How to buy happiness According to Norton (2012), spending on anyone but yourself yields a great amount of happiness, one that cannot necessarily be attained by possessing luxurious items everyone longs for. The author explains that happiness is something even rich people cannot purchase, but it can be achieved by spending on others. Furthermore, one does not have to spend millions to gain it. It is true that happiness comes by spending money unselfishly and can be achieved even through such small acts of generosity. (Donating can bring happiness for a long time) It is a valid point that sharing your wealth with those of a lesser fortune brings happiness to a person. The author suggested that spending money is what makes a person happy. Money can be spent on all sorts of people including one’s family members which could yield a far greater amount of happiness as well as strengthening the bond. Luxurious goods are of a far lesser concern if one desires happiness. They tend to lose value with time, however, showing affection towards a stranger can keep you smiling for a longer period. For instance, buying a meal for those who need it the most could stir one’s heart and mind in ways nothing else can. The author mentioned that happiness can be attained even by spending small amounts on other people. The article stated that happiness can be brought about even by spending amounts which may seem insignificant and minor to many people. One can spend as few as a couple of dollars but gain great amount of happiness enough for a lifetime. For example, tending to the needs of poor people who require attention the most can yet fill broken hearts with hope and a passion to live. In doing so, one would be saving a life and bringing comfort to their own lives as well. The whole idea is to ignite people’s spirit into contributing more to the society.