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Self-Determination of Senior High School Students

Submitted by:
Salazar, Ruth, A.
EDRE 231 (Wed 2:30-5:30 PM)
1st Semester, AY 2019-2020
Dr. Teodora Salubayba
December 9, 2019
According to Ryan, Kuhl and Deci (1997), Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is an
approach to human motivation and personality that uses traditional empirical methods
while employing an organismic metatheory that highlights the importance of humans’
evolved inner resources for personality development and behavioral self-regulation .
Moreover, “human beings can be proactive and engaged or, alternatively, passive and
alienated, largely as a function of the social conditions in which they develop and
function.” Thus, in their Self-Determination Continuum, a self-determined person also
has intrinsic motivation. (Ryan and Deci, 2000) Furthermore, Deci (2012) explained in
Tedx Talks that motivation is ”your energy for action, you act on your own volition, and
you enjoy what you are doing.”
This research study was patterned after Hoffman, Field, and Sawilowsky’s
(2004), Self-Determination Assessment Battery. Field and Hoffman (1994) defined SelfDetermination as “the ability to identify and achieve goals based on a foundation of
knowing and valuing yourself.” A model for Self-Determination illustrates its five major
components: Know Yourself and Your Context, Value Yourself, Plan, Act, and
Experience Outcomes and Learn. A person’s ability to be self-determined is affected by
factors in one’s environment (e.g., opportunities to make choices, available resources
and supports) and also knowledge, skills and beliefs.
The respondents of the study are the grade 12 students of Culiat High School
during the 1st Semester of 2019-2020. The school offers ABM, HUMSS, and TVL
For the purpose of this research, the author was able to use the survey
questionnaires (provided in EDRE 231 class) in gathering data. The questionnaires
were distributed among selected grade 12 students in five sections of Culiat HS,
through the help of some grade 12 students. Permission from the school principal was
initially obtained. The survey questionnaire consisted of 92-item self-report instrument
that the respondents had to answer with a 4-point scale. The survey was done last
September 6, 2019 during the vacant period of the grade 12 students. Afterwards, the
data were encoded first in MS Excel and for some papers with missing information,
especially numerical data, an average value was assumed in its place. Statistical
analysis was then used to answer the research questions with the use of software such
as Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).
This study is descriptive due to its large sample size (100 subjects). It is also
quantitative in approach through the use of survey questionnaires and statistical data
After the initial statistical treatments, it was found out that:
1. There is no significant linear correlation or relationship between academic
performance (GPA) and self-determination dimensions.
2. The Self-Determination Dimensions account only 17.3% of the variations in the
general average (GPA). Plan (D3), Act (D4), and Experience Outcomes and Learn
(D5), can predict the academic performance of the Grade 12 students. D3 and D5
have inverse relationship with academic performance.
3. There is also no significant difference between the male and female students in their
academic performance.
4. Likewise, there is also no significant difference between the male and female Grade
12 students in self-determination dimensions.
5. Lastly, it was found out that there is a significant difference in the birth order,
specifically the middle and the youngest siblings, when it comes to the selfdetermination dimension of Plan (D3).
Further tests can be done to other grade or year levels. The author is also going
to conduct the same statistical treatments to college students enrolled in St. Mary's
College of Quezon City. Also, additional statistical treatments, if applicable, can still be
done to obtain more information about the level of self-determination among the
respondents, the students. Outliers should also be checked and excluded to be able to
get a more accurate statistical analysis.
The statistical software, such as IBM SPSS, has been very helpful in computing
the different statistical treatments. However, more practice and thorough understanding
of the varied statistical treatments should be made to obtain accurate results and total
utilization of the software.
It is also recommended that random sampling should be done for a better
research study that can be published. Increase also the number of respondents and
schools in the study.
To be able to obtain accurate grades, report cards may be requested or inquired
through the school registrar. Grades per subject area aside from the General Average
should be obtained to be able to run the Chi-square test to determine whether there is a
significant difference between the expected frequencies and the observed frequencies
in one or more categories, and Regression analysis to determine the relationship
between a dependent (target) and independent variable/s (predictor).
For a more meaningful analysis for the birth order, the total number of siblings in
a family should also be obtained. This would determine if the respondent is the middle
child or the youngest among the siblings.