Uploaded by Mary Wescoat

12 Years a Slave Movie Worksheet

12 Years a Slave
1. When Solomon Northup notices the dark juice of blackberries what is
inspired to create?
2. Solomon is in the cell where he is told that he is a runaway Georgia
slave. Despite his protests of being a free man, he has no what?
3. Who does Solomon discuss his situation with?
4. Clemens reiterates his advice that Solomon maintain a low profile,
denying his abilities to do what?
5. What happens to Robert when he attempts to help Eliza?
6. What name does the slaver Freeman call Solomon?
7. What is the name of the plantation owner that buys Platt (Solomon) and
8. TIbeats sings a derisive song warning the slaves against what?
9. What idea did Solomon approach Ford with? Did Ford like the idea?
10. What does Solomon get as a reward?
11. Why is Eliza sold off?
12. Tibeats has gathered some thugs to do what to Solomon for daring to
fight him?
13. Who does Ford sell Solomon to?
14. Epps claims that he would send who away before losing Patsey?
15. The judge notices Solomon's skill and recommends him to a neighbor
seeking who is seeking what?
16. Who does Solomon decide to risk trusting with sending a letter North,
in hopes of securing his freedom?
17. Epps points a gun to Solomon's head and claims he will kill every slave
he sees if Solomon doesn't do what?
18. Where is Brass, the hired hand, from?
19. What is the name of the shop owner, and friend of Solomon’s, from
Saratoga that arrives at the plantation in the carriage with the sheriff?
20. Northup became an abolitionist and does what?