BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ SALAMAT PO NG MARAMI AH! MAY KULANG PA TO MGA SIS. AT PAG WALANG KASAMA YUNG TANONG DITO, MAGHANAP KA NA LANG SA MODULE O KAYA MAG SEARCH KA NA LANG. SALAMAT AND GOODBLESS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LIBRE NIYO NAMAN AKO HAHAHAHAHA CHAR Too many workplaces are filled with managers and supervisors who use their position and power to mistreat or disrespect co-workers. Answer: Abusive behavior Fairness refers to equal treatment for business and companies. It is also the sate or condition of being fair or free from bias or injustice; even handedness. Answer: True This is important for the company to promote fair treatment in the workplace. Answer: Equal Opportunity A cooperative is a business organization owned by a group of individuals and is operated for their mutual benefit. Answer: True It is a type of business that may be formed through partnership that may occur between doctors or physician. Answer: Medical Services Simply means being responsible for decisions made, actions taken and assignments completed. Answer: Accountability BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Refers to the responsibility that companies have to understand and manage their impacts on the environment in any number of ways. Answer: Stewardship The role of businesses is far more than just the making revenue but it is also a venue providing opportunity to expand job opportunities to others and create opportunities to pay salaries and wages. Answer: True Business does not need to be flexible and constantly researching what the consumer demands Answer: False To give a fair notice it is not important to determine whether the person accused will be provided with notifications that the conduct was wrong. Answer: False Include purchases, sales, receipts, and payments by an individual person or an organization/corporation. Answer: Transactions A typical example is when a food processing company claims that its products are sugar-free or caloriefree and filled with vitamins and minerals when indeed they contain sugar or calories. Answer: Bending of facts to mislead or confuse potential customers Criminals commit crimes that hurt others to help themselves. Answer: True He thought that knowledge is virtue, and virtue leads to happiness. Answer: Socrates – di ko sure BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ The overall operations covers advertising, public relations, promotions and sales. Marketing is a process by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers. Answer: False Records management is important because it supports an organization to make decisions based on evidence, meet operational, legal and regulatory requirements and be open and accountable. Answer: True Eudaimonist virtue ethics is an agent-based virtue ethicists argue that other forms of normativity Answer: False Target-centered virtue ethics - The touchstone for eudaimonist virtue ethicists is a flourishing human life. Answer: True He concludes that (a) the proper object of virtue is happiness and (b) we can become wise through habit. Answer: Aristotle He thought that we have three major parts: The intellect, the emotions, and the appetites. Answer: Plato Plato thought that we have three major parts: The intellect, the emotions, and the appetites. Answer: True BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Refers to the whole range of activities, which an organization should perform to properly manage its records. Answer: Records management A virtue is generally agreed to be a character trait, such as a habitual action or settled sentiment. Answer: True An authentic record is one that accountants process depending on what the owner what to appear in the book. The owner has the right to declare what should and should not be recorded in the books of account. Answer: False Platonistic virtue ethics - The fourth form a virtue ethic might adopt takes its inspiration from Plato. Answer: True Records management refers to the whole range of activities which an organization should perform to properly manage its records Answer: True Is invariably linked to an organization's official business and maintained as evidence or supporting documents. Answer: Record Agent-based and exemplarist virtue ethicsis a virtue is a trait that contributes to or is a constituent of eudaimonia and we ought to develop virtues Answer: False All companies are only trying to mislead potential customers to purchase their products. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Answer: False Is one that can be proven to be what it declares to be, to have been created or sent by the person purported to have created or sent it; and to have been created or sent at the time purported. Answer: ? Rather than deriving the normativity of virtue from the value of eudaimonia, agent-based virtue ethicists argue that other forms of normativity. Answer: Agent-based and exemplarist virtue ethics It is alright to force potential and existing customers to buy products or services, some marketers use false statements, exaggerated benefits, or make unverifiable declaration about their offers. Answer: False Virtue ethics are normative ethical theories which emphasize virtues of mind and character. Answer: True When you send unsolicited emails to potential customers, encouraging them to buy your products or services. This is the commonest unethical marketing practice done through online. Answer: Spamming The fourth form a virtue ethic might adopt takes its inspiration from Plato. Answer: Platonistic virtue ethics Business establishments may or may not declare all its income to avoid taxation. Answer: False BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ The recording of financial transactions, and is part of the process of accounting in business. Answer: Bookkeeping Charging a customer for much more than the actual value of a product or service is unethical. Answer: Cost Abuse Aristotle's first conclusion on virtue ethics was partially justified through an important discoverymorality needs a goal (or one or more primary values). Answer: True Also known as Ruism, is described as tradition, a philosophy, a religion, a humanistic or rationalistic religion, a way of governing, or simply a way of life. Answer: Confucianism Plato's first conclusion helps explain why we can be motivated to being virtuous-attaining personal happiness is what everyone finds worthy of being a goal. Answer: False A record is An organization receives and processes tremendous amount of information day in and day out but not all of them can be considered a record. Answer: True It is a normative ethical theory that emphasizes on virtues of mind and character. Answer: Virtue Ethics The Department of Trade and Industry is the government agency assigned to accommodate business corporations in the Philippines. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Answer: False A business organization should formulate and promulgate its records management policy to keep tract of everyday transaction. Answer: True Using men or women as a sex symbol for promotion of products not related to the human body is definitely unethical. Answer: True Aristotle thought that knowledge is virtue, and virtue leads to happiness. Answer: False It is the touchstone for eudaimonist virtue ethicists is a flourishing human life. Answer: Target-centered virtue ethics Marketing your business is very important. A business owner can not just rely on its products alone. Sales will steadily increase as marketing do its function in spreading the new to prospective clients. Without developing a marketing strategies, sales may not ever happened; without sales, a company cannot succeed; without marketing, the business may not have the opportunity to flourish and gain revenue. Answer: True Is defined by the way people live their life as an influence of one's culture. The Filipino Values System Christian involved in commerce believe that one should not aspire to get another's goods or labor for less than it is worth. True BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ The Kakilala System in the Philippines has been the source of many controversies and corruption. False The word suki is a Filipino term which means "loyal customer." True Islamic Marketing ethics aims at maximizing equity and justice for the welfare of the society. True It is a Filipino values showing respect or to