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Computer Aided Building Drawing Lab Manual

RASIPURAM - 637 408
Name of the Student
Register Number
To make the students understand and learn various elements of Residential / Institutional / Workshop
To impart fundamental knowledge on AutoCAD to make the students draw truss structures, the plan,
elevation and sectional view of a building.
Able to deliver effective verbal, written and graphical communications.
To know the various components of the different types of building.
To acquire knowledge of minimum size of the various elements o f a building.
To draw a building plan for a given area.
To prepare an elevation and a sectional view of the given plan.
Knowledge of Engineering Graphics and Introduction to Computer Science
Observation and Results
Examination/ Viva-Voce
Semester End
1. Develop a model of a Brick wall using basic commands
• Flemish Bond
• English Bond
• Header Bond
• Stretcher Bond
• Raking Bond
• Zigzag Bond
2. Create a model of a hexagonal, triangular shaped paver blocks for a given floor area
3. Joinery details for doors and windows
4. Plan, Elevation and Cross section of a
• Single- and Multi-storeyed residential buildings for a given plan
5. Steel Truss
6. Develop a 3 Dimensional model of a single storey single bay residential building for a given plan
Mini Project
Total: 45 Hours
 Before starting the exercise, students should have a clear idea about the specifications and
drawing of that exercise.
 All the students are advised to come with completed record and corrected observation
previous experiments; defaulters will not be allowed to do their experiment.
 Don’t operate any system without getting concerned staff member’s prior permission.
 Utmost care must be taken to avert any possible injury while on laboratory work. In case,
anything occurs immediately report to the staff members.
Study of AutoCAD
Commands for AutoCAD
Develop a model of a Brick wall using
basic commands :
Flemish Bond ,English Bond,
Header Bond , Stretcher Bond , Raking
Bond , Zigzag Bond
Create a model of a hexagonal, triangular
shaped paver blocks
Complete Joinery Details (Paneled And
Glazed Doors And Windows)
Single- and Multi-storeyed residential
Single Story Residential Buildings With
Steel Truss
Perspective view of the building
Vive – vice questions
CAD can be defined as the use of computer systems to assist in the creation,
modification, analysis (or) optimization of a design. Much software is available for the designing
purposes such as CAD key, DIAD, CADAM, Designs, etc. but the most versatile and the popular
software in AutoCAD.
About AutoCAD:
Autodesk, this is based and the fourth largest firm in the world is the publisher of
AutoCAD. AutoCAD is a graphical user interface (GUI) and it is very user friendly and comprehensive.
For instance, AutoCAD provides addition help for the user in the form of brief description of each menu
options, which appears in status bar.
Communicating with AutoCAD:
AutoCAD is the perfect servant and it does everything, the user tells it to and no more.
The user can communicate with AutoCAD using the pull down menus and the buttons on the tool bars
and tool palettes. A command is a single word introduction given by the user to the software by either
typing a command or selecting a menu or palette item. AutoCAD responds by presenting messages in
the command prompt area or by displacing a dialogue box. The message in the command prompt area
after tells the user, what to do next or they offer a lot of options. A dialog box is one which leaves you
to adjust the settings or make selections from a set of options pertaining top a command.
Applications of AutoCAD:
1) Perspective of buildings
2) Orthographic Projections
3) Interior Designs
4) Felicity Planning for Architectural Engineers
5) Process simulation for Chemical Plants
6) Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Design
7) Design of AC/DC motors
8) Finite element analysis etc.,
System Requirements:
The following are the minimum system requirements for running AutoCAD
1) Operating System: Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 with SP 6a or
2) 128 MB of RAM
3) Pentium III (500MHz) or later
4) Installation 300MB of hard disk space.
5) 64MB of disk swap space (minimum)
6) 10MB of additional memory (RAM) for each concurrent session of AutoCAD
7) SVGA Display
8) Mouse or other pointing device
The following hardware is optional:
1) Printer
2) Plotter
3) Digitizing tablet
4) CD-ROM drive for using Learning Assistant
AutoCAD Advantages:
Following are the advantages of using CAD
o Improved engineering productivity
o Reduced engineering personal requirement
o Drawing modification is easier to make
o Improved accuracy of design
o Better communication
Working With AutoCAD:
Working with AutoCAD is very comfortable, that its features are easy to use pull down
menus to guide the designing process. Using a mouse the user can draw geometric entities of any
complexity and by using a layer, rotate, copy, mirror, chamfer, move, stretch, scale and trim.
