2019 International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IGBSG2019), 6-9 Sept., Yichang China A Regional Smart Power Grid Distribution Transformer Planning Method Considering Life Cycle Cost Bin Zhou State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd. Wuhan, China 1226822021@qq.com Xu Zheng Economic and Technological Research Institute of State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd. Wuhan, China 20688068@qq.com Jing Yan Economic and Technological Research Institute of State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd. Wuhan, China 105908342@qq.com Dongjun Yang Economic and Technological Research Institute of State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd. Wuhan, China 369897638@qq.com Zhi Xiong Economic and Technological Research Institute of State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd. Wuhan, China 447042872@qq.com Ji Zhang dept. Economic and Technological Research Institute of State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd. Wuhan, China ceeezj@qq.com Abstract—at present, in the research on transformation and adjustment of distribution transformers for regional smart power grid, most of them are around overhaul of high energy consumption or old transformers to prolong life. In the case of only one alternative distribution transformer, the original transformer is directly replaced by a lower power loss transformer to reduce cost. And through the comparison of these two aspects, the transformation plan can be determined. When there are a variety of alternative transformers, a replacement strategy of distribution transformers in regional smart power grid based on life cycle cost (LCC) is proposed in this paper. First, based on the life cycle cost of equipment level, the selection model of planning scheme is built. Then the replacement strategy is evaluated in order to clarify the most reasonable transformation mode and the best replaced time. Further, the feasibility and effectiveness of the strategy are verified by the relevant calculation examples. Finally, some measures to reduce LCC are put forward. Keywords—distribution transformer, life cycle cost, high energy consumption, transformation mode, replacement time I. INTRODUCTION As the terminal of distribution power process, distribution transformer occupied a considerable proportion in regional smart power networks due to a huge amount of use[1]. However, because of poor performance or long service life of distribution transformers in some regions, their operation and maintenance cost are extremely high, which bring pressure to the power grid investments. At the present stage, selection of a reasonable distribution transformer capacity can only be one of these measures to save investment cost of distribution transformer. At the same time, combined with operation properties of various alternative distribution transformers, it is another measure worth researching to select the most reasonable transformation mode and the best replaced time. The equipment investment planning and adjustment and transformation strategy of power system have been studied in several works. An economic analysis model for transformer overhaul technical transformation is proposed in [2],considering life cycle cost (LCC) and combining with transformers technical parameters. A new method to determine the transformer capacity based on optimal load rate is presented in [3]. A multi-level model of distribution transformer replaced priority is formulated in [4] based on the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and grey fuzzy theory. In [5], minimum LCC is adopted as the principle to select type of distribution transformer transformation, and life cycle cost model of transformer in medium and low voltage distribution network is established. The existing studies all focus on the two aspects which include overhaul of high energy consumption or old transformers to extend service life and replacement of lowloss transformers to reduce cost. the planning scheme is determined through their comparisons. In this paper, considering existing equipment investment decision and adjustment strategy research, a replacement strategy of distribution transformers in regional smart power grid based on life cycle cost is proposed. This paper is organized as follows: The model of distribution transformers based on life cycle cost is established in Section II. The example of high energy consumption transformers replacement is introduced in Section III. The conclusions are shown in Section IV. II. LIFE CYCLE COST MODELING FOR DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS A. Time Value of Capital The LCC of transformers is a continuous expense over a long period so that time value of capital should be taken into account. Firstly, the cost of each year in service life of transformers is calculated. Then the cost is converted to present the value of initial equipment purchase according to determined social discount rate and inflation rate. Finally, the LCC of transformers is obtained by adding present value of each year[6]. The detailed calculative process is proposed as follow: T -1 LCC = 1+ r A (1 + R ) i i (1) i=1 where T is the service life of transformers, Ai means the annual cost of transformers, r denotes inflation rate, R represents the social discount rate. XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©20XX IEEE 612 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IGBSG2019), 6-9 Sept., Yichang China LCC CCI CCO CCM CCF CCD Failure rate B. Life Cycle Cost Model The LCC of transformers mainly includes initial investment cost, operation cost, maintenance cost, failure cost and decommissioning cost[7-12]. The LCC is described as follows: TABLE I. Γ2 (3) 2) Operation cost of transformers Operation cost is the sum of all expenses during operation of project. Because other costs account for a smaller proportion of operation cost than equipment energy