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Kindergarten Subtraction Doubles Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Template
ECH/416 Version 4
Lesson Plan Template
Name: Erin Fitzgerald
Intended Age or Grade Level: Kindergarten
Activity Title: Poppin’ Doubles
State Standard: K.OA. B Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between
addition and subtraction.
1. Specific Objective:
a. Instructional (teacher) Objective:
Students will be able to match the parts to the whole to increase familiarity with the subtraction
b. Behavioral (learner) Objective:
Students will be able to recognize the relationship between part-part whole. They will use
‘doubles to create the whole.
2. Materials Required:
White board
More or Less book by: Stuart J. Murphy
The Popcorn book by: Tomi dePaola
Popcorn subtraction mats and numbers
Recording sheets
3. Sequence of Lesson:
A. Back ground knowledge/Introduction: Gather information and pre-assess student knowledge of
addition doubles facts. Students need to understand the inverse relationship between addition
and subtraction. I will begin by reading More or Less and talk about more that and then I will I
introduce less than. I will talk about the key to subtraction is think addition. I will then do some
demonstrating on the white board. I will look for recall on parts and whole from addition and then
talk about deriving the parts from the whole.
B. Guided Practice:
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Lesson Plan Template
ECH/416 Version 4
I will ask students to return to there desks where I will hand out popcorn and subtraction mats.
The focus is to have students match the parts to the whole. The students will then work in pairs and use
popcorn to match the parts to the whole. I will ask the students to create subtraction problems using the
whole number mat and the number square. They will check their work with the popcorn. I will have the
pair to record their facts.
4. Authentic Formative Assessment (checking for understanding):
 Anecdotal observation (gather feedback via discussion, formal/informal questioning)
 Large group Learning activity.
 Checkmarks for understanding
5. Summative Assessment:
 Worksheet checks for understanding
Copyright © 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Lesson Plan Template
ECH/416 Version 4
6. Scaffolding or Extension Activities for Diverse Learners:
I will refer to any IEP or Education service plan for modifications. I will work one-on-one with students
who need more time and help understanding. I will demonstrate small subtraction facts until the
student understands the concept. Or, go back to addition and look for understanding, and build on
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