For starting AutoCAD following procedure have to be adopted.
o Turn ON the video screen and computer
o The Dos prompt “C” appears on the screen (or) the window screen appears. If it
is Dos prompt, type the following command at the Dos prompt.
C: / > CD AutoCAD
C: / > AutoCAD > ACAD
The main menu appears on the screen and the user can select the required option. If the
windows screen appears, then the AutoCAD icon in the desktop is double clicked to enter AutoCAD.
AutoCAD Drawing (or) Screen Editing:
The AutoCAD screen editor consists of four area.
- Drawing area
- Menu area
- Command area
- Status area
The drawing area is the area where user will create drawings. If user moves the mouse
can see editor cursor. The cursor is used to select positions on the screen when creating drawings. The
default size of the drawing area is 12”x 9”.Menu area is on the top of the screen, commands and menus
can be selected from the area.
Command area is at the bottom of the screen here AutoCAD commands are typed. In this
area, AutoCAD prompts the user for information that is needed to compute the drawing. Status area is at
the bottom of the screen. It gives information on the current status of the drawing.
Title Bar:
The title bar is the topmost line in the screen and it displays the logo of AutoCAD on the
left corner following by the file menu
Menu Bar:
The second line which displays next to title bar is the menu, with various options such as
File, Edit, View, Insert, Tools, Draw, Dimensions, Modify, Help, etc.
Standard Tool Bar:
Below the menu bar is the standard tool bar which consist of various icon such as New,
Open, Save, Print, etc and some of the important commands are also present.
Menu Bar
Properties Toolbar
Drawing Area
Prompt Area
Status line
Scroll Bar
Command Prompt Window:
This window gives the current position of the drawing and the command which is in use
at that time. Also it gives the used commands.
Status Bar:
This bar shows the current status of the drawing.
Tool Bar:
A tool bar is a complete collective display of icon representing different commands. The
figure on the icon will resemble the type of work which the command will perform. Some of the tools in
this bar are
- 3D Orbit - Modify - Render - Dimension - UCS - Inquiry - Shapes - Views - Draw -
Object - Object properties - solids - View ports - Web - Object snap - Modify I - UCS II - Insert - Ref
Edit – Surface - Zoom – Layout – Reference - Solid Editing.
Sets and controls the drawing boundaries and grid display.
The drawing limits are two-dimensional points in the World Coordinate System that represent a
lower-left limit and an upper-right limit. You cannot impose limits on the Z direction.
Command: LIMITS
Specify lower left corner or [ON/OFF] <0.0000, 0.0000>:
Specify upper right corner <12.0000, 9.0000>:
The default Lower left corner is 0,0 and Upper right corner is 12, 9. In AutoCAD, anything
within < > normally used to specify the current setting of the current prompt. When we use the option
ON, the drawing limits restrict the coordinates we can enter to within the rectangular area. When we use
the option OFF, the drawing limits, doesn’t restrict the coordinates within the rectangular area.
The most fundamental object in a drawing is the line. A line can be drawn between any two
points by using AutoCAD’s Line command.
Command: Line
Specify first point: use one of the point fixing methods
Specify next point: Use one of the point fixing methods
Specify next point or close or undo: Use one of the point fixing method press enter
to terminate the command
Co-Ordinate Systems:
AutoCAD uses the following coordinate systems to locate a point in an XY plane:
1) Absolute Coordinate System
2) Relative Coordinate System
3) Polar Coordinate System
Absolute Coordinate System
In the absolute coordinate system the points are located with respect to the origin (0, 0). For
example, a point with X=4 and Y=3 is measured 4 units horizontally and 3 units vertically. The absolute
coordinates are specified by entering X and Y coordinates, separated by a comma.
Relative Coordinate System
In the relative coordinate system, the displacements along the X and Y axes (DX and DY) are
measured with reference to the previous point rather than to the origin. The relative coordinate system is
designated by the symbol @ and it should precede any relative entry. If we are drawing up or right the
relative entry will be positive. If we are drawing down or left the relative entry will be negative
Polar Coordinate System
In the polar coordinate system, a point can be located by defining both the distance of the
point from the current point and the angle that the line between the two points with the positive X axis.
In the polar coordinate system the angle is measured from the horizontal axis as the zero degree
baseline. Also, the angle is positive if measured in a counterclockwise direction and negative if
measured in a clockwise direction.
Circle :
The CIRCLE command is used to draws a circle.
Command: circle
Specify centre point of circle or [3P/2P]: Use one of the point fixing methods or center
an option.
