Uploaded by Marika Tammaru

Physics 202 Syllabus: Thermodynamics, Waves, Optics

CRN: 25015, 25016
Winter 2020
Physics 202. General Physics∗
Thermodynamics, Vibrations, Waves, and Optics
David Strom
(Please include “PH202” in subject)
MWF, CRN25016, 12h00-12h50
MWF, CRN25015, 14h00-14h50 (2:00-2:50PM)
100 Willamette Hall
College Physics: Explore and Apply, 2/e Etkina
This is the same text used in PHYS 201, Fall 2019. If you don’t already
have the text you can purchase the eBook and access code for Modified
Mastering Physics from the Duck Store here. A copy of the text is on
reserve at the Price Science Commons.
Course Objectives:
Understand the principles of Newtonian mechanics in a vibrating system and how to apply them to various systems. Know the properties
of waves and be able to apply them to sound and light. Understand
and be able to apply the basic concepts of thermodynamics. Be able
to apply the basic concepts of geometric optics to mirrors and lenses.
Grading Criteria:
Scores will be weighted as shown below and added to determine a course
score. Grades will be based on the course scores. The grade cutoffs
won’t be determined until after the final exam. However, a course
score of 90% will be at least an A-, a score of 75% at least a B-, and a
course score of 60% at least a C-.
Grading weights:
Pre-lecture items
i>clicker Questions
Tutorial Participation 10%
This syllabus and course benefits from a 2018 course from Tim Jenkins
CRN: 25015, 25016
Winter 2020
Jan. 6
Energy Review, Vibrational Motion
HW 1
Due 9 PM,
Jan. 12
Jan. 13
Mechanical Waves
HW 2
Due 11 PM,
Jan. 18
Jan. 20
Gases, No class Monday, MLK Holiday
HW 3
Due 11 PM,
Jan. 25
Jan. 27
Static Fluids; Midterm Exam I, Monday, HW 4
January 27, 6:00 - 7:30 PM, Place: 156 Due 11 PM,
Straub Hall
Feb. 1
Feb. 3
Fluids in Motion
HW 5
Due 11 PM,
Feb. 8
Feb. 10
First Law of Thermodynamics
HW 6
Due 11 PM,
Feb. 15
Feb. 17
Second Law of Thermodynamics
HW 7
Due 11 PM,
Feb. 22
Feb. 24
Reflection and Refraction, Midterm Exam II, HW 8
Monday, February 24, 6:00-7:30 PM, Place: Due 11 PM,
156 Straub Hall
Mar. 2
Mirrors and Lenses
HW 9
Due 11 PM,
Mar. 7
Mar. 9
Wave Optics
HW 10
Due 11 PM,
Mar. 14
Mar. 16
Combined Final Exam, Monday, March 16, HW 11
5-6:30PM, Place: 156 Straub Hall
(extra credit)
Due 11 PM,
Mar. 21
CRN: 25015, 25016
Winter 2020
Tutorial Schedule
Day Time
CRN Instructors
25025 Caleb Holt,, Valerie Beale
Wednesday 14h00-14h50
25026 Shuhao Wu
Wednesday 15h00-15h50
25028 Shuhao Wu, Caleb Holt, Tom Bouley
Wednesday 16h00-16h50
25032 Abhijeet Melkani, Aria Radick, Tom Bouley
Wednesday 17h00-17h50
25033 Aria Radick, Saul Sun, Shuhao Wu
Wednesday 18h00-18h50
26417 Saul Sun, Sean Brudney
Thursday 9h00-9h50
25023 Sangeet Paul, Saul Sun
Thursday 10h00-10h50
25024 Caleb Holt, Jesse Hall
Thursday 11h00-11h50
25021 Hannes Sobottka, Jesse Hall
Thursday 12h00-12h50
25022 Maxx Miller, Aria Radick
Thursday 13h00-13h50
25027 Valerie Beale, Sean Brudney, Maxx Miller
Thursday 14h00-14h50
25029 Jesse Hall, Hannes Sobottka
Thursday 15h00-15h50
26418 Sangeet Paul, Abhijeet Melkani
Thursday 17h00-17h50
26419 Sangeet Paul
Friday 9h00-9h50
25017 Valerie Beale, Jesse Hall
Friday 10h00-10h50
25018 Sean Brudney, Jesse Hall
Friday 11h00-11h50
25019 Valerie Beale, Hannes Sobottka, Maxx Miller
Friday 12h00-12h50
25020 Abhijeet Melkani, Tom Bouley
112 Willamette Hall. 10% of your grade will be based on tutorial participation as follows:
miss none or one = 10%, miss two = 8%, miss three = 5%, miss four or more = 0%. You
may make up for a tutorial during the same cycle in another session if you have advance
permission from the relevant teaching assistant. A tutorial cannot be made up by attending
a tutorial in the next cycle.
