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A & P, Final-term Semester I, 2016

Khyber Medical University
Anatomy & Physiology-I
BScN, Year 1, Semester I
Time: 2 hours
Roll No: _________________________
Academic year 2015-16
Final term Examination
1) Lengthwise or vertical cut dividing the body into right and left halves
a) Coronal section
b) Sagittal section
c) Transverse section
d) Squamous section
2) This type of leukocyte protect the body for combating infection by parasites
a) Basophils
b) Neutrophils
c) Eosinophils
d) Lymphocytes
3) The hormone which is responsible for the production of RBCs is:
a) Insulin
b) Thyroxin
c) Cortisol
d) Erythropoietin
4) The process through which the body maintains the internal environment in
narrow limits is called:
a) Negative feedback Mechanism
b) Bio feedback’
c) Homeostasis
d) Digestion
5) Homeostasis is important for body because:
a) Enzymes work in specific condition
b) To detect any changes in body
c) To increase the metabolism
d) To decrease temperature
6) The body reaction in hyperthermia (Increase temperature) is :
a) Both “b& d”
b) Increate sweet production
c) Vasoconstriction
d) Vasodilation
7) Thefollowing pigment is responsible for making the color of the skin darker
a) Melanin
b) Melanocytes
c) Carotene
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d) Bilirubin
8) The upper layer of the epidermis is
a) Stratum lucidum
b) Stratum granulosum
c) Stratum corneum
d) Stratum Spinosum
9) The part of the hair which is present above the skin surface is called
a) Hair shaft
b) Hair follicle
c) Hair root
d) Erector pili
10) The example of positive feedback mechanism include
a) Blood clotting
b) Uterine contraction during labor
c) Vasodilation and sweating
d) Both a & b
11) A group of similar cells that together carry out a specific function is called:
a. Cell
b. Tissue
c. Muscle
d. Organ
12) The lining of hollow urinary organs including Bladder and ureters are
formed by:
a. Connective tissues
b. Muscles tissue
c. Nerve tissues
d. Transitional epithelium
13) Blood is an example of:
a. Epithelial tissues
b. Connective tissues
c. Nerve tissues
d. Muscle tissues
14) In Squamous epithelium the cells are:
a. Flattened
b. Cube shape
c. Columnar
d. Oval shape
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15) Release of secretory granules to initiate local inflammatory response is the
function of:
a. Red Blood cells
b. B-Lymphocytes
c. Goblet cells
d. Mast cells
16) A further change in the same direction is called:
a) Negative feedback
b) Positive feedback
c) Homeostasis
d) None of the above
17) The homeostasis system consist of following three components except one:
a) Receptor
b) Regulatory center
C) Effectors
D) Modulator
18)Which of the following protein make the epidermis dead?
a) Albumin
b) Keratin
c) Carotene
d) Melanin
19)The Langerhans cells present in the dermis are
a) Immune cells
b) Sensory cells
c) Antigens
d) epithelial cells
20)Vitamin D is produced in the skin in the presence of _________________light.
a) Infrared light
b) Ultraviolet light
c) Artificial light
d) Incandescence light
21)The blood pigment which gives yellowish color to the skin is called
a) Bilirubin
b) Oxyhemoglobin
c) Deoxyhemoglobin
d) Melanin
22)which of the following blood group is called Universal Donor?
a) AB Positive
c)O positive
b) O negative
d) AB negative
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23) The stem cell in the bone marrow is known as:
a) Hemocytoblast
b) Myeloblast
c) Polychromatic stem cell
d) Erythroblast
24) The example of Agranulocytes is:
a) Neutrophils
b) Basophils
c) Monocytes
d) Eosinophils
25) This type of blood cells is having hemoglobin in their cytoplasm;
e) Erythrocytes
f) Neutrophils
g) Platelets
h) Leukocytes
26) Slightly moveable joints are called:
a) Synarthroses
b) Diaarthroses
c) Amphiarthroses
d) Gomphoses
27) Bones are connected through fibrous tissues is called:
a) Fibrous
b) Cartilaginous
c) Synovial
d) None of the above
28) Gomphoses are joints between:
a) Tooth and Socket
b) Tibia & fibula
c) Radius and Ulna
d) Between skull bone
29) Intervertebral disc joints is example of :
a) Symphyses
b) Gomphoses
c) Synchondroses
d) Sutures
30) Following are the component of synovial joints except one:
a) Joint Cavity
b) Articular capsule
c) Synovial fluid
d) Tendon
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31) Bone to bone is attached with:
a) Ligament
b) Tendon
c) Bursa
d) Cartilage
32) The suture between frontal bone and parietal bone is called:
a) Coronal sutures
b) Sagittal sutures
