


Overview of Manual File Transfer

This section explains the flow of activities for manual file transfer sessions. The section after this one includes step-by-step instructions as well as descriptions of the relevant pages.


Batch File Input

Running a batch input session with Alliance Lite2 includes the following activities:

• The back-office application produces a file with messages.

• After selecting the input message partner, an operator uploads the file to Alliance Lite2.

When using the user space, an operator can download a file from the desktop to the user space before starting the session. A file picker allows the operator to browse the content of the user space and pick the appropriate file.

• When starting the session for the message partner, an operator can choose whether to route or dispose messages in the file. One or both choices may be available, as determined by the profile assigned to the message partner. If dispose is used, then a queue must be selected.

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• If necessary, the operator can optionally add a Possible duplicate Emission trailer. Every message in the file will be marked as a possible duplicate.

• If necessary, the operator can select Allow Batch Duplication. When selected, this option allows an operator to reuse batch files that have already been used by a message partner.

Note If an operator tries to start a session with a batch file that has already been used to start another session, then an error is given and states that the batch file has already been “used”.

If you select the option Allow Batch Duplication, then it allows you to start the session anyway and to bypass this check.

• An input session will stop automatically when the input file that contains messages has been read. The name of the operator who started the session becomes the "creator" of any messages that the message partner accepts.

• It is possible to view session details for the message partner while the session is in progress or after it has finished.

• After the session has finished, Alliance Lite2 sends messages to the appropriate destination.

• The operator is responsible for removing the uploaded file when it is no longer needed.


Batch File Transfer Sessions


Manage File Transfers

This section describes how to manage file transfers.

CAUTION You must check whether a session was successful by checking the content of queues.

If the message cannot be found back in the queues, then SWIFT Support has to be contacted to check the Event Journal.


Choose a Message Partner Page


This section describes the content of the File Input - Choose a Message Partner pages.

Description of the list columns

Name Displays the name of the message partner.

Direction Indicates the direction that the message partner sends files relative to the

Alliance Lite2 session. From Message Partner indicates input to Alliance


Connection Method Shows File Transfer.

Format Recognition Shows the type of format recognition defined for the message partner.

This column appears only in the File Input - Choose a Message Partner page.

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Data Format Shows the data format defined for the message partner.

Note When the Format Recognition is set to Auto then the Data

Format does not need to be specified in the message partner configuration. When it is set to Forced , then you must specify it.

Shows the current status of the message partner session.

Shows if the message partner session requires authentication.

Session Status




Start a File Input Session

This section explains how to upload a file to use it for a batch input session.

Note The maximum size of FileAct files to be uploaded is 250 MB.

The name specified in the Connection Point field has a maximum limit of 32 acceptable characters.


In order to start a session for manual File Transfer message partners (which requires you to set the

Userspace option for the File on field in the Start Session pop-up), the File on User Space

(Access Control application) permission is required.


1. From the Message Upload menu, select File Input.

The File Input - Choose a Message Partner page opens and displays the message partner.

2. Click the message partner to use for the batch input session then click Start Session .

The Start Session page opens.

3. Select the file.

If Then

The file is located in the User Space, and you know the path and file name.

Type the path and file name in the Connection

Point field.

The file is located in the User Space, and you need to select the file.

• Click to locate and select the file to upload.

• Select the file for input.

The file appears in the File Name field

• Click OK .

The file name selected appears in the

Connection Point field. You can use this field to specify a different file name for the file on

Alliance Lite2.

4. If necessary, click the Add a PDE check box.

5. If necessary, click the Allow Batch Duplication check box.

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6. Select Route or Dispose from the drop-down list.

For both MT and MX messages:

• If you select Route, then the message goes to the authorisation queue

• If you select Dispose, then the message goes to the verification queue except when the modification queue is selected.

7. Click OK .

The Session Details page opens.

8. Click Reset , Refresh , or Close .


Abort a Session

You can abort any session that is in progress and has status "open" if you have the necessary permissions defined in your operator profile.


User Space

User Space


The User Space is a file management system which enables you to upload or download files for further processing by Alliance Lite2.

In the User Space, the files are identified by User Space names which are not necessarily the same as the physical names of the files. Any file not modified in the last 30 days is automatically removed from the User Space.

Users and permissions

To manage folders and files in the User Space, no specific permissions are required.

Add a Folder to the User Space

This procedure enables you to create a folder at the current folder level within the User Space.


1. From the User Space page, click Add Folder .

The Add Folder to User Space window opens.

2. Type a name in the Folder Name field.

3. Click Add Folder .

The Add Folder to User Space window closes.

A folder with the name that you specified appears in the list for the current User Space folder.

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Alliance Lite2

User Guide Message Upload

Upload a File to the User Space

This procedure enables you to copy a file located on your desktop to the User Space. You must define a User Space name which will be used to identify the file in the User Space.


1. From the User Space page, click a folder.

2. Click Upload .

The Upload window opens.

3. Click Browse .

The Choose file window opens.

4. Browse to the location of the file, select it and click



The Choose file window closes.

5. In the User Space File Name field, type a name for the file.

This name is used for the file in the User Space. The physical name does not change.

6. Click Upload .

The Upload window closes.

The file appears in the list.

If a file with the same User Space name exists in the folder, then the File Overwrite Confirmation window opens.

Download a File from the User Space

This procedure enables you to get a copy of a file located in the User Space and save it to a local drive.


1. From the User Space page, navigate to the file that you want to download.

2. Click Download .

The File Download window opens.

3. Click Save .

The File Download window closes.

The Save As window opens.

4. Browse to a location for the file and click Save .

The Save As window closes.

The Download complete window opens.

5. Click Close .

The Download complete window closes.

The file is downloaded.

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User Guide Message Upload

Rename a User Space Folder or File

This procedure enables you to change the User Space name of a folder or a file. For files, the physical names remain unchanged.


1. From the User Space page, select the check box of the element that you want to rename.

2. Click Rename .

The Rename Item From User Space window opens.

3. Type a name in the New Name field.

4. Click



The Rename Item From User Space window closes.

The element is renamed.

Delete a User Space Folder or File

This procedure enables you to delete folders or files from the User Space.


You cannot delete folders which contain files. You must first delete all the files contained in the folder that you want to delete.


1. From the User Space page, select the check boxes for one or several elements in the left column.

2. Click Delete .

The Delete Confirmation window opens.

3. Click OK .

The Delete Confirmation window closes.

The element or elements selected are deleted.

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Alliance Lite2

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