काप रे शन बक (सावजिनक क्षे का अ णी बक) धान कायालय, डा.पे.सं. 88, मंगलूर - 575 001 .का. प रप सं. HO Circular No. 308/2017 Corporation Bank ई-सकु लर e-CIRCULAR Retail Lending Division Email : horls@corpbank.co.in सूचकांक Index No. 52.00/20/2017 (A Premier Public Sector Bank) Head Office, PB No.88, Mangalore – 575 001 दनांक Date: 01-June-2017 समस्त शाखा /कायालय हेतु TO ALL THE BRANCHES/ OFFICES Subject : Introduction of new housing loan variant - Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme for Middle Income Group [PMAY-CLSS for MIG) HIGHLIGHTS MoHUPA has launched a new Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana for Middle Income Group (PMAY-CLSS for MIG). Under PMAY-CLSS for MIG, Beneficiaries of Middle Income Group-I (MIG I) seeking housing loans from Banks would be eligible for upfront interest subsidy at the rate of 4.0% on NPV basis on an amount of Rs.9 lakh for a tenure of 20 years or during tenure of loan whichever is lower. Under PMAY-CLSS for MIG, Beneficiaries of Middle Income Group-II (MIG II) seeking housing loans from Banks would be eligible for upfront interest subsidy at the rate of 3.0 % on NPV basis on an amount of Rs.12 lakh for a tenure of 20 years or during tenure of loan whichever is lower. Government of India will release the subsidy through Central Nodal Agencies (i.e. NHB and HUDCO). Our Bank has entered into MOU with NHB. The PMAY-CLSS for MIG shall be effective from 01.01.2017. Housing Loans sanctioned and disbursed on and after 01.01.2017 would be eligible for subsidy under PMAY-CLSS for MIG provided all the parameters of the scheme have been complied with. In order to impart the required focus to the scheme, a new variant of Corp Home viz. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme for Middle Income Group [PMAY-CLSS for MIG) is introduced. 1.0 “Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) – Housing for All” Mission for urban areas is being implemented with effect from 17.06.2015 to provide interest subsidy on home loans taken by eligible beneficiaries belonging to Economically Weaker Section (EWS) / Lower Income Group (LIG)] for acquisition/construction of house and incremental housing. Page 1 of 18 2.0 Given the projected growth of urbanization in India and the consequent housing demands, Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA) has launched a new Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY-CLSS) to provide interest subsidy for housing loans for acquisition/ construction of house (including re-purchase) availed by eligible beneficiaries belonging to Middle Income Group (PMAY-CLSS for MIG). The scheme will be implemented initially in 2017 for a period of one year w.e.f 01.01.2017. 3.0 The existing Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) Mission has, accordingly, been renamed as “CLSS for EWS/LIG”. 4.0 Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) and National Housing Bank (NHB) have been identified as Central Nodal Agencies (CNAs) to channelize this subsidy to the lending institutions and for monitoring the progress. Our Bank has entered into an MOU with National Housing Bank [NHB] for PMAY-CLSS for MIG. 5.0 The salient features of the operational guidelines issued by MoHUPA with regard to PMAY-CLSS for MIG are as under : Parameter Middle Income Group - I Middle Income Group – (MIG I) II (MIG II) To be eligible to receive central assistance under CLSS for MIG: - The beneficiary family should not own a pucca (an all weather dwelling unit) house either in his/her name or in the name of any member of his/her family in any part of India. - A beneficiary family should not have availed of central assistance under any housing scheme from Government of India. Beneficiary Family A beneficiary family will comprise of husband, wife, unmarried sons and/or unmarried daughters. An adult earning member (irrespective of marital status) can be treated as a separate household; - Provided that he / she does not own a pucca (an all weather dwelling unit) house in his / her name in any part of India. - Provided also that in the case of a married couple, either of the spouses or both together in joint ownership will be eligible for a single house, subject to income eligibility of the household under the Scheme. Page 2 of 18 Parameter Housing Loans covered Purpose of Housing Loan Property Location Middle Income Group - I Middle Income Group – II (MIG I) (MIG II) Housing Loans sanctioned on and after 01.01.2017 are covered. For acquisition/ construction of house (including repurchase) with basic civic infrastructure like water, toilet, sanitation, sewerage, road, electricity etc. Houses constructed should conform to