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Manifest Destiny & US Expansion Worksheet

Mrs. Sandoval-ERHS
Directions: Analyze the following documents and answer
the guided questions. Then explain how the idea of
Manifest Destiny changed the American Landscape by
Explain the term Manifest Destiny:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Doc 1
Doc 2
“The American claim is by right of our manifest
destiny to overspread and to possess the whole
of the continent which Providence has given us
for the development of the great experiment of
liberty and our democratic government
entrusted to us. It is a right such as that of the
tree to the space of air and earth suitable for
the full expansion of its principle and destiny of
growth. It is in our future far more than in our
past or in the past history of Spanish
exploration…that our true title is found.”
John O’Sullivan – reporter for the Morning News
1. Clarify the data represented in Doc 1, and
connect it to what you learned from the lecture
about the Native American population at the time
period noted
2. What does O’Sullivan suggest Americans should be able
to possess by right of Manifest Destiny?
3. What reasons does he give?
Doc 3
President Monroe Enforces
The Monroe Doctrine – 1823
President James Monroe boldly proclaimed The
Western Hemisphere CLOSED to European
colonization. If Europe observed this, The U.S.
would not intervene in Europe’s affairs.
“…the American continents, by the free and independent condition
which they have assumed and maintain, …henceforth not to be
considered as subjects for future colonization by any European
powers…” President Monroe’s message to Congress, December 2, 1823
4. According to the quote, what are the European
powers prohibited to do in the American continents?
5. Why would the United States want to keep
European Nations out of North and South America?
Name__________________________________________________________________________________ Date___________________________________________________________ Period_____________________
Doc 4
6. According to the poster, what did the
West offer new settlers?
Doc 5
Etching of
Progress” by John
Gast (1872)
Critically Thinking
In a well written paragraph explain how the idea of Manifest Destiny changed the
American Landscape by 1860. Cite specific examples from the documents provided to
support your answer (use at least 2). Use entire space
7. What economic incentives (motivations)
were given to draw settlers to the West?
8 Who offered the land for sale to the settlers?
9. How does this painting represent
Manifest Destiny?___________________________________________
10. What are 4 images
in the picture that
indicate Westward Expansion?
11. Who do you think
the young woman in
the painting represents?
United States
Color code the
map and Key as
we go through the
Louisiana Purchase 1803
Florida Ceded from Spain 1819
Texas Annexation 1845
Oregon Country from GB 1846
Mexican Cession 1848
Gadsden Purchase Mexico 1853
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