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PreK Music Props on a Dime: Budget-Friendly Manipulatives


PreK Props on a Dime: Finding Budget-Friendly Ways to Include

Manipulatives in Early Childhood Music

Whitney Mayo

Michigan State University wmmayo15@gmail.com

Michigan Music Conference

January 17, 2020 1:00-1:45 pm

Goal: to explore a variety of props and their application to the early childhood music class with regard for budget.

Why do we use props in early childhood music?

To increase creative play

To elicit movement exploration

To increase student engagement

● Because it is fun!

Why do we use a variety of props?

Props lend themselves different to movement opportunities

Different props will speak to each child differently

● Because it is fun!

What to look for in a good prop:

Can it be used creatively?

○ Is there more than one “right” way to use it?

● Is it developmentally appropriate?

● Is it accessible to a range of abilities?

Is it safe? (As is will it cause any safety concerns when in the hands of children?)

Can it be cleaned (or easily disposed of and replaced)?

Can it be stored in a reasonable way?

● Does it inspire you?

● How much does it cost?

Planning with props:

What is the goal you are trying to accomplish?

○ How will a prop help you achieve that goal?

Props and Activities:

Goal: Creative Movement (could include a seasonal connection)

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○ Fabric leaves

The Wind (available in Music Play )

Tissues (such as Kleenex)

Plastic eggs and glow sticks

Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens

○ Shower ring ribbons

Grasslands by Whitney Mayo

○ Halloween glow balloons

Goal: Imaginative Musical Play

Bath toys

Little Red Crab by Katie Hill (used with permission)

○ Pool Sticks/Dive Sticks/Rings

Planting Flowers (available in Music Play )

Ocean Waves (available in Music Play )

Cake Pop Sticks

■ I Have a Little Stick

○ Manipulatives/figurines

Five Voices stories

Goal: Explore Beat

Cake Pop Sticks

Yarn balls

● Goal: Form


Ring the Bells (available in Music Play )

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○ Stress Balls/Waffle Balls/Tennis Balls, etc

Wagging by Whitney Mayo

Budget Strategies:

Create a wish list

○ i.e. Amazon

Think long range

● Watch for sales

Also, shop after season

Donations or second hand shops

Buy in bulk

● Holiday bins

Dollar stores, front section of Target

Prop Management:

Have a place set aside for things that need additional cleaning

● Look for budget storage

○ Ex. recycle a shoe box

Know your goal and your limit of flexibility

Have a plan for prop introduction and clean up


Let’s Sing Goodbye to the Props

● Establish clear expectations (when appropriate)

○ Don’t be afraid to shut an activity down

Identifying New Props:

Let yourself be inspired

● Think outside of the prop box

● If it doesn’t exist yet, create it!

Almost anything can be a prop!

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