the norms and standards provided in extant guidelines on construction and structural safety in the country. All Statutory Towns as per Census 2011 and towns notified subsequently will be eligible for coverage under CLSS for MIG. Above Rs.6 lakh & upto Above Rs.12 lakh & upto Rs.12 lakh Rs.18 lakh 90 sq. m. 110 sq. m. Household Annual Income Dwelling Unit Carpet Area (1 sq.m. = 10.76 sq.ft) Interest Subsidy (% p.a.) 4.00% 3.00% Maximum loan tenure 20 20 (in years) for interest subsidy Eligible Housing Loan 9,00,000 12,00,000 Amount for Interest Subsidy (Rs.) Discount Rate for Net 9.00% 9.00% Present Value (NPV) calculation of interest subsidy (%) Maximum Upfront 2,35,068 2,30,156 Subsidy Amount Other Important The subsidy will be available only for loan amounts guidelines indicated above for a tenure of 20 years or during tenure of loan whichever is lower. Additional loans beyond the aforementioned specified limit, if any, will be at nonsubsidized rate. Interest subsidy will be credited upfront to the loan account of beneficiaries through Primary Lending Institutions resulting in reduced effective housing loan and Equated Monthly Installment (EMI). The details of Aadhaar number(s) of beneficiary family shall be linked to the housing loan to avoid duplication before submitting claims. Page 3 of 18 Banks will be given a lump sum amount of Rs. 2,000 (Rupees Two Thousand only) per sanctioned application NHB. Banks cannot charge processing charge from the beneficiary for eligible housing loan amount as per income criteria under the Scheme. For additional loan amounts beyond the eligible loan amounts for interest subsidy as indicated above, Banks can charge the normal processing fee. 6.0 In order to extend housing loans to the eligible borrowers and to impart the required focus to PMAY-CLSS for MIG, a new variant of Corp Home Scheme has been introduced viz Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme for Middle Income Group (PMAY-CLSS for MIG). The new variant will be effective from 01.01.2017 and the guidelines of the scheme are furnished in the Annexure I. 7.0 List of statutory towns/cities, Subsidy Chart and Subsidy Calculator : The List of statutory cities/towns covered and subsidy chart (for every Rs.50000 disbursed) for MIG I and MIG II are given in Annexure IV, V and VI respectively. To arrive at the exact subsidy amount for a loan, Branches can use the subsidy calculator provided by National Housing Bank (NHB) which has been made available in our Bank’s Intranet as under: PATH : Intranet Æ Download Æ HO-Retail Lending Division Sl. No. File Name Description 1. PMAY-MIG I–Subsidy Calculator.xls The MIG I subsidy calculator (Note : Click on Enable Editing/Enable of NHB Content before using the calculator) 2. PMAY-MIG II–Subsidy Calculator.xls The MIG II subsidy calculator (Note : Click on Enable Editing/Enable of NHB Content before using the calculator) 8.0 The subsidy under the scheme will be claimed from NHB after sanction & disbursement of loan. The subsidy will be claimed in instalments based on the disbursement in loan account. After receipt of subsidy from NHB, it will be credited to the loan account of the beneficiaries. Once the entire subsidy is received for a loan account, the branch shall refix the EMI based on the outstanding balance in the account and the revised EMI shall be communicated to the borrower. 9.0 To avoid customer complaints, the Branches have to clearly inform the borrower that a) The eligible subsidy amount will be claimed from NHB in instalments in proportion to the disbursement of loan. b) The subsidy will be credited to the loan account only after receipt of the same from NHB. Page 4 of 18 c) EMI will be refixed only after the entire subsidy amount is credited to the loan account. d) The subsidy claim is liable for rejection by NHB if it is found that the borrower is not eligible for subsidy. In such an event, the borrower will have to repay the loan as per the original repayment terms. e) The subsidy amount credited to the loan account will have to be refunded to NHB in the following cases : - 10.0 In case of default in providing end-use certificate in relation to the physical progress of the construction upto completion In the event of default in repayment of the loan by the borrower/beneficiary to the bank and the loan becoming Non Performing Asset (NPA) While sanctioning the loans, RLCs shall specifically mention in the CSI that the loan is sanctioned under PMAY-CLSS for MIG Scheme with an instruction to open the account in CBS under the nomenclature “CPMAY” only. Branches shall invariably open such loans under “CPMAY” for easy identification, reporting, and claiming