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Manufacturers of Cryogenic Equipment
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L T-30121 (3) ©2012 Technifab Products , Inc.
Safety ....................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3
System Overview .................................................................................................... 3
Techniguard System Features ..........
.. 5
System Operation ..................................
................... 6
Startup ........................................................................................................... 6
Dissassembly ................................................................................................. 7
Techniguard Options .......
....... 8
Troubleshooting ..............................
.............................. 9
Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 1 0
Warranty and Service ............................................................................................ 10
Specifications ......................................................................................................... 11
This document is designed for use with Techniguard Vacuum Jacketed Pipe. For installation instructions please refer to the Techniguard Installation Manual,
Technifab part number LT-30122.
Symbols used in this document:
Warning - indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Caution - indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
Caution: Care should be taken around safety relief valves and gas vent line outlets in case cold cryogenic gas or liquid should ever be expelled .
Consult the Cryogenic Equipment Safety and Handling Guide, Technifab part number LT-30084, for additional cautions and warnings on your cryogenic liquid system.
©2012 Technifab Products , Inc . All rights reserved . No part of this manual may be reproduced , transcribed , stored in a retrieval system , translated into any language or transmitted in any form or by any means , electronic , mechanical , photocopying , recording or otherwise , without the expressed written permission of Technifab Products , Inc .
L T-30121 (3) ©2012 Technifab Products , Inc. 2
Techniguard R-Series (rigid) and B-Series (bendable) Vacuum Jacketed Pipe
(VJP) is a super-insulated piping system designed specifically for the transfer of cryogenic liquids.
Outer VJP Jacket
VJP is essentially two pipes , one within the other. The cryogenic liquid flows through the inner pipe. The outer pipe serves as a vacuum jacket which houses the inner line , the vacuum space , a molecular sieve , getters , and the superinsulation.
Low Thermal Conductivity
Radial Supports
,.__~Annular Space with Molecular
Sieve and Getters
Inner Pipe
Super Insulation
Figure 1 - Techniguard VJP Construction
Low thermal conductivity radial supports inside the pipe reduce thermal conductivity that can transfer heat to the cryogenic liquid (see Figure 1). Technifab also utilizes a vacuum and multilayer super insulation to reduce heat radiation and convection , creating the lowest heat transfer rate of any existing cryogenic piping system. A combination of a special molecular sieve and chemical getters remove any residual molecules and impurities from material outgassing. Techniguard construction means the heat loss may be reduced by over 400 times when compared with bare copper pipe.
Techniguard VJP is superior to traditional foam insulated pipe; the heat loss for foam insulated pipe can be 40 times greater than Techniguard!
A typical system is shown in Figure 2. Liquid cryogen flows from a storage tank or dewar through insulated pipe to the point at which the cryogen is used , typically called a use point. The sections (or spools) of vacuum jacketed pipe are connected by bayonets or by a field joint (which is made by welding the spools together and evacuating the space between the inner and outer pipe). Bayonet connections allow for easy installation and removal for future expansions and modifications to the system.
L T-30121 (3) ©2012 Technifab Products , Inc . 3
Cryogen ic lnline Fi lt er
Gas Vent with Vent Hose Va cuum Jac k eted Valve ~
~ (
Use Po i n t
Connection~ ~ e Va cu u m
Jacketed P ipe
Figure 2 Techniguard VJP System Diagram
Spools are made up of rigid VJP (Techniguard R-Series) , bendable VJP
(Techniguard B-Series ) , or a combination of both. Each spool will have at least one evacuation port , which is used during manufacturing to create the ultra-low vacuum between the inner and outer jacket of the pipe. Rigid pipe has internal expansion joints to compensate for the internal pipe 's contraction as the pipe is brought down to cryogenic temperatures.
Application engineers size the pipe to accommodate the required volume of liquid based upon the current and future expected flow rates and delivery pressure requirements. Connections to customer equipment (called use points) can be made at the end of the system or at various places along the way.
A typical system also includes:
• Valves are used in a cryogenic liquid delivery system typically to shut off liquid cryogen to a particular portion of the system. Valves may be either vacuum jacketed (which provide the lowest heat transfer rate) or non-vacuum jacketed .