The Erase command lets you to delete or remove selected objects from the drawing.
Command: Erase
Subject object: Use any one selection method.
Used to drawn an Arc which is defined as a part of a circle. An arc can be drawn in 11
distinct ways using the options listed under the ARC command.
Command: Arc
Specify start point of arc (or) use any point fixing methods
Specify second point arc or (centre/End): use one of the point fixing methods.
Specify end point of arc: use one of the point fixing methods
Used to draw regular two-dimensional polygons
Command: Polygon
Enter number of sides <4>: Enter a positive integer.
Specify center of polygon: use one of the fixing methods
Enter an option: (inscribed in circle / circumscribed about circle ) <I> : I
Specify radius of circle: Specify radius of imaginary circle.
The Move command is used to displace objects at a specified distance in a specified direction.
This does not change the size or orientation of the objects.
Command: move
Subject object: Use one of the object selection procedure
Specify base point of displacement: use one of the point fixing methods.
Specify second point of displacement: use one of the point fixing methods or press enter
or use first point of displacement.
Command: copy
Subject object: Use one of the object selection methods
Specify base point or displacement or multiple: use one of the point fixing methods or
enter displacement or M .
Specify second point of displacement: use one of the point fixing or < use first point as
displacement > methods or press.
Command: array
Subject object: Use one of the object selection methods
Enter the type of array (rectangular array) : R
Enter the number of rows (----) <1> : Enter a positive integer
Enter the number of columns (----) <2> : Enter a positive integer
Enter the distance between rows: Specify a distance
Enter the distance between columns: Specify a distance
Enter the type of array (rectangular /polar) : P
Specify centre point of array : use one of the point fixing methods
Enter the number of items in an array : Enter a Positive integer
Specify the angle to fill [+ccw, - cw ] : Specify angle
Rotate arrangement oblect [Yes/No] : specify an option
The Zoom command is used to enlarge or reduce the view of the drawing on the screen i.e. in
the view port, but it does not affect the actual size of the drawing.
Command: Zoom
enter an option specify a
Specify a corner of a window, centre a scale factor or
zoom window, enter a
scale value, or press enter
to turn on real time.
Regen auto:
Command: Regen Auto
Enter mode [ON/OFF] : Enter an option
Command: Pline
Specify start point: Use one of the point fixing methods
Specify next point (or) [Arc/close/half width/length/undo/width]: use one of the point
fixing methods or
enter an option.
The PLine command is used to draw two dimension polylines. The PLINE command functions
fundamentally like the LINE command, except that additional options are provided and all the
segments of the polyline form a single object.
Command: Mirror
Select object: use one of the object selection procedures
Specify first point of mirror: use one the point fixing methods
Specify second point of mirror: use one of the PFM. Delete source object: [Y/N]: <N>:
enter an option.
Command: break
Select object: use one of the point selection procedures
Specify second point of break: pick the second break point or enter F to break the object.
Command: Offset
Specify offset distance: or [through] <1.00>: Specify a distance
Specify offset <exit>: pick the object to offset
Specify point on side to offset: pick a point.
Command: Scale
Select object: use one the object selection methods
Specify scale factor: specify scale factor (or) value.
Command: Rotate
Select object: use of the object selection methods
Specify base point: use one of the point fixing methods
Specify rotation angle: specify an angle or enter\
Command: solid
Specify first point: use one of the point fixing methods
Specify second point: use one of the point fixing methods
Specify fourth point: Use one of the point fixing methods or press enter
Command: Dount
Specify inside diameter of dount <10>: Specify a distance
Specify outside diameter of dount < 20>: Specify a distance
Specify centre of dount or <exit>: use one of the point fixing methods
Command: Text
Current text style: “standard”, text height: 2.5
Specify start of the text 9or0 [justify/style]: use one of the point fixing methods.
Specify height <0.7710>: Enter a positive value
Specify rotation angle of text: Enter a value
Enter text: type the text here
Command: trim
Select objects: use one of the object selection procedure
Select objects to trim: [or] [project/edge/undo]: Select the objects to be trimmed at the
point to be trimmed
Command: stretch
Select objects: use one of the selection procedures
Specify base point of displacement: use one of the point fixing methods
Specify second point of displacement: use one of the point fixing methods
Command : chamfer Select first line or [polyline/distance/ angle/trim/method]: use one
of the object selection Procedure or enter an option.
Specify second line: use one of the object selection procedure and thus chamfer the line.