subsidy from NHB. The important details with regard to opening accounts in CBS under PMAY-CLSS for EWS/LIG/MIG I/MIG II are as under: Finacle Branches CPMAY 611316 - Interest Subsidy for Housing 60811 – Int Subsd Scheme – GL No. Urban (ISHUP/RRY/PMAY) HOUSN Urban Poor Interest Income 951000/10416 Interest on 41101081 – Int on ISHUP/CHRRY GL ISHUP/RRY/PMAY CPMAY 00072 – PMAY for MIG I 00025 – PMAY for MIG I 00073 – PMAY for MIG II 00026 – PMAY for MIG II Scheme Code/ Free Code 2 00074 – PMAY for EWS 00023 – PMAY for EWS 00075 – PMAY for LIG 00024 – PMAY for LIG 417 - Interest Subsidy Scheme No such field in Finacle. Loan Code Housing Urban (ISHUP/RRY/PMAY) 5th Digit Sector P or M Code 11th Digit GSS 8 - Interest Subsidy Scheme for Housing Urban Code Particulars Account Type Non-Finacle Branches 11.0 Zonal Office and Branches shall Market the scheme during Home Loan/Retail Loan Camps held by the Zone/Branch under Monsoon Offer – 2017. Branches/RLCs shall accord top priority to the loan proposals received under this Scheme right from booking the proposal till sanction & disbursement. 12.0 Zonal Office shall initiate steps to approve Housing Projects for Economically Weaker Sections, Low and Middle Income Groups, with proper due diligence, to augment the housing loan portfolio. Page 5 of 18 13.0 Since the scheme is implemented w.e.f 01.01.2017, branches should verify the housing loan (Corp Home) sanctioned & disbursed on and after 01.01.2017 and ascertain whether the borrowers are eligible for subsidy under PMAY-CLSS for MIG. The affidavit given in Annexure II should be obtained before claiming subsidy for such loans. 14.0 The guidelines/modalities for claiming eligible subsidy from NHB will be informed separately through circular by HO-Development of Priority Sector Division. Branches shall ensure that all details sought in the loan application form of PMAY-CLSS for MIG are accurately filled in as most of these details will have to be submitted to NHB while claiming subsidy. 15.0 The progress under PMAY-CLSS for MIG will be monitored by the Mission Directorate formed under Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation to implement Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) Mission, headed by the Joint Secretary and Mission Director (HFA). Therefore, Zonal Heads should personally monitor the performance of the Branches on a regular basis and issue suitable directions wherever necessary. 16.0 All the branches/offices are advised to implement the scheme as per the scheme guidelines. [एच ौीनाथ कामत H Shrinath Kamath] उप महा ूबंधक Deputy General Manager Page 6 of 18 Annexure I PRADHAN MANTRI AWAS YOJANA (PMAY) FOR MIDDLE INCOME GROUP The Scheme envisages provision of Home loan to Middle Income Group (MIG) segment to enable them for acquisition/ construction of house (including re-purchase). Interest subsidy at the rate of 4% for MIG-I beneficiaries for loan amount upto Rs.9 lakh and at the rate of 3% for MIG-II beneficiaries for loan amount upto Rs.12 lakh for a tenure of 20 years or during tenure of loan whichever is lower. The Net Present Value (NPV) of the interest subsidy will be calculated at a discount rate of 9 %. The credit linked subsidy will be available only for loan amounts specified above and additional loan beyond the aforesaid specified limit, if any, will be at nonsubsidized rate. Eligibility Individuals from Middle Income Group (MIG) Category. MIG - I households are defined as households having an annual income between Rs.6,00,001 (Rupees Six Lakh One) up to Rs.12,00,000 (Rupees Twelve Lakh). MIG - II households are defined as households having an annual income between Rs.12,00,001 (Rupees Twelve Lakh One) up to Rs.18,00,000 (Rupees Eighteen Lakh). A beneficiary family will comprise husband, wife, unmarried sons and/or unmarried daughters. An adult earning member (irrespective of marital status) can be treated as a separate household; a) Provided that he / she does not own a pucca (an all weather dwelling unit) house in his / her name in any part of India. b) Provided also that in the case of a married couple, either of the spouses or both together in joint ownership will be eligible for a single house, subject to income eligibility of the household under the Scheme. To be eligible to receive subsidy under CLSS for MIG a) The beneficiary family should not own a pucca (an all weather dwelling unit) house either in his/her name or in the name of any member of his/her family in any part of India. An Affidavit to this effect (as per Annexure II) is to be obtained. b) A beneficiary family should not have availed of central assistance under any housing scheme from Government of