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Indexed Sequential Files: Explanation & Search Time

Giving clear reasons, explain why the average search time to find an indexed sequential file is less
than that needed to find a non-indexed sequential file. (6 Marks)
An indexed sequential file allows serial access to the records but also allows access directly via the index,
which will be much quicker.
• Records in key order
• Index allows data to be accessed directly therefore faster since index contains key and record address
Indexed Sequential File
 Adds an index to the file to support random access
 Adds an overflow file
 Greatly reduces the time required to access a single record
 Multiple levels of indexing can be used to provide greater efficiency in access
Indexed Sequential File
• Index provides a fast lookup capability
• Contains key field and a pointer to main file
• Only select indices from main file are stored in the index (requires some sequential search of file)
• New records stored in separate overflow file
Indexed Sequential File Explanation
Indexed Sequential File is a computer file that contains index. The difference in this file and the indexed
file is that the index in this file acts no more than a pointer to a memory block. The index points to the
block from where the data records are retrieved.
You can think of a computer index the same way you think of an index in a book. You use an index in a
book to find what you want quickly the same is true with a computer index. An index always contains
two fields. One is the symbolic key and the second the corresponding storage address for the
record. The index is a separate file from the master file to which it refers to, and it contains only the
record key and the storage address. To find a record, the program will scan the index and then retrieve
the record from the file at the location specified by the index. (Figure 2-4) The index makes it possible
to read the file sequentially or randomly.
Indexed-sequential file organization method
Almost similar to sequential method only that, an index is used to enable the computer to locate
individual records on the storage media. For example, on a magnetic drum, records are stored
sequential on the tracks. However, each record is assigned an index that can be used to access it
Indexed sequential refers to a file management system that allows records to be accessed either
sequentially meaning in the order they were entered or randomly meaning with an index. Index files are
extremely useful as they can be sequentially processed when all or most of the records need updating or
printing and randomly when only a few need to be directly accessed. They are suitable for real-time
stock control systems
An Indexed Sequential File is organised so that it is easy to find information quickly without the
computer having to search through the whole file.
The file includes a number of indexes and the computer can look at these to find exactly where in the
file to find the record - in much the same way that you would use a library catalogue to find a book
rather than looking along all the shelves. This is ideal for files which are used for reference - such as in an
airline booking system or a library catalogue: it would be very slow to have to hunt all the way through
the files in order to find a particular flight or a particular library book - so an ordinary sequential file
would not be suitable.
It is possible to insert new records into an Indexed Sequential File - so it is not necessary to copy a whole
file across to a new one just to add a single record (as would be the case with a sequential file) as the
system leaves space for later insertions; likewise, it is easy to alter a record in place without writing the
whole file out again, or to delete a record.
Again this is very suitable for systems such as travel or theatre booking where information has to be
changed frequently and it would be inefficient to copy out a whole file again just to alter information
about one or two seats.
When setting up an Indexed Sequential File in the first place, the programmer has to specify which field
will be used as the key field - e.g. a student fIle might use student name, or number as the key field - this
is the item which will be looked up in the index in order to find a record.
Note that some operating systems automatically set up a properly indexed file with sufficient space
when your program runs: with others however you will have to set up a template for the file (i.e. give
infonnation about it) using a utility program before running the program which will use the file.