• A Gas Vent (sometimes called a cryovent or vapor vent) can be used to allow gas that vaporizes from the cryogenic liquid during transfer to escape from the
LT-30121(3) ©2012 Technifab Products , Inc . 4
system. A gas vent can reduce trapped gas in a system to provide nearly instant liquid to your use point. Gas vents may be located in-line or at the end point of a system (shown in Figure 1 ). A gas vent is typically located at the highest point in the system. Technifab recommends that a vacuum jacketed vent line be used to carry the excess gas away from the system to a safe location.
• A Safety Relief Valve (SRV) provides a way to prevent system pressurization from exceeding the safe operating limits of the piping system. The normal heat leak into the pipe will cause the liquid to vaporize and raise the line pressure.
An SRV should be located between every set of valves so that liquid cryogen does not get trapped between valves and over-pressurize the system.
, CAUTION: Care should be taken around the safety relief valves and gas
• vent outlets in case cold cryogenic gas or liquid should ever be expelled.
• An optional cryogenic inline filter near the tank to filter out debris that may have inadvertently gotten into the bulk tank.
All system components will have a rated Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
(MA WP) , but that may not be the rating for the system. The lowest rated component in a system determines the MAWP , thus reliefvalves will be set for the lowest rated component.
CAUTION: The cracking pressure of the safety relief valves should not exceed the rated MAWP of your system .
• All metal surfaces exposed to the annular I vacuum space are factory cleaned thoroughly using a special cleaning solution.
• The inner line is wrapped with a super-insulation blanket. The appropriate type and amount of chemical getters and/or a molecular sieve are installed in the vacuum annulus of each spool ofVJP.
• The inner pipe of rigid VJP is suspended within the vacuum jacket by low thermal conductivity radial supports (see Figure 1). These supports allow axial movement of the inner pipe during contraction while preventing lateral movement due to cryogen fluid flow or outer pipe movement.
• Each spool of the VJP system is equipped with a combination evacuation port and annular space relief valve. Should re-evacuation be required , the evacuation ports can be used. Re-evacuation by non-Technifab personnel will void your warranty.
LT-30121(3) ©2012 Technifab Products , Inc . 5
• Spools of the VJP s y stem are evacuated using a vacuum pump , heated while still being evacuated , and then sealed. This helps b y removing molecules that can outgass later.
• Pneumatic or h y draulic pressure testing ofVJP spools is available if specified in advance.
• Technifab visually inspects all welds on sub-assemblies and finished
Techniguard spools and checks for leaks with a helium mass spectrometer set to 10 -s cc / sec scale with helium. Leak test certifications to this specification
(or lower if specified in advance) are available upon request.
• Three days after removal from the vacuum pump each spool is flow tested with liquid nitrogen to ensure vacuum integrity under cryogenic conditions.
The entire outer jacket is inspected for cold spots and frosting.
• For spools equipped with a thermocouple gage tube , in lieu of flow testing , a settled pressure reading is taken and recorded. Technifab Techniguard products are tested to ensure the warm settled pressure reading is no more than 3 0 microns upon shipment.
• Spools are typically connected using bayonets which provide an insulated , leak free connection that are held together by a v-band clamp and provide easy removal if ever required. Some spools may be connected by afield welded joint , a more permanent connection that is welded together as the system is installed on or at the customer site.
NOTE: Techniguard R-Series VJP and B-Series VJP is designed and built to be free of condensation, frost , or ice except at non-vacuum jacketed segments and connections.
Under certain temperature and humidity conditions condensation and/or frost can occur. If condensation or frost is excessive and persistent ; please document the
' temperature and humidity , then contact your Technifab representative .
When initiating flow into a VJP system it is necessary to gradually cool down the pipe from ambient temperature to cryogenic temperature.
1. Visually inspect the VJP system to ensure all connections are joined.
2. Note safety relief valve locations. Verify liquid can not be trapped anywhere in the system.
LT-30121(3) ©2012 Technifab Products , Inc . 6
3. Verify that the safety reliefvalve(s) relief pressure is at or below the MAWP of the pipe system and above the bulk tank secondary relief setting.
4. Open the valve at farthest use point. You will need to remove any lockout device , if used , on the valves before opening.
5. Slowly crack open the outlet valve on the bulk storage tank and let the VJP system cool down gradually.
6. When liquid begins to flow at the farthest use point , full y open the tank outlet valve.
The use point valve(s) may now be closed or left open as desired .