consumption cost, the operation cost in this paper is mainly calculated as energy consumption cost as follows: PROPORTION COEFFICIENT OF MAINTENANCE COSTS Maintenance cost ratio coefficient Year 1 2 3 4 5-19 Coefficient 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.035 0.03 Year 20 21 22 23 24 25 Coefficient 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 Maintenance cost of transformers is described as follows: installation and debugging cost, and Cqt is other costs. Cnh [ po 2 ( p p f )] 8760 pr Service life Fig. 1. Failure rate during transformers service. where Cgz is the purchase cost of equipment, Caz means the T 1 1 r i Cnh ( ) 1 R i=1 Sandom failure period Γ1 1) Initial investment cost of transformers Initial investment cost of transformers mainly includes equipment purchase cost, installation and debugging cost and other expenses. CCO Loss failure period (2) where CCI is the initial investment cost of transformers, CCO denotes operation cost, CCM means maintenance cost, CCF is failure cost, CCD represents decommissioning cost. CCI Cgz Caz Cqt Early failure adaptation period T 1 1 r i CCM i CCI ( ) 1 R i =1 (6) where i is the ratio coefficient of maintenance cost of transformers in year i to present value of equipment investment cost. 4) Failure cost of transformers Failure cost of transformers is the loss cost caused by power shortage or power supply interruption due to transformers failure, including failure maintenance cost and failure loss cost. In this paper, failure cost only considers the loss cost of power failure caused by accidents. It is calculated as follows: (4) (5) where Cnh is the annual energy consumption cost of transformers, po denotes the no-load loss of transformers, p represents the load loss of transformers, p f is auxiliary T 1 1 r i CCF Cef ( ) 1 R i =1 loss, is the rate of average load and pr means power price. 3) Maintenance cost of transformers The maintenance cost in this paper is determined according to failure rate during service of transformers. Generally, the failure rate of equipment is relatively high at the beginning and end of its service life as shown in figure 1. Consequently, the maintenance cost is relatively high at these two stages. The maintenance cost is generally calculated according to the proportion of annual equipment investment cost. From the transformer fault curve (bathtub curve) in figure 1, the ratio coefficient of annual maintenance cost to equipment investment cost is shown in table I. (7) Cef S cos t g K d pr (sg za qx ) C jx (8) where S is transformer capacity, cos is power factor, K d means the conversion multiple of electricity price, sg denotes annual accident rate of transformers, za represents annual failure rate, qx is annual defect rate, C jx indicates failure maintenance cost and t g shows annual average accident power cut time. 5) Decommissioning cost of transformers Decommissioning cost includes cost of decommissioning and residual value of transformers. It is calculated as follow: T 1 1 r i CCD (Cbf Ccz )( ) 1 R i =1 613 (9) 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IGBSG2019), 6-9 Sept., Yichang China where Cbf is cost of decommissioning and Ccz represents residual value of transformers when they are decommissioned. III. THE REPLACEMENT EXAMPLE OF DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS IN REGIONAL SMART POWER GRID An old transformer S7 with a rated capacity of 315kVA in a 10kV substation in a regional smart power grid has been in operation for 10 years. Due to its insulation aging and high operating loss, the transformer is now adjusted to be matched with transformers S9 or S11. The equipment parameters are shown in table II. Other parameters are used in the example shown in table III. TABLE II. EQUIPMENT PARAMETERS OF ALTERNATIVE TRANSFORMER Parameter S9 S , k WA 315 Cgz , Yuan 25*10 S11 315 4 30*104 po , kW 95 78 p , kW 520 495 p f , kW 0 8 sg 0.01765 0.004717 zq 0.00588 0.004717 qx 0.30882 0.084906 TABLE III. Value R 0.04 r 0.035 T 25 pr , Yuan/kW 0.45 The value based on bathtub curve Maintenance cost ratio coefficient From the perspective of various costs, the equipment purchase cost of distribution transformer S9 is relatively lower than that of distribution transformer S11. But the loss cost of S9 is slightly higher than S11. Consequently, the initial investment is lower and the operation cost is higher in case 1. Meanwhile, these two costs account for a large proportion in two cases. The maintenance cost and failure cost account for a small proportion in life cycle cost. The values in two cases are both relatively low and have little difference, which has little impact on life cycle cost. Among the decommissioning costs, the value of S11 equipment is higher than S9. These two transformers do not meet the decommissioning standard, but the transformer S9 has been in operation for 25 years to reach the decommissioning life of the equipment. Therefore, the residual value of transformer S11 in case 2 is higher than that of S9 in case 1. In conclusion, when the delayed year is 5 years, the life cycle cost of case 2 is lower than that of case 1. That is to say, the scheme with a delay of 5 years is more economical. At the same time, the scheme is selected as the preferred for transformation replacement to fully utilize the remaining equipment value of high-energy consumption distribution transformer S7. TYPICAL PARAMETER VALUES Parameter The results show that there is one or several years of delayed construction, so that the economy of delayed construction is better than that of direct construction. In case 1, S7 is replaced prematurely, which wastes its remaining effective life. While in case 2, S7 continues to operate and makes full use of equipment resources, which is another advantage of delayed construction. A. Determine The Transformation Mode of Distribution Transformer In the example, the transformation mode is set as two cases. B. Determine The Best Time to Delay New Transformer Further study of case 2 is carried out. Five years of S7 operation are adjusted to variable value n. In the life of transformer S7, n can be taken for 1-15 years. And the operation year replaced by S11 is 24-10 years. That is to say, there are fifteen replaced schemes. The calculation results of each scheme are shown in table V. The annual value of each scheme is shown in figure 2. 