DECLAMATION CONTEST Guidelines and Mechanics 1. The contest is open for GRADE 8 STUDENTS ONLY and each section shall have 1 (one) representative. 2. All participants have one declamation piece given prior the day of the competition which will be held on the 19th of November 2019 at exactly 8am to 11am in Grade 8 SPA classroom located at the 3rd floor. 3. Top 3 best performances shall be chosen but ONLY THE TOP 1 will present and perform his/her declamation during the English Month Culminating Day. 4. A minimum of five minutes and a maximum of 7 minutes performance including the entrance and exit shall be applied. 5. A 1-point deduction shall be made for every 10- second excess during the performance. 6. There shall be no substitution of piece. 7. The decision of the Board of Judges is final and non-appealable. Criteria for Judgment Delivery (includes quality of voice, fluency and pronunciation, blending and harmony) ------ 40% Interpretation(includes manner in which the piece is internalized and presented) -----------30% Stage Presence (stage poise, eye contact and audience impact) --------------------------------------20% Costume, Sound Effects and Props (costume relevant to the concept) ---------------------------- 10% _______ Total 100% Prepared by: Approved by: IRISH T. LIGAS SST-I FLODELINA L. CABAHUG English Coordinator DECLAMATION (Despair of Judas) Delivery 40% Interpretation 30% Stage Presence Costume, 20% Sound Effects and Props 10% Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ____________ Judge DECLAMATION (Despair of Judas) Delivery 40% Interpretation 30% Stage Presence Costume, 20% Sound Effects and Props 10% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ____________ Judge Total