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Heart of Darkness Essay Rubric: Reader-Response

Heart of Darkness Reader-Response Essay
Assessment and Grading Checkpoints for Reader-Response Composite Essay for Heart of Darkness
Students are to develop thoughtful reader-response essays that apply essential concepts and reflect
process work. Your essays should compare and contrast Marlow's thoughts and concerns to your own.
Note that "also" in the grading categories means the expectations build as you move down the page and
appropriately include the previous expectations. Don't forget to show process and reflection work for
appropriate credit. Please...
*Use appropriate formatting.
*State each of your prompts clearly.
*Include word counts for the main texts clearly after main texts.
*Do the work independently and then appropriately with interdependence.
Expectations and Credit
Partial Credit Level (More than zero...)
1. Student shows some previous drafting in order to reach the "Partial Credit" level.
2. Student includes at least 400 original words for the main text--not counting similarity & quotes.
3. Student avoids plagiarism!
4. Student submits essay to Turnitin.com
5. Student uses basic formatting and basically correct writing.
Average Credit (also for C range...) PLEASE NOTE WORD COUNT, ETC. CLEARLY
6. Student consistently shows progress in class with postings and shows focused work in class--with a
good attitude, of course. Student demonstrates thoughtful process skills.
7. Student completes an essay of at least 400 original words for the main text. The work submitted on
8. Student essay addresses each of the three sections of Heart of Darkness. (Clearly label sections.)
9. Each section has at least one quoted sentence with a correctly cited MLA source citation with correct
citations, etc. (Page numbers are essential!)
10. Student makes at least one significant personal connection with each section.
Good Credit (also for B range...)
9. Student essay is at least 500 original words for the main text.
10. Student uses at least two advanced syntax strategies in each of the section. (Good for claims!)
11. Student frequently uses thoughtful active voice in each section. (Look up active voice in
for clarification.) Highlight these thoughtful uses of active voice verb phrases in light green.
12. Student makes at least one argument in each of the three sections.
Excellent Credit (also for A range...)
13. Student essay includes at least 650 original words.
14. In a fourth section (clearly labeled), the student essay evaluates Achebe argument accusing Conrad of
racism. (Student may agree, disagree, and/or qualify Achebe's main claims. Do identify what you think
are a few of his most important claims.)