1) Case 1: From the beginning of the planning period, the transformer S7 is replaced with a transformer S9 with medium loss level and operates for 25 years. 2) Case2: The transformer S7 continues to operate for 5 years. Then the S7 is replaced with low-loss transformer S11 and continues to operate for 20 years. The planning results of two cases are set in table IV. TABLE IV. THE PLANNING RESULTS OF TWO CASES(TEN THOUSAND YUAN) CCI CCO CCM CCF CCD LCC Case 1 28 25.09 2.05 2.63 -10.38 47.39 Case 2 33 22.91 0.10 0.12 -16.55 39.58 From the perspective of total cost, the new transformer delay building in case 2 and its life cycle cost is lower than direct new transformer in case 1. The delayed year is selected 5 years as a representative scheme of delayed construction. 614 TABLE V. THE PLANNING RESULTS OF PLANNING SCHEMES (TEN THOUSAND YUAN) CCD LCC Annual value 0.02 -9.70 31.69 34.85 0.05 -11.08 32.68 18.83 0.39 0.07 -13.80 34.33 13.80 0.48 0.10 -14.75 36.63 11.56 22.91 0.60 0.12 -17.05 39.58 10.44 33 29.97 0.69 0.15 -18.85 44.95 10.32 7 33 34.99 0.79 0.17 -19.75 49.20 10.11 8 33 39.98 0.95 0.20 -20.05 54.08 10.14 9 33 45.93 1.12 0.22 -20.65 59.62 10.35 10 33 50.84 1.46 0.24 -31.44 64.10 10.43 11 33 58.71 1.69 0.27 -32.82 70.84 10.91 12 33 66.54 1.97 0.29 -33.32 78.48 11.52 13 33 84.34 2.23 0.31 -33.60 86.48 12.17 14 33 92.10 2.47 0.34 -32.83 95.07 12.91 15 33 99.82 2.60 0.36 -31.45 104.33 13.72 n CCI 1 2 CCO CCM CCF 33 8.26 0.11 33 10.48 0.23 3 33 14.66 4 33 17.80 5 33 6 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IGBSG2019), 6-9 Sept., Yichang China Annual value of each scheme(ten thousand yuan) As can be observed from Table V and figure 2, in the further research, the annual value of life cycle cost first decreases and then increases with extension of delay time. In addition, when the transformer S7 is delayed for 7 years, the cost of the new transformer S11 is the lowest, which is the most economical replaced plan. When the value of n are 5-11 years, the corresponding costs are all lower than case 1 of directly building. If the equipment condition allows extension of service life within 5-11 years, the optimal delayed construction of 7 years is selected. Otherwise, direct construction of case 1 is selected. 40 35 30 and replaced time to minimize economic cost and make full use of the value of equipment. B. Select Low Energy Consumption Transformers The influence of load loss on energy consumption of equipment can be seen from the energy consumption formula. Although initial investment cost of a low energy consumption transformer is relatively high, it can greatly reduce power loss and operation cost of the transformer. In the long term, the cost saved from operation loss and other aspects can fully make up for the extra cost of investment. At the same time, selection of low energy consumption transformers is in line with the energy saving and emission reduction also an important means of energy saving and emission reduction in power enterprises. 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time(year) Fig. 2. Annual value of each scheme. C. Results Analysis In this paper, The scheme of transformer replacement is determined by transformation mode and replaced time. The results of transformation mode show that the delayed construction in case 2 is more economical in case of appropriate delay year and makes full use of equipment resources. The results of replaced time show that when the delayed year is 5-11 years, delayed construction is better than direct construction. And delayed construction in the 7th year of planning period is the best replaced time. It can be seen from the results of transformation mode and replaced time that initial investment cost and operation cost of transformers account for a relatively high proportion in life cycle cost. Operation cost varies greatly in different replaced schemes, which affects variation trend of life cycle cost to some extent. Maintenance cost accounts for a small proportion in life cycle cost and has little influence. In this paper, the annual cost of equipment maintenance is determined based on failure rate of equipment, which is more reasonable than regular maintenance. IV. CONCLUSION Based on the existing research on transformer investment decision and adjustment strategy, a selection model considering life cycle cost for transformation replacement strategy of distribution transformers in regional smart power grid is proposed in this paper. Then effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by specific examples. And through the concrete analysis of various costs, some effective measures to reduce life cycle cost is obtained as follows: A. Consider Life Cycle Cost The equipment level planning investment must take into account life cycle cost rather than just cost of one stage. Under existing conditions, scientific and reasonable selection model is adopted to decide the best transformation method C. Use Reasonable Maintenance Methods The common problem of high failure rate at the beginning and end of equipment service life is considered in this paper. The maintenance coefficient approximates bathtub curve bathtub curve. This maintenance method can make up for problems of insufficient maintenance or excessive maintenance in regular maintenance, which changes the traditional transformer maintenance method and affects maintenance cost. On the other hand, it can indirectly improve reliability and reduce failure rate of transformers. REFERENCES [1] XP. 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