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Be Supposed To Exercises: English Grammar Practice

be supposed to – suppose
I. Form sentences with be supposed to as in the examples and
translate them into Hungarian.
1. They say Gwen plays the piano really badly. Gwen
is supposed to
play the piano really badly.
2. They say it’s going to be windy tomorrow. →
3. They say there are going to be showers in the west. →
4. They want it to be a secret, so don’t tell anyone else. →
5. I’ve heard that Geoffrey knows a lot about Canterbury.
6. Stop! You mustn’t touch that. →
windy = szeles
shower = zápor
1. Geoff has been told to stay at the office until 6.30 today. Geoff
supposed to stay at the office until 6.30.
2. People say the weather in Scotland is really wet. →The weather .....
3. They said we mustn’t tell anybody. → We .....
4. Fishing is not allowed here. → People .....
5. They don’t really want me to use the company car at weekends.
→ I .....
6. They say that there are wonderful beaches in Mexico. →There .....
7. The forecast for tomorrow say rain. → It .....
8. The doctor forbade me to drink alcohol. → I am .....
forecast = (időjárás) előrejelzés
forbid /forbade – forbidden / = megtiltani
II. Complete the sentences with suppose / be supposed to.
1. I don't ______________ you could lend me some money, could you?
2. I am not ______________ smoke here.This is a place for children.
3. _____________ you won the lottery, what would you buy?
4. I ____________ it will snow. Don't go out without a warm jacket.
5. I am ______________ be there before seven but I am often late.
6. When is your husband coming home? In March, I ______________ .
7. ______________ you inherited a lot of money. How would you spend it?
suppose = feltételezni
lottery = lottó /win the lottery = lottón nyerni /
inherit = örökölni