The cool down process involves rapid pressure changes and metal contractions.
You may see or hear evidence of these changes such as pipe vibrations and / or popping sounds. As these changes subside , slowly throttle open the tank outlet valve to push liquid further into the system.
Caution: If in any instance the liquid flow must be stopped during the cool down process, either the bulk tank valve or at least one valve at a use point must stay open to relieve the rapid pressure changes until the pressure has dissipated.
If your VJP system is to be disassembled in full or in part for any reason , the system must ftrst be allowed to warm gradually from the cryogenic temperature to ambient temperature.
1. Close the bulk storage tank outlet v alve to stop liquid flow .
2 . Install a valve lockout device on the shutoff valve so it is not inadvertently turned back on while work is being done on the system.
3 . Open all use point valve(s) and leave open.
Allow the system to vent for 24 hours.
The remaining cryogenic fluid will boil out of pipe and pipe will slowly begin to warm up .
LT-30121(3) ©2012 Technifab Products , Inc . 7
ASME B31.3 Certification - If requested at time of order, the system may be certified to comply with the most current revision of ASME B31 .
3 " Chemical Plant and Petroleum
Refinery Piping."
Thermocouple Vacuum Gauge Tube Each spool ofVJP can be equipped with a vacuum gauge to monitor the static vacuum level of the spool.
Gas Vent- Gas vents are installed at high points and / or the ends of a VJP system . The vent expels gas that is generated in the system from continuous vaporization and maintains liquid in the system to the gas vent.
Internal Gas Traps - The V JP system can be equipped with internal gas traps that are installed in any vertical drop. Gas traps eliminate frosting at use points when the system is not in use .
Vacuum Jacketed Shut OffValves- Vacuum jacketed valves are low heat leak valves with a stainless steel inner body and outer jacket that are welded directly into the VJP system and evacuated at the factory. These valves , manufactured by Technifab , are highly recommended when a system requires in-line shut off or flow regulation . These valves may be serviced with seal replacement kits without disruption of the vacuum integrity.
Non Vacuum Jacketed Shut OffValves- These valves are extended stem , brass bodied cryogenic valves and have a lower initial cost than vacuum jacketed valves. Non-vacuum jacketed valves can be installed at the use point to stop and/or regulate the flow of liquid . Much less efficient than vacuum jacketed valves, their heat transfer rate is higher than vacuum insulated valves and non-vacuum jacketed valves will form an ice ball when in use.
Safety Relief Valves (SRV ' s)- Safety reliefvalves are , at a minimum , required to prevent overpressurization ofthe piping system. An SRV is required at every point in the system where gas could be trapped (i.e. between two valves). Safety relief valves are available in vacuum jacketed and non vacuum jacketed configuration. Relief valves are sized to meet the requirements of the system per Compressed Gas Association guidelines.
Techniguard B Series VJP Bendable Coverings- Technifab offers three types of coverings for bendable VJP:
Heat Shri n k is the standard covering for the B50 through B 125 VJP. Heat shrink is a smooth PVC covering suitable for clean environments and food service applications.
Heat Shrink covered bendable VJP is not recommended for outdoor use.
Armor is a single stainless steel strip loosely wound to create a bendable interlocking metal hose. This covering offers strength and resistance to corrosion, as well as a superior service life compared to other options. It works equally well in both indoor and outdoor applications.
B r a i d is a durable, stainless steel, woven wire mesh covering used to prevent damaging the external line .
L T3 01 2 1 ( 3 ) ©2 0 1 2 T ec hnif a b Products , Inc. 8
Liquid is not getting to the use point.
• Check cryogen supply to make sure there is pressure to deliver liquid to the use point.
• Check all valves in the system to make sure they are open .
• Inspect the cryogenic inlet filter if equipped to make sure it is not plugged .
Pressure of cryogenic liquid is too • Make sure the cryogenic liquid supply pressure low or too high . is at a higher pressure than what you need at the use point.
• Make sure all valves are opened properly .
• If there is a cryogenic strainer in the system make sure it is not dirty or full.
If y our problem continues contact Technifab Products , Inc for further assistance.
L T-30121 (3) © 2012 Technifab Products , Inc . 9
Technifab recommends you inspect your system annually to ensure it is operating at top performance. This maintenance includes:
• Check for system leaks.
