Setting and Conflict What is setting in a book? The “where” Ex. Waukesha, WI The “when” Ex. February 19, 2020 DISCUSS WITH GROUPS Why is this important? Think: What does setting change about a story? Why is this setting important? What does it add to the story line? What about this setting? Why did the creator choose to have it set in this place? What about this time period affects the storyline? Think: ideologies at the time, rulers, technology New York City, 1664 How does that compare to this time period? Same place, different time What is a conflict in a book? A struggle between two opposing forces. Internal Conflict Struggle within a character’s own mind Ex. Mind over heart Person v. Self The character has to overcome something about themselves Ex. Troubled backstory, addiction, mental health External Conflict A problem between a character and an outside force Person v. Person The character has a disagreement with another character Ex. Overcoming an enemy, having a disagremeent Person v. Society Character believes something different from society and decides to act on it Ex. Disagree with a law, cultural norm Person v. Nature Character encounters elements beyond their control, must overcome them in order to survive Ex. Extreme cold, starvation, extreme heat, dangerous animal