India. All Joint owners of the property shall belong to the same family and join as co-applicants. Page 7 of 18 Purpose For purchase /construction of a dwelling/house/flat (including repurchase) in urban areas. Loans for Repair/ Renovation/ Extension of existing dwelling unit are not eligible for subsidy under the scheme The carpet area of the house/flat to be constructed/purchased shall be 90 sq. m. for MIG-I and 110 sq. m. for MIG-II in order to avail of credit linked subsidy. Dwelling units with larger carpet area are not eligible for subsidy under the scheme. Note : Carpet area is defined as the area enclosed within the walls, actual area to lay the carpet. This area does not include the thickness of the inner walls. Individual houses financed under the scheme should have provision for basic civic services like water, toilet, sanitation, sewerage, road, electricity, etc. Houses constructed under CLSS for MIG should conform to the norms and standards provided in extant guidelines on construction and structural safety in the country. The houses should be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of structural safety against earthquake, flood, cyclone, landslides etc. conforming to the National Building Code, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) guidelines and other relevant Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) codes. Beneficiaries who already own land in any urban area but do not have any pucca house in their name or in the name of their spouse or any dependent child will also be covered under the scheme. In such cases cost of the land will not be included in the scheme. Property Location Loan Amount Rate of Interest Margin Security Takeover of existing housing loans from other banks/institutions is strictly not permitted under this scheme. All Statutory Towns as per Census 2011 and towns notified subsequently will be eligible for coverage under CLSS for MIG. Note: Planning Area as notified with respect to the Statutory Town and which surrounds the concerned municipal area will also be covered under the Scheme. As per Corp Home Scheme As applicable under Corp Home Scheme. Loan under the scheme would be allowed under floating rate of interest option only. Fixed Rate option is not available. As applicable under Corp Home Scheme Mortgage of house / flat purchased out of the Bank finance Page 8 of 18 Guarantee Repayment Period Processing Charges As applicable under Corp Home Scheme As applicable under Corp Home Scheme For MIG-I Loan amount upto Rs.9 lakh : Nil For additional loan amount beyond Rs.9 lakh : As applicable under Corp Home For MIG-II Loan amount upto Rs.12 lakh : Nil For additional loan amount beyond Rs.12 lakh : As applicable under Corp Home All other charges viz. Legal, Valuation, CERSAI, etc shall be as applicable under Corp Home Scheme for both MIG I and II. Prepayment Charges Disbursement Loan Application Form Documents to be submitted by borrower Income Proof Sanctioning Authority Nil As applicable under Corp Home Scheme The format of Loan Application of PMAY-CLSS for MIG is given in Annexure III As applicable under Corp Home Scheme As applicable under Corp Home Scheme The loans will be sanctioned at Retail Loan Centres (RLCs) like any other Corp Home Loan after following the KYC and due diligence process. Due Diligence process/Appraisal /Sanction of the loan will be as per risk assessment and procedural requirements as applicable to Corp Home Scheme. Central Nodal National Housing Bank will be the Central Nodal Agency of our Bank Agency (CNA) to channelize the subsidy. Credit Linked For MIG-I - The subsidy is available at the rate of 4% for tenure of 20 Interest Subsidy years or during tenure of the loan whichever is lower for loan amount upto Rs.9 lakh and additional loan beyond Rs.9 lakh, if any, will be at nonsubsidized rate. For MIG-II - The subsidy is available at the rate of 3% for tenure of 20 years or during tenure of the loan whichever is lower for loan amount upto Rs.12 lakh and additional loan beyond Rs.12 lakh, if any, will be at nonsubsidized rate. Page 9 of 18 The Net present value of the interest subsidy for both MIG-I and MIGII will be calculated at a discounted rate of 9%. Subsidy will be credited by the Bank to the borrower’s account upfront by deducting it from the principal loan amount of the borrower. The borrower will pay EMI as per applicable lending rates on the remaining balance of the principal loan amount. Based on the loan disbursed to MIG beneficiaries, the Bank will claim subsidy from NHB on a periodic basis. NHB will release the subsidy amount to Bank directly based on the claims submitted on the total loans