Uploaded by Barbara K. Klenke

Atomic Theory Timeline Worksheet

Name: ______________________________________ Period: ___________ Date: _____________
Atomic Theory Timeline
Directions: You will use the back of this page to complete a timeline
illustrating the creation and changes made to the model of the atom.
1. Use the resources on Schoology to determine the order of events
and description of each scientist.
2. BEFORE you cut and paste your notes onto the timeline, have
Ms. Heesen or Ms. Klenke check your work.
3. Once one of the teachers has checked your work, glue the notes
and pictures onto your timeline.
4. Use any remaining time to make your timeline colorful, neat, and
exciting! The most engaging timelines will be hung around the room
for all students to see!
Rubric for Timeline
 ________/ 30
Dates and Scientists are in order
 ________/ 30
Descriptions match scientists
 ________/ 20
Uses time and resources effectively
 ________/ 20
Neatness & Creativity
 -10 points if late
 -5 if no name