Learning Question What is inheritance? Success Criteria Topics to research: (a) Explain what is meant by “DNA” (structure, location, function, how it was discovered). (b) Explain what is meant by “chromosomes” (location, structure, function, number, etc.) (c) Explain what is meant by “genes” and “alleles” and how they affect our appearance/characteristics. How do different alleles cause increased variation. (d) Describe the ways that we are both similar and different to our parents due to our genes (refer to phenotype). (e) Explain what is meant by “inheritance” and how variations can be inherited from our parents (refer to gametes, genes and chromosomes). What is DNA? DNA • The full name for DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid • DNA contains genetic information for an individual that determines the characteristic of a living thing • DNA is made of 2 strands that is wound into a double helix What are genes? Genes • A gene is a short section of DNA • Genes carry the coding for a particular protein • Different genes control the development of different characteristics of an organism • Example: – The human insulin gene codes for the production of the hormone insulin Many genes are needed to carry all the genetic information for a whole organism What are chromosomes? Chromosomes • Chromosomes are found in the nucleus of the cell • Chromosomes contain genes and are made of DNA http://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=V9BZ3zx8b8I What is DNA? Did you know!! The number of genes and chromosomes varies from species to species. For example, cells in human beings have 46 chromosomes that carry about 30,000 genes in each cell; and cells in fruit flies have 8 chromosomes that carry about 13,600 genes What is the human chromosome compliment? Human Chromosome Compliment • The human chromosome compliment is 46 • 23 pairs – (2 sets – one set from each parent) Not all organisms have 46 chromosomes! Not all organisms have 46 chromosomes! Not all organisms have 46 chromosomes! Not all organisms have 46 chromosomes! Not all organisms have 46 chromosomes! http://www.neok12.com/video/G enetics/zX57774078797d75646 Do all cells have 46 chromosomes? Body Cells • Body cells contain 2 sets of chromosomes (23 pairs = 46) • 1 set is inherited from your mother • 1 set is inherited from your father = 2 SETS Do all cells have 46 chromosomes? Sex Cells (gametes) • Sex cells (also called gametes) contain 1 set of chromosomes (= 23) • Sperm & Egg cells contain 23 chromosomes (1 set) Red Blood Cells • Red blood cells do not contain a nucleus (so do not contain chromosomes) therefore do not contain genetic information Do all cells have 46 chromosomes? Inheritance • Inheritance is the passing on of genes from parents to offspring • Fertilisation is when the nuclei of the male and female gamete fuse together to form a zygote • The zygote has 23 pairs of chromosomes ( 2 sets = 46) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What does DNA stand for? What are long sequences of DNA known as? Give an example of what a sequence of DNA could code for. What are chromosomes? Where are chromosomes found? How many chromosomes are found in: 1. 2. 7. How many sets of chromosomes are found in 1. 2. 8. Body Cells Sex Cells (gametes) Body Cells Sex Cells (gametes) What is inheritance?