give respect to a person. Paggalang A virtue of respect given to one's parents, elders, and ancestors. Filial Peity This act is considered unethical and all religion beliefs it so. It is an obvious way in which one can harm others may it be emotionally, psychologically and financially. Stealing It is said that this person must be prohibited from falsifying weights and measures, owning a dishonest weight by the Torah. -Merchants The Filipino value system or Filipino values refers to the set of values or the value system that a majority of the Filipino have historically held important in their lives. True BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Pakikipagkapwa-tao is the shared sense of identity and consciousness of the 'other'. True These are all costly ethical issues that employers and employees encounter on a daily basis across the country. It may be encountered due to differences in gender, religion and/or sexual orientation. Racial discrimination/ sexual harassment/ wage inequality According to a 2015 data Pew Research study, the majority of respondents (75%) found installing surveillance cameras that have facial recognition technology acceptable. False Foreigners who come to visit the Philippines speak of Filipinos going out of their way to help them when lost, or the heartwarming generosity of a Filipino family hosting a visitor in their poverty-stricken home. True The most fundamental or essential ethical issues that businesses must face are integrity and trust. True Companies also monitor employees through video cameras, which allows them to observe visually and record employee behavior and keep their work environment safe. True The Philippines is approximately 95 percent Christians (mostly Roman Catholic Christians ). False Maximizing the value of each employee's contribution is a key element in your business's success. True BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Foreigners who come to visit the Philippines speak of Filipinos going out of their way to help them when lost, or the heartwarming generosity of a Filipino family hosting a visitor in their poverty-stricken home. True An ethics challenge is a problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right or wrong. True The Filipino value system or Filipino values refers to the set of values or the value system that a majority of the Filipino have historically held important in their lives. True Filipinos over the years have proven time and time again that they are a people with an industrious attitude. True These entities as they go about their goals are expected to fully comply with environmental laws, federal and state safety regulations, fiscal and monetary reporting statutes and all applicable civil rights laws. Family orientation The basic and most important unit of a Filipino's life is the family. Family orientation Filipinos are very determined and persevering in accomplishing whatever they set their minds to. True BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ There are no legal consequences for unethical employee behavior. False Ethical decision-making processes should center on protecting employee and customer rights. True According to a 2015 data Pew Research study, the majority of respondents (75%) found installing surveillance cameras that have facial recognition technology acceptable. False It is a problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right or wrong. Ethics Challenge With this development employers can now monitor their employees' activity on their computers and other company-provided electronic devices. Technology / Privacy This is the shared sense of identity and consciousness of the 'other'. Pakikipagkapwa-tao Physical harm is the only safety issue to be aware of. False Racial discrimination, sexual harassment, and wage inequality - these are all costly ethical issues that employers and employees encounter on a daily basis across the country. True BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ These are all costly ethical issues that employers and employees encounter on a daily basis across the country. It may be encountered due to differences in gender, religion and/or sexual orientation. Racial discrimination/ sexual harassment/ wage These entities as they go about their goals are expected to fully comply with environmental laws, federal and state safety regulations, fiscal and monetary reporting statutes and all applicable civil rights laws. Businesses Fairness refers to equal treatment for business and companies. It is also the state or condition of being fair or free from bias or injustice; even handedness. -TRUE A principle of good governance in any business is that stakeholders should be informed about the company's activities, what it plans to do in the future and any risks involved in its business strategies .-TRUE Mc Donald's was a partnership between these two founders: Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard. -TRUE Business does not need to be flexible and constantly researching what the consumer demands -FALSE This is important for the company to promote fair treatment in the workplace. -Equal Opportunity BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ It is a type of business that offers services for group engagements such as parties, weddings, company functions and different business events. -Catering Services All employees must understand their role, duties and responsibilities and how they will interact with others within the organization. This falls under which of the following pointers in making an effective business policy? -Employee's Job Description A corporation is a business organization that has a separate legal personality from its owners. -TRUE Jollibee Foods Corporation is being regarded as the Philippines largest retail company. -FALSE It relates to how a person negotiates a sale and handles any ensuing problems. -Decorum Is one that can be proven to be what it declares to be, to have been created or sent by the person purported to have created or sent it; and to have been created or sent at the time purported. -Authenticity It is the of conducting your business affairs with honesty and a commitment to treating every customer fairly. -Integrity BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ In the fast innovation now a days, this is one dilemma of businesses. It has become a medium to voice or air out your concern and it crosses all over the globe in just one click. Guidelines for employees conduct online and during and even after office hours must be taken inconsideration. - Social media It is just a natural to pressure the person into buying something at the very moment out of fear and extreme demand and stress. - False A virtue is thus to be distinguished from single actions or feelings. - True Most theorists agree that morality comes as a result of intrinsic virtues. - True Aristotle concludes that (a) the proper object of virtue is happiness and (b) we can become wise through habit. - True It is unethical for sales person in malls to offer products and unveil that promotions are on a limited time and offer only. - True Confucianism, is also known as Ruism. It is described as tradition, a philosophy, a religion, a humanistic or rationalistic religion, a way of governing, or simply a way of life. - True BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ The overall operations covers advertising, public relations, promotions and sales. Marketing is a process by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers. - Marketing Without marketing, your prospective customers may never be aware of your offerings and your business may not be given the opportunity to progress and succeed. - True Buddhist is to recognize that wealth, earnings and material goods are the property of God and humans are merely His trustees. - False Pakikisama has the implication of getting along with people in general. - True Religion and business have throughout history are linked together in ways that are relate to and affects one another. - True Speech is an important aspect of relationship, but most often, words have become a tool to mislead others. - True The influence of Malays can be seen through the artistic side of the Filipinos - False This means not causing harm to oneself or others in any area of sexual activity. - Avoiding sexual misconduct BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Stealing is an obvious way in which one can harm others may it be emotionally, psychologically and financially. - True An important aspect of relationship, but most often, words has become a tool to mislead others. - Speech Jewish culture, values, and ideas have entered into many aspects of modern life including modern businesses. - True This person must avoid making too many oaths when selling merchandise. - Speech Buddhism does not believe in the truth that happiness is an essential part of ethics. - False The Chinese has great influence in the Filipinos relationship with family. - False Happiness gives impact to the practice of dhamma and forms the ground or support for religious observance both on the level of dhamma practice and the level of ethics in general. - True Modern businesses are expected to be responsible stewards of community resources working towards the growth and success of both their companies and their communities. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ True Utang na loob is a technique of reciprocity of debt of gratitude to others. True These people with in the business community are required to pay employees on time. Indeed, business ethics occupies such an important place in Jewish Laws, culture, and tradition. Employers The Chinese even influenced Filipinos religious beliefs by introducing Christianism. False The Bible says that God is generous, especially towards the poor and deprived. True Amor Propio has a spanish origin and may be translated in english as "self motivated." False A Filipino term which means "loyal customer." Suki Spaniards community has great influence in the Filipinos relationship with family. False The Buddhist business and professional ethics are also closely related with respect for environment. True BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ The closes translation of Bahala Na in English would be the phrase, "whatever will be, will be." True They influenced Filipinos religious beliefs by introducing Christianism. Spaniards There is a filipino saying, "Ang 'di marunong tumingin sa pinanggalingan ay di makakarating sa paroroonan." True Natatakot means shame. False It is believed that the ultimate norm and ultimate standard of rightness is the personality of God Himself and his perfect righteousness. Christian perspective They have great influence in the Filipinos relationship with regards to family values. Chinese community A virtue is a trait that contributes to or is a constituent of eudaimonia and we ought to develop virtues. True Honesty or generosity is not just a tendency to do what is honest or generous, nor is it to be helpfully specified as a "desirable" or "morally valuable" character trait. Virtue ethics BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Filipinos are very determined and persevering in accomplishing whatever they set their minds to. Hard work and Industry Refers to the set of values or the value system that a majority of the Filipino have historically held important in their lives. - Family orientation (ayan yung tamang sagot nyan!) BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ BESR QUARTER EXAM This is commonly heard and used in market places used by common ordinary Filipinos. It is a so-called "market-exchange partnership" can be developed into an agreement where one can be a regular customer and supplier in business and trade. Suki It is a code used in businesses and companies prescribing strict adherence to correct etiquette and precedence. Protocol Charging a customer for much more than the actual value of a product or service is unethical. For marketing efforts to remain with ethical limits; the prices of your offers must be equal to or less than the value they give the customer. Cost Abuse This is a virtue of respect given to one's parents, elders, and ancestors. The Filipinos as influenced by the Chinese have great deal of respect to the elderly people especially those in the ancestral family. with this respects comes general obedience. Filial Piety In this form business organization, The board of directors, an elected group from the stockholders, are the one's that controls the activities This is the safest in terms of protecting personal property as the business has a separate legal personality from its owners. Corporation Charging a customer for much more than the actual value of a product or service is unethical. For marketing efforts to remain with ethical limits; the prices of your offers must be equal to or less than the value they give the customer. Cost Abuse BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ This is a virtue of respect given to one's parents, elders, and ancestors. The Filipinos as influenced by the Chinese have great deal of respect to the elderly people especially those in the ancestral family. with this respects comes general obedience. Filial Piety Some businessman and salespersons engage in using the same marketing communication of their competitors to market their own products or services. Being creativity is a very important part of marketing, and using other businesses' marketing communication taglines just makes your business a sham. Plagiarism of marketing communication taglines Active stewardship can include one or more of a long list of specific practices and elements. For businesses engaged in manufacturing this includes sourcing raw materials that are renewable and using chemicals and processes that are safe for the environment. For all types of businesses, using email and mobile devices to reduce paper consumption as it is called, paperless, is a form of stewardship. elements Which if the following is an unethical practice in a business: unadvised leave of absence Anyone being accused of sometime should be allowed to tell his/her side of the story. The "right of confrontation" is a fundamental prerequisite of fairness in personal and business relationships. Anyone should be given the opportunity to explain, clarify, and ask questions, and you must listen with a truly open mind. Fair Hearing This ethnic group are the basic component of Filipino culture. it is described as the nicest and most pleasant among other cultures. These clans has the world's best security system. The Malays BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ While it might be intuitive to use models in advertisements for beauty products and cosmetics, halfnaked models use in promotion of gadgets, machinery, and other products not related to the human body is definitely unethical. Using men and women as sex symbols for promotion With resourcefulness comes passion to work. Filipinos are very determined and persevering in accomplishing whatever they set their minds to. Filipinos over the years have proven time and time again that they are a people with an productive attitude. Hard Work and Industrious When an employee misbehave on the duty, the employer may be held liable for how that situation affects clients, individuals or other employees. Liability One significant content of your business policy is including a description of every position in the organization; from the highest ranking down to the ranked in file. Employees Job Description This factor in the formulation of wages relates to the basic maintenance needs of the workers. If this goes up by a certain percentage, then the wage must also go up the same percentage. Cost of Living A good impressions made during a gathering, dinner or reception can make or break a business any deals. Business and company functions BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Adjustment of wages and salary may also depend on the Individual's performance based on an appraisal is another factor to consider in determining wages and salaries. When a employee performs and deserves an appropriate increase in pay. Individual Performance This ethical issue is unavoidable and may bring forth so many issues such as Racial discrimination, sexual harassment, wage inequality - these are all costly ethical issues that employers and employees encounter on a daily basis across the globe because of the variety and mixture of employees. Employee Behavior It indicate the emotional situation in which business is conducted. Decorum This ethical value refers to equal treatment, for businesses and companies for instance, there should be fairness in shareholders, more so in the treatment of all stakeholders including employees, communities and public officials. Fairness This factor in stewardship