Command: dist
Specify first point: use one of the point fixing methods
Specify second point: use one of the point fixing methods
Command: Area
Specify first corner point or [Add/object/subtract]: use one of the point
Specify second corner point or press enter for total: use one of the point
Specify third corner point or press enter for total: use one of the point fixing methods and
to get area.
Command: Mline
Specify start point (or) [justification/scale/style]: use one of the point fixing methods
Specify next point: use one of the point fixing methods.
Command: Dimlinear
Specify first extension line origin or <select object>: Pick the first extension line.
Specify second extension line origin: Pick the secondextension line.
Specify dimension line location or : [Mtext/text/Angle/horizontal/vertical/rotate] :Pick
the location of dimension line or press
3D face:
Command : 3d face.
Specify first point or [invisible]: use one of the point fixing methods
Specify second point or [invisible]: use one of the point fixing methods
Specify third point or [invisible]: use one of the point fixing methods
Command: extrude
Select objects: use one of the objects selection methods
Specify height of extension or [path]: Specify a distance
Specify angle of taper for extrusion <0>: Enter an angle
Command: union
Select object: one of the object extension methods is used.
Command: UCS
Current ucs name: world
Enter an option [New/move/orthographic/previous/restore] : enter an option.
Command: Subtract
Select solids and regions to subtract from…….Select object: Use one of the object selection method.
Ex.No : 01
Date :
To draw the Flemish Bond ,English Bond, Header Bond , Stretcher Bond , Raking Bond ,
Zigzag Bond
Commands used:
Limits, Units, line, Polyline, Offset, Array, Trim, Extent, Rectangle, Hatch, Explode, Copy,
Move, Dimension, Text, Edit, Undo, Rotate, Scale, Match, Property and Zoom.
1. Unit is set as per requirements
2. Drawing area is created as per the required dimensions of the sketch using limit command
3. OSNAP, ORTHO, POLAR buttons are switched on whichever is necessary.
4. Using EDIT and DRAW commands, the outer line of the sketch is drawn.
5. Required line type and line weight can be used to draw the sketch as per the required
6. HATCH command is used to hatch the enclosed boundaries.
7. TEXT command is used to label the various parts of the sketch.
8. DIMENSION command is used for dimensioning the various parts of the sketch.
9. Drawing is saved and soft copy can be taken as print out as per the size requirements.
Result :
Thus the Flemish Bond ,English Bond, Header Bond , Stretcher Bond , Raking Bond , Zigzag
Bond are drawn as per the dimensions using AutoCAD.
English bond
Flemish bond
Stretcher bond
Zigzag bond
Header bond
Raking bond
Ex.No : 02
Date :
To draw the hexagonal, triangular shaped paver blocks.
Commands used:
Limits, Units, line, Polyline, Offset, Array, Trim, Extent, Rectangle, Hatch, Explode, Copy,
Move, Dimension, Text, Edit, Undo, Rotate, Scale, Match, Property and Zoom.
1. Unit is set as per requirements
2. Drawing area is created as per the required dimensions of the sketch using limit command
3. OSNAP, ORTHO, POLAR buttons are switched on whichever is necessary.
4. Using EDIT and DRAW commands, the outer line of the sketch is drawn.
5. Required line type and line weight can be used to draw the sketch as per the required
6. HATCH command is used to hatch the enclosed boundaries.
7. TEXT command is used to label the various parts of the sketch.
8. DIMENSION command is used for dimensioning the various parts of the sketch.
9. Drawing is saved and soft copy can be taken as print out as per the size requirements.
Result :
Thus the hexagonal, triangular shaped paver blocks are drawn as per the dimensions using
Triangular paver
Hexagonal paver
Ex.No : 03
Date :
To draw the paneled and glazed doors and windows
Commands used:
Limits, Units, line, Polyline, Offset, Array, Trim, Extent, Rectangle, Hatch, Explode, Copy,
Move, Dimension, Text, Edit, Undo, Rotate, Scale, Match, Property and Zoom.
10. Unit is set as per requirements
11. Drawing area is created as per the required dimensions of the sketch using limit command
12. OSNAP, ORTHO, POLAR buttons are switched on whichever is necessary.
13. Using EDIT and DRAW commands, the outer line of the sketch is drawn.
14. Required line type and line weight can be used to draw the sketch as per the required
15. HATCH command is used to hatch the enclosed boundaries.
16. TEXT command is used to label the various parts of the sketch.
17. DIMENSION command is used for dimensioning the various parts of the sketch.
18. Drawing is saved and soft copy can be taken as print out as per the size requirements.
Result :
Thus the paneled and glazed doors and windows are drawn as per the dimensions using
Paneled and Glazed Doors
Paneled and Glazed Windows
Ex.No : 04
Date :
To draw the plan, elevation and section of a office building with RCC roof.