c) Lambodiad sutures
d) Squamous sutures
33) A rounded prominence usually found at the point of articulation with another
bone is:
a) Condyle
b) Crest
c) Head
d) Trochanter
34) Foramen magnum is included in :
a) Temporal bone
b) Parital bone
c) Ethmoid bone
d) Occipital bone
35) Shoulder girdle consist of scapula and:
a. Clavicle bone
b. Sternum
c. Tibia
d. Femur bone
36) Stomach is located in:
a. Pelvic cavity
b. Thoracic cavity
c. Abdominal cavity
d. Cranial cavity
37) Strongest and most abundant white fibers in the body is:
a. Elastic fibers
b. Reticular fibers
c. Collegane fibers
d. Yellow fibers
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38) Membrane covers the lung is called:
a. Peritonium
b. Pericardium
c. Periostium
d. Pleura
39) clavicle bone articulate medially with
a. Acromian of scapula
b. Xiphoid process of sternum
c. menubrium of sternum
d. coracoids process of scapula
40) The head of humerus articulate with:
a. Acetabulum
b. Radius
c. Ulna
d. Glanoid cavity
41) The bones of fingers are:
a. Flat bone
b. Irregular bone
c. Long bone
d. Short bone
42) Skin is an example of :
a. Ciliated epithelium
b. Pseudo stratified columnar epithelium
c. Stratified squamous epithelium
d. Simple squamous epithelium
43) Secretion and absorption are the main functions of:
a. Connective tissues
b. Muscles tissues
c. Nervous tissues
d. Epithelial tissues
44) Tendons are formed by:
a. Dense regular tissues
b. Dense irregular
c. Adipose
d. Connective tissue proper
45) Bone cells are called:
a. Myocytes
b. Osteocytes
c. Hepatocytes
d. Erythrocytes
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46) Mitosis is a Process?
a) Diploid number reduced to haploid.
b) Haploid shifts to diploid.
c) Diploid remains to diploid.
d) None of the above.
47) Meiosis is as Process
a) Occur in all cells
b) occur in genets only.
c) At the end two daughter cells forms.
d) All of the above.
48) Mitochondria is
a) Responsible for formation of proteins.
b) Responsible to provide energy.
c) It surrounds the cells.
d) Divided into rough ER and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
49) Brain is protected by.
a) Thoracic cavity.
b) Abdominal cavity.
c) Pelvic cavity.
d) Skull
50) Genitourinary system is present in:
a) Abdominal and pelvic cavity
b) Pelvic cavity alone.
c) Abdominal cavity alone.
d) Thoracic cavity.
51) Heart and lungs are present in:
a) Skull
b) Thoracic cavity
c) Abdominal cavity
d) Pelvic cavity
52) Patella is example of :
a) Sesamoid bone
b) Long bone
c) Flat bone
d) Short bone
53) Stratified squamous epithelium is dived into:
a) Two types
b) Three types
c) Four types
d) Single type
54) Adipose tissue consist of :
a) Fibroblast
b) Macrophages
c) Leukocytes
d) Adipocytes
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55) Osteoblasts are:
a) Bone forming cells
b) Bone destroying cells
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above
56) which of the following is Flat Bone:
a) Sternum
b) Ribs
c) Both of the above
d) Femur
57) Yellow bone marrow is present in:
a) Epiphysis
b) Diaphysis
c) Epiphyseal Cartilage
d) All of the above.
58) Excitable cells in Nervous system is called:
a) Neurons
b) Glial cells
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above
59) Collagen and elastic fibers are produced by:
a) Fat cells
b) Macro phages
c) Fibro blasts
d) Leukocytes
60) Heparin and histamine is released by:
a) Leukocytes
b) plasma cells
c) Macrophages
d) Mast cells
61) Sutures of the skull is an example of
a) Fibrous joint.
b) cartilaginous joint
c) synovial joint
d) None of the above.
62) Symphysis pubis is an example of
a) Cartilaginous joints
b) Fibrous joint
c) synovial joint
d) All of the above
63) Buccinator is as muscle of
a) Neck
b) back
c) face
d) arm
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64) Trapezius is a muscle of
a) neck and back
b) back
c) face
d) leg
65) Which muscle is inserted at deltoid tuberosity of humerus?
a) Pectoralis major
b) biceps
c) deltoid
d) triceps
66) Outer most layer of skin is called
a) dermis
b) epidermis
c) superficial fat
d) none of the above
67) Blood vessels and nerve ending are present at
a) epidermis
b) dermis
c) both of the above
d) none of the above.
68) Fibroblasts, macrophages and mast cells are found in
a) epidermis
b) dermis
c) both of the above
d) none of the above
69) Pacinian corpuscles are receptors for
a) Deep pressure
b) light pressure
c) pain
d) all of the above
70) Life span of RBCs is
a) 120 days
b) 80 days
c) 60 days
d) 100 days
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