is very important as it may entail shelling out a portion of income. Engaging in active environmental stewardship comes at a higher price. For instance, employing renewable energy alternatives, such as hybrid vehicles or a solar-powered factory, are on the cutting edge of stewardship but also require large initial investments which is the reasons for some company to act differently as a steward. cost In any business organization, this is important for management to control the process in which responses are given for a person's actions. These responses may be resulted to a positive or negative effect. Depending on the response, the person might need to correct his or her error. This refers to the to individual responsibility for the work he/she has performed and answering to peers and superiors for their performances. It is often used synonymously with responsibility, blameworthiness, and liability. Accountability BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ A relationship between two people who are employed in the same work place. This is unavoidable especially in diverse environment. Companies do not want an environment where employees are uncomfortable, that is why there are policies that covers romance within the office to the extent of giving employees guidelines, training and seminars regarding the matter. Office Romantic Relationships It is an unethical practice when employees may take home office supplies, use business computers for personal tasks, pad expense accounts and abuse sick time or allotted personal days. Unethical behavior also includes having another employee punch a time card, or not punching out for lunch hours or other unapproved time off. Employee theft This ethical issue is very prominent in almost all business since the system in our country has already adopted and has gotten used to corruption. Although businesses are expected to fully comply with the laws, whether it concerns the environment, culture, safety regulations, fiscal and monetary reporting statutes and all applicable civil rights laws, many still choose the easy way out of these obligations. Compliance and Governance Issues This system in the Philippines has been the source of many controversies and corruption. It has been an open secret that one cannot join the political arena of the Philippines without mastery this system. Many would still deny this, it may even be contested and be considered as a false accusation but in our political system, from the lowest Barangay official, to the President of the Republic, it is expected that one gains political debts and dispenses political favor to advance one's career or influence, if not wealth. Padrino Which of the following does not fall under the principles of Fairness: Stakeholders share the same point of views in running the business. An unethical practices include not paying workers a fair wage, employing children under the legal working age and unsafe or unsanitary working conditions. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Wages and Working Conditions The influence of this heritage group can be seen through the artistic side of the Filipinos; Architecture, colorful dresses and arts. Another influence can be the folk beliefs that might have been handed down to Filipino Traditions. The Indians This famous trait is the ability of Filipinos to find humour in everything. It sheds light on the optimism and positivity of Filipinos in whatever situation they are in so as to remain determined in going through struggles or challenges. It serves as a coping technique, the same way a child who has fallen laughs at himself/herself to hide his/her embarrassment. Joy and Humor An unethical practice when an employees' activity is outside its job description, duties and responsibilities. Misusing company time This Filipino value may have a positive side and a negative side when too much is applied to. This controls the social behaviors and interactions of a Filipino. It is generally dependent of what others may think. On the positive side, it is the value that drives a Filipino be obedient and respectful to their parents, older siblings, and other authorities. Hiya It is important that one should be sure of fair and impartial judge. This means willing to suspend judgment until all the information has been laid in, setting aside conclusions you may have made and clear your mind of prejudice or prejudging about the person or issues involved. Impartiality Which if the following is an unethical practice in a business: BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Engaging in business and tampers taxes to reduce company expenses and give more benefits to employees. This is important especially when there is a case of unethical concerns. The person accused should be advised that the conduct was wrong. Simply cases such as lying, cheating, and stealing, may not be much of a problem but more technical violations, such as when you are a public servant and receiving improper gifts or using company assets, requires more investigation. If you determine that the person knew or should have known about the proper standards of conduct, further action on your part is fair. Fair Notice This factor enable to understand that workers should be paid in accordance to the standards set by the government. It requires the employer to pay at least the minimum wage requirement Laws and Regulations Which if the following is an unethical practice in a business: all of the chocies This heritage introduced the importance of democracy in a country, which is also being applied to in families and even workplaces. An individual's liberty and equality of all is very important to promote a happy working environment. The American Heritage Which if the following is an unethical practice in a business: disregarding complaints and grievances This Filipino value has the implication of getting along with people in general. Doing your best to be socially acquainted to everyone whether in the family, in a community or society, in a workplace or business place. Pakikisama BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ This is a common Filipino Value that maybe considered both a positive and a negative trait of Filipinos. Its technique of reciprocity of debt of gratitude to others can and may be too deep as something people take advantage of this trait. . Either in the personal or business side, this means to pay your debt with gratitude Utang na Loob An unethical marketing practice where companies are only trying to mislead potential customers, since they are unlikely to buy the products if it is made known that they contain sugar or calories and basically not as healthy as they claim it to be. Bending of facts to mislead or confuse potential customers This must be clear in any rules; to promote fair treatment in the workplace. Most organizations implement equal opportunity policies like anti-discrimination and affirmative action policies, for example, to encourage unprejudiced behavior within the workplace. Opportunity It is a principle or protocol to guide a decision and achieve rational outcomes. Policy This philosopher has a great influenced in business ethics. Just like one of the philosophers, he concluded that the proper object of virtue is happiness and a person can become wise through habit. Aristotle This form of business ethics is concerned with the principles and practices that help one to act in ways that help rather than harm. Its beliefs that one live to act, and our actions can have either have a harmful or beneficial consequences for oneself and others. It is similar to the law of karma. Buddhist Business Ethics BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ This form of business organization is the only form of business that is being registered through the government agency called DTI. Sole proprietorship Sole proprietorship Diversity in a business or any organization is crucial as persons values, thoughts, principles are tested in a diverse environment. Sexual harassment is an unwelcome conduct that could make a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. This can be can be physical, verbal or written. While discrimination is treating, or proposing to treat, someone unfavourably. Harassment and Discrimination There are so many ethical concerns in business that should be addressed. One of which are issues that should center on protecting employee and customer rights, making