1. Foundation: The foundation for all main walls will be in plain cement concrete 1:5:10 mix,
1000 mm wide and 200 mm thick. The concrete will be laid 800 mm below ground level. The
masonry footings will be in Random Rubble Masonry in CM 1:6, first footing 800mm wide and
300mm thick. Second footing is 600mm wide and 300mm thick.
2. Basement: The basement will be in Random Rubble Masonry in CM 1:6, 230mm wide and
600mm high above ground level for all walls and the basement is filled with clean sand to a
depth of 400 mm.
3. Super Structure: All walls will be in brick work in cement mortar 1:5, 230 mm thick. The
height of all walls will be 3000 mm above floor level. All the walls including the basement
shall be plastered with CM 1:4 externally and CM 1:6 internally for 12.5 mm thick. Parapet
walls 230 mm thick and 450 mm height with brick work in CM 1:5 will be provided all round.
4. Roofing: The roofing will be of RCC 1:2:4 mix 100 mm thick. A weathering course of 50 mm
thick shall be provided over the slab.
5. Lintel: All the internal openings will be provided with 150 mm thick RCC 1:2:4 mix lintels.
All the external openings will be provided with 150 mm thick RCC 1 :2:4 lintels cum sunshade
600 mm wide
6. Flooring: The flooring will be in cement concrete 1:5:10 mix 170 mm thick. The top is
finished with clay tiles in CM 1:3, 30 mm thick.
7. Steps: Steps will be in brick work in cement mortar 1:5 mix laid on 150mm thick cement
concrete 1:5:10 mix footing. Rise will be 150 mm and tread 300 mm.
8. Doors, Windows and Ventilators
D1 - Door
- 1100 x 2100mm
D2 - Door
- 1200 x 2100mm
W1- Window - 1000 x 1200mm
W2- Window - 1200 x 1200mm
V – Ventilator – 1000x600mm
Commands used:
Limits, Units, line, Polyline, Offset, Array, Trim, Extent, Rectangle, Hatch, Explode, Copy,
Move, Dimension, Text, Edit, Undo, Rotate, Scale, Match, Property and Zoom.
19. Unit is set as per requirements
20. Drawing area is created as per the required dimensions of the sketch using limit command
21. OSNAP, ORTHO, POLAR buttons are switched on whichever is necessary.
22. Using EDIT and DRAW commands, the outer line of the sketch is drawn.
23. Required line type and line weight can be used to draw the sketch as per the required
24. Doors and windows are created as per the required dimensions.
25. HATCH command is used to hatch the enclosed boundaries based upon the materials such as
doors, windows, concrete, sand filling, brick works, etc,
26. TEXT command is used to label the various parts of the sketch.
27. DIMENSION command is used for dimensioning the various parts of the sketch.
28. Drawing is saved and soft copy can be taken as print out as per the size requirements.
Result :
Thus the single floor office building is drawn as per the dimensions using AutoCAD.
Ex.No : 5
Date :
To draw the plan, elevation and section of a office building with RCC roof.
9. Foundation: The foundation for all main walls will be in plain cement concrete 1:5:10 mix,
1000 mm wide and 200 mm thick. The concrete will be laid 800 mm below ground level. The
masonry footings will be in Random Rubble Masonry in CM 1:6, first footing 800mm wide and
300mm thick. Second footing is 600mm wide and 300mm thick.
10. Basement: The basement will be in Random Rubble Masonry in CM 1:6, 230mm wide and
600mm high above ground level for all walls and the basement is filled with clean sand to a
depth of 400 mm.
11. Super Structure: All walls will be in brick work in cement mortar 1:5, 230 mm thick. The
height of all walls will be 3000 mm above floor level. All the walls including the basement
shall be plastered with CM 1:4 externally and CM 1:6 internally for 12.5 mm thick. Parapet
walls 230 mm thick and 450 mm height with brick work in CM 1:5 will be provided all round.
12. Roofing: The roofing will be of RCC 1:2:4 mix 100 mm thick. A weathering course of 50 mm
thick shall be provided over the slab.