CRN: 25015, 25016
Winter 2020
GE Office Hours
Valerie Beale
Tom Bouley
Sean, Brudney
Jesse Hall
Caleb Holt
Abhijeet Melkani
Maxx Miller
Sangeet Paul
Aria Radick
Rudy Resch
Hannes Sobottka
Saul Sun
Shuhao Wu
Mon 3-4
Fri 12-2
Fri 11-12
Fri 2-3
Mon 11-12
Mon 3-4
Fri 3-4
215 Willamette
135 Klamath Hall
238 Huestis Hall
217 Willamette
215 Willamette
215 Willamette
445 Willamette
76 Willamette
155 Willamette
231 Willamette
272 Willamette
Pre-Lecture Items Starting Wednesday, January 8, there will be a reading assignment for
each lecture on MasteringPhysics, due before the 12:00 noon lecture. Also, for most lectures
there will be a pre-lecture video on MasteringPhysics, due before the 12:00 noon lecture. In
addition to the questions in the videos, you must answer the question under the video. For
both the reading questions and the videos, you have unlimited attempts to get the correct
answer, but they must be submitted before the deadline to get credit.
Homework We will be using the online homework system Modified MasteringPhysics1 . If
you took PHYS 201 in fall, 2019, the same access code will work for PHYS 202 (and PHYS
203). You will still need to register for the new course. The course ID is strom55498.
If you have not used MasteringPhysics before, you should complete the Introduction to
MasteringPhysics assignment before starting the first homework assignment. There will be
a homework assignment due each week except the first week and finals week. You will submit
your homework answers via computer. This is to give quick feedback to homework questions.
You will be allowed six attempts to submit a correct answer. (Saving homework does not
count as a submission.) Late homework will be accepted for 50% credit through Friday,
March 20.
Students may collaborate on the homework problems. If you are working as a group, you
are still responsible for repeating all steps in the problem and calculating your own values
for the answer. Failure to do so will very likely result in poor exam performance.
Note that the numbers in most problems will be different for each student.
Dynamic Study Modules Also on MasteringPhysics are Dynamic Study Modules which
are designed to cover key concepts from each chapter of the textbook. They are based on the
science of how we learn and adapt to how students answer questions, personalizing learning
for each student. They are not for credit but you are strongly encouraged to complete them.
They are always available and your work is automatically saved. You should complete the
CRN: 25015, 25016
Winter 2020
How Dynamic Study Modules Work module before starting any of the content based modules.
i>clicker Questions Starting with Lecture 2, each lecture will include several i>clicker
questions. You will get ten points of participation credit for answering at least 75% of the
questions, whether your answers are correct or not. i>clicker questions cannot be made up,
but at least four lectures can be missed without penalty. Any model i>clicker may be used.
i>clickers are available at the Duck Store. Students will be allowed at least 4 absences.
In case you need to replace your i>clicker, please be sure that your new one has not been
previously used in the either of the PH202 winter 2020 sections; once an i>clicker has been
registered for a student in the course it can not be reregistered to a different student.
Exams There will be combined exams for both lecture sections. Alternate exam times will
be available for students who have a documented academic conflict with the scheduled time.
The first midterm exam is 6:00-7:30 PM, Monday, January 27, in 156 Straub Hall. It will
cover Chapters 10 through 12, Lectures 1 through 8, Tutorials 1 and 2, and Homework 1,
2 and 3. The second midterm exam is 6:00-7:30 PM, Monday, February 24, in 156 Straub
Hall. It will cover Chapters 13 through 16, Lectures 9 through 19, Tutorials 3 through 6,
and Homework 3 through 6. The final exam is 5:00-6:30 PM, 156 Straub . It will cover
Chapters 22 through 24 , Lectures 20 through 26, Tutorials 8 through 10, and Homework 7
through 9. Exams are closed book and notes.