disbursed. Subsidy will be released to the Bank by the NHB in maximum of nine installments. Loan should be in the Standard Asset Category at the time of crediting the subsidy. As per guidelines issued by MoHUPA, Primary Lending Institutions (PLIs), in the home loan applications, shall disclose transparently the Scheme eligibility and ascertain willingness and eligibility of applicants under CLSS for MIG. Utilisation Certificate Branches will have to ensure proper utilization of the funds and to submit utilization certificates on a quarterly basis and also the certificate in relation to the physical progress of the construction leading up to the completion of the housing unit financed under the Scheme. Branch will provide utilization/end use certificate to NHB on a quarterly basis and also the certificate in relation to the physical progress of the construction leading up to the completion of the housing unit financed under the scheme. Branch shall submit a consolidated utilization certificate on completion of the housing unit within one year period from the completion of construction or a maximum of 36 months from the date of the disbursement of the 1st instalment of the loan amount. In case of default in not providing utilization/end-use certificate, the Bank shall refund the amount of subsidy to NHB. Further, any unutilized amount of subsidy shall be immediately returned by Bank to NHB. Page 10 of 18 Statement of Subsidy The branch will provide each borrower/beneficiary a statement, which will make him/her understand the amount given as subsidy, how the subsidy has been adjusted and the impact of the subsidy on his/her equated monthly installments (EMI). Refund of Subsidy Any unutilized amount of subsidy shall be immediately returned to to NHB NHB by the Bank : a) In case of default in not providing utilization/end-use certificate, Bank shall refund the amount of subsidy to NHB. b) In the event of default in repayment of the loan by the borrower/beneficiary to the bank and the loan becoming Nonperforming asset (NPA), the Bank will proceed for recovery of the dues through such measures as considered appropriate, including foreclosure of the property. In all such cases, the amount of the recoveries will be charged to the subsidy amount on a proportionate basis (in proportion to the loan outstanding and subsidy disbursed). Other Conditions Preference under the Scheme, subject to beneficiaries being from MIG segments, may be given to women (with overriding preference to widows, single working women), persons belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes, Persons with disabilities and Transgender. The branch will monitor the construction of the dwelling units financed under the scheme, including the approvals for the building design, infrastructure facilities etc. as also the quality of the construction and verify through site visits etc. the expenditure incurred upto different stages of construction. In case a borrower who has taken a housing loan and availed of interest subvention under the scheme but later on switches to other Bank/FIs for balance transfer, such beneficiary will not be eligible or claim the benefit of interest subvention again. In case of any false declaration by a beneficiary under the Scheme, he / she would be liable for legal proceedings under applicable laws. Branch shall link the details of Aadhaar number(s) of beneficiary family to avoid duplication before submitting claims to NHB. Loans under Corp Flexi Scheme is strictly NOT permitted under this Scheme. Page 11 of 18 Subsidy will be credited by the Bank to the borrower’s account upfront by deducting it from the principal loan amount of the borrower. Once the entire eligible subsidy amount is credited to the loan account, the branch shall refix the EMI as per applicable lending rates on the remaining balance of the principal loan amount and the revised EMI shall be communicated to the borrower. Nomenclature in All loans under PMAY for MIG shall be invariably opened under CBS “CPMAY” nomenclature in CBS which will facilitate monitoring the performance under the scheme and claiming subsidy from NHB. Except for the above, all extant guidelines of Corp Home Scheme shall be equally applicable for this scheme also. However, Deviation is strictly NOT permitted from the guidelines specified by the MoHUPA such as purpose, eligibility criteria, property location, obtention of utilization certificate as such deviation will make the borrower ineligible for interest subsidy. Page 12 of 18 Annexure II AFFIDAVIT TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE BORROWER (To be executed on Stamp Paper of requisite value) I……………………………….., S/o / D/o ………………………....................., aged .