13. Lintel: All the internal openings will be provided with 150 mm thick RCC 1:2:4 mix lintels.
All the external openings will be provided with 150 mm thick RCC 1 :2:4 lintels cum sunshade
600 mm wide
14. Flooring: The flooring will be in cement concrete 1:5:10 mix 170 mm thick. The top is
finished with clay tiles in CM 1:3, 30 mm thick.
15. Steps: Steps will be in brick work in cement mortar 1:5 mix laid on 150mm thick cement
concrete 1:5:10 mix footing. Rise will be 150 mm and tread 300 mm.
16. Doors, Windows and Ventilators
D1 - Door
- 1100 x 2100mm
D2 - Door
- 1200 x 2100mm
W1- Window - 1000 x 1200mm
W2- Window - 1200 x 1200mm
V – Ventilator – 1000x600mm
Commands used:
Limits, Units, line, Polyline, Offset, Array, Trim, Extent, Rectangle, Hatch, Explode, Copy,
Move, Dimension, Text, Edit, Undo, Rotate, Scale, Match, Property and Zoom.
29. Unit is set as per requirements
30. Drawing area is created as per the required dimensions of the sketch using limit command
31. OSNAP, ORTHO, POLAR buttons are switched on whichever is necessary.
32. Using EDIT and DRAW commands, the outer line of the sketch is drawn.
33. Required line type and line weight can be used to draw the sketch as per the required
34. Doors and windows are created as per the required dimensions.
35. HATCH command is used to hatch the enclosed boundaries based upon the materials such as
doors, windows, concrete, sand filling, brick works, etc,
36. TEXT command is used to label the various parts of the sketch.
37. DIMENSION command is used for dimensioning the various parts of the sketch.
38. Drawing is saved and soft copy can be taken as print out as per the size requirements.
Result :
Thus the single floor office building is drawn as per the dimensions using AutoCAD.
Ex.No : 6
Date :
To draw the plan, elevation and section of a Steel Truss
Commands used:
Limits, Units, line, Polyline, Offset, Array, Trim, Extent, Rectangle, Hatch, Explode, Copy,
Move, Dimension, Text, Edit, Undo, Rotate, Scale, Match, Property and Zoom.
1. Unit is set as per requirements
2. Drawing area is created as per the required dimensions of the sketch using limit command
3. OSNAP, ORTHO, POLAR buttons are switched on whichever is necessary.
4. Using EDIT and DRAW commands, the outer line of the sketch is drawn.
5. Required line type and line weight can be used to draw the sketch as per the required
6. Doors and windows are created as per the required dimensions.
7. HATCH command is used to hatch the enclosed boundaries based upon the materials such as
doors, windows, concrete, sand filling, brick works, etc,
8. TEXT command is used to label the various parts of the sketch.
9. DIMENSION command is used for dimensioning the various parts of the sketch.
10. Drawing is saved and soft copy can be taken as print out as per the size requirements.
Result :
Thus the Steel Truss is drawn as per the dimensions using AutoCAD.
Ex.No : 7
Date :
To draw the perspective view of the given room using Auto CAD package
Size of the room - 3 × 4 m.
One corner of the room makes an angle of 30°
Take the VP along the lintel level of the building.
This drawing was drawn using the drawing, editing and modifying commands of the AutoCAD
1. What are the Modify tools?
2. What are the Draw tools?
3. How to change AutoCAD screen colour?
4. What is the normal screen size of AutoCAD?
5. What is Carpet area?
6. What is Offset line?
7. Advantages of pitched roof.
8. What is the use of Mtext command?
9. How to calculate Plinth area.
10. What are the types of foundation?
11. What are the structural components of a building?
12. Why are you using Northlight roof in Industrial
13. How to change your letter font style?
14. What is the suitability of tiled roof?
15. What is Offset distance?
16. Mention any two type trusses?
17. How to use hatch command?
18. What is span?
19. Advantages of flat roof
20. What is the reinforced cement concrete slab?
21. What are the types of flooring?
22. Make Block is a draw tools. What is the use?
23. What are the Purpose of the hatch command
24. Differential between the two dimensional co-ordinate system and three dimensional coordinate system
25. What are the uses of Osnap?
26. What are the advantages of AutoCAD?
27. What are the disadvantages of AutoCAD?
28. 1ft equal to how many inches
29. What are the rooms required in residential building
30. What are symbols used in sanitary fittings?
31. What are the symbols used in electrical fittings?
32. What is sill level?
33. What is floor?
34. What is full scale?
35. What is reduction scales?
36. What is enlarging scales?
37. What are the standard abbreviations in building materials?
38. What are the commands used for 3D model creation?