Equations sheets will be provided for the exams. You may use a calculator (any type
but not an app). If English is not your first language you may use a translation dictionary
(printed or electronic but not an app). All other electronic devices must be turned off during
the exams. Makeup exams will only be given in extraordinary cases with a documented excuse (doctors note, etc.). If you know in advance you will miss an exam, it may be possible
to take it early.
Physics Help Center Free, drop-in help is available in room B010 of the Science Library
starting the second week of classes. The schedule will be available on Canvas.
Additional support, but not aimed specifically at physics, is available from the Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center (https://engage.uoregon.edu/services ) Drop-in math
and writing support in addition to tutoring, study skills support, and Class Encore. Located
in the 4th Floor Knight Library (541) 346-3226, engage@uoregon.edu.
Academic Honesty You are expected to do your own work for the course. For the i>clicker
questions you are expected to consult with your neighbor(s) but you make the final decision
about the correct answer. Using another students i>clicker is not allowed and will result
in both you and the other student getting zero credit for that lectures clicker questions. You
are encouraged to work in groups on the homework, but this means collaborating with the
members of the group, not copying the work of one or more of the members. While you
may be able to find solutions to the homework problems online, note that a recent study
showed that students who did not use online homework solutions averaged about the same
on homework but about ten points higher on exams than students who used the solutions.
On exams, you must do your own work.
CRN: 25015, 25016
Winter 2020
All students will be expected to adhere to the Universitys guidelines on academic integrity
as outlined in the Student Conduct Code: here. As detailed in the policy, academic misconduct means the violation of university policy involving academic integrity. This includes
cheating (any act of deception by which a student misrepresents or misleadingly demonstrates that the student has mastered information on an academic exercise that the student
has not mastered), and plagiarism (using the ideas or writings of another as ones own.)
The instructor has a zero tolerance policy for academic dishonesty. All persons involved in
academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures. Academic dishonesty will result in penalties, up to and including failure of the course.
Counseling Center Call anytime to speak with a therapist who can provide support and
connect you with resources. Located on the 2nd Floor of the Health Center(541)346-3227
Accessible Education Center The University of Oregon is working to create inclusive
learning environments. The instructor believes strongly in creating inclusive learning environments. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that result in
barriers to your participation, please notify us as soon as possible. You are also encouraged
to contact the Accessible Education Center. If you are not a student with a documented
disability, but you would like for us to know about class issues that will impact your ability
to learn, we encourage you to come visit during office hours so that we can strategize how
you can get the most out of this course. Located on the 1st Floor of Oregon Hall (541)
346-1155, uoaec@uoregon.edu
Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence (CMAE) mission is to promote student retention and persistence for historically underrepresented and underserved populations.
We develop and implement programs and services that support retention, academic excellence, and success at the UO and beyond. We reaffirm our commitment to all students,
including undocumented and tuition equity students. Located on the 1st Floor of Oregon
Hall (541) 346-3479, cmae@uoregon.edu
The UO Access Shuttle is an on-campus ride service provided at no cost to students with
conditions that limit mobility. More information and a sign-up form can be found on the
parking & transportation department website: https://parking.uoregon.edu/content/accessshuttle.
Class Courtesy
Please arrive in class on time. Late arrivals distract the instructor and the other students.
Please turn off phones during the class meeting times and refrain from using
tablets and laptops. Students sitting in the outermost rows of the lecture hall
may use tablets and laptops if they do not disturb others. Do not leave class early
unless you have cleared it with the instructor in advance. Ask questions if you did not hear
or understand something.
Class rosters are provided to the instructor with the student’s legal name. I will gladly
CRN: 25015, 25016
Winter 2020
honor your request to address you by an alternate name or gender pronoun. Please advise
me of this preference early in the quarter (or before) so that I may address you properly.