…. years, residing at ………………………………………………………………………………................. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… do hereby declare that; 1. I have applied for Housing Loan under MIG-I/MIG-II Scheme of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme. 2. I or any of my family members do not own a pucca house (all weather dwelling unit) in any part of India. 3. I have not availed of central assistance under any housing scheme from Government of India. 4. My Household annual income from all sources is Rs……………… (Rupees ………………………………..………………………………………..). 5. I understand and accept that if at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false/not true, all benefits given to me under the schemes would be withdrawn and legal action as deemed fit, would be taken against me. Date: Place: Signature of all borrowers Solemnly affirmed before me this the ————————— day of ————————— (month), ————(Year) at ____________________(Place) (NOTARY) Page 13 of 18 Annexure III काप रे शन बक Corporation Bank काप होम - धान मं ी आवास योजना आवेदन – एम् आई जी CORP HOME - PRADHAN MANTRI AWAS YOJANA APPLICATION FOR MIG (भारत सरकार उ म) (A Govt. of India Enterprise) . का. मंगलूर HEAD OFFICE : MANGALORE 1. कृ पया सभी काँलम को अिनवायतः भर तथा कोई काँलम र न छोड़ । कसी सूचना के लागू न होने पर, ‘लागू नह ’ िलख । Please fill all the columns in the application invariably & no columns shall be left blank. If any information is not applicable mark as ‘NA’. 2. जहाँ भी स्थान अपय़ा हो अलग प े का उपयोग कर । Wherever space is not sufficient, separate sheet may be used. 3. काप रे शन बक को कसी आवेदन फाम का अस्वीकार करने का अिधकार है । Corporation Bank reserves the right to reject any application. 4. कृ पया जो भी लागू हो उस पर (9) िच ह लगाएँ । आवेदक का छायािच हस्ताक्षर या अंगठ ू े का िनशान हस्ताक्षर सिहत सह- आवेदक का छायािच Photograph of Applicant with Signature or Thumb Impression Photograph of Coapplicant with Signature or Thumb Impression हस्ताक्षर या अंगठ ू े का िनशान हस्ताक्षर सिहत Please tick (9) whichever is applicable. 5. सभी संबंिधत दस्तावज सिहत आवेदन स्तुत कर । Applicant should submit duly filled application along with all relevant documents. आवेदन/ ऋण खाता सं. Application / Loan account No. आवेदन का ोत (सीधे/यूएलबी/नािमत एजसी/अ य) Source of application (Direct /ULBs/Designated Agency / Others) यूएलबी/नािमत एजसी/अ य का नाम Name of ULB / Designated Agency / Others To, The Branch Manager Corporation Bank __________________ I/We request for a loan of Rs.________________ for Purchase of Flat/House / Construction of House / Repurchase of flat/house. I/We furnish our particulars as below: A. PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. Name (in block letters) As per Aadhar ID Card 2. Fathers’/Husbands’ name 3. Mothers’ Maiden Name First APPLICANT Middle Page 14 of 18 Last First CO-APPLICANT Middle Last 4. 5. Relationship of Applicant with Co-Applicant Age & Date of Birth 6. Sex 7. Category 8. 9. Religion Marital status 10. No. of Dependents [Household Size] Unique Identification No.[Aadhaar No.] 11. 12. 13. Residential Address with Pin Code (a) Current Address (b) Permanent Address (c) Residence Proof 15. Tel. No. & Mobile No. 16. Period of stay at the above Address Educational/Professional Qualification 18. _____ yrs. DD/MM/YY _____ yrs. DD/MM/YY MALE / FEMALE/ TRANSGENDER MALE / FEMALE/ TRANSGENDER SC/ST/OBC/GEN/Minority/PWD/ Manual Scavengers/Others SC/ST/OBC/GEN/Minority/PWD/ Manual Scavengers/Others [Married / unmarried/Others] Children Others [Married / unmarried/Others] Salaried / Self Employed / Others Salaried / Self Employed / Others Non-Matriculate/Matriculate/ Under graduate / Graduate/Others Non-Matriculate/Matriculate/ Under graduate / Graduate/Others Proof Proof Nationality & Identification Proof Employment Category 14. 17. XXXX 19. Household Annual Income (in Rs) Income 20. Household Income Category 21. Existing Loan Details (if any) 22. - Type and Size Source (MIG-I) Loan 1 Loan 2 24. Ownership details of existing house Property Address with Pin Owned Rent Code Page 15 of 18 / (MIG-II) Loan 3 Loan 4 Carpet area Upto 90 sq.m. /Upto 110 sq. m. House/Flat/others 23. Source Inherited Otherwise B. EMPLOYMENT STATUS 1. Particulars 2. Name of Employer/ Nature of Business/Profession Address with telephone number of Employer /Business/Profession 3. Self-employed/ salaried/regular wage/ /others 4. If employed Designation and Employee number 5. No of years in present occupation/Business/profession 6. Total Length of service Self-employed/ salaried/regular wage/ /others Date of Retirement / If retired (DD/MM/YY) C. HOUSEHOLD INCOME STATEMENT 1. 