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Dental Pro 7 Discount | #DentalPro7Discount

Dental Pro 7 Discount - #DentalPro7Discount
Dental Pro 7 Discount - #DentalPro7Discount
CYNTHIA ADAMS FEB 19, 2020 12:27PM
Special Offer
1 x XL 'Extra Strength' Kit **14 Month Supply**
- Works out at only $14 a month
- Save $260 (compared to the small '2 month supply' bottles)
- Free Shipping
Dental Pro 7 comes with a 3 month (90 day) 'Risk Free' money
back guarantee
Click Here
100% Pure Concentrated
Quickly See results: You can actually 'SEE' and 'FEEL'
results within as little as a few weeks in most cases
It works FAST: In a recent study using the actives
contained in Dental Pro 7; all Periodontopathic bacterial
strains tested (the bacteria that causes gum/tooth
problems) were completely killed in under 30 seconds*
100% Pure Concentrated: The active ingredients in ONE
bottle of Dental Pro 7 are so pure it's estimated at over
700% more concentrated than the leading dental
treatment (that costs $80 a tube)... the equivalent value of
over $560
FREE worldwide shipping
Dental Pro 7 comes with a 3 month (90 day) 'Risk Free' money
back guarantee, so if you aren't 100% happy with the results...
simply return for a full refund, no questions asked
See all 1886 Happy Customers Testimonials
It's 100% natural: You no longer have to put harsh
chemicals, irritants or potential cancer causing
preservatives into your mouth (some of which can
actually make your teeth and gums even worse*)
Tackles gum, tooth and breath problems: Dental Pro 7 is
the only solution to contain an impressive arsenal of 11
separate antibacterial and antioxidant extracts to tackle
your gum, tooth and breath problems from every angle
What Are The Ingredients?
Dental Pro 7 is paraben free, it contains no preservatives, no
arti cial chemicals, no colors, no animal products, no llers, no
SLS, no perfumes and no uoride, it contains just '100% pure'
natural ingredients
Features and Benefits of Dental Pro 7
Unique 'lipid based' Formula: Which means it can
penetrate down below the gum line and not easily rub off
or wash away, providing effective and long lasting
Extremely powerful: The key ingredients are rare and
exclusive plant extracts that have been shown in
numerous studies* to have extremely powerful
antibacterial constituents, these extracts when combined
with natural vitamins, emollients, antioxidants and
healing ingredients, results in a product which actually
lives up to its claims
It's Ultra long lasting: It's so concentrated, just ONE of
our large 66ml bottles can last you over 6 months!
Dental Pro 7 Discount
Dental Pro 7 Discount #DentalPro7Discount
What Makes Dental Pro 7 So Unique
The primary causes of all gum, tooth and breath problems are
the overproduction of bad bacteria in your mouth......the
problem with 99% of commercial dental products and
toothpastes are:
They are too short lived: Once used, They wash away and
rub off far to easily, providing only momentary protection
Wrong Design: Toothpastes are primarily designed for
cleaning teeth (not for killing bacteria) so they can't
penetrate deep enough below the gum line (where most
of the bad bacteria live)
Low Strength: They aren't powerful enough to be able to
'effectively' kill all the bad bacteria and germs attacking
your teeth and gums
Nasty Chemicals: They contain harsh chemicals and
synthetic agents that can irritate and aggravate your gum
tissue (which is not good at all if you have gum problems)