Open inquiry, freedom of expression, and respect for difference are fundamental to a
comprehensive and dynamic education. We are committed to upholding these ideals by
encouraging the exploration, engagement, and expression of divergent perspectives and diverse identities. Classroom courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect
to individuals and topics dealing with differences of race, culture, religion, politics, sexual
orientation, gender, gender variance, and nationalities. Our classroom is a learning environment, and as such should be a safe, inclusive and respectful place. Being respectful also
includes using preferred pronouns for your classmates. Disrespecting fellow students as well
as combative approaches, tones and/or actions are not acceptable. Please make me aware if
there are classroom dynamics that impede your (or someone elses) full engagement.
Discrimination and Harassment
Prohibited Discrimination and Harassment Any student who has experienced sexual
assault, relationship violence, sex or gender-based bullying, stalking, and/or sexual harassment may seek resources and help at safe.uoregon.edu. To get help by phone, a student
can also call either the UOs 24-hour hotline at 541-346-7244 [SAFE], or the non-confidential
Title IX Coordinator at 541-346-8136. From the SAFE website, students may also connect
to Callisto, a confidential, third-party reporting site that is not a part of the university.
Students experiencing any other form of prohibited discrimination or harassment can
find information at respect.uoregon.edu or aaeo.uoregon.edu or contact the non-confidential
AAEO office at 541-346-3123 or the Dean of Students Office at 541-346-3216 for help. As UO
policy has different reporting requirements based on the nature of the reported harassment
or discrimination, additional information about reporting requirements for discrimination or
harassment unrelated to sexual assault, relationship violence, sex or gender based bullying,
stalking, and/or sexual harassment is available at Discrimination & Harassment.
Reporting The instructor of this class is a Student-Directed Employee. As such, if you
disclose to me, I will respond to you with respect and kindness. I will listen to you, and will
be sensitive to your needs and desires. I will not judge you. I will support you. As part
of that support, I will direct students who disclose sexual harassment or sexual violence to
resources that can help. I will only report the information shared to the university administration when you as the student requests that the information be reported (unless someone
is in imminent risk of serious harm or is a minor). Please note the difference between privacy and confidentiality. As a Student-Directed Employee I can offer privacy because I am
not required to report certain information to the University. However, I cannot be bound
by confidentiality in the same way that a counselor or attorney is. Confidential resources
such as these means that information shared is protected by federal and state laws. Any
information that I as a student-directed employee receive may still be accessed by university
or court proceedings. This means, for example, that I could still be called as a witness or
required to turn over any related documents or notes that I keep.
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Winter 2020
Please note also that I am required to report all other forms of prohibited discrimination
or harassment to the university administration. Specific details about confidentiality of information and reporting obligations of employees can be found at titleix.uoregon.edu.
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse UO employees, including faculty, staff, and GEs,
are mandatory reporters of child abuse. Child abuse pertains to individuals who are under
the age of 18. This statement is to advise you that your disclosure of information about child
abuse to the instructor may trigger my duty to report that information to the designated
authorities. Please refer to this link for detailed information about mandatory reporting:
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect.
Information on safety at the university can be found here: admissions.uoregon.edu.
Safe Ride 541-346-7433 ext 2, pages.uoregon.edu/saferide
Safe Ride is an assault prevention shuttle that works to provide free, inclusive, and
accessible alternatives to traveling alone at night for UO students, faculty, and staff.
We are a schedule-ahead service and riders can (1) call once we open to schedule a ride
with a dispatcher or (2) leave a voicemail on the day of their ride request. We do not call
riders ahead of time to confirm due to capacity constraints, but riders are always welcome to
call us to double-check that their ride was scheduled. We are a feminist, for-the-students/bythe-students organization and operate out of the Womens Center in EMU 12F.
Operating hours:
Spring term
Summer term
Fall/Winter term
Sunday - Thursday 7p - midnight
Sunday - Thursday 9p - midnight
Sunday - Thursday 6p - midnight
Friday + Saturday 7p - 2a
Friday + Saturday 9p - 2a
Friday + Saturday 6p - 2a
Policy and rules:
1. We are a schedule-ahead service, we do not call ahead, and we can only wait for riders
for 5 minutes at their pick-up time and location.
2. We only give rides to groups of 3 or fewer to prioritize groups that are at higher risk.
3. We are a free service and do not accept tips.