Uploaded by William R. Amaya

EFL Cloud Storage Guide Project Proposal




Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

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1. Program:

[Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language]

2. Personal and academic information:

Student Name:

William Remberto Amaya Gómez

Email address:



Date: remberamaya@gmail.com


3. Final Project Supervisor:

[Dr. Majid Safadaran Mosazadeh]

4. Title and topic of the Final Project:

“Fostering asynchronous group-based E-learning by designing a Cloud storage systems guide for EFL Teachers at Universidad Gerardo Barrios

5. Justification of academic and personal interest of the topic:

The emergence of new technologies pushes educators to understanding these technologies for classroom use; with technology standards becoming an integral part of students’ education, teachers are more enthusiastic than ever to learn new technologies and methods. Most teachers are eager to embrace new technologies as they have seen their students’ excitement and motivation increase when they

do so. Teachers who have brought technology into their classrooms are aware that it provides an opportunity to differentiate instruction and change their classrooms into dynamic learning environments. Here is where E-Learning appear and with this, two well-known Cloud storage systems. The most important reason why Cloud Storage Systems can be an excellent tool in the classroom is because these softwares allow files to be easily shared between students and teachers.

That’s why the main objective in this project is to design a guide about how to use cloud storage systems as great educational tools in an E-learning environment for the EFL teachers at Universidad Gerardo Barrios. One of the goals of this project is to provide the teachers an easy-to-use guide to implement the cloud storage systems as an educational tool in their classroom as an important resource in order to be updated with the new standards of E-Learning.

6. Type of Final Project:

a) Research

b) Action Research

c) Material Analysis

d) Material Design √

e) Material Analysis and Design

f) Action Research and Material Design

g) Course Design

h) Syllabus Design

8. Aims of the study:

- Main aim of the Project:

To foster asynchronous group-based e-learning by designing a cloud storage systems guide for EFL Teachers at Universidad Gerardo Barrios.

- Specific aims:

 To specify the advantages of applying the asynchronous group-based E-

Learning with Cloud Storage Systems.



 To design a guide about the uses of cloud storage systems as E-tools for the EFL Teachers at Universidad Gerardo Barrios.

9. Theoretical background:

The project: “Fostering asynchronous group-based E-learning by designing a Cloud storage systems guide for EFL Teachers at Universidad Gerardo Barrios” would cover:

 Cloud Storage history

 E-Learning History

 Cloud Storage Systems and Cloud Computing

 Dropbox

 Box

 E-Learning

 E-Learning Modalities

10. Context for the project and methodology:

The context for this project will be a private university called Universidad Gerardo Barrios located in Usulután, El Salvador. Where all the EFL teachers will be taken into account.

All the teachers at Universidad Gerardo Barrios are trying to improve all their teaching skills by including and adapting new technologies and e-tools to their TEFL process. This project will give to them new theories about Cloud Storage systems and E-Learning. To apply these theories in Educational contexts, a guide about how to combine the E-

Learning theories with Cloud storage systems will be designed. All that with the main objective to have an updated resource to be applied in the classroom taking into account the new standards required by this globalized world.

10. Viability analysis

According to the information and web pages consulted, I have enough material and resources con complete this project.

11. Work planning:






Initial Proposal

Advanced 1 (Chapter1)

Advanced 2 (Chapter 2 and 3)

Final project

Months/2017 Months/18

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

12. Bibliography

Adam, M. R. (noviembre de 2013).

Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña.

Obtenido de E-learning: características y evaluacion: https://upcommons.upc.edu/bitstream/handle/2117/27314/42932-


E-Learning . (s.f.). Obtenido de E-Learning Modalities: https://elearning4c4.wordpress.com/e-learningmodalities/

Hrastinski, S. (2008). Asynchronous and Synchronous E-Learning.

Obtenido de http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/eqm0848.pdf

Munjal, M. N. (26 de may de 2014). Cloud Storage in education . Obtenido de https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262599481_Cloud_Storage_in_Education

University, A. S. (s.f.). Online Learning Tools . Obtenido de Asynchronous Communication Tools: https://www.angelo.edu/services/e-learning/faculty_resources/Online_Teaching/section_31.php

UNO-FAO. (2014). E-Learning Centre.

Obtenido de http://www.fao.org/elearning/Sites/ELC/Docs/FAO_elearning_guide_es.pdf

12. Student compliance:

William Remberto Amaya Gómez, who is enrolled in the academic program Master in

Teaching English as a Foreign Language, agrees with the above detailed proposal to complete the Final Project and hereby commits himself/herself to carry out a personal and original work.

In Usulután, El Salvador, on June 30 th , 2017