2. Gross salary/Income per month (salary sheet / I.T.Return, form No.16) Deductions 3. 4. 5. Other deductions including loan EMIs Net Salary / Income p.m. Other Income if any Income Tax Professional Tax Provident Fund Insurance Premium D. DETAILS OF BANK ACCOUNTS 1. Name of the Bank/Branch 2. Account Number/s [Attach last 6 months statement] Since When 3. E. DETAILS OF PROPERTY PROPOSED TO BE PURCHASED/CONSTRUCTED/OTHERS ALL 4041 STATUTARY TOWNS AS PER CENSUS 2011 WITH FOCUS ON 500 CLASS I CITIES WOULD BE COVERED 1. Address of the plot/flat /house with Pincode 2. Names and address of the seller /builder / housing society/housing board /housing dev. Authority. 3. Area Of The House/Plot/Flat/Others/Please specify (Built Up Area & Carpet Area In Case Of Flat & Land Area And Built Up Area In Case Of House) Land Area (Sq. m.) Built Up Area (Sq.m.) Carpet Area (Sq. m.) Page 16 of 18 4. 5. In Case Of Lease Hold Property Unexpired Period Of Lease _______________Years Age Of Flat/House In Case Of Repurchase _______________Years 6. Location Code 7. Loan Purpose 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (Location Code should be based on Census 2011 for 4041 Statutory towns) (a) Purchase of New Unit (b) Construction of New Unit (c) Repurchase of existing unit F. LOAN DETAILS ; Purchase of Flat/House / Construction of House / Extension /(Improvement) of House Estimate Of Uses Of Funds Amount Estimate Of Sources Of Funds Amount (Rs) (Rs) Loan Requested Cost Of Purchase /Construction/Repairs/ Improvement/Extension. Registration Fees Savings In Bank Stamp Duty Encashable Investments Any Other Costs Amount Already Spent Incidental Costs Loan From Relatives Insurance Other Source (If Any) Total Total Payment of Interest Floating Rate Basis 10 Mode of Repayment ECS/ SI/ PDC/ NECS/ CASH 11 Number of Years 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 12 Existing Loans / borrowing Asset owned G. REFERENCE Name, Address & Contact Nos. Relation 1. 2. DECLARATION I/We certify that the information provided by me/us above and in annexure are true, accurate, complete and up to date in all respects. I /We have not withheld any information. Bank is at liberty to verify and take any such action as it may deem fit if my/our statements are found to be untrue. I/We understand that all of the above-mentioned information shall form the basis of my/our loan/subsidy that Bank may decide to grant to me/us at its sole discretion. I/We confirm that the copies of Financials, Bank Statements, Title/Legal Documents, etc. submitted by me/us along with my/our loan application are true copies. I/We further acknowledge Bank has right to seek any information from any other source in this regard. I/We further acknowledge that I / We have read, understood and agree with the Most Important Terms and Conditions governing the home loan product chosen by me/us. I/We are bound by the terms and conditions of the facility/ies that may be granted to me/us. I/We authorize Bank to debit my home loan account with the Bank for any fees, charges, interest etc. as may be applicable, other than the processing fee. Page 17 of 18 I/We also agree and acknowledge that Bank remains entitled to assign any activities to any third party agency at its sole discretion. I/We further acknowledge the right of Bank to provide details of my/our account to third party agencies for the purpose of availing support services of any nature by Bank without any specific consent or authorization from me/us. I/we authorize Bank to exchange, share, or part with all the information relating to my/our loan details/repayment history / information to other Bank branches / Banks / Financial Institutions / RBI / CIBIL / Credit Bureau / Agencies / Statutory Bodies as may be required and shall not hold Bank or/& its agents liable for use of this information. Place: Date: Signature 1 Signature 2 Vernacular witness, if applicable: I ________________________________S/o, D/o, W/o __________________________________hereby declare that the contents of this application form were read and explained to me in _______________________ by _____________________________ and I have understood the same. (Sign of borrower/s) Witness Name __________________________________Signature ________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ Acknowledgement Receipt Loan application No. __________________________ received on _________________________. Complete documents set received on ____________________ Application will be disposed-off and acceptance/rejection notification would be intimated within 15 days from date of receipt of completed application form with supporting documents. Place: Date: Signature Seal Page 18 of 18