• Inspect all vent and pressure relief outlets for obstructions.
• Inspect / clean cryogenic strainer on system inlet (if equipped).
• Visually inspect Safety ReliefValves (SRV's) to make sure there are no obstructions or contamination that could prevent operation.
Safety Relief Valves (SRV ' s) should be physically checked for operation every 5 years.
A copy of the warranty for the system & components is shipped with your order or may be obtained directly from Technifab Products , Inc.
Technifab actively and constantly seeks to improve its products. Customer feedback is one essential element of this process. Should any issue arise regarding this product's performance , please immediately notify:
Technifab Products Inc. - Quality Department
10339 N. Industrial Park Drive
P.O. Box 315
Brazil, Indiana 4 7834 USA
812.442.0891 Fax quality @ technifab.com www. technifab.com
L T-30121 (3) ©2012 Technifab Products, Inc. 10
For pipe installation specifications , refer to Techniguard VJP System Installation Manual (Technifab part number L
Techniguard R-Series VJP
Nominal Pipe Outside Diameter MAWP in psig
Size (NPS) in Inches (mm) (bar)
1-1 f 2"
1.50 (38) 150(10.3)
1-1/2" 1 .
9 (48) 150 (10 .
2-3/8 (60)
2-3/8 (60)
150 (1 0 .
150 (10 .
1 " x2-1/2"
2" x4 "
2-7/8 (73)
3-1/2 (89)
4-1/2 (114)
5-7/32 ( 141 )
6-5/8 (168)
150(10 .
150(10 .
150 (10.3)
150 (10.3)
150 (10.3)
Weight lb/ft (kg/m)
1.2 (1 . 7)
1 .
5 (2 .
2 .
2 (3.2)
2 .
3 (3.4)
3.4 (5.0)
4.3 (6.4)
5 .
5 (8.2)
9.4 (14)
11 .
Inner piping and outer jacket piping are constructed from 300 ser i es stainless steel , schedule 5 , ASTM A312 welded or seamless pipe . Other ratings are available upon request.
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is a nominal rating for liquid nitrogen. For other liquid cryogens , such as C0
2 which may be rated higher, please contact your Technifab representative .
Weight is per unit length of VJP without liquid cryogen and end fittings .
Stainless steel tubing , not Nominal Pipe Size (NPS).
LT-30121(3) ©2012 Technifab Products , Inc . 11
Techniguard 8-Series Pipe Dimensions & Performance
Inner Outside
Diameter Available Outer Diameter
Coverings Inches
1/2 (13)
5/8 (16)
Heat Shrink ;
Armor, Braid
Heat Shrink ,
1-7/8 (48)
2 -
2 (51)
1/4 (57)
2-1/2 (64)
1 (25)
1-1/4 (32)
Heat Shrink ,
Heat Shrink ,
Braid; Armor
2.8 (71 ) ,
3 (76)
3.5 (89)
3.8 (97)
B150 1-1/2 (38) Braid 4 (1 00)
B200 2 (51) Braid 5.1 (130)
MAWP Minimum Weight in psi~ Bend Radius lb/ft (kg/
(bar) Inches (em)
2 m)3
(1 0.3)
(1 0.3)
(1 0 .
(1 0 .
(1 0 .
(1 0.3)
10 (25)
15 (38)
15 (38)
20 (51)
30 (76)
3.5 (5.1)
3.8 (5.7)
4 .
0 (1
6 (2.4)
8 (4
6 (6 .
Inner and outer flex are constructed from 300 series stainless steel , ASTM A240 convoluted pipe .
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is a nominal rating for liquid nitrogen. For other liquid cryogens , such as C0
2 which may be rated h i gher , please contact your Techn i fab representative.
Exceeding the Techniguard B-Series bend radius initially may cause addit i onal heat leakage , frost or icing , and eventual product failure .
Weight is per unit length of VJP without liquid cryogen and end fitt i ngs .
Technifab Products, Incorporated
1 0339 N . Industrial Park Drive • P.O
. Box 315 • Brazil , IN 47834 U .
812.442.0520 • Fox : 812.442
0891 • sales@technifob.com www.technifab.com
LT-30121(3) ©2012 Technifab Products , Inc .
Manufacturers of Cryotenic Equipment
We Know Cryo "'