sure all business operations are fair and just, protecting the common good and making sure individual values and beliefs of workers are protected. Decision-Making Issues This form of business ethics has penetrated culture, values, and ideas of modern life including modern businesses. It relies on the Torah for its written law, and have had great impact on marketing and business philosophy. Jewish Business Ethics Filipinos are accustomed to using the words "po," "opo," and "ho" when they are conversing with older people or, sometimes, with those who are in a high role or a prestigious member of society. Using these words is customary in the Philippines, and it shows a sign of respect if you do so. Paggalang BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ This republic act defines sexual harassment as "Employer, employees, manager, supervisor, agent of the employer, teacher, instructor, professor, coach, trainor, or any other person who, having authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another in a work, training or education environment demands, request or otherwise requires any sexual favor from the other, regardless of whether the demand, request or requirement for submission is accepted by the object of the said act." Republic Act No. 7877 Philosophers have influenced not just their followers and believers but it has also penetrated the business world. Their philosophies have served as guiding principles in most businesses. This philosopher believes that knowledge is virtue, and virtue leads to happiness. It makes sense to think that moral people know the meaning of morality. If a person can decipher what is right from wrong, then one might be able to choose to do what you know to be right and this will greatly influence our decisions in life. whether it may be personal or in business. Socrates It is type of business that provides clerical tasks using a medium called Internet. -Virtual Assistant Accountability Has Connection to expectations. -True It relates to how a person negotiates a sale and handles any ensuing problems. -decorum Refers to equal treatment for business and companies. -Fairness Fairness refers to equal treatment for business and companies. It is also the sate or condition of being fair or free from bias or injustice; even handedness. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ -True Make all decisions on appropriate criteria with favoritism and discrimination. -True Stewardship can include one or more of a long list of specific practices and elements. -True Lying to your employees is an example of a policy. -True It is not important to gather facts. Being Detailed without being irrational is not important in making sound judgments. -False It refers to established procedures one follows to execute a task. -Protocols A typical example is when a food processing company claims that its products are sugar-free or caloriefree and filled with vitamins and minerals when indeed they contain sugar or calories. -Bending of facts to mislead or confuse potential customers Aristotle concludes that (a) the proper object of virtue is happiness and (b) we can become wise through habit. -True He concludes that (a) the proper object of virtue is happiness and (b) we can become wise through habit. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ -Aristotle Aristotle's first conclusion on virtue ethics was partially justified through an important discoverymorality needs a goal (or one or more primary values). -True It is just a natural to pressure the person into buying something at the very moment out of fear and extreme demand and stress. -True When you send unsolicited emails to potential customers, encouraging them to buy your products or services. This is the commonest unethical marketing practice done through online. -Spamming Virtue ethics are normative ethical theories which emphasize virtues of mind and character. -True Charging a customer for much more than the actual value of a product or service is unethical. -Cost abuse He thought that we have three major parts: The intellect, the emotions, and the appetites. -Plato Plato thought that we have three major parts: The intellect, the emotions, and the appetites. -True A virtue is generally agreed to be a character trait, such as a habitual action or settled sentiment. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ -True Confucianism, is also known as Ruism. It is described as tradition, a philosophy, a religion, a humanistic or rationalistic religion, a way of governing, or simply a way of life. -True A virtue is thus to be distinguished from single actions or feelings. -True Rather than deriving the normativity of virtue from the value of eudaimonia, agent-based virtue ethicists argue that other forms of normativity. -Agent-based and exemplarist virtue ethics Agent-based and exemplarist virtue ethicsis a virtue is a trait that contributes to or is a constituent of eudaimonia and we ought to develop virtues -False It is alright to force potential and existing customers to buy products or services, some marketers use false statements, exaggerated benefits, or make unverifiable declaration about their offers. -False Records management refers to the whole range of activities which an organization should perform to properly manage its records -True The recording of financial transactions, and is part of the process of accounting in business. -Bookkepping BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Marketing your business is very important. A business owner can not just rely on its products alone. Sales will steadily increase as marketing do its function in spreading the new to prospective clients. Without developing a marketing strategies, sales may not ever happened; without sales, a company cannot succeed; without marketing, the business may not have the opportunity to flourish and gain revenue. -True A virtue is a trait that contributes to or is a constituent of eudaimonia and we ought to develop virtues. -Eudaimonist virtue ethics Utang na loob is a technique of reciprocity of debt of gratitude to others. -True It is believed that the ultimate norm and ultimate standard of rightness is the personality of God Himself and his perfect righteousness. -Christian perspective A virtue of respect given to one's parents, elders, and ancestors. -Filial Peity They have great influence in the Filipinos relationship with regards to family values. -Chinese community Natatakot means shame. -False BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Muslims belief of conducting ventures in businesses must be just and fairly whether it is to employees or customers. -False There is a filipino saying, "Ang 'di marunong tumingin sa pinanggalingan ay di makakarating sa paroroonan." -True Americans introduced the importance of democracy in a country. -True Jewish culture, values, and ideas have entered into many aspects of modern life including modern businesses. -True Is the basic component of Filipino culture. -Malays These entities as they go about their goals are expected to fully comply with environmental laws, federal and state safety regulations, fiscal and monetary reporting statutes and all applicable civil rights laws. -Businesses Filipinos are very determined and persevering in accomplishing whatever they set their minds to. -Hard work and Industry Refers to the set of values or the value system that a majority of the Filipino have historically held important in their lives. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ -Filipino Values The Philippines is approximately 95 percent Christians (mostly Roman Catholic Christians ). -False Physical harm is the only safety issue to be aware of. -True There are no legal consequences for unethical employee behavior. -False In the fast innovation now a days, this is one dilemma of businesses. It has become a medium to voice or air out your concern and it crosses all over the globe in just one click. Guidelines for employees conduct online and during and even after office hours must be taken inconsideration. -Social media Companies also monitor employees through video cameras, which allows them to observe visually and record employee behavior and keep their work environment safe. -True Maximizing the value of each employee's contribution is a key element in your business's success. -True Filipinos over the years have proven time and time again that they are a people with an industrious attitude. -True BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ The basic and most important unit of a Filipino's life is the family. -Family orientation Pakikipagkapwa-tao is the shared sense of identity and consciousness of the 'other'. -True Racial discrimination, sexual harassment, and wage inequality - these are all costly ethical issues that employers and employees encounter on a daily basis across the country. -True The most fundamental or essential ethical issues that businesses must face are integrity and trust. -True An ethics challenge is a problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right or wrong. -True This is the shared sense of identity and consciousness of the 'other'. -Pakikipagkapwa-tao It is the of conducting your business affairs with honesty and a commitment to treating every customer fairly. -Integrity With this development employers can now monitor their employees' activity on their computers and other company-provided electronic devices. -Technology / Privacy BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ These are all costly ethical issues that employers and employees encounter on a daily basis across the country. It may be encountered due to differences in gender, religion and/or sexual orientation. -Racial discrimination/ sexual harassment/ wage inequality Leaders normally take the blame in any case of failure. To change this behavior and create an environment where all levels can flourish and work as a team, view failure as a learning opportunity and make it a core principle of your culture - not a chance to place the blame. -True It is a type of business that may be formed through partnership that may occur between doctors or physician. -Medical Services Refers to the responsibility that companies have to understand and manage their impacts on the environment in any number of ways. -Stewardship The quality of being done in an open without secrets. It yields trust. It means openness, a willingness to provide clear information to shareholders and stakeholders as well. -Transparency All business are engage in active stewardship. -False This form of business organization is owned by an individual who has full control or authority of its own and owns all the assets, as well as personally answers all liabilities or losses. -Sole Proprietorship or Single Proprietorship BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Carefully weigh and evaluate all the information by separating facts from opinions from speculation. -Evaluation Is one that can be proven to be what it declares to be, to have been created or sent by the person purported to have created or sent it; and to have been created or sent at the time purported. -Authenticity Is invariably linked to an organization's official business and maintained as evidence or supporting documents. -Record It is a normative ethical theory that emphasizes on virtues of mind and character. -Virtue ethics He thought that knowledge is virtue, and virtue leads to happiness. -Socrates An authentic record is one that accountants process depending on what the owner what to appear in the book. The owner has the right to declare what should and should not be recorded in the books of account. -True Refers to the whole range of activities, which an organization should perform to properly manage its records. -Records management The Department of Trade and Industry is the government agency assigned to accommodate business corporations in the Philippines. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ -True Also known as Ruism, is described as tradition, a philosophy, a religion, a humanistic or rationalistic religion, a way of governing, or simply a way of life. -Confucianism The fourth form a virtue ethic might adopt takes its inspiration from Plato. -Platonistic virtue ethics All companies are only trying to mislead potential customers to purchase their products. -True The English translation of "paggalang" is to be respectful or to give respect to a person. -True The Filipino Values System is defined by the way people live their life as an influence of one's culture. -True Speech is an important aspect of relationship, but most often, words have become a tool to mislead others. -True Christian is a complete way of life and it is not merely a religion. -False The Bible says that God is generous, especially towards the poor and deprived. -True BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ It is a Filipino values showing respect or to give respect to a person. -paggalang This act is considered unethical and all religion beliefs it so. It is an obvious way in which one can harm others may it be emotionally, psychologically and financially. -Stealing Pakikisama has the implication of getting along with people in general. -True Ethical decision-making processes should center on protecting employee and customer rights. -True It is a problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right or wrong. -Ethics challenge Foreigners who come to visit the Philippines speak of Filipinos going out of their way to help them when lost, or the heartwarming generosity of a Filipino family hosting a visitor in their poverty-stricken home. -True Filipinos are very determined and persevering in accomplishing whatever they set their minds to. -True It is a very efficient and effective communication tool nowadays because it is faster. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ -Electronic mail Which if the following is an unethical practice in a business: -Adding a few amount in the reimbursement to compensate for the accomplished work in the field. For a business to succeed, the product or service it provides must be known to potential buyers or customers. Unless your business is known in the market and have communication with your customers readily available, you have to use marketing strategies to build product or service awareness. -Getting Word Out in the market Years of colonization has given Filipino a lot of cultural and historical heritage. This heritage specifically even influenced Filipinos for decades in religious beliefs like introducing Christianism, which is also another foundation that has a great influence in Filipino businesses. -The Spanish Heritage This policy are set rules and guidelines surrounding employee observance to work schedules. -Attendance and Time Off Policy This particular philosopher is very famous in Asia. His teachings described as tradition, a philosophy, a religion, a humanistic or rationalistic religion, a way of governing, or simply a way of life. This teachings developed from what was later called the Hundred Schools of Thought from the teachings. -Confucius Too many workplaces are filled with managers and supervisors who use their position and power to mistreat or disrespect co-workers. This is very vital now a days and situations as such must be given attention by the business' management whether it involves racial discrimination, gender or ethnic origin. -Substance Abuse Policy BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ It is important that one is cautions in their physical appearance. Showing a lack of concern can be interpreted as being disrespectful to clients or co-workers and those in authority. -Proper Dress Code Occasionally an employer may encounter the need to terminate an employee. When that occasion arises, one must have a much more straightforward experience if the employee has been cautioned about the process of termination. If expectations for performance are outlined in the employee's initial job description, show an account of problems by giving regular evaluations or appraisal. -Disciplinary Policy The Filipinos as a people who have been constantly under the rule of numerous powerful countries has over time, developed a sense of resourcefulness or the ability to survive with whatever they have. They have the extraordinary ability to make something out of almost nothing. If a Filipino was given just a screwdriver, plastic bags, and some tape, he would still be able to build a bird tree, especially for the sake of survival, and provided that he be allowed to hunt for some needed surrounding material. -Ability to Survive Which of the following does not show a hostile environment: -Providing seminars and training to employees to enhance skills and knowledge. Stewardship in business has a several possible benefits. Collectively it reduces energy usage, protects natural resources and improves public health. For individual businesses that commit themselves to stewardship, the decision may have a positive impact for the business. Some companies earn certifications from environmental agencies that serve a marketing function, making their actions known to consumers and customers. This gives them a good imagery and is favorable in their marketing campaigns. -Outcome Emphasizing the negative aspects of your rival's products in a bid to turn potential customers towards your own products, a very unethical marketing practice and a sign of desperation. -Bad-mouthing competitors product BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ There are different forms of virtue ethics that may serve as a guide in the business world. This form basically is the classical formulation of Virtue Ethics. It holds that the proper goal of human life is happiness, well-being or the good life. -Eudaimonism A business must establish rules that address any violations from the policy. Stating the this in the business policy puts the employee on notice and also increases the employer's options for effectively dealing with behaviors contrary to policy. -Consequences for Violations It is important when making decision to extend reasonable efforts to gather information and evidences. Thoroughness without being irrational is important in making sound judgements. What do you actually know? Are there uncertainties in the facts that needs to be clarified? If you are making comparisons do you have sufficient information on each candidate concerning the factors you think are most important? -Gather facts It promotes fair treatment in the workplace. -Employee Conduct A business should have a standard office procedure, anyone who steps onto your property faces a level of threat. By putting this policy in place, you can help mitigate any damages caused by an employee's negligence. -Workplace Safety Policy This heritage community is very important to us Filipinos and has great influence in the Filipinos relationship with family. Filial Piety between parents and children is one of the best traits that has been passed on to Filipinos. -The Chinese BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ This unethical marketing practice is common in the natural remedies industry, where most manufacturers deceive potential costumers that their products have no side effects because they are made from natural products. -Concealing side effects of products or services Studies show that Filipinos often have an aversion to a set of standardized rules or procedures; They are known to follow a Natural Clock or Organic sense of time- doing things in the time they feel is right. They are present-oriented: which means that one attends to a task or requirement at the time it is needed and does not worry much about future engagements. This allows the Filipino to adapt and be flexible in doing the tasks at times not bound to a particular schedule or timeframe. This allows them think on their feet and be creative in facing whatever challenge or task they have even when it is already right in front of them. What characteristics of Filipino value is this? -Flexibility, Adaptability, Creativity It is a code used in businesses and companies prescribing strict adherence to correct etiquette and precedence. -Protocol Requires that the procedure of making decisions may reveal a conscious concern with reaching a fair, just and equitable result. - Procedural Fairness A principle of good governance in any business is that stakeholders should be informed about the company's activities, what it plans to do in the future and any risks involved in its business strategies. -True Policy should help in achieving the enterprise's objectives is one of the kind of Policies. -True BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Misusing company time is one of the unethical practices in business. -True Blame or punish anyone for what they did not do and appropriately sanction those who violate moral obligations or laws. -False Using men or women as a sex symbol for promotion of products not related to the human body is definitely unethical. -True It is the touchstone for eudaimonist virtue ethicists is a flourishing human life. -Target-centered virtue ethics It is unethical for sales person in malls to offer products and unveil that promotions are on a limited time and offer only. -True A process by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers. -Marketing Records management is important because it supports an organization to make decisions based on evidence, meet operational, legal and regulatory requirements and be open and accountable. -True Eudaimonist virtue ethics is an agent-based virtue ethicists argue that other forms of normativity -False BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ Modern businesses are expected to be responsible stewards of community resources working towards the growth and success of both their companies and their communities. -True A Filipino term which means "loyal customer." -Suki It is a religions organization that believes in the truth that happiness is an essential part of ethics. -Buddhism Stealing is an obvious way in which one can harm others may it be emotionally, psychologically and financially. -True Happiness gives impact to the practice of dhamma and forms the ground or support for religious observance both on the level of dhamma practice and the level of ethics in general. -True Ethics is about knowing and performing what is good or right, and workplace. -True This means not causing harm to oneself or others in any area of sexual activity. -Avoiding sexual misconduct Buddhism does not believe in the truth that happiness is an essential part of ethics. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ -False Buddhist is to recognize that wealth, earnings and material goods are the property of God and humans are merely His trustees. -False The word suki is a Filipino term which means "loyal customer." -True The Filipino value system or Filipino values refers to the set of values or the value system that a majority of the Filipino have historically held important in their lives. -True Businesses with run smoothly if workforce is well taken care of. There are a number of ethical issues business people must consider about employee working conditions as well. For example, employers must be aware of the safety of their work environment, are the employees receiving a just compensation or compensated for overtime? Although legal consequences for unethical issues regarding employee behavior are essential, there are also legal consequences for unethical working conditions that must be addressed and must be followed. For example, an employer who requires an employee to work without pay or who creates an unsafe working environment can face or must face legal action. -Employee Working Conditions This stage is carefully weigh of all the information by separating facts from opinions and opinions from speculation. Although at times we draw reasonable inferences but know when you have done so and the premises on which you base your conclusion. -Evaluation Foreigners who come to visit the Philippines speak of Filipinos going out of their way to help them when lost, or the heart-warming generosity of a Filipino family hosting a visitor in their poverty-stricken home. This Filipino value is not limited to the Philippines. It is everywhere wherever there are Filipinos. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ -Hospitality This form of Business organization is a legal entity binding two or more business partners in responsibility and liability for their business. There are two types of general partnerships: unlimited and limited. -Partnership It establishes the duties and responsibilities each employee must adhere to as a condition of employment. This must all be clearly established prior to the start of the work. -Employee Conduct This factor is gauge in adjust a fair wage in consideration to the nature of the job description The duties and responsibilities and skill requirements are determinants as well. -Job factor The basic and most important unit of a Filipino's life is the family. The Filipino puts a great emphasis on the value of family and being close to one's family members. This trait adopted to businesses are very important as family values entails a whole lot more of good values. When an employee posses this, the employer would can gauge the traits and character of the person being hired. -Family orientation Which of the following does not fall under the principles of Fairness: -It sheds light on the optimism and positivity of Filipinos in whatever situation they are in so as to remain determined in going through struggles or challenges. This covers advertising, public relations, promotions and sales. Marketing is a process by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ -Marketing This form of business ethics believes that the ultimate norm and ultimate standard of rightness is the personality of God Himself and his perfect righteousness. So biblical principles of ethics have great significance for the business world. Their guiding principles comes from the old and new testaments and is these values are have been adopted and has influenced most businesses. -Christian business ethics This is the shared sense of identity and consciousness of the 'other'. It means treating others with respect and dignity as an equal, not someone below the individual. -Pakikipagkapwa-tao This is important for the company to promote fair treatment in the workplace. -Equal Opportunity It is a type of business that offers services for group engagements such as parties, weddings, company functions and different business events. -Catering Services Policies should not be mutually contradictory and there should not be inconsistency between any two policies which may result in confusion and delay in action. -True Determine whether the person accused had fair notice that the conduct was wrong. Simple cases such as lying, cheating and stealing , may not be much of a problem but more technical violations. -Fair Notice Too many workplaces are filled with managers and supervisors who use their position and power to mistreat or disrespect co-workers. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ -Abusive behavior Platonistic virtue ethics - The fourth form a virtue ethic might adopt takes its inspiration from Plato. -True Target-centered virtue ethics - The touchstone for eudaimonist virtue ethicists is a flourishing human life. -True Plato's first conclusion helps explain why we can be motivated to being virtuous-attaining personal happiness is what everyone finds worthy of being a goal. -False The Kakilala System in the Philippines has been the source of many controversies and corruption. -False The Buddhist business and professional ethics are also closely related with respect for environment. -True Islamic Marketing ethics aims at maximizing equity and justice for the welfare of the society. -True The closes translation of Bahala Na in English would be the phrase, "whatever will be, will be." -True It is said that this person must be prohibited from falsifying weights and measures, owning a dishonest weight by the Torah. BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ -Merchants They influenced Filipinos religious beliefs by introducing Christianism. -Spaniards Filipinos are very determined and persevering in accomplishing whatever they set their minds to. -True There are different factors to consider in formulating a fair and just wage. This factor follows the rule on supply and demand for labor and so called economic conditions and underemployment. External Market Factors One of the importance of marketing is building brand name recognition or product recall with a company. When a company reaches the highest expectations of the public, its reputation stands on firmer ground. -Protecting Company Reputation Being compensated for a work done or services rendered is the very essence of work. One is willing to work in exchange for a numeric value as a reward to effort. the main objective of compensation is to create a system of reward that is just to the employer and employee. -Work and Compensation This ethical value is a culture that takes shape when leaders intentionally manifest their own personal intelligibility, and encourage it in the attitudes and behaviors of their team members. This starts with people. When an organization's people are is being open, then the organization is ready to follow. -transparency in business operation Despite the negative connotation from this religion. Learning and understanding their language and beliefs may be a great help to different businesses. This religion provides a general concept on complete BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ way of life. Qur'an is the basis of law for this religion and teachings are fairly strong in stressing observance of ethical and moral code in human behavior. -Muslim Business Ethics From large corporations to small businesses, individuals involved in all types of business often face ethical issues stem from employee behavior. This is a very crucial and extensive problem being faced since the start of commerce. For example, does an employee working 8 hours a day can spend its work time to glance and check personal email accounts? How does a supervisor deal with harassment complaint? To what extent can a supervisor award an employee for a promotion? -Employee Behavior This is commonly heard and used in market places used by common ordinary Filipinos. It is a so-called "market-exchange partnership" can be developed into an agreement where one can be a regular customer and supplier in business and trade. -Suki Too many workplaces are filled with managers and supervisors who use their position and power to mistreat or disrespect co-workers. This is very vital now a days and situations as such must be given attention by the business' management whether it involves racial discrimination, gender or ethnic origin. -Abusive behavior BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ General Partnerships can be found in creative events such as advertising, marketing and sales graphic designing. -True Waging and working conditions is a not an unethical practices in business. -True Jollibee Foods Corporation is being regarded as the Philippines largest retail company. -False This ethical value refers to the responsibility that companies have to understand and manage their impacts on the environment in any number of ways. Practicing this can help a business find sustainable practices, improve its status and reputation among clients and consumers and even save funds. -Stewardship Careful weigh and evaluate all the information by separating facts from opinions and opinions from speculations. -True A business guided by ethical principles; behaving in an ethical manner can create a positive atmosphere and may build a promising business results. -True Policies which are formulated for various functional areas of management -Functional policies BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ The start-up costs for a housekeeping business are usually very low as it only needs basic cleaning materials for household. Business owners can offer a variety of additional services such as doing the laundry, window washing, ceiling and floor cleaning and carpet cleaning. -True The overall operations covers advertising, public relations, promotions and sales. Marketing is a process by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers. -True Include purchases, sales, receipts, and payments by an individual person or an organization/corporation. -Bookkepping Most theorists agree that morality comes as a result of intrinsic virtues. -True This person must avoid making too many oaths when selling merchandise. -Sellers These people with in the business community are required to pay employees on time. Indeed, business ethics occupies such an important place in Jewish Laws, culture, and tradition. -Employers Marketing promote in the marketplace a healthy battle. Marketing efforts get the word out on pricing of products and services, which not only reaches the intended consumers, but also reaches other companies competing for the consumers' business. -A Chance for a Healthy Competition BY: KHARISSE HANAH C. RODRIGUEZ The Philippines is approximately 85 percent, 10 percent Muslim, and 5 percent 'other' religions, including the Taoist-Buddhist religious beliefs of Chinese and the 'indigenous' animistic beliefs of some peoples in upland areas that resisted 300 years of Spanish colonial rule. This is a reflection of the Filipinos' strong faith in God as seen in their various practices, What Filipino value